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Mated to the Cursed Prince: The Forbidden Sin
Mated to the Cursed Prince: The Forbidden Sin
Mated to the Cursed Prince: The Forbidden Sin
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Mated to the Cursed Prince: The Forbidden Sin

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[Warning: Mature Content]

The world is aware of creatures that lurk in the dark—at least quite a number of them are.

Following the most devastating battle the planet experienced in its history decades ago, rules were set up to keep the supernatural and humanity as a whole at peace. It is one that compels all mythological beings to conceal their presence - an act designed to prevent the masses from being overwhelmed by the knowledge of the magical world.

But, as we all know, secrets do not remain hidden forever.

What happens when a girl who has always been fascinated by the idea of paranormal entities learns they aren't legends?

The unexpected happens right when she is digesting this surprising reality. Her life takes a sharp turn, and everything she previously knew is turned upside down.

Release dateMar 6, 2024
Mated to the Cursed Prince: The Forbidden Sin

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    Mated to the Cursed Prince - Luizdo

    Chapter 56 Butterfly Effect 2

    Genova caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror as she adjusted her new clothes and her eyes widened in surprise. Right on the curve of her neck was a faint but distinct bite mark. Her thoughts raced through her mind. Memories flooded her mind, and she remembered Noah pressing his teeth against her skin during their heated session the night before. She touched the bite mark tentatively, her fingers tracing the delicate outline. Her voice trembled with a mixture of curiosity and vulnerability as she turned to face Noah who had just entered the room. Why did you do it? - What does this symbolize? She inquired with her gaze locked on his. Noah halted in his tracks. His Adam's apple bobbed as he swallowed nervously. He took a step closer and reached out his hand to gently caress her cheek. That mark is a mating mark, Gen. His voice was coated with tenderness. When a werewolf chooses a mate they love, they mark them as a symbol of their bond. It's a claim… a way of letting others know you are mine. For life! Genova's breath caught in her throat as her eyes returned to the bite mark on her neck. Disbelief washed over her. She couldn't comprehend the significance of the mark for a brief moment. It seemed too fantastical – too surreal. Are you saying I'm your mate? She murmured in a voice that was barely audible while her gaze searched his for confirmation. That's right, babe. He reassured her tenderly. I have looked and yearned for you even before we met. And now I've found my mate… My one true love in you. Genova's heart skipped a beat as his words sank in. She felt a surge of emotions, a mix of joy, surprise, and a hint of vulnerability. You... you are saying you love me? Her voice was filled with a beautiful blend of hope and disbelief as she whispered. Noah's gaze met hers unwavering and sincere. Yes. I adore you, he admitted, his voice filled with an undeniable warmth. There was something about you that drew me in from the moment we met. That feeling only grew stronger as we spent more time together. You've won my heart and I want to be by your side now and always. Genova's eyes welled up with tears. She felt the weight of his love sinking deep within her soul. I... I don't know what to say, she stammered. There's a lot to take in here, Noah. I never imagined being someone's mate, let alone yours. I am only but a simple human who hailed from a small town far east. Noah's touch was soothing and comforting as he gently brushed away her tears. Life has a way of surprising us, of leading us to unexpected places, he paused briskly. And sometimes, those unexpected events bring us the most joy and blessings. You are my greatest gift and I consider myself fortunate to have you as my mate. Genova's heart brimmed with conflicting emotions. She was surprised, excited, and a little scared. Being someone's mate… being forever bound to another was a difficult concept to grasp. A spark of excitement ignited within her as she gazed into Noah's eyes to see the depth of his love and devotion. Noah took her hand in his, his touch reassuring and grounding. I understand how you feel, babe. It's a lot to take in and I'm here to help you every step of the way. Being your mate is a blessing I treasure. It means we are fated to share a bond stronger than any other, to love and protect each other through all of life's trials and triumphs. Genova felt a surge of excitement in his chest. She began to imagine a future in which they faced the world together, bound by an unbreakable force. The terror that had gripped her had given way to a sense of liberation and possibility. Her lips twitched with a smile. You know... the more I think about it, the more excited I am at the prospect of being your mate, she admitted with newfound glee. What greater gift could there be than to have a love that transcends time and space, to have someone who completely understands and accepts me? Noah's face lit up with delight as he drew her into a warm embrace. You've captured my heart in ways I never imagined possible, he said quietly. We will travel this path together, embracing the love and strength that comes with being mates. Our bond is truly extraordinary, and I am grateful to have you by my side every day. Genova realized at that moment that her curiosity had led her down a path she could never have predicted—a path that had brought her love, passion, and a depth of connection she had always desired. She let go of her skepticism and allowed herself to be swept away by the magnitude of their bond. She knew that being Noah's mate was a rare and precious gift and that their love story would be written in the stars. But what about her parents? Her aunt. What would they say? Do you think my aunt and parents will agree? We will cross the bridge once we get there! Noah said curtly while pulling her into his embrace. The world around them faded into the background, leaving only the two of them in their own universe of love. They were ready to face the unknown together, hand in hand. Minutes stretched to over an hour until the couple decided they were too drained to go on with their morning refreshment. We definitely need to hit the shower again, Noah said almost breathless. Yeah, we definitely do! Genova couldn't agree more. I feel like I had just run a marathon. But of course you just did, babe. Genova tilted her neck to the side and glared at him. Her glare intensified when a stinging pain shot through her. Goodness! she hissed out loud.

