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Winning your battles by faith: Find out how to face your daily battles
Winning your battles by faith: Find out how to face your daily battles
Winning your battles by faith: Find out how to face your daily battles
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Winning your battles by faith: Find out how to face your daily battles

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This book was not written for those with doctorates in biblical studies, theologians, or great preachers, but for ordinary people who sincerely want to remain faithful and hold onto their faith until the end.

To receive the crown of life from the hands of the Lord Jesus by overcoming this battle, we need to remember, at all times, that we fight against enemies that are invisible, cruel, and skilled in deception and lies.
Release dateMar 13, 2024
Winning your battles by faith: Find out how to face your daily battles

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    Winning your battles by faith - Edir Macedo


    The battle to save souls is necessary, since it positions us within the great spiritual battle that everyone wages in this world. In other words, it forces us to choose which side we want, good or evil, and to either enjoy or suffer the outcome of those choices. Whether we are aware of this spiritual reality or not, it determines everything that happens on our physical plane, and our lives are completely affected by this inner conflict.

    This book is not intended for experts in the Holy Scriptures, theologians or great preachers, rather it is for people who sincerely want to remain faithful and keep their faith until the end. But in order to receive the crown of life from the hands of the Lord Jesus after we have won this battle, we first need to be aware that we are facing invisible, cruel enemies who are skilled in deception.

    We have to face the temptation of sin, which so easily entangles us, along with fi ghting our own natures, which do not want us to do the will of God. So, if we ignore the fact that we are in a conflict of daily warfare that requires the Most High’s mighty weapons, we will end up being maimed for eternity.

    The Holy Spirit has led me in these last days to warn everyone about the dangers of falling into apostasy, deception, and corruption of the flesh. I never get tired of sounding the alarm about how important it is to shield our faith to keep us in the Kingdom of God. After all, every day we hear the sad news of how someone who began their Christian journey with goodwill and good intentions grew cold and abandoned the principles and values of the faith they once embraced because they were not spiritually vigilant.

    We were all born into a world already at war. I say this because, before Adam and Eve were created, God already had an archenemy who opposed His plans. So, we cannot disregard this fact and treat our spiritual lives in a cold, superficial, and indifferent way. Just as wars in this world have a beginning and an end, the war between light and darkness, good and evil, has its time to end as well. We do not know when that will be, so we need to be vigilant. The war ends for us when we die, or when Satan is cast into the lake of fire and brimstone for eternity — and if our death comes first, God will give us our verdict immediately: either as winners or losers in this great conflict.

    Throughout life, we fight many battles that seem to be financial, sentimental, or family-related but are in fact spiritual. At times, we may think that we are fighting against people or external, earthly situations, but we are actually fighting for the salvation of our soul.

    And to attain the Kingdom of Heaven, three great battles need to be fought. First and foremost is the struggle between our flesh and our spirit. The second is the struggle against the spiritual forces of evil, meaning the devil and the fallen angels. And the third is the struggle against the world, with its anti-God standards, which will always afflict the righteous. These are the main fronts of the spiritual warfare in which Christians have been inserted.

    Lack of discernment and understanding causes many Christians — who all have been called to overcome — to succumb to defeat by the empire of darkness. Why? I think people are being impelled to spend far too much on their bodies with endless aesthetic treatments, especially to stay young. What’s wrong with that? you may ask. In principle, it seems like a legitimate concern, except that by investing time, money, and energy into caring for your body, you end up neglecting your soul. Others put a lot of effort into material possessions, raising families, and so many other valid desires, but do not use the same effort to save their souls. This is neither rational nor intelligent.

    In this generation of evangelicals, very few truly value what is eternal. The human body has an expiration date, and even if people invest lots of money in it, the day will come when they will have to face death and the grave. Possessions, marriage, education, and a good reputation will be good for nothing. What about their soul?

    With this in mind, I have written this book to open your eyes. After all, the battle for our salvation is a daily battle. Whoever wants to enjoy the world and take a break from their faith will lose this battle for lack of vigilance.

    The devil makes no joke about taking lives or deceiving the righteous. He began in Eden, so he is cunning and very skilled. Take note that, even before you were born, the devil has been working tirelessly to destroy the children of God. Satan does not rest or sleep but does his utmost to cause Christians to doze off in their faith so he can ensnare them.

    In this book, I expose Satan’s disguises and tricks, as well as his greatest weapon — lies. I do this because there’s no way to fight an unknown enemy. In battle, we need to know who we are fighting against, how they act, what ideas they have, and their concepts. In the war for the salvation of our souls, we are fighting for our eternal destination.

    If you want to be saved and to overcome every obstacle in your way, meditate on this book, which will show you how you can finish your course. Then, you will be able to joyfully say what the apostle Paul said:

    I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, and I have kept the faith. From now on a crown of righteousness is laid up for me, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give me on that Day, and not only to me but also to all who have loved His appearing.

    2 Timothy 4:7,8

    The grand prize will not just be given to Paul, Peter, and other characters of the Bible, but to all who remain in the faith until their last breath.

    Welcome to the battle!

