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The Midnight Witch
The Midnight Witch
The Midnight Witch
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The Midnight Witch

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About this ebook

Fivel Doherty is the Midnight Witch. She activates her powers by

chanting a spell one evening in the attic. Her energy shifts as she

ends up on a whirlwind adventure with Winnie and Buffy Doherty.

Her magic is gifted to her by the Nephilim Gods, fueled by the moon.

She'll reconnect with erased memories, rekindling an

Release dateMar 1, 2024
The Midnight Witch

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    Book preview

    The Midnight Witch - Madaline Geneva Clifton

    Chapter 1


    wenty seven. Congratulations! Winifred Winnie" Doherty screeches in my ear. Her ocean blue eyes held a smile as she wiggled her jet black eyebrows at me. She's five foot seven in height with a curvy figure, freckles galore. Her long flowing jet black hair falls to the middle of her back.

              I'm the middle, half sister of Winnie and Buffy Doherty. My candy apple green eyes widened upon the squeal in Winnie's loud voice, Winifred, this early?

              A blush arises to the sun-kissed skin of my younger, half sister. Her birthday was on the eighth of June so she would also be aging up. Of course, there is no such thing as aging down, Doing anything special?

              Going to work, Winnie with you. I answer, rolling my candy apple green eyes. My lips were full, small, dark pink. My thick, dark chestnut brown curls were brushing the tops of my shoulders. I'm five foot two, slim, petite with tanned olive skin.

              Oh. Winnie pouts, jutting out her bottom lip. She folds her arms to her bosom. She usually wore shades of purple or a varying shade of green. She was currently in a soft green, long sleeve shirt with her cleavage on full display.

                I overslept this morning! Sorry. I'm late. The exasperated voice of Buffy Doherty chimes in. She's the oldest of us Doherty women. She's thirty seven, having been born on the twenty second of April.

              Working late again? I ask, furrowing an eyebrow as I sip on a piping cup of hot coffee. I watch as Buffy pours herself some, vigorously nodding her head.

              Buffy leans on the counter. She's got fair skin with hazel green eyes. Her strawberry blonde waves met the small of her back. She's five foot four, slender in her figure with a sense of humor on top of her practicing to become a nurse, I definitely am. Can't sleep.

              Why not read a book? I chuckle as Buffy scoffs.

                I wish I could get back to reading my current book addiction. I stay busy with trying to become an actual nurse. Buffy replies, yawning as she sips on her cup of coffee. She was in a dark blue, collared tee shirt with tanned khaki pants, I hate this.

                We hate it for you, B. Winnie says, nodding in agreement. Her soft green long sleeve was tucked into a denim mini skirt with a pair of white nearly transparent stockings. Her shoes were brown ankle boots.

                I eye my orange leather jacket covering my tanned olive features. My tee shirt was black, hugging my body snugly. My jeans were light blue with rips in the knees. My boots were black– a pair of hiking boots, "Agreed!"

              Oops! Almost forgot, Fivel. Happy birthday! Buffy perks up, wiggling her eyebrows at me.

                I rolled my eyes. I didn't see what was so special about birthdays. Same day, different monsters to tame. I was born on the thirtieth of March…go figure! The small town that I grew up in alongside Buffy and Winnie Doherty is Winchester, Florida.

                I guess somebody got bored enough to try to spoof a real life cursed name for the town. I was far from impressed by it all. I hated my life, craving the aspect of adventure. With each passing day, hope never came, dwindling before my very eyes. I shake my head, We all know how I feel about birthdays.

                Yeah, but another year to live is worth it, Fivel. Stop being so grouchy! Winnie softly explains to me. She stands up from where she had been sitting in order to approach me. She walks over, slinging an arm around my neck.

                We should celebrate, Fivel. Well, tonight after we all get off of work. Buffy suggests, hoping I would agree.

                The three of us grew up in a beige bricked, medium sized house with four bedrooms, two bathrooms. Our home was one story with an attic that you had to pull stairs from. They were eager to celebrate my birthday…I hardly ever was.

                Okay, okay. I agree, allowing my heart to be open to their enthusiasm. It's always easier to say something than to do something. I smooth down the wrinkles in my blue jeans, shaking my head, Y'all can't go crazy on me, now.