    Chapter 57 A Furious Eva

    A mixture of reluctance and fondness filled the air between them as Noah parked the car in front of the luxurious mansion that reeked of wealth. I can come in with you, babe, Noah stated. I want to make sure you're safe and that your aunt is aware of my sincerity, he said with concern. Genova reached out her hand to gently touch Noah's cheek and smiled. Thank you, Noah, but I'd like to break this news of our union to her alone. She replied firmly. It's critical to me that I don't start our relationship cowardly behind you. Noah nodded in understanding. I've always admired your strength and independence, Gen. There was unhidden admiration lacing his voice. Take as much time as you need and keep in mind that I'll be there for you every step of the way. They locked gazes and shared a tender, lingering moment of connection. Genova was filled with a whirlwind of emotions… a mix of love, gratitude and the bittersweet anticipation of their temporary separation. I don't want to let you go, but I suppose I'll have to settle for eagerly anticipating your return tomorrow. I have a lot of things I want to do to you, mate. There was a mischievous glint in his eyes as those words left his mouth. Genova's cheeks flushed. She leaned in closer, her lips meeting his in a gentle yet heartfelt kiss. It was a silent promise—one that she couldn't express with words. Tomorrow is just around the corner, Noah, she whispered while finally pulling away from their locked lips. Humm. Well, I am only a phone call away if you need me. Look who finally decided to come back, Eva's voice rang the second Genova stepped inside the mansion. Genova's heart almost stopped beating at that point. Even though she expected her aunt to have this reaction when she returned home, it still surprised her. H-hi aunt— Don't you dare aunt me now, young lady, Eva barked. Do you have any idea how worried I was about you? My bad, aunt. Genova hung her head in shame. Something unexpected happened, but I'm safe, I promise. She added meekly. Oh, please do tell. I am certain it's going to be one thrilling tale, Eva rolled her eyes. I knew that boy was up to no good when he texted to inform me you were with him last night. Genova's head snapped upward. He did? And you know? Know what? That you lost your virginity in a nightclub in front of a large crowd and were marked by an unstable Alpha. A bereaved pup, Eva growled. Genova lowered her head and nervously bit her lips. Noah and I have a unique bond, Aunt. We've got something special, she mumbled. Like hell you do. Eva was starting to lose it, so she took a deep breath to calm herself down. Do you realize what you've gotten yourself into? I know what I am doing, aunt. I assumed you'd be pleased for me. Genova muttered. A long silence descended upon the room as Eva's mouth opened and closed as if searching for words that would not come. Are you certain this is what you want to sign up for? She finally managed to let out. This... this is a lot to process. I will ask again, are you absolutely certain of your choice? Genova gave a nod. Yes, Aunt, I am certain this is what I desire! She stated adamantly. I have his mark to prove his loyalty to me. She continued, craning her neck to one side. Eva's breath caught in her throat as she focused her attention on the delicate skin that had turned red and raised, with the obvious indentation of a bite—a clear indication of the bond that had formed. She placed both her hands on her waist and sighed. Well then… it seems you have made your decision and I hope you won't regret it. Eva conceded. However, I still think things moved too fast between you two. And your dad better not know of this. The mention of her father made Genova cringe. Oh lord... Noah had better have superhuman healing abilities because her father was surely going to shoot him. My dear. Eva spoke up again, All I want is to see you happy. If Noah is the one to bring you that happiness… If this bond is what your heart desires, then who am I to stand in the way? Besides, I have faith in your judgment. Genova's eyes shone with gratitude as she moved closer to tightly embracing her aunt. Thank you very much, Aunt. Your acceptance means everything to me. I'm so grateful to have you with me on this incredible journey. Eva's face lit up with a warm smile. I've always suspected you had something special about you. Though I am concerned for your safety, I cannot deny my joy. Your eyes reveal more to me than your words ever could. I suppose you know me too well, Aunt, Genova blushed. Indeed! I was once a teenager and had been in love, don't forget that. Eva jested. However, as though realizing something, the smile on her face suddenly vanished and her brows creased in worry. Last night was the full moon and Genova happened to be marked on such a day. Eva locked her gaze on her naive niece as her mind ran wild with thoughts. Will the turning still occur after the full moon has passed, or will it happen on the next one? Most importantly, will the girl survive such a perilous situation? What would she tell her sister if something happened to her daughter? Oh Moon Goddess! Why do things keep getting complicated? Is everything all right, Aunt? Genova inquired when she noticed the sudden expression on her aunt's face. How do you expect her to be okay when all you've done since you arrived is invite trouble?" Zoe's menacing voice was heard echoing from the top of the stairs.

