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Finding Hope in Tyler
Finding Hope in Tyler
Finding Hope in Tyler
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Finding Hope in Tyler

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The saga of Faith and Love continues in Tyler, North Carolina, while Derek and Maggie adjust to their empty home. Then, like homing pigeons, their three grown children return home seeking love and comfort. Singularly and as a family, they face the trials and tribulations of life. Kaitlyn becomes a firefighter/paramedic and deals with si

Release dateApr 30, 2024
Finding Hope in Tyler

Gary D. Williams

Gary Williams joined the Marines after graduating high school and served four years, one year in Vietnam. After his discharge, he served thirty-six years as a police officer in Florida. Gary and his wife were married in 1969 and currently live in Florida. They love spending time with family and friends. He is also a member of Gideons International. Gary graduated cum laude from Liberty University with a bachelor of science degree.

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    Finding Hope in Tyler - Gary D. Williams




    in Tyler

    Gary D. Williams

    Book Two of the Faith and Love trilogy

    Trilogy Christian Publishers

    A Wholly Owned Subsidiary of Trinity Broadcasting Network

    2442 Michelle Drive

    Tustin, CA 92780

    Copyright © 2024 by Gary D. Williams

    All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form whatsoever.

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    Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data is available.

    ISBN 979-8-89041-822-7

    ISBN 979-8-89041-823-4 (ebook)


    I dedicate this book to the men and women of Gideons International. They give freely of their time and energy to spread God’s word.


    I want to thank everyone for purchasing my first books, Faith and Love and Tested. Since the release of Faith and Love, I’ve been asked if there would be a sequel to it. After much prayer, I have ventured forth to write this second book in the Faith and Love series. I hope you’ll enjoy it.

    In my books, I frequently mention the Gideons. I would like to take a moment to expound on the people who work for The Gideons International. The Gideons International is comprised of professionals and businessmen who are Christians and whose desire is to spread God’s word to others so they will come to know Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Since its inception, Gideons International has distributed almost two billion Bibles worldwide. And, at the present time, there are about three hundred thousand Gideons located in approximately two hundred countries around the world. Some of those countries are very poor, and the Gideons located there have problems obtaining enough funds to purchase Bibles. They depend on donations made through the national headquarters. For those Gideons to obtain Bibles, they notify the national office of their need and pray that enough money will be donated for them to receive Bibles. The last I heard, their need for Bibles totaled in the millions. If you can help the Gideons, please donate. And remember that one hundred percent of each dollar donated goes to the purchase and distribution of Bibles. Please visit the Gideons International website to learn more. Also, when you visit the website, you can watch videos of personal testimonies by people who were led to the saving grace of Jesus Christ by a Gideon.

    In Christ,

    Gary D. Williams

    Other books by

    Gary D. Williams

    Faith and Love


    Chapter One

    Kaitlyn paid the Uber driver and stepped out of the vehicle. As she waited for him to unload her baggage, she stared at the house she grew up in. Suddenly, happy memories flooded her mind. She remembered when she and her mother, Maggie, had helped Derek renovate the house. That was before Maggie and Derek got married. Then, after their wedding, she and Maggie moved into the house. Maggie let her pick out the bedroom she wanted to use as her own. She smiled as she remembered the day when Derek had officially adopted her. After the adoption ceremony, they went directly to the diner to celebrate by eating their favorite ice cream. In her opinion, the diner served the best ice cream in Tyler. As they celebrated and ate their ice cream, they laughed and giggled as they tried to determine which name she should call him. They settled on Pops. Later, he told her that while they may not be related by blood, he would always consider her his daughter, that she would always occupy a special place in his heart. It wasn’t long after the adoption celebration that they began to go on special father-daughter outings every week.

    She smiled as she remembered when her mother became pregnant with the twins and how she had helped during the pregnancy. When the twins were born, they had been cute and cuddly; she had loved helping take care of them. At least it was fun until they turned two years old, the terrible twos. Suddenly, she became the object of their affection, and they followed her everywhere. They wouldn’t give her a minute to herself. From the terrible twos, until they were about twelve years old, they drove her crazy. But when they turned twelve, things had changed. She suspected Derek said something to them because they were less trouble. However, they started acting like it was their job to protect her. That caused a whole new set of problems. It seemed like every time she turned around, she found them checking up on her. But despite all that, she loved them dearly, and she still did.