              We should chill at the Witchlight Tavern tonight. They're a medieval pub about to be on their way out. They serve up decent enough drinks. Winnie beams, smiling from ear to ear.

                I've heard about them. Always wanted to try it. Buffy says, nodding her head in agreement. Her hazel green eyes darted to me in wonderment, You up for something new?

              Why not? Who told you about The Witchlight Tavern? I can't help the question, falling from my lips.

                Buffy nonchalantly shrugs before answering me, A co-worker of mine who seems bittersweet. Her name is Piper McGowan. I think she's sleeping with the boss at Winchester General.

              I wouldn't doubt it. Be careful. I softly muse to my older sister who checks the time.

                I cannot believe of all the jobs in the world that you two work at the Halliwell Mall. The irony. Buffy sings, plucking up her purse before heading for the front door.

              I allow my eyes to flicker to Winnie who has a stain of coffee on her mouth. I gesture for her to wipe, Win, you have got a coffee stache.

              Again? Winnie squeaks, shaking her head as I chuckle at her dramatics. She was down to Earth, but had her temper surge every once in a blue moon.

                Win, don't feel bad. I get food all over my mouth when I eat. Welcome to the messy beverage and food club, sis! I make a light hearted joke, playful in nature.

              Winnie sighs, brushing off the comment. She seemed rather irritated with herself, "I cannot go into work appearing like a toad."

                Who said you look like a toad? I mumble, pouring myself another mug of coffee. I hear the engine of the classic nineteen seventy three lavender mustang Buffy owns come to life in the driveway.

              I mean…he didn't exactly say it, but I could tell he was thinking it. Winnie squeals as her face of overflowing freckles becomes flushed.

                Realization slams into me that my younger sister has a crush on someone, What's his name? Why do you care what he thinks?

                  Winnie frantically grips her jet black hair, "I think I'm in love with him. We've worked together forever. We even went to school together."

                Have you even ever spoken to him? I rose a thick, chestnut brown eyebrow as horror flashes into her ocean blue eyes. I don't see why she was humdrumming on something so minor. Her eyes would be enough to capture any man's attention.

                As friends…in school…a long time ago. Winnie replies, sucking in a sharp air of breath. Her words slightly pissed me off. How could she crush on someone she hadn't actually spoken to since her school days?

                How can you work with someone you haven't spoken to? I mindlessly voice as Winnie frantically shakes her head.

                He's always yapping with Benny– my other co-worker who is far from a delight. I'm busy stocking the shelves with the latest video games, chatting with customers while they ignore me. Winnie murmurs, hating how shy she had become.

                  Does Benny happen to have fiery red hair with light green eyes, and a bad attitude? I inquire as Winnie gasps.

                How did you know? Winnie becomes suspicious, thinking I may be pranking her.

                I sighed, pinching the bridge of my nose. I became embarrassed as I opened my mouth to speak, I used to have a crush on him in high school. He's a real jerk. What's the name of the guy you like?

                Oh yeah, you asked me moments ago. Forgot to answer. His name is Emery Combs. Winnie softly muses, losing herself in a daydream.

                  I snort at the familiarity of the name, Is he six foot, fair skin with some curves, pale green eyes with short, light golden brown curls?

                Winnie tilts her head in my direction. She becomes further irritated as she soon grinds her teeth, How do you know what Emery looks like?

                Your boys come into the Charmed Corner on their lunch break. The bookstore has a neat, cozy cafe to enjoy a mug of something with a good read. I reply, stirring relief in the eyes of my sister.

                  Winnie looks beyond exhausted upon the relief I gave her, "I don't think I'm Emery's type anyway. He seems to like mousy brown haired chicks like Hermione Granger or thin, toothpicks."

                  What makes you think you know his preference? I mean, we all have a preference, but do you know for sure what his preference happens to be? I challenge my sister who mulls over my questions.

                    I just said his type or that's what I believe his type happens to be. I usually see him hanging out with mostly skinny girls, and brunette women. I think he may even have a hard-on for Benny. Winnie mumbles, stroking her chin in the process.

                  I gently bite my lower lip in deep thought, "I guess, there's only one way to find out."

                  Fivel, you're a genius! Winnie gushes, wrapping me into a brief hug. Her eyes are glowing with excitement, You hitting on Emery should get him to spill what he likes versus what he doesn't.