    Chapter 58 Low Potency!

    Ashly and Jasmine dragged Genova to their favorite spot in the school park as soon as she made her appearance. They shoved her to the ground before nestling themselves around her. The sun shone brightly around them as they sat on the grass, casting a warm glow on their eager faces. We heard a juicy rumor, Gen! Ashly couldn't contain her excitement as she leaned in to whisper dramatically. Jasmine nodded in agreement. Yeah, apparently you and Noah had a wild night at the club the other night. Genova's cheeks flushed crimson, and her eyes shone with surprise. Wait, how did you even find out about that? she stammered. Her voice was filled with embarrassment. I didn't think anyone was even looking at us! Oh, please. Nothing stays hidden for long in the supernatural world. It is not as large as the human world – gossip spreads quickly, especially when it comes to juicy ones. Jasmine responded with a sly smile. So it's true then? exclaimed Ashly. She was practically bouncing with impatience. Did you and Noah have sex in the club? ... in full view of everyone? Genova's face flushed bright red as her gaze shifted to the ground. Um... yeah, she admitted. Her normally confident voice was now barely above a whisper. The girls gasped at the same time. Their reactions were a mix of surprise and amusement. Jasmine was the first to recover, but her eyebrows remained raised in disbelief. Gen! That's... quite daring of you to do something so personal in public She couldn't hide her surprise as she exclaimed. Genova's cheeks flushed even more as she fidgeted with her fingers. I-I honestly don't know what came over me—us. Everything happened so quickly, she admitted with narrowed eyes. Leaning forward, Do you think there was something in the air? Like an aphrodisiac or something? Ashly asked in a conspiratorial tone. Jasmine's eyes narrowed briefly before answering, It is indeed possible. Some supernatural clubs are known to use pheromones or other substances to improve the atmosphere and encourage a more passionate environment. Genova felt a wave of anxiety wash over her. Wait, what? Are saying we were completely under the influence of an aphrodisiac when we mated? Jasmine gave a reassuring shake of her head. No, it does not have to be that way. An aphrodisiac stimulates desire but does not control your actions. It simply reinforces and encourages what you already desire deep down She explained. Genova breathed a sigh of relief. That's good news. I was afraid that we were being completely controlled by an outside force She admitted and luaghed nervously. At least you can say your mating was memorable, even if it was in public, Ashly remarked with a lighthearted chuckle. Genova flushed again. Yes, truly memorable, she said softly. However, I'd prefer a more private setting next time. Or an even crazier one, Ashly countered with one eyebrow lifted. Her remark and expression made the girl burst out laughing. Ashly's face washed over with concern after their laughter died down. But, Gen, are you certain about this? Becoming an Alpha's mate is a huge step. It appears that you are moving far too quickly. Yes, Gen. Life as Noah's mate will be very different from life as a regular human wife. Are you certain you're ready for that level of commitment? Jasmine threw in. Genova took a deep breath. I understand your concerns, but I want you to know that Noah and I adore each other. I know he would never do anything to hurt me. Take a look at this... She reached for the necklace around her neck and unclasped it to reveal the mating mark on her skin. Ashly and Jasmine leaned in to get a good view of the intricate bite mark etched on Genova's skin. It's indeed a mate mark, Ashly muttered almost absentmindedly. Genova smiled softly as she nodded. That's right. Noah already filled me in on what this means. He has claimed me as his mate; it's a symbol of his devoted love and commitment. Ashly and Jasmine exchanged uneasy looks, but their expressions softened with comprehension. We just want to make sure you're satisfied and making the right decision Ashly spoke softly. Jasmine nodded once more. We're here to help, Gen. We will support your decision since it is what you truly desire. She added in a gentle and encouraging tone. Genova's eyes welled up with joy as she looked around at her friends. Thank you very much. Your love and support mean everything to me She mouthed emotionally. Noah and I are embarking on this journey together, and I've never felt