    As she waited for the Uber driver to finish, she recalled many other happy times that had occurred at the house. Like her first date with Bobby Brown. She’d had a crush on him all through high school, but she hadn’t been allowed to date him. Her parents had been protective of her, and when they found out about Bobby being her boyfriend, Pops sat him down and had a heart-to-heart talk with him. Pops literally scared Bobby half to death. But in spite of that, Bobby stayed her boyfriend and wore the title with pride. That was until their graduation from high school. After graduation, she and Bobby broke up. It was a mutual decision. They realized they were just friends, and that was all they would ever be.

    She continued to smile as she remembered other happy times. Indeed, there had been a lot of good times in this house, she thought. Then, a frown crossed her face. She wished it were happy times that were bringing her back to Tyler.

    Excuse me, miss. All your bags are out of the car. Do you want me to put them on the porch? the Uber driver asked.

    She was startled from her musings and looked at him. No, thank you. I can manage.

    He nodded. Well, you have a good day. Then, he got into his car and left.

    Suddenly, the front door of the house swung open, and her mother, Maggie, ran out. When she got to Kaitlyn, she gave her a crushing hug, holding her tight for several minutes while they both cried. Then, Maggie pushed her to arm’s length and examined her. Girl, you’ve lost a lot of weight. The second thing on my agenda is to fatten you up.

    Kaitlyn wiped the tears from her eyes as she attempted to smile. The second thing? What’s the first, Mom?

    To love you! What else? Maggie asked with a smile.

    Kaitlyn looked at her and thought how pretty she still was. She might be getting older, but she was still slim and trim. Her brown hair was shoulder length, and she had those big brown eyes, which some people referred to as calf eyes. Kaitlyn had heard it said that a woman gets prettier as she ages, and in Maggie’s case, Kaitlyn knew it to be true.

    Maggie had trouble holding back her tears as she continued to hold onto Kaitlyn’s arms. When she first saw Kaitlyn standing on the sidewalk, she started to cry because Kaitlyn looked so lost and forlorn. But to stave off crying, Maggie reached down and picked up one of Kaitlyn’s bags. Then, she glanced at Kaitlyn and said, Well, don’t just stand there. Help me with these bags. They each grabbed a bag and headed for the house, and Maggie walked directly to Kaitlyn’s old bedroom.

    When Kaitlyn stepped into the bedroom, she stopped and looked around. It was still decorated the way she had left it when she left for college. As she glanced around the room, more memories came flooding back. She started to cry again. Maggie hugged her and held her until she stopped.

    Kaitlyn wiped the tears from her eyes with a tissue Maggie gave her and said, Mom, I’m so sorry. I don’t mean to cry. I keep telling myself that I need to toughen up, to stop being such a pantywaist, but it doesn’t seem to work.

    Maggie smiled. It’s okay, Kat. I’ve been there and done that. Trust me, I understand.

    Kaitlyn gave a half-hearted smile when she heard Maggie use her nickname. Then, she started to cry again. After a few moments, she regained control of her feelings. I’m so sorry, Mom. I don’t know why I’m so weepy.

    It’s okay. Like I said, I know what you’re going through. In fact, I read something that pretty well explains what you’re going through.

    What’s that?

    It was a definition of grief that I like. It said that grief is the art of living after your heart has been ripped from your body.

    Kaitlyn thought about it for a moment. I can agree with that. I feel like my heart has been ripped from my body.

    I experienced that feeling, too. I wish I could take some of your pain away, but that’s something you’ll have to work through.

    How did you get through it when my father died?

    Maggie sighed. I leaned on my faith and trusted in God. I’d always heard that when God closes one door, He opens another. I didn’t really understand what that meant when your daddy died, but then Derek came into our lives. And because of him, I’ve found love again, and I’ve been very happy.

    Kaitlyn continued to wipe her eyes. I’m glad for you, Mom, but all I can think about is how much I hurt inside. And I’ve been having trouble understanding how God could let this happen. Why did Brian have to die?

    Maggie enveloped her in a hug again. Cry all you want, Kat. When your father was killed, I cried for months.

    But why did this have to happen? I’ve talked with friends, and none of them could give me a plausible answer.