                  I pinch the bridge of my nose, closing my eyes. I vigorously shook my head in disapproval, Winifred, I didn't mean to imply that I was about to hit on your crush. What if it does turn out that he likes me? I don't fancy that burden on my shoulders.

                  "You'll just have to crush him with the harsh reality of your desire for blonde men ONLY, Fivel." Winnie giggles, nudging my shoulder with hers. How did she remember my secrets? Her and I rarely talked these days due to her having pulled away.

                  Buffy was either too busy busting her arse to become a nurse or her nose was buried in the depths of a mystery-crime novel. She sometimes reads a true crime book based on horrifying real life events. Her type of book genre was something I learned by managing to try to read one of her books one day.

                  "I may have a crush on fictional blonde men, depending on their personality, but when am I ever going to meet one in real life? There are too many jacking brown and black haired brunettes in Winchester." I quickly correct Winnie who snorts.

                  As you stated prior, Emery has light golden brown curls. That should tickle your fancy…? Well, forget the last part, Fivel. Winnie said, hearing her own words, cringing at what she had suggested.

                I'll go so easy on your man that it won't even work. Just wait. I half joke, praying to the Nephilim Gods that Emery wouldn't even take an interest in me.

                  Fivel, I know it's your birthday, but try to help a sister out. Would ya? I need to know his type. Winnie pleads, practically getting to her knees; clasping her hands together.

                  Can we get our butts to work? I'll consider helping you out as you drive. It's your turn today, Win. I reply, thinking about how we took turns driving each other to work.

                  Winnie beams, nodding as she snatches up the car keys to her gentle green nineteen fifteen Mercedes-Benz. Her lips parted in mesmerization as it always did when she saw, Beauty. She always attempted to stay positive which I found contagious.

    Chapter 2


    'm standing behind the counter at the register of Charmed Corner. My workplace is a bookstore with a quaint, small cafe close to the entrance. I always saw people reading, usually accompanied by drinking a mug of something warm and delicious. My heart would melt at the sight of such beauty. The best part about working at Charmed Corner was that it was medium sized, containing close to every book in the universe.

                The carpet was powder blue with light brown walls and some gold to spruce up the bookstore. I love the smell of fresh paper when somebody opens a book. It's got that new book smell which manages to put a smile on my face. I didn't care to work the register, having to check out customers was a nightmare come true, but it was often required of me. I'm an anxiety ridden mess who just became twenty seven years of age.

                How am I an adult? I'm terrified of the dark because of what may lay within the shadows. My vision is bad in the pitch black of it all as well. I stop debating with myself, allowing my candy apple green eyes to trail up. I become agitated at the sight before me.

                I had agreed to help Winifred after she found a parking space at the Halliwell Mall. The only downside to my job was whenever Emery and Benny opted to enter the bookstore. Were they shopping for books to read? I scoffed as the two immediately headed for the café where they had lunch. I'm not the only one who considers their behavior strange.

                The people reading, slurping on hot chocolate, tea or coffee stop to eye Benny and Emery like their heads had been cut off.

                When is an appropriate time to hit on your sister's crush? I press my tongue to my cheek, working it in utter irritation. I watch them order, eat, and be done with the lunching hour at the Cafe.

                Emery points to the rows upon rows of bookshelves, whispering something to Benny. He's about the same height as his redheaded friend. He stalks off towards the bookshelves, disappearing behind them.

                I call to a coworker to take over, mentally attempting to prepare myself for my humiliation of the future. I could just flat out ask Emery about his crush or crushes. I'm not sure what kind of guy he is, but then I'd miss all the fun of being stupid. I clear my throat upon following Emery who is leafing through books, coming to a stop in front of a row of books he seems keen on. I'm about to approach him when a flicker of fire blocks my view with crossed arms over a dark blue hoodie.

              Fivel. The irritatingly deep voice of Benny penetrates my ears. A smirk clings to his soft pink lips as amusement is present in his light green eyes.

              I shudder to wonder what he could want. I can't see over his shoulder so I'm forced to dance with the devil, What is it, Cherry Pop? I'm busy!

              Stalking my friend? Benny chuckles, scoffing as he jabs a pale ass thumb over his shoulder at Emery. He drinks me in, shaking his head at the notion, "You aren't his type, Pipsqueak."

