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Dare to Hope: Anchor of the Soul
Dare to Hope: Anchor of the Soul
Dare to Hope: Anchor of the Soul
Ebook171 pages2 hours

Dare to Hope: Anchor of the Soul

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"Dare to Hope is one of the most inspiring, encouraging, and faith-strengthening documents I have ever read. This inspiring and heartfelt manual will be a tremendous blessing to anyone." -Rev. Roosevelt Toussaint, Senior Pastor, Word of Life Church, Salisbury, Maryland

Between 2019 and 2021, the world faced unprec

Release dateApr 30, 2024
Dare to Hope: Anchor of the Soul

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    Dare to Hope - Dr. Petersem Burke


    Dare to Hope, written by Dr. Petersem Burke, is one of the most inspiring, encouraging, and faith-strengthening documents that I have ever read. This inspiring and heart-felt manual will be a tremendous blessing to anyone who is discouraged, disoriented, and who is on the point of giving up.

    May God bless you, Dr. Burke, and the reader.

    Rev. Roosevelt Toussaint, Senior Pastor

    Word of Life Center Church

    Salisbury, Maryland

    Dr. Petersem Burke has really captured what it is to have faith in God. I highly recommend Dare to Hope. I was so inspired and encouraged to never give up. I believe everyone can benefit from reading this book. It is power-packed! As Christians we are reminded that we do have a hope in Christ Jesus. His love never fails, no matter what the circumstance. This is a must-read if you want to grow in faith and godliness. The scriptures written exemplify God’s love for humankind.

    Dr. Patricia Rhodes

    Pastor of Ebenezer Outreach Ministries, UCOG


    Dare to Hope is dedicated to Rev. Tom and Mrs. Beverly Brumbley, who were used by God to help me become the man I am today. After my adoptive mother died, I was lost and felt that I had no reason to live.

    They took me to their orphanage when I was eight years old and vulnerable. They gave me reasons to hope and a sense of purpose for living. Their positive contributions to my life and family cannot be overstated. They have laid the foundation for anything good I am able to do for God.


    Since I was introduced to Dr. Petersem Burke, it has really been a blessing. I have found him to be a man of great integrity, insight, and wisdom.

    Dr. Burke has exemplified himself to be a leader. One who leads by example as he shepherds Mt. Zion United Church of God in the city of Baltimore, Maryland. He is doing a magnificent work along with his wife, Lady Joy Burke, and his two children, Isaiah and Moriah. He is also a man of great compassion, as seen in the many ways he has helped people, even from his youth in his homeland of Haiti.

    I thank God for the friendship we have developed as we labor together doing Kingdom Work. I encourage everyone to read his book titled Dare to Hope. There are many things in life that we desire to obtain that sometimes may seem out of reach. There are many struggles that seem unbearable, but through many of Dr. Burke’s life experiences, he can encourage us to Dare to Hope. This book urges us to grasp faith and Dare to Hope. Romans chapter 2 verse 11 tells us there is no respect of persons with God.

    Therefore, since God did all the things mentioned in this book for Dr. Burke through his faith and hope, God can also do it for us. One of the things that resonated with me about Dr. Burke was to find that in his youth he, too, like myself, had a speech impediment. Dr. Burke did not allow the speech impediment to stop him from accomplishing what God had in store for him. Dr. Burke is the perfect man to be used by God in writing this rewarding book. Through this book the world can have hope, knowing the truth of God’s word through personal experiences. Again, I encourage everyone to read this book, DARE TO HOPE, and let the writer’s words resonate in your spirit as God works in your life. MY FRIEND AND FELLOW MINISTER, I bid you Godspeed and I pray that you have much success with your new book, Dare To Hope. A GREAT READ!

    Bishop Samuel Wright

    Vice Bishop of the United Church of God

    Greensboro, North Carolina


    As the pastor of a church, I have the privilege of being involved in people’s lives in a way that is unique to a pastor.

    Many people are dealing with some unimaginable circumstances and situations that are beyond their ability to handle, like the untimely death of a close family member. The layoff of the main breadwinner in a family because of downsizing who does not have the skills to get another job that pays well enough to support the family. A single parent whose gas and electric have been turned off because they are a few months behind on paying their bills. Or those who are facing some serious health issues for which there is no medical cure.

    My wife has had some serious health challenges, and we also had to trust and put our hope in God despite the medical reports.