happier or more confident in my life. The girls gave a brisk nod before Jasmine mischievously leaned forward. So... how was it? How was what? Genova feigned ignorance. Everything! You know my brother will never let me go inside a strip joint as long as he lives. Please allow us to live vicariously through you. Ashly whined. Genova's blush deepened as she laughed and shook her head at their antics. Okay, okay, I'll give you the highlights. Picture this: A hidden underground club with stunning naked dancers and two intimidating bodyguards, she began subtly attracting the attention of her friends. And then what? Come on, girl, don't tease us! Give us the juicy deets! We want all the details, Ashly urged with a pout. Be a drama queen with patience! Genova shook her head before continuing, There I was, disguised as a waitress after sneaking past the two intimidating bodyguards. I found myself weaving through entwined bodies, trying hard not to get drawn into the festivities when I suddenly bumped into an attractive couple. The woman thought I was into one of their kinks due to my uniform and invited me to join them. Ashly threw her head back and burst out laughing. Oh, Gen, you must have been quite a sight! I can only imagine how you felt. Genova rolled her eyes amusingly. Let's just say that I politely declined their generous invitations by fleeing to the VIP section. Don't laugh, Jaz, she quickly voiced out. I wasn't going to but I surely will now. HAHAHAHA, Jasmine's chest reverberated in peals of laughter. Genova pursed her lips. Alright, alright. I won't do that again. So… What did you find in the VIP section? Genova's expression softened once more. Then I bumped into this scary-looking bouncer who Noah luckily saved me from. It was like entering a completely different world. I was beyond astonished. What happened after that? Ashly inquired. He brought me inside the VIP area. I felt as though I had stepped into a completely different world. I was beyond astonished. One thing led to another and we... you know. Genova trailed off with blushing cheeks. Oh come on, you can't leave us hanging like this. Spill the details already! Jasmine urged which earned an amused chuckle from Ashly. Genova laughed as she shook her head. Sorry ladies, some secrets are best kept for another day, she replied deviously. How did the sex go? At the very least, you can tell us that, Jasmine inquired. Oh…. It was enjoyable! It was absolutely fantastic. Gen admitted shyly. That good for nothing isn't a waste after all, Ashly sneered. On the contrary, he seemed far from that. Geny here has just gotten a taste of his potency, Jasmine remarked with a chuckle. Low potency I would say, Ashly scoffed. No offense, Gen, but given that it was your first time and you had it with an Alpha... you would have been stuck in your bed for days if he was that capable. Perhaps he was extra gentle with her since she's human, Jasmine stated. Pft. Not on a full moon day, Ashly rolled her eyes. Anyhow, guys. Since we're talking about new experiences and changes… I have some news, she said slowly and soberly. Genova and Jasmine exchanged puzzled looks. What's up, Ash? Did you get mated as well? Genova teasingly inquired. Ashly took a deep breath and let her gaze fall to the ground for a moment before rising to meet her friends' gaze. I've decided to relocate to The Great City, she announced flatly. Genova's eyes went round in surprise. What? I mean… what prompted the sudden decision? Ashly's face revealed a small, pained smile. It's all about my mother. I've been researching her past in order to learn the truth about her death She elaborated. I believe I'll find more answers in The Great City—she spent the majority of her life there. Jasmine reached out to rest her hand on Ashly's shoulder. That's a big step, girl, she said softly. Though we will miss you terribly, we understand and support you if this is the only way for you to find closure. Genova's eyes welled up with tears as she hugged Ashly tightly. I can't believe you're leaving. You've been an incredible friend, and it won't be the same without you. Ashly returned the affectionate embrace. You two have been the best of friends anyone could have asked for. I'll miss our adventures and laughter, and I'm glad you understand why I need to do this "She responded. The trio remained locked in a heartfelt embrace, cherishing the bond they had formed over the years. As they finally pulled apart, their eyes

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