                "Did you just patronize me?" I ask, becoming even more annoyed with the redhead. I have this impulsive urge to slap the fire from his short, curly hair. I ball up my fists, briefly closing my eyes, counting to keep myself sane.

                Miss Doherty, I am not patronizing you. Your anger paired with the blush coating your cheeks makes you adorable. Benny softly muttered before patting my head.

                I slap his hand from my head, working my jawline, "How about you fuck off, redheaded stepchild?"

                Ouch, Fivel…that almost hurt. He feigns hurt, placing a hand over his heart. He was still irritating after all these years. He snaps his fingers, Oh, and happy birthday, Mouse!

                I don't mutter a comeback. I can't as he walks away, smiling like he had the last laugh. I hadn't been blushing– it was in his head, obviously. I raised a chestnut eyebrow when Emery was far from my line of vision. Did Benny just distract me so his friend could escape my wrath?

              I was a woman on a mission when I puffed out my chest. I searched until I discovered Emery with a book open in his hand. I wished I worked in a library, but I never finished high school nor did I get into college. I liked the peace of him reading in a bookstore until I recalled my mission. I approach Emery, taking him by the collar, causing him to slowly close the book he had been buried deep in, What type of woman do you like?

              "The less explosive, less angry, less impulsive type of woman. What the Hell is wrong with you?" Emery hisses, taking my hand before causing me to unhand the collar of his dark gray polo shirt.

              I apologize, Emery. I just– I open my mouth to send him a genuine apology, but end up cut off by Emery himself.

                Emery holds up a hand to stop me from further making a fool of myself, Fivel Doherty, save your words. You are not my type of woman. I just told you this. I like the soft, gentle, but neutral type of woman.

                Oh? Like who? I inquired about to correct Emery Combs on what I was originally going to say. I was just gonna spill about Winnie's crush on him, but thanks to the man before me– I didn't get the chance. I would rather him spill on his own terms.

                  Winifred Doherty has my heart. She's a bit messy, loud, obnoxious, and overbearing, but at the end of the day– she has me. Through and through. Emery gently informs me with a gleam in his light green eyes, making my heart flutter; skipping a few beats.

                You make me want to believe in love again. I reply, pursing my lips, forgetting the person Emery was even speaking of.

                Too bad, we all know you can do better than piggy Winifred. Benny interjects, causing me to roll my eyes.

                Your skinny ass wishes you had a healthy appetite for food. I correct the ginger, disliking his nasty comment. My sister was far from piggy nor would I hear the bullshit.

                  I don't actually think of Winifred as piggy. I just like to piss Emery off. Benny corrects me, shaking his head as he chuckles.

                Have you asked Winnie out on a date? I choose to just ignore the ginger who should be off doing whatever he was bad at.

                I'm scared she'll reject me. Emery whispers to me as if unsuspecting ears were listening.

                  She just told me this morning that she has the hots for you. That's the only reason why I came up to you. You are far from my type. I inform Emery with relief flooding my heart as excitement flashes in the eyes of my sister's crush.

                  Aren't you supposed to keep the secret of your sister's crush to yourself? Benny asks, leaning on me like I was a table.

                Aren't you supposed to be working instead of picking on innocent people? I scoff, trying to shove Benny off of me. I'm weaker than he is, considering women and men are not equal in that retrospect. We never could be.

                Benny decided to rub my head again, shaking his own, Mouse, you aren't innocent. I know you think–

                  I cut the man off by elbowing him hard in that abdomen. I wasn't about to be picked on by Casper's long lost identical twin brother. I smirk as he drops his arms from me, holding his abdomen, "Hurts, doesn't it, Sweetheart? Maybe, when you address me the next time, you'll be less misogynistic."

                Benny scurried off holding his abdomen, groaning in pain while shooting me a glare of daggers. He shouldn't have picked on me. His day wasn't today.

              Emery sighed, opting to apologize for the aggressive behavior of his best friend, Benny gets to be too much at times. His mother loves him, but he calls her when he discovers his love for a new song. Pathetic, really.

                I wouldn't go that far, but he does need to tone it down before he remains alone forever. No woman is going to deal with that bullshit. I jab a thumb over my shoulder in the way that Benny had gone.