    A couple years ago she went to the emergency room for unrelated medical issues, but they informed her that they would have to keep her and must do heart bypass surgery right away.

    The night before the surgery, the Lord gave me a word of hope—

    But now thus saith the Lord that created thee, O Jacob, and he that formed thee, O Israel, Fear not: for I have redeemed thee, I have called thee by thy name; thou art mine.

    When thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee: when thou walkest through the fire, thou shalt not be burned; neither shall the flame kindle upon thee.

    Isaiah 43:1–2

    The doctors, as is their practice to make sure we understand all the risks associated with a complex procedure, informed us there was a possibility she might not make it. But they also assured us they had done many successful surgeries, and they would do their best.

    The only guarantee we had concerning the outcome was the Word of the Lord that God is with us. Whatever we must go through, there’s no need to worry because God is with us.

    Fear not for I am with you says the Lord, your God! (Isaiah 41:10).

    We prayed, gave thanks to God, and were fully confident that the surgery would be successful. It was a very long surgery because there were some complications, but in the morning the nurse came and got me when it was safe to be with my wife. She told me that my wife scared them because they thought they had lost her twice, but somehow she came back.

    I remember telling her I was glad the doctors did their best, but with all due respect, I had Special Intelligence that the surgery would be successful. I am sure she thought I was too exhausted and needed some sleep.

    The only reason we were so hopeful and confident in the face of serious circumstances was because we had God’s Word.

    Isaiah 43:1–2 is not just for me, but for you and for anyone who has accepted Jesus and made Him Lord of their life.

    That is God’s promise to you…

    Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that ye may abound in hope, through the power of the Holy Ghost (Romans 15:13).

    If you are one of those people who are facing what most would classify as an impossible or extremely difficult situation, or you know someone like that, then this book was written with you in mind.

    I am certain that as you read Dare to Hope, God will begin your healing process and your miracle by infusing your heart with fresh hope as He restores the years that the enemy has stolen from you.


    Giving a special thank you to my wife, Joy Burke, and our two children, Isaiah and Moriah. They have been an incredible blessing by doing everything possible to make sure I have the support needed to author this book. They are very instrumental in creating a peaceful and pleasant environment.

    Special thanks to Rev. Tom and Charlotte Canapp, whom I had the privilege of interpreting for when I was in Haiti. And they have been a great support and blessing to me. When I first came to the United States, Rev. Canapp took time out of his busy schedule to teach me how to drive and to help me to get my license. Their contributions to my life cannot be overstated.

    Special thanks to Elder JoAnn Wakefield for her contributions, spending many hours editing Dare to Hope. I deeply appreciate all the challenging work to make this project a reality.

    Chapter 1

    Three Powerful and Eternal Forces — Faith, Hope, and Love


    "And now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love" (1 Corinthians 13:13).

    These three virtues can take us into eternity: faith, hope, and love, but the greatest or most important among them is love.

    The reason love is elevated amongst the three is because it has to do with the motives of the heart; why we do what we do, and why we want what we want.

    Teacher, which is the great commandment in the law?

    Jesus said to him, You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ On these two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets.

    Matthew 22:36–40

    The first commandment is to love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. To love the Lord above yourself and without reservation. To put the interest of God above your own ambitions and desires. And the primary way we show God that we love Him is not by what we say, but by our obedience to Him. Jesus says, If you love me, keep my commandments. And again, He told Peter, If you love me, feed my sheep.

    Love has nothing to do with feelings and good intentions, but it has everything to do with obedience to God in advancing His agendas and priorities on earth.

    Therefore, you can measure the intensity of your love for God by your values and how you prioritize your allegiance.

    Love is the barometer by which God judges our actions to see if they are gold, silver, wood, or clay.

    If God determines that the things we’ve done have hidden agendas or selfish motives, then they will be classified as materials made of wood and clay, to be put in the fire, and to be destroyed. But if our works are done out of love, they will last, and we will be rewarded.

    Do not allow yourself to be offended when you are not acknowledged by people for your good deeds; our God, who sees things done in secret, will reward you openly. Remain focused—you have an audience of One.

    Apostle Paul, in his letter to the Galatians, writes: Faith works by love (Galatians 5:6).

    True faith must have love as its motivating force, and only that which is done out of love matters.

    We can see how these three virtues are so intertwined and are necessary if we are going to be used by God in a way that will advance His Kingdom.

    We live to glorify Him in all that we

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