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Antarctica: the prison of fallen angels in Enoch's prophecy
Antarctica: the prison of fallen angels in Enoch's prophecy
Antarctica: the prison of fallen angels in Enoch's prophecy
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Antarctica: the prison of fallen angels in Enoch's prophecy

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Why do so many powerful people on Earth often go to Antarctica? What do they know about us that is important? Is Antarctica the kingdom of the antichrist? One thing is certain: the hybrid offspring of Lucifer for millennia have been interacting and working to pervert Creation and persecute humanity. We see this from the iniquitous laws of a ruling class in corrupt and evil-minded power. It is written that Enoch and the prophet Elijah will return for the final battle against the antichrist. And it doesn’t seem to be that far off. Knowing is defending and reacting. Enjoy reading.
Release dateSep 21, 2023
Antarctica: the prison of fallen angels in Enoch's prophecy

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    Antarctica - Cinzia Palmacci



    Blessed is he who opens his heart to praise and praises the Lord.  Cursed is he who opens his heart to insult and slander against others. Blessed is he who opens his mouth, blessing and glorifying the Lord. Cursed is he who opens his mouth for the curse and blasphemy to the face of the Lord. Blessed is he who glorifies all the works of the Lord. Cursed is he who insults the creation of the Lord. Blessed is he who considers the labours of his hands to lift them up. Cursed are those who seek to erase the labours of others. Blessed is he who preserves the foundations of the ancient fathers, cursed is he who destroys the rules and limits of his fathers. Blessed are those who plant peace, cursed those who bring down those who are at peace.  Blessed are those who say: peace and who have peace. Cursed is he who says: peace and there is no peace in his heart. All this will be revealed on the scales and in the books on the terrible day of judgment.

    (from the Book of Secrets by Enoch LII)


    In early 1946, in the region now known as the West Bank, a group of Bedouin teenagers were tending their sheep and goats near the ancient settlement of Qumran. To pass the time, monotonous as it was, they threw around rocks they found scattered across the rough desert terrain. When one of these rocks was thrown into the dark expanse of a cave, the teenagers were surprised to hear a loud unsettling noise echoing from within. Exploring, they found a collection of large clay pots, one of which had been broken. Although they did not know it at the time, these teenagers had made a historical discovery. Inside the jars were a series of ancient scrolls. In the years that followed this discovery, archaeologists, historians and treasure hunters would find additional fragments of scrolls in ten other caves in the area, their composition forming 800 to 900 manuscripts known collectively as the Dead Sea Scrolls. Among these manuscripts were large portions of a mysterious noncanonical religious text that had long been forgotten. It was called The Book of Enoch.

    In its entirety, The Book of Enoch consists of five books-The Book of Watchers, The Book of Parables, The Astronomical Book, The Dream Visions, and The Epistles of Enoch containing about 100 chapters. These chapters tell the story of the seventh patriarch in the Book of Genesis, Enoch, the father of Methuselah and grandfather of Noah, the same Noah in the biblical story of Noah's Ark. However, this was not the biblical story of Noah's Ark. In fact, the Book of Enoch provides a completely different account of the events leading up to the Great Flood of Noah's time, that is, a completely different doctrinal story. The story of the Book of Enoch tells the story of the Watchers, explained in biblical terms as fallen angels sent to earth to watch over humans at an indefinite and ancient time. Unfortunately, far from merely watching over humans, these Watchers became infatuated with human women and, before long, began to engage in depraved sexual acts with them. The Book of Enoch tells of children born through this cross between Watchers and humans, called Nephilim. These Nephilim were as described, giants and savages who endangered and plundered mankind, or put another way, supernatural man-eating giants. Angered by what the Watchers had done, those described as gods chained them in an underground prison deep in the earth. Enoch became the conduit between the gods and the imprisoned Watchers. The book describes Enoch's travels between heaven and earth in his role as intermediary, how he flew with the angels and saw the rivers and the mountains and the ends of the earth from above. Yet, despite Enoch's intervention, the gods decided that the atrocity the earth had become must be punished. Of course, the punishment would be a great flood. This flood would destroy the Nephilim and cement the Watchers in their prison. In advance, however, Enoch would be taken away to heaven in a fiery chariot. On his journey, Enoch seems to describe Antarctica as a place of atonement for the fallen angels who would be chained there to atone for their sins, according to Steven Ben Nun's interpretation. Unlike my first book on Enoch's prophecy, this second one focuses on the antediluvian prophet's description of the Hollow Earth accessed from Antarctica. From here we trace a path traced by expeditions and research to this frozen continent that, after a century, still exerts a mysterious and eerie fascination, as we shall see. Long after the fact, Enoch continues to communicate visions of the future. His prophecy reveals secrets and cataclysms that may strike the Earth in this time, and it is from Antarctica that surprising signs and warnings come. Why do so many of Earth's powerful people often travel to Antarctica? What do they know that is important that they are keeping from us? Is Antarctica the realm of the antichrist? One thing is certain: Lucifer's hybrid offspring have been interacting and working to pervert Creation and persecute humanity for millennia. We see this from the iniquitous laws of a corrupt ruling class bent on evil. It is written that Enoch and the prophet Elijah will return for the final battle against the antichrist. And it doesn't look like much longer. To know is to defend yourself and fight back. Good reading.