    Maggie hesitated as she remembered how she had felt when Bill, Kaitlyn’s father, had been killed in a car crash. She answered carefully. At first, when your father died, it was really hard on me. But, in my case, I had you and the family to help comfort me, just like they’ll be here for you. She paused as she glanced at Kaitlyn. Kat, to be honest, mostly, I sought comfort through prayer. As to why God let this tragedy happen, I can’t tell you why for sure. I know God allows bad things to happen. And it always seems like it happens to good people. I’ve heard a lot of theories, but I don’t think anyone knows for sure. One example I know of is in the Bible. It’s the story of Job and how God let Satan torment him. Why did God do that? Satan claimed that God was protecting Job, and that was why Job was faithful. So, God let Satan do terrible things to Job to prove how faithful Job was. She paused before continuing. All I can tell you for sure is that life and death are in the sovereign hands of God. We don’t understand why He allows some things to happen, but we need to remember that His will is always perfect. She paused again. People say time heals all wounds, but from my experience, that isn’t entirely true. Time just dulls the ache. Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, but love leaves a memory no one can steal. The scars will always be with you, but they get smaller with time and don’t hurt as bad. The good memories will eventually outweigh the bad, and you’ll find you are able to put one foot in front of the other and go on with your life. One thing I can tell you for sure is that you’ll never forget Brian because he’ll always have a special place in your heart. The good news is that, in time, you’ll have room in your heart to love again if you’ll let it.

    Katilyn sniffled as she continued to dry her eyes. I pray you’re right, Mom, but all I can think about right now is the loss, the pain. I’ve been crying for days because I feel hopeless. I want it to stop.

    You’ll have to give it time, dear. And know that any time you want to talk about it, we are here for you. Also, remember that, with God, there is always hope and assurance.

    Kaitlyn wiped her eyes and her nose again before picking up one of her suitcases and putting it on the bed. As she opened it, she decided she needed to talk about something else before she started crying again. Where is Pops at, Mom? I thought he would be here to welcome me home.

    Maggie picked up a suitcase and put it on the bed for Kaitlyn. He had an emergency to take care of. One of our church members died last night, and he’s helping the family to make funeral arrangements. He said to tell you he was sorry he wasn’t here to greet you, but he’ll be home as quickly as possible. Maggie hesitated. I want you to know that I’m sorry for the sad circumstances that brought you back home, but I’m glad you’re here. She reached over and gave Kaitlyn another hug before heading for the door. Kat, why don’t you wait to unpack? I have some cookies and a fresh pot of coffee ready. What do you say we get some? She didn’t wait for an answer. She just walked out of the room. Moments later, Kaitlyn followed.

    Chapter Two

    Maggie and Kaitlyn sat at the kitchen table as they drank their coffee and ate oatmeal-raisin cookies. In an attempt to take her mind off her grief, Kaitlyn asked, Mom, have you been doing any house flipping lately?

    Maggie shook her head slightly. I have, but not as many as I would like. She rubbed her hands on the top of her legs. I’ve had to slow down in order to support Derek with the church ministry. I’ve discovered that being a pastor’s wife requires a fair amount of time and energy. She smiled. However, I wouldn’t change it for the world. She took a bite of her cookie. But to answer your question, I’m presently flipping a small house around the corner from here.

    What kind of house is it? Kaitlyn asked after taking another bite of her cookie.

    Maggie took a swallow of coffee before answering. It’s a small three-bedroom, two-bath brick home. When I finish, it’ll make a good starter home for a young couple.

    Is Pops helping you?

    Maggie laughed. Not really. You know he doesn’t know anything about design or decorating. However, I’ll admit that his man skills come in handy from time to time.

    Kaitlyn laughed for the first time since arriving home. She remembered that her mother had to help Derek each morning to coordinate his wardrobe, or he would wind up looking like a clown. How is Pops getting along? How is the church doing? she asked.

    Maggie answered with pride in her voice. Everything’s good. The church is at full capacity practically every Sunday, and Derek is loved and respected in the community.

    Kaitlyn grinned as she said, Well, I guess I might as well get an update on everyone else in the family. How is Uncle Max and Aunt Lynn?

    Maggie frowned. Then, she looked at Kaitlyn with a sad expression. As you know, Uncle Max had some health issues when he broke his leg years ago. Now, his mobility is getting worse, and he’s frequently in pain. The good news is that Steve Collins has helped him a lot with the farm.

