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Flight Through Dragon Fire: Lost Chronicles from Circle of Stones - A Heroine's Odyssey, #1
Flight Through Dragon Fire: Lost Chronicles from Circle of Stones - A Heroine's Odyssey, #1
Flight Through Dragon Fire: Lost Chronicles from Circle of Stones - A Heroine's Odyssey, #1
Ebook155 pages2 hours

Flight Through Dragon Fire: Lost Chronicles from Circle of Stones - A Heroine's Odyssey, #1

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About this ebook

Embark on a thrilling odyssey alongside Chrissy, a young woman hailing from Earth, relentlessly pursued by a psychopathic adversary. As she is thrust into an adventure that transcends the boundaries of worlds and time, Chrissy's mission evolves into a quest to reunite with her younger brother. Throughout her journey, she navigates through diverse realms, teeming with legendary creatures, unraveling the tapestry of her own hidden strengths.

In the midst of war and chaos, Chrissy forms unexpected alliances and undergoes a transformative experience that shapes her character. Her resilience and unwavering determination turn her into a beacon of hope amidst the looming uncertainty. Join Chrissy in this gripping narrative as she confronts the unknown, uncovering her true power and purpose in the process.

The narrative weaves through challenges and trials, prompting the question of whether Chrissy will overcome the formidable obstacles in her path and find her way back to her brother. Delve into the profound depths of resilience and courage in this enthralling tale, a testament to survival and self-discovery.

Release dateFeb 15, 2024
Flight Through Dragon Fire: Lost Chronicles from Circle of Stones - A Heroine's Odyssey, #1

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    Book preview

    Flight Through Dragon Fire - E.L.Marr

    Flight Through Dragon Fire

    Lost Chronicles from Circle of Stones - A Heroine's Odyssey

    By E.L. Marr

    Chapter 1- -RUN!


    Day 0- Late evening

    P.N.W. Mountain Road near the Canadian border

    The moon dangled low in the night sky, casting a pale glow on the winding mountain road. During this tranquil darkness, the scent of pine trees and adventure filled the warm air.  Headlights pierced through the shadows, revealing the rugged terrain and the twists and turns that lay ahead. A bright yellow VW bug adorned with bold black racing stripes forged its way up a bumpy mountain road. Inside the car, a friendly and energetic young man named Mikie gripped the steering wheel excitedly. His enthusiasm for this midnight journey seemed better suited for the sunny beaches of California than the misty Pacific Northwest. As the engine roared and the tires gripped the uneven road, the duo continued their exhilarating ascent, ready to conquer whatever challenges crossed their path.

    The wind howled through the open windows, whipping Mikie's shaggy hair around his face. He couldn't help but let out a joyful laugh, feeling alive and invincible at that moment. As they cruised along the open road, the atmosphere inside the car was filled with the energizing sounds of rock music playing softly in the background. The beats and guitar riffs set the tone for their journey, adding an extra layer of excitement. Mikie and the passenger couldn't help but engage in friendly banter, their conversation weaving seamlessly between laughter and shared memories. They playfully teased each other, dishing out inside jokes and reminiscing about the antics of their friendship. The music provided a perfect backdrop to their lighthearted exchanges, amplifying the carefree spirit of the moment. Their laughter harmonized with the rhythm of the music, creating a symphony of friendship that echoed throughout the car.

    The passenger had a façade of youth and conformity. Christiana Jensen, known as Chrissy, defied the norms of an average sixteen-year-old. Her exterior, a typical blonde appearance with a frank face and clothing indicative of a girl navigating adolescence, served as a camouflage for her unconventional lifestyle.

    Chrissy's clandestine pursuits were far from ordinary. Her passion for protecting others could be traced back to her childhood when she was captivated by a blonde monster hunter on television. The character ignited a fierce desire within her to become a guardian against human monsters in her own life. Knowing she didn't have any magical powers like the hero on TV, she still pursued a path that embraced all forms of martial arts, eventually leading to her participation in underground MMA fights. Despite the visible bruises, she maintained a cover story, attributing them to her gymnastics, parkour, and other activities she engaged in after school.

    In the face of adversity, Chrissy's path proved resilient and defiant, mirroring the monster hunter she idolized on the screen. Her unyielding drive immersed her in martial arts, participating in underground MMA fights as an outlet for her ambitions. This lifestyle was one of courage and defiance, a testament to her strength and unwavering spirit.

    Basking in the glow of her recent victory, she savored the taste of triumph, marking her tenth consecutive win. This thrill was even sweeter considering the challenging journey she had undertaken. Having faced defeat in 27 previous fights, her current winning streak painted a stark contrast to her earlier struggles.

    Her infectious smile widened as she reminisced about a pivotal encounter on the night of her 17th loss. A chance meeting with an old, blind man named Si altered the course of her martial arts journey. Unlike those who had urged her to quit, Si asked a different question – he asked if she was prepared for her next fight. Chrissy seized the opportunity to express her readiness, albeit with the caveat of finding a competent teacher.

    To her surprise, Si took on her mentor role, becoming the guiding force in her pursuit of martial excellence. The initial victories didn't come instantly, but Chrissy's losses became less severe under Si's tutelage.

    Chrissy's training with Si had been rigorous and transformative. She spent hours every day practicing her moves, honing her skills, and pushing herself to new limits. Si's teaching went beyond just the physical aspects of martial arts; he instilled in her a deep sense of discipline, focus, and mental toughness.

    One of the critical aspects of Si's training was his emphasis on mindfulness. He taught Chrissy to be fully present in the moment, to focus on her breath, and to let go of distractions. This mindset helped her stay calm and centered during fights, allowing her to make quick and decisive moves.