    Cinzia Palmacci

    Part I

    The actuality of the Prophecy of Enoch

    The mystery of Enoch


    [1] And now, my son Methuselah, call all thy brethren unto me, and gather together, for me, all the sons of thy mother: for the word calleth me, and the spirit is shed upon me, that I may show you all that shall come unto you in eternity. [2] And then Methuselah went and called all his brethren unto him, and gathered his kinsmen together. [3] And he spoke righteousness to all his sons and said, Hear, my sons, all the words of your father and listen, with righteousness, to the voice of my mouth for I exhort you and say to you: "Dearly beloved, love righteousness and proceed in it, [4] and do not approach righteousness with two hearts, and do not unite with those with two hearts, but proceed in righteousness, My children, and it will lead you in good ways and righteousness will be your companion, [5] for I know that the existence of violence will be strengthened on the earth and great chastisement will be wrought on the earth and all wickedness will end, it will be cut off from its roots and all its construction will pass away. [6] And there shall be repeated, another time, wickedness upon the earth and there shall be accomplished upon the earth, another time, every act of wickedness, violence and sin. [7] And if there shall grow(n) wickedness, sin, cursing, violence, and every (evil) deed, and if there shall grow(n) rebellion, sin, and uncleanness, there shall be great chastisement, from heaven, upon all of them, and the holy Lord shall come forth, in wrath and chastisement, to do justice on the earth.

    (Epistle of Enoch 91:1-7)