    And Aunt Lynn? How’s her cancer?

    Maggie sighed. She has good days and bad. While cancer is a nasty disease by itself, the chemo and radiation treatments are almost as bad. Lately, Aunt Lynn has been constantly tired and can hardly do anything. Also, she’s lost a lot of weight. And unfortunately, all her hair fell out. She paused before continuing with a smile. She wears wigs now, and it’s a sight to behold. She has several wigs that are different colors, and she wears different wigs on a regular basis. And before I forget, Mother Mabel died. Aunt Lynn is heartbroken about that. She had really gotten attached to that old hog. You know, it’s unbelievable that Mother Mabel lived as long as she did. Hogs don’t usually live anywhere near that long.

    I’m sorry to hear that. Then, Kaitlyn giggled. I bet Pops wasn’t sad she died. I still remember when she knocked him flat into the mud that time.

    Believe it or not, he was sad. He had grown attached to that old hog, too. In fact, he went out there and helped bury her.

    Kaitlyn sat back in amazement. You’ve got to be kidding me. I didn’t think he would ever forgive her. They both laughed.

    It’s hard to believe, I know. Maggie laughed again. I remember that day she knocked him into the mud of that nasty hog pen. He was covered from the bottom of his feet to the top of his head with that stinky mud. It took him days to get all the smell off his body and out of his clothes.

    Kaitlynn laughed as she pictured him covered in mud.

    After she stopped laughing, she asked, What about Uncle Sam or rather Sheriff Sam?

    Your uncle was just re-elected as sheriff. He and Julie are doing good. However, Julie misses the children since they’re grown and gone. But I heard a rumor that she may be a grandmother in the near future. She paused to take a sip of her coffee. It’s hard to believe that so much has changed since your wedding.

    I know. Kat paused as she briefly thought of her wedding. But right now, the wedding seems like it occurred years ago. She stopped and grinned at Maggie. I bet Aunt Julie can hardly wait for that grandbaby. Then, she took another sip of her hot coffee. Is my annoying brother, Adam, still working for the sheriff’s department?

    Maggie beamed with pride. He’s still there. However, the men he works with still like to give him grief about being so young. They’re always telling him he better be glad the department issues him bullets since he’s too young to buy any on his own. From what I understand, several of the men have told him they can’t understand how someone who’s too young to buy bullets can work as a deputy. One deputy in particular gives him a hard time by comparing him to Barney Fife of Mayberry; he tells Adam that since he’s so young, he should be issued only one bullet and he should be told to carry it in his shirt pocket. She stopped and smiled. However, your uncle Sam says he’ll have to watch out for Adam, or he’ll have his job someday because he’s so ‘gung-ho.’

    Kaitlyn laughed and asked, Is my brother still living here?

    Maggie frowned. No. When he was hired by the sheriff’s office, he moved. In fact, he moved into a small house that I had flipped. He’s going to rent it until he can decide where in the county he wants to settle down.

    As she listened, Kaitlyn thought about her twin brothers and how different they were. Adam had gone into law enforcement after getting his Criminal Justice degree, whereas Joseph went to college to become a doctor. He was scheduled to finish his residency within a couple of months. She remembered how they acted when they got together. They would try to outdo each other, claiming their profession was the most prestigious one. They had always been competitive, and she was sure they always would be. As she thought about them, she asked, Is Adam still with that girl he’s been dating for the past year? What’s her name? Stacey?

    Maggie nodded. You’re right. Her name is Stacey, and they are still dating. In fact, I think their relationship is getting serious. And before you ask, Joseph is still dating Laura. He mentioned that he plans to ask her to marry him when he finishes his residency requirements and can settle down.

    Kaitlyn was surprised. That’s a shock. I thought he said he would never get married.

    Maggie laughed. He felt that way once, but when he saw you and Brian together and how happy y’all were, he had second thoughts. Maggie watched as Kaitlyn’s countenance changed. She saw tears suddenly appear in her eyes again. I’m sorry, Kat. I didn’t mean to make you cry.

    As she wiped the tears away, Kaitlyn said, It’s okay, Mom. I need to get over myself. I don’t want everyone to think they have to avoid talking about Brian because of me. What I need to do is focus on moving forward with my life. I need to put my big girl pants on.