    Another crucial element of Si's training was his focus on strategy. He helped Chrissy understand the importance of analyzing her opponents' moves and anticipating their next steps. This approach allowed her to outsmart and outmaneuver her opponents, giving her a significant advantage in fights.

    Si also encouraged Chrissy to push herself beyond her limits, both physically and mentally. He challenged her to take on more difficult opponents, even when she felt hesitant or uncertain. This approach helped her build confidence and resilience, allowing her to overcome even the toughest challenges. Only recently did her skills truly blossom, culminating in a remarkable winning streak that testified to her dedication and the transformative impact of her mentor's training.

    In the art of weaponry, Si was the master that Chrissy needed. Under his guidance, she learned to harness the power and finesse of various weapons. Each training session with Si pushed her boundaries and instilled in her a deep respect for the craftsmanship and skill required in wielding these instruments of combat.

    Si introduced Chrissy to the elegant and deadly art of swordplay. Si would have her spar against his oldest son.  She learned to execute precise strikes and swift parries with a katana in hand or end up on the ground at the point of the blade. The weight of the blade and the graceful arcs of her movements became second nature to her as she honed her skills through countless hours of practice.

    Swords were just the beginning. Si also shared his expertise in staff techniques, teaching Chrissy the art of bojitsu. His next oldest son was her sparring partner, and he would not go easy on her, for her bottom had more introductions to the floor than before. She discovered the power of leverage and maneuverability with a simple wooden staff. Learning to spin, strike, and block with the bo staff, Chrissy gained a formidable advantage in close combat.

    Thanks to Si's unyielding guidance, Nunchaku became another weapon in Chrissy's repertoire. Mikie was her next partner on those, and even with their friendship, he didn’t hold back, and she had even more bruises.  She learned to embrace the dual whirling chains with precision and control. The rhythmic dance of the nunchaku soon translated into a deadly flurry of strikes, catching opponents off guard and rendering them defenseless.

    Finally, Chrissy delved into the intricacies of the sai, guided by Si's expert tutelage. Ralphie, the third of Si’s children, was her next partner in this, and there were a few times she felt like she almost broke something with him.  With this three-pronged weapon, she learned the art of quick, piercing strikes, utilizing its unique design to disarm and disable adversaries with surgical precision.

    Under Si's tutelage, Chrissy's coordination, agility, and combat instincts flourished. She mastered the art of adapting her skills to each weapon, recognizing its unique advantages and limitations. Si's teachings transformed Chrissy into a versatile warrior, capable of drawing upon a vast arsenal of techniques to confront any obstacle that crossed her path.

    With Si's guidance, Chrissy developed a deep appreciation for the beauty and potency of each weapon she trained with. As she wielded these instruments of battle, she understood that they were not mere tools but extensions of herself. Through the art of weaponry, Si taught Chrissy how to fight and instilled within her a profound understanding of physics, focus, and the unyielding spirit of a true warrior.

    Si's expertise extended far beyond swords and staffs. Recognizing the importance of versatility in combat, he introduced Chrissy to a wide array of weapons, including shields and bows.

    With the shield, Si taught Chrissy the art of defense. He emphasized the value of a well-placed shield in deflecting incoming attacks and neutralizing opponents. Chrissy learned to move with agility and precision, using the shield as both a protective barrier and a formidable weapon. Si trained her in various shield techniques, teaching her how to bash, block, and even disarm opponents with calculated strength and timing.  One of his favorite sayings was, If you are only using your shield to defend yourself, you’re wasting half of your shield.

    In addition to shields, Si guided Chrissy in the art of archery. He stressed the importance of precision, focus, and patience in using the bow. Under his careful teaching, Chrissy honed her aim, learning to draw the bowstring with balanced strength and release her arrows with unwavering accuracy. Si taught her various shooting stances, emphasizing the importance of body alignment and steady breathing. With time, Chrissy became a skilled archer, capable of striking targets from great distances with lethal efficiency.

    Si's teachings with these additional weapons expanded Chrissy's combat repertoire, ensuring she was prepared for any situation she might encounter. Whether she needed the speed and agility of a sword, the range and power of a bow, or a shield's defense and counterattack capabilities, Chrissy had the knowledge and skill to adapt to any weapon at her disposal.

    As Si guided her through the intricacies of each weapon, he ingrained in her a deep understanding of their strengths and weaknesses. Through the art of weaponry, Chrissy evolved into a masterful warrior, capable of harnessing the full potential of any weapon that crossed her path.

    Indeed, Si recognized that anything could become a weapon in combat if appropriately utilized. This philosophy guided his teachings by introducing Chrissy to various unconventional weapons and combat techniques in everyday objects.

    Si encouraged Chrissy to think creatively and to exploit her surroundings, utilizing items like ropes, chains, furniture, and even kitchen utensils as tools of defense and offense. Si emphasized that resourcefulness and adaptability were essential attributes for a warrior, allowing one to turn any disadvantage into an advantage.

    Through imaginative exercises and combat scenarios, Si helped Chrissy develop a keen eye for identifying the strengths and weaknesses of different objects and how to wield them effectively. He showed her how to use long-range weapons such as spears and javelins, teaching her about distance, timing, and throwing techniques. He even introduced her to the art of dual wielding, where she learned to wield two weapons simultaneously, maximizing her offensive capabilities.

    Si's training extended beyond physical weapons as well. He taught Chrissy the importance of using her intellect as a weapon. He instilled in her the ability to read her opponents, anticipating their moves and exploiting their weaknesses. Si taught her the art of psychological warfare, teaching her how to manipulate and distract her enemies, giving her the upper hand in combat.

    Si's teachings on weapon versatility ultimately shaped Chrissy into a well-rounded warrior. She became adept at using a variety of weapons, from

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