    Who is Enoch? Enoch is an antediluvian patriarch born in Ethiopia, therefore dark-skinned, the seventh in Adam's line (Adam, Set, Enos, Cainan, Malaleel, Jared, Enoch) (Genesis V 1-18). All sorts of things have been said about Enoch and often out of hand, such as the false assertion that he was not actually descended from Adam. Do not believe self-styled and improvised scholars, but reliable sources including the Bible and the Qumran scrolls. Through them the word of Enoch has come down to us, and from detailed studies it can be believed to be true. From Enoch descended first Noah to Abraham. Enoch begat Methuselah, the latter begat Lamech, and Lamech begat Noah. From Noah's son, Shem then descends all the lineage of the postdiluvian patriarchs. Little is known of his life of 365 years. He is spoken of as a wise, humble man, privileged by God, who allowed him to ascend to heaven while still living and then return to Earth with the books of divine Wisdom, delivered to him as a legacy for humankind. Unknown also is his end: like Elijah, he would be assumed into heaven still living, leaving no trace of himself on Earth. Postbiblical tradition has created many legendary superstructures around the figure of Enoch. In the anonymous writers of the so-called apocryphal apocalypses, he became a kind of magician and soothsayer of the mysteries of Earth and heaven, of the fate of mankind, before and after the Flood, until the universal judgment and heavenly eternity. What is truly astonishing about Enoch's prophecy and cannot be questioned is the lucid description of modern scenarios made up of nuclear weapons, modern weapons, star travel, instruments of power (press, politics, etc...), vices and immoralities typical of today's age that, prophesied by a man who lived millennia ago, arouses a range of emotions that make this essay a truly singular and unique prophet figure. Comparative studies in the history of religions have finally discerned similarities between the myth of Enoch, who, as reported is the seventh descendant of Adam, and that of Enmedurank or Enmedurankin, also seventh in the series of the first antediluvian kings in the Assyrian-Babylonian tradition, also a darling of the gods, initiated into the Mysteries, disseminator of the secrets of heaven and earth, founder of the prophetic arts and priesthood, endowed with divinatory abilities of the future. In ancient Assyria, prophecy was a tool of political art and sovereign power, filling most state archives. Enoch is also called the Heavenly Archivist precisely because of his knowledge of the secrets of the universe of which God made him a participant. Announcer of the Messiah, the Son of Man, Enoch was also united, according to a passage in St. John's Revelation, with Elijah in the struggle against the antichrist on Earth, as well as in the already mentioned mysterious assumption into heaven. In more recent times, the Muslim historian Ibn Batuta has made the figure of Enoch coincide with that of Hermes Trismegistus. Other Arab historians have likened Enoch's name to that of the antediluvian king of Egypt Surid or Ausar (Osiris), a solar deity. In the myth of Enoch, in fact, he is exalted as the hero of the Sun, because of his 365-year life cycle, identical to the days of the solar year. The Books of Enoch They are called the apocrypha of the Bible, as they were not included in the collection of all Old Testament books, recognized by the Church as canonical, which goes by the name of Vulgate. Three main texts have come down to us from the Books of Enoch. They, because of the languages that have handed them down to us in more complete forms, are called: Ethiopic, Slavonic and Hebrew.

    The eschatological prophecy of Enoch

    Within the field of prophethood, scholars reserve a very special place for the Hebrew prophets of the Old Testament. And it is in this context that the figure of a singular but little-known prophet, Enoch, fits in. Enoch belongs to the so-called antediluvian patriarchs, a direct descendant of Adam and progenitor of Abraham, he is known as the one who walked with God and was no more because God took him away (Genesis 5:24). He was chosen by God for his great humility, another charism conferred by the Holy Spirit, and for his contemplative and devout life. Certainly Enoch was a predestinate, as his Hebrew name hanok, he who introduces, who inaugurates, suggests; in fact, he was the first prophet and lived 365 years. Jewish literature attributed to him a collection of apocalyptic writings containing visions and revelations. This apocryphal collection known as the Book of Enoch came in three versions: Enoch I (Ethiopic), Enoch II (Slavonic) and Enoch III (Hebrew). It is safe to say that Enoch was the first Old Testament charismatic. In order to understand and learn more about this prophet set aside by official religion and not included in the biblical canon, the discussion will consist of two parts: one devoted more generally to prophecy in history and as a charism of the Holy Spirit, and another devoted entirely to Enoch the prophet, his history and the apocryphal apocalyptic literature to which he himself belongs. The figure of Enoch as both antediluvian patriarch and prophet would deserve a treatise, so consider this work only as an introduction.