    Chapter 1

    The battle in Heaven

    "I will be like God! I will raise my throne above the throne of the Most High. Everyone will worship me, they will see my power, my intelligence and beauty," shouted Lucifer.

    No one is and no one will ever be like God! answered Michael, whose name means, Who is like God?.

    To silence the insolent mouth of the one who had risen up as archenemy of the Most High, Michael replied:

    We have come to execute the Lord’s judgement. There’s no more place for you and your accomplices in this Kingdom. God had given you everything! You were the greatest of all angels, the most splendid creature, endowed with the greatest heavenly blessings. No other being ever received as much light and trust from the Most High as you; you had been chosen to take charge of God’s army. But the Almighty saw iniquity being spawned in your heart. You secretly nurtured it, coveting the power and honour that belong only to Him. You could have desired His character, His righteousness, His love, but you did not. You chose to foster anger, envy, and evil within. The Lord heard your thoughts of rebellion against Him. He saw your seething wickedness that overflowed onto all those around you. Your scheming and plotting among the angels were your second betrayal of the Most High. Those who once stood before God, seeing Him in all His glory and majesty in the heavenly places, have now become corrupted just like you. Look! A third of the Lord’s great army has turned to darkness.

    Lucifer interrupted Michael with shouts of hatred and profane blasphemies. Words never heard in Heaven that sprang from the hell that the guardian cherub was already carrying within himself, vehemently blurted out against the Lord.

    In my kingdom, I will be lord! I will obey and bow to no one! Listen, everyone, never will I bow to anyone!

    Lucifer turned to God’s loyal angels and mockingly said:

    Are you still going to submit to this tedious discipline and order where all you do is obey, serve, and worship? We can be like God! We can be served and worshipped as well. If you come to my side, you will not have rules to submit to; instead, you will receive acclaim, flattery, and praises that will fill your ego with joy. Best of all, you will be free to do whatever you want, whenever you want. It is impossible here since God is a tyrant, and His Kingdom is oppressive. Why do we have to do only His will? I promise you will not miss this place at all! You are all slaves here, but if you come with me, you will be free!

    The evil angels shouted in loud agreement with the one whom they had elected as their god. Both Lucifer and Michael had been angels of the highest rank in Heaven, but now their sides were welldefined, as well as all the other angels who had chosen their sides. At this pivotal event, it was impossible to remain neutral: either choose God and His Kingdom or choose Lucifer and his promises that subtlety, craftily and skilfully lured the majority of the heavenly beings to his side.

    So, myriads of angels — who had, up to that moment, lived in perfect communion, harmony, and unity since they had been created — lost all connection with the Kingdom of Heaven; they now belonged to incompatible worlds. Eternal separation was necessary.

    This was how the anointed guardian cherub went from being God’s ally to becoming His greatest adversary. Words like accuser, father of lies, slanderer, and ruler of demons not only define him but describe his character and behaviour as well.

    Two armies at war

    The two armies, good and evil, went into battle against each other. The battle of Michael and the angels of God against the devil and his fallen angels was the first battle in history.

    The faithfulness and thirst for justice of the angels of the Most High, along with their fiery swords, were powerful spiritual weapons to push darkness out of the Kingdom of Light.

    Never again would anyone mock God in Heaven. Never again would peace, joy, respect, or the fear of the Lord be interrupted in Heaven. Never again would there be unfaithfulness, discord, strife, envy, slander, or jealousy in Heaven, but the fear of God would reign forever.

    Despite his resistance, Satan was banished from Heaven and deprived of God’s favour. This separation was final and decisive — he had no right to reconciliation or a future return. God determined that the devil would never return to His dwelling or prevail against those who walk in righteousness.

    Satan and demons (fallen angels) were then cast to the Earth, and their evil deeds were transferred into this small planet.

    This explains Satan’s fury and desire for vengeance, which he holds to this present day and will hold until the end. He knows that his condemnation in the lake of fire is an irreversible decision.

    The Lord Jesus remembered this event when His seventy disciples excitedly returned from a mission. He said:

    I saw Satan as lightning fall from heaven.

    Luke 10:18

    The reason for the disciples’ great joy was the manifestation of power in the Name of Jesus. When they went out to preach the Word of salvation in their neighbouring villages, they were given authority to heal the sick and cast out demons. The experience of seeing evil submit to their command and instantly leave people’s lives was amazing to those ordinary men, but it was nothing new to the Son of God. After all, He had already seen the same thing happen before. Satan’s fall from Heaven was sudden, like a bolt of lightning that shot out of the clouds and onto the Earth.

    This shows that the devil cannot prevail against the command of God and His children. Whenever we cast him out of our lives or the lives of others, he relives what happened to him in Heaven.

    The combat that began in Heaven continues on Earth

    The devil’s enmity with God is a longstanding one, and it is impossible to determine when the events we described happened.

    Satan wanted the most prominent position on the highest throne, but his rebellion gave him the most disreputable of titles and the deepest abyss as his final destination. This is important to know because the devil’s fall and expulsion from Heaven show us how the Lord deals with the sin of rebellion and pride.