    Then, they heard the back door open and turned in time to see Derek walk in. He smiled at them before walking to Maggie and giving her a hug and a kiss. Next, he pulled Kaitlyn out of her chair and hugged her. Kaitlyn couldn’t help it; she started crying again. Derek didn’t say anything as he held her while she cried. A few minutes passed before she could regain her composure. She tried to break from the hug, but Derek held on tightly. Finally, he released her and held her at arm’s length. Baby girl, I’m so sorry about Brian. If I can do anything to help you get through this, let me know. And that goes for the entire family. We are all here for you.

    Kaitlyn stepped back and looked at him through her tears. Thanks, Pops. That’s one of the reasons I came home: to be around the people I love. Just knowing y’all have my back is the only thing that kept me going when I had to settle all the legal affairs in Charlotte.

    He nodded. I’m sorry you had to go through that all alone. We would have been glad to help if you had let us. Speaking of which, I’m glad you were able to sell the house. While I can guess you didn’t make any money from the sale since you only lived in it a short time, I’m sure it feels good to get out from under the mortgage payments.

    A smile appeared on her face. You’re right about that. I didn’t make any money, but praise the Lord, I didn’t lose any. And I’m glad I don’t have any more mortgage payments.

    Well, I’m guessing money might be a little tight for you right now, but I don’t want you to worry about it. We’re here to help. And naturally, you can stay here until you decide what you want to do.

    She had to smile when she heard the compassion in his voice. Pops, I’ll be okay. Brian had an insurance policy, and the insurance company has already paid me. Also, because he died in the line of duty, the government is giving me money. Between both, I have enough money to keep me in toilet paper and toothpaste for a while.

    He grinned. Well, I don’t want you to feel rushed into making any decisions. Take your time. As I said, you can stay here as long as you want. In fact, it’ll make me and your mother very happy if you do.

    Things got quiet as each of them became immersed in their own thoughts. Derek took the opportunity to pour himself a cup of coffee. Afterward, he sat down at the island counter and asked, Kat, I don’t want to cause you any more heartache, but I would like to know something. What exactly happened to Brian? How was he killed? I’ve heard bits and pieces but not the whole story.

    She was quiet for so long that he didn’t think she was going to answer. Finally, with her head bowed, she began to speak. "Brian’s unit was dispatched to a bad car crash. When they arrived at the scene, they discovered a car had hit a light pole, and there were live electric wires dangling all around and over the car. They had to wait for the electric company to turn the power off before they could help the people in the car. While they waited for the electricity to be turned off, they could hear a child in the car crying. All the firefighters waited anxiously, worried the child might get electrocuted before the power could be turned off. Finally, they were told the electricity was off, and evidently, the crying child had made Brian anxious to get to him. As soon as the ‘all clear’ was given, he rushed to the car. Unfortunately, there was some type of miscommunication, and not all the electricity had been turned off. Brian stepped on a live, high-voltage wire and was electrocuted. The other firemen who followed after him had to turn around and run back to safety. It took several more minutes before it was verified that all the electricity had indeed been turned off. By the time they got to Brian, he was dead."

    I’m so sorry, Kat. I know you loved him, and based on my talks with him, I know he loved you. Derek paused to take a sip of his coffee. I’m curious: what happened to the child in the car? Did he get out safely?

    She smiled slightly. From what I’m told, the child was a four-year-old boy, and other than some minor scrapes and bruises, he was okay. However, his parents were seriously injured. But the last I heard, they should make a full recovery. The boy was released to his grandmother until his parents could be released from the hospital.

    I’m glad to hear that. If Brian had to die, I’m glad it was to save a life. I always knew he was brave. He’ll always be a hero to me.

    Kat walked over and hugged him. To me, too. Then, she smiled at him through her teary eyes and said, Like you are.

    Suddenly, they heard the back door open and turned to watch as Adam entered the kitchen. Kaitlyn noticed he had grown since she last saw him. He was taller and slimmer, but he had filled out in the chest and shoulders. Of course, he still had light brown hair, like Maggie’s, and he had her big brown eyes. But he looked so young, much too young to be a police officer.

    When Adam saw her, he smiled and walked directly to her. He pulled her into a hug as he said, I want you to know that I’m sorry, Joseph, and I couldn’t protect you from this type of hurt. He held onto her for a few moments more while she cried.