    The apocalyptic content of Christianity is derived from the ancient Hebrew texts, albeit adapted and often carefully selected and published. Nevertheless, it is in apocalyptic visions, such as that of revelation, that we find the true, ancient beliefs creeping into the new religion. Similar images to the Book of Revelation can also be found in the ancient text The Book of Enoch. Enoch will be discussed more fully in Part II, but we can give here only a few hints about the first antediluvian prophet in the history of Christianity. Enoch, one of the greatest Hebrew prophets, whose body is said to have vanished, walked beside God and disappeared. A mystical tradition, often affirmed in Kabbalistic teachings, states that Enoch, after becoming a human prophet, was assumed as an archangel at the throne of God. In the Book of Enoch, we find a succession through various states of spiritual perception: I glimpsed the clouds that invited me, and the mist summoned me, and the movement of the stars and lightning quickened and urged me on, and the winds in the vision impelled me to fly, lifting me upward and causing me to reach Paradise. And I penetrated into it, until I came near a crystal wall surrounded by tongues of fire, and it began to frighten me. And I went through the tongues of fire and approached the great house, which was built with crystals, and its walls were like a floor made of crystal and its base was also made of crystal. The apocalypse and visions of cosmic destruction are generally stellar in nature: just as creation begins before the stars in the vacuum of primeval chaos, so too the final legacy of existence is of stellar matter, not limited to the purification or redemption of planet Earth and the human world alone. In Enoch XVIII 12-16 there are typical examples of this imagination, merging with the concept of chaos and negative dimensions or zones, a concept that will later provide the pretext for the repressive action of political Christendom. There I saw a place that had no firmament above the heavens, nor a well-constituted earth beneath it: on it there was neither water nor birds, and it was a desolate and horrible place. I saw there seven stars resembling great fiery mountains, and when I inquired about them, the angel said, This place is the end of heaven and earth: it has become a prison for the stars and for the army of heaven. The stars that move in the fire are those who transgressed the commandment of the Lord, either at the beginning or in their ascent, for they did not appear at the appointed time. And He was furious with them and compelled them to appear until their guilt was consummated, even for ten thousand years. Biblical parallels with the Book of Enoch are found not only in the aforementioned Book of Revelation but also in Isaiah XIII 10 and the evangelist Mark XIII 24- 27: But in those days, after that tribulation, the Sun will be darkened, the Moon will not provide its light, the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers that dwell in heaven will be shaken. And then He will send forth the angels, and they will join together with the elect from the four winds, from the uttermost part of the Earth to the highest part of heaven. Apocalypse, solar or cosmic destruction return in this passage, but there is nothing of ancient astrology, nor do stellar entities such as Orion or the Pleiades appear. In Isaiah the stellar image is sandwiched between a typical prophetic warning and a curse of the iniquitous children of Israel: For the stars of heaven and the constellations shall not give their light: the Sun in time shall be darkened, and the Moon shall not offer her light. There seems to have been a general collection of mythical images related to the stellar world in the ancient world, and we find fragments of these beliefs in different visions and apocalypses, depending on the different cultures. The basic themes are those of stellar disorientation, destruction of world order, and the end of a cycle of creation. The image can also be used in a practical way, as in Isaiah, where most of the prophecy concerns the punishment of the Lord's people, and clearly does not represent a cosmic vision. In Mark, however, we seem to be in the presence of a prediction signifying a promise of salvation for the elect when cosmic destruction will occur. The Book of Revelation abounds with such imagery. Because of the strict rules imposed by the Christian religion and their influence, we observe that prophecy took two main directions, beginning in the early medieval period: both subsist, even today, albeit in attenuated form. The two currents were also present in classical prophecy and were undoubtedly part of the prophetic traditions of Eastern cultures, such as those of the Egyptians, Babylonians and Hebrews, but the division between them tends to be more evident in medieval and later Europe, due to the advent of the greater politicization of the Church. The first current is related to the apocalyptic vision. The apocalypse in prophecies clearly appears with a non-Christian aspect and very unorthodox. These are generally known as millenarian or millennium prophecies. They are divided into two further currents: one is totally political in character and uses prophecy as a pretext to disguise a hidden purpose, which we nowadays would call revolutionary propaganda; the other presents an authentic, prophetic or apocalyptic content in keeping with the politics of the millennium. Over the centuries, however, prophecy was distorted and used as a means of political propaganda, especially in the Middle Ages until the 20th century. Prophecy became an improper weapon for the manipulation of consciences, and its true meaning of warning and caution was completely lost. At the present moment in history, in the United States of America, dogmatic-type beliefs about the Book of Revelation, beliefs about the purification of the world (using nuclear means) and, of course, the salvation of the elect are circulating. These beliefs, however, do not consider that one of the most serious sins against the Holy Spirit is the claim to salvation without merit. Probably many followers delude themselves that they have already achieved salvation if they consider prophecy more as a political tool than as a manifestation of Divine mercy. Prophethood specifically designates the phenomenon of prophetic inspiration. The prophetic message was communicated both orally and sometimes in writing, as in the case of Enoch who personally noted down all the visions and events he witnessed by express divine command. Enoch's writings were not included in the biblical canon. Because of this exclusion, his apocalyptic literature falls among the apocrypha, a Greek term for those writings that were kept hidden, that is, not disclosed because of their content, reserved only for the initiated. Only slowly, and in parallel with the determination of the biblical canon, did the term become more precise to denote precisely those writings that are not part of the biblical canon, but which by their title, presentation, the manner in which they deal with the subject, the author to whom they refer, and other internal and external arguments claim sacred authority equal to or even superior to that of the canonical books. The Old Testament apocrypha belong to two literary genres: didactic and apocalyptic. Usually the prophetic message is addressed not to a single individual, but either to the whole people or to foreign peoples, except for the truly special and singular case of Enoch who is addressed to the man of the future, to posterity by divine command. The prophetic message concerns the present and the future. The prophet is sent to his contemporaries, but to the extent that he is God's interpreter, he is above time and his predictions come to confirm and prolong his preaching. In short, the prophet is a man who has an immediate experience of God, who has received the revelation of his holiness and will, who judges the present and sees the future in the light of God, and who is sent by God to call men back to his requirements and lead them back to the path of his obedience and love. In Israel's religious development the prophets played a considerable function. However, their contributions converge and combine along three basic lines, precisely those that distinguish Old Testament religion: monotheism, moralism, and the expectation of salvation. The transition from polytheism to monotheism is the result of the preaching of the prophets. God is transcendent, and it is this transcendence that the prophets especially express by saying that he is holy. In the moralism of the prophets there is an acute awareness of sin. For sin is an offense against the God of justice, the God of love, the God of holiness. The expectation of salvation is God's final word not punishment. He does not want the total ruin of his people, despite all apostasies, he pursues the fulfillment of his promises. He will spare a remnant," the elect.