    How are you fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How you are cut down to the ground, you who weaken the nations! For you have said in your heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God; I will sit also on the mount of the congregation, in the recesses of the north; I will ascend above the heights of the clouds, I will be like the Most High. Yet you shall be brought down to Hell, to the sides of the pit.

    Isaiah 14:12-15

    You were the anointed cherub that covers, and I set you there; you were upon the holy mountain of God; you walked up and down in the midst of the stones of fire. You were perfect in your ways from the day that you were created, until iniquity was found in you. By the multitude of your merchandise, you were filled with violence in your midst, and you sinned; therefore I have cast you as profane out of the mountain of God; and I have destroyed you, O covering cherub, from the midst of the stones of fire. Your heart was lifted up because of your beauty; you have corrupted your wisdom by reason of your brightness; I cast you to the ground, I lay you before kings, that they may see you. You have defiled your sanctuaries by the multitude of your iniquities, by the iniquity of your trade; therefore I have brought fire out from your midst; it has devoured you, and I have turned you to ashes upon the earth in the sight of all those who see you.

    Ezekiel 28:14-18

    Then war broke out in heaven. Michael and his angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon and his angels fought, but they did not prevail, nor was there a place for them in heaven any longer. The great dragon was cast out, that ancient serpent called the Devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world. He was cast down to the earth, and his angels were cast down with him.

    Revelation 12:7-9

    Now, as for the devil’s area of activity, there’s no doubt that it is on Earth, precisely because war is still being waged here.

    Satan is the source of all evil that we see in the world. Although people can see so much destruction, many doubt his existence and cunning deeds. When people ignore this reality, they become potential victims of his traps.

    Many are unaware that the devil has been on Earth from the beginning, as it is written in the Book of Genesis:

    In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was formless and void, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was moving over the surface of the water.

    Genesis 1:1,2

    This passage shows God as the Author of all things. The world did not just spontaneously appear out of nothing but was created by the Creator, who is the source of all goodness, perfection, righteousness, excellence, fullness, and love. His first acts of creation were the Heavens and the Earth. They were made with such singular precision, as His perfect nature can form nothing imperfect.

    Why then, does there seem to be a disturbance in God’s perfection between verses 1 and 2? Notice that, in the second verse, the Heavens are still perfect, but the Earth is desolate, empty, and without form, as if it had undergone a great catastrophe. Darkness, which is seen over the face of the deep, implies that there were disorder and chaos on the Earth, which typifies Satan.

    These doings of the devil demanded a proclamation from the Most High that brought forth the world as we know it today:

    God said, Let there be light, and there was light.

    Genesis 1:3

    Nothing can be conceived by God or for God in darkness, which is why He first dispelled the darkness. This light was not just about being able to see, as this was the first day of Creation, and light-emitting planets and stars were only created on the fourth day. So, this light can be understood as not only a source of heat and energy, through which all plant, animal and human life could develop, but spiritually as well, bringing an understanding of all He would do for His future creation (humankind).

    It is worth mentioning that one of the characteristics of light is to reveal all things so that nothing is hidden, so we can walk and move safely. On the other hand, darkness is oppressive, causing fear, hiding dangers and distorting reality. That is why the Lord dispelled it at the very beginning of Creation.

    All of this was being done under Satan’s watchful eye, lurking and observing every new movement taking place on Earth.

    He saw when God spoke millions of new things into existence, but a unique creation caught his eye: Adam, the first human being created in God’s image and likeness.

    Now the Word of the Most High was no longer the only Agent of Creation; the Lord Himself took the dust of the earth and began to work with His own hands.

    The Lord modelled the clay according to His image and likeness. He made Himself the model for the creation of a new being. Adam would mirror His Creator. He would be fully endowed with the moral ability to share godly attributes, such as righteousness, kindness, love, faithfulness, among many others. He would be able to think, create, and make choices and decisions. He would be able to interact and have a relationship with God and with his neighbours. Finally, the devil was astonished when he saw God breathe into that little creature’s nostrils, causing it to become a body with soul and spirit, an exquisite composition never seen before.

    Satan remembered the day he was created as an angel of light and that he used to be the most beautiful and radiant creation of the Most High. So, he was appalled to see a new creature being made that would surpass him and be the recipient of unparalleled love and dedication.

    While Satan meticulously observed Adam, he noticed that, aside from being intelligent and perfect, he had received authority to rule over all the Earth. He was also given a companion, and they would both populate the Earth, which had once been a place of darkness.

    Another thing that caught the former cherub’s attention was the fact that God enjoyed having a relationship with Adam and Eve so much that, every afternoon, He would come down to talk to them and help them develop their talents.

    As a result, the devil’s evil attitudes against God began to grow greatly, and that attitude motivated him to try to hurt Him however he could. When he saw that the Most High loved humankind so much, he decided that they were now his main target; if he could hurt them, he could hurt the Creator.

    I will attack them in the same place that made me fall, Satan told one of his highest subordinates.

    What do you mean? asked the fallen angel.

    Just like us, Adam and Eve were created with free will. They are free to either obey or disobey God.

    They are surrounded by the power and goodness of the Creator. It will not be easy to make them turn against the One who gives them absolutely everything.

    "Even though

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