    When she stopped, she wiped her eyes and put on a brave face. She looked at him as she struggled to smile. I know you would have if you could. She paused a moment as she wiped her eyes again. I heard you’re a police officer now. How is that going?

    I love it. It’s better than being stuck in an office all day.

    With a grin on his face, Derek said, Why don’t you tell her about that incident at the old concrete factory you were involved in the other day? We could use a good laugh about now.

    Adam blushed. I’m sure she doesn’t want to hear about that.

    Kaitlyn sensed a story and poked him in the chest. Oh yes, I do. Don’t leave me hanging. What happened?

    Adam looked at the three of them and felt trapped. He gave Derek a dirty look for mentioning the incident. It was apparent to them that he didn’t want to talk about it. I knew I shouldn’t have told you and Mom about that, he said with a frown.

    Come on, Adam, you have to tell me now. What happened? Kaitlyn asked.

    It was obvious from his attitude that it was one story he would rather forget. But he knew they would pester him until he told them. So, he took a breath as he looked at Kaitlyn. Last month, a state trooper chased a stolen car to the old concrete plant at the end of Crabapple Road. Since it was a dead-end road, the driver stopped the car and jumped out. We were given a description of the driver as being a male and that he ran into the nearby woods. Well, the trooper called for assistance, and I was one of several officers that responded. When we arrived at the plant, we were assigned an area in order to form a perimeter. When I arrived at my assigned location, I walked into the woods in search of the suspect. As I searched the woods, I walked up to a ditch that was about four feet wide and three feet deep. It was filled with a gray, silky-looking substance. I later learned it was a slick, wet by-product of concrete. It stays wet all the time and is as slick as ice. While I was standing on the edge of the ditch, the ground under my feet suddenly gave way, and I found myself falling. To keep from falling on my face, I decided to step down into the ditch. But as soon as my feet hit that silky substance, they came out from under me, and I landed flat on my back. That gray stuff was slicker than snot on a doorknob, and since the ditch ran downhill, I slid several feet before I was able to grab a tree root to stop my forward progress. After I stopped sliding, I had to use that root to pull myself out of the ditch. By that time, I was soaked to the skin with that wet slime. It made me think about that time Pops was knocked into the mud by Mother Mabel. Man, I was covered from the top of my head to the bottom of my boots in that gray goo. It got into all my equipment, and when I say all my equipment, I mean all of it. That goo got into my gun, handcuffs, leather belt, and holster, as well as everything that was attached to my gun belt. After I was able to pull myself onto dry ground, I gingerly walked to the road to find my car. Only when I arrived at the road I discovered my car was parked about a half mile away. Luckily for me, my sergeant drove up as I attempted to figure out a way to get to my car since that stuff was chaffing me. But instead of helping, he took one look at me and started laughing. When he finally stopped, he asked me what happened and I told him, which resulted in him going into another fit of laughing. When he finally stopped, I asked him if he would give me a ride to my car, and he started laughing again as he shook his head. He told me there was no way I was riding in his car. But after a couple of minutes, he relented and got an old plastic raincoat out of the trunk of his car. He carefully spread it over the passenger seat and told me to sit on the raincoat and not touch anything in the car, not even the seatbelt. When he took me to my car, he told me to go home and clean up. Also, he was nice enough to give me the rest of the shift off. But before I could get into my police car, I had to use an old tarp I found in my car trunk to cover the driver’s seat. As I drove home, I tried not to touch or lean against anything in the car except what was necessary. When I got home, I had to enter the house through the mudroom and strip every piece of equipment and clothing off before heading for the bathroom to take a shower. At that point, I was especially glad I lived alone. However, in that short time, the slime had caused a rash to appear on my skin. Needless to say, I had to throw the uniform and other clothing away. He stopped a moment to glance at Kaitlyn. I had to shower several times to get all the slime off me. Since it stuck to my body like glue, I had to scrub my body real hard, and now I’m covered with red splotches. Thank the Lord that clothes hide a lot of ugly. He hesitated a moment. Not only did I have to do that, but it took me several hours of hard work to get all my gear clean. I even had to take my gun apart and put it, along with my handcuffs, in the dishwasher to get them clean. Even then, it took several wash cycles before they were finally clean. By the time he finished telling the story, everyone

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