                Emery stuck his hands into the pockets of his black jeans, Where's an ideal date for a woman such as Winifred? I want it to be special.

                  She loves video games. Anything electronic, really. I voice causing Emery to mull over where he could take my sister for a date. An idea lights up my candy apple green eyes, We are going to the Witchlight Tavern tonight to celebrate my birthday. Join us, and make your move!

                Would you really want me to tag along? Emery asks, unsure about him joining us. He seems to be a nervous boat of energy who could be open with the right support system.

                Yes. Definitely. I still think you need to speak to Winifred beforehand so that she knows for sure that you're interested. I grin from ear to ear. I couldn't contain my enthusiasm, wanting the pair to get together. I think they'd make a cute couple.

                Will do. Emery says, waving the book in the air. He gestures to the counter where one purchases books, I want to buy this. Also, you should apologize to Benny. The man has been through enough heartbreak.

                I'll apologize to Benny when he apologizes to me. He kept overstepping boundaries. I half growl, thinking about our interactions throughout the day. Why was today any different than the past few years of them coming into the café?

                I'll talk some sense into Benny. His problem is that he likes you, Fivel. It might not seem like it, but he's not a bad guy. Emery whispers, doing his best to persuade me into speaking with his best friend.

                You say he's not a bad guy, doesn't mean squat without proof. I grumble, shaking my head at him.

                Emery sighed, Just talk to him after work. Will ya?

                  I helped Emery purchase the book he had been reading, returning his exact change. I cave, nodding, Fine, but only because you believe in him. I don't.

                  Thanks, Fivel. See you tonight! Emery smiled, shooting me a wink.

                  I hoped he took my advice about speaking to Winnie before joining us at the Witchlight Tavern tonight or else I will have just created an awkward atmosphere. By the time I get off work, it'll be minutes before Winnie closes up Magi Games where they sell video games with all sorts of different consoles. There was a dash of magic in Magi Games which was missing in your average game store. I couldn't quite place my finger on it, but even Winnie picked up on the magic; gushing about the energy buzzing about like it filled one with light. That's how I saw Charmed Corner.

                  I was going to have to wait for Winnie so I stepped outside of the Halliwell Mall. I wasn't expecting to find Benny lighting a cigarette, leaning against the wall by the double doors. I was about to sneak back in when bright green eyes flickered to me– malice and pain were evident in them. Guilt tore at my heart for being so insensitive, I am so sorry about assaulting you, Benny.

    Chapter 3


    ll he did was stare at me, puffing on his cigarette. His eyes held an icy glare, unsure if he should accept my apology. His cheery mood had been killed by me. He had become angry and sad, choosing to put a distance between us. He calculated my apology along with the guilt that had surfaced.

                He finished his cigarette, flickering it to the dirt by the sidewalk. He made sure it was out before turning a full on scowl my way. He stuck his hands into the pockets of his dark blue hoodie, I didn't lay a hand on you.

                Technically, touching somebody without their permission– I opened my mouth to correct Benny, but my words just pissed him off further.

                  He approached me while sneering, I could understand if I had been violent, Fivel, but there was no violence as of yet…

                I had somehow managed to end up pressed between the brick wall of the Mall and the fiery ginger towering over me. I harshly gulped, averting my eyes to the concrete, I said I was sorry.

                I don't accept your apology. He continued to scowl, sneering at me once more before tilting his head to the side. He seemed to be mulling something over.

                I truly didn't mean to offend you. I took it too far. I'm sorry. I'm genuine with my words, but I don't think he's actually going to forgive me.

                  Benny tears his gaze from staring off into space. He removes his hands from the pockets of his hoodie before placing one hand on my thigh sending shivers down my spine, I want to test the waters.

                  With no idea as to what he was rambling on about, he pressed his lips to mine, garnering a soft moan. He was able to get me wet before he quickly pulled back causing confusion to seep into me, What the Hell are you doing, Benny?

                Oh, come on. That kiss said it all. He teased, lightly touching my nose. He pulled back entirely, leaving the cold to infiltrate my body once more.

                  I process the lust filled, steamy kiss given to me by Benny. Yeah, it wasn't a bad kiss, but I didn't feel any type of true desire for him. I shudder to think how he got the wrong

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