    Anunnaki and Nephilim: to the origins of evil on Earth

    According to Sumerian texts, the earth was visited by a group of supernatural beings in the distant past. These visitors are described in Sumerian tradition in a way that is eerily similar to the descriptions of the Watchers in the Book of Enoch. Instead of Watchers, however, the Sumerians called these beings Anunnaki, which literally means those who came from heaven. They were gods, for the Sumerians; for modern thinkers like Zecharia Sitchin and Erich von Däniken, they were an ancient race of aliens who came to earth. Interestingly, Sumerian texts tell stories of these Anunnaki, just like the Watchers, beginning to interbreed with humans, creating an entirely new species in the process, reflecting the creation of the Nephilim. Like the gods in the Book of Enoch, the Anunnaki became angry at the condition of the earth and caused a great flood. Is it possible that the Book of Enoch, as well as other related traditions, are simply telling the oldest Sumerian story of the Anunnaki? According to the Sumerians, it was the Anunnaki who brought advanced knowledge and technology to humans, lending a hand, so to speak, to the advancement of human civilization. Many have suggested that this explains seemingly impossible monuments such as the pyramids at Giza or Teotihuacan, those ancient monuments of extraordinary sophistication that is completely inexplicable from the cultural and social circumstances of the historical record. Perhaps this also explains how humans were able to go from nomadic hunter-gatherers to sophisticated civilizations in a historically insignificant amount of time. Incredibly, the Book of Enoch describes an almost identical process taking place, with the Watchers mirroring the Anunnaki in providing humans with advanced knowledge and technology. They teach humans metallurgy and mining, science and medicine, how to read and write, and how to read the stars; they teach humans to wear cosmetics and make jewelry, and they reveal the secrets of the art of war. The book of Enoch 8:1-3a says, And Azazel taught men how to make swords and knives and shields and armor; and he made known to them the metals [of the earth] and the art of working them; bracelets and ornaments; and the use of antimony and the embellishment of eyelids; and all kinds of costly stones and all dyeing dyes. And much impiety arose, and they committed fornication, and were misled and became corrupt in all their ways. Interestingly, the most common example given of

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