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New Normal Wishes
New Normal Wishes
New Normal Wishes
Ebook120 pages1 hour

New Normal Wishes

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About this ebook

In this memoir, Max Barnett shares his battle against Stage III C Cancer with humor and authenticity. His series of wishes for a "new normal" amidst cancer set the stage for this book, which is written in a sequence of shorts about Max, the people he knows, and his perspective of things in general.
Release dateMar 13, 2024
New Normal Wishes

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    New Normal Wishes - Max J. Barnett Jr.


    Copyright © 2023 Max J. Barnett Jr.

    New Normal Wishes

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    Print ISBN: 979-8-35093-629-2

    eBook ISBN: 979-8-35093-630-8

    Printed in the United States of America










    Plane Crash





















    Picture this - you are running in a cross-country meet and just rounded the last corner, your lane is lined with running flags all the way to the finish, people are cheering loudly for you as you complete your race, so you put the hammer down and just smash through the finish line with a huge smile on your face. I had never experienced cross-country until this year, as my 7th grader Norah participated for O’Gorman Jr. High in the sport. She tells me, It’s exhilarating dad! I love it.

    Dad loves it too, in more ways than one. You see, with my situation, the stuff I’m going to share with you is kind of like me running towards the finish line. Now please know that I’m going to battle for everything its worth all the way and I pray that my finish line equates to another entire race, but I am realistic with my condition and the statistics (with Stage III C Cancer).

    Keep Running!

    The previous came from an email I sent out, some time back, to my immediate and extended family. It sort of sets the stage for my writing. And since you are still reading, my first wish has effectively been granted (that at least one person reads my book), so THANK YOU!

    I’ve come to think that the two worst parts of a book are the first and last page (because you don’t know if you’re going to like it yet on the first page, and the last page because you decided you did like it, and now it is over). I decided that there is no first page, or last page, or chapters to this book… just a sequence of shorts about myself, the people I know, and my perspective of things in general.


    I’m going to start this by recycling a letter I wrote to family and friends near the starting line of my New Normal Wish.

    Hey Gang:

    First thing, I’m doing great! Chemo side effects suck for sure but I’m managing just fine and should finish up treatment in February. Honestly, I wouldn’t have made the life changes that I’ve made in the past 6 months without the gift of cancer. I’m going to whip it, and I wanted to just say thank you…for the prayers, compassion, notes, checking in calls, texts, and emails. I am blessed to have friends and family like you.

    Second, the fact is that when a guy like me is facing the music of this might be the real it, end of road scenario, you get to thinking. What I came up with is a program with manageable goals and motivation that has really lifted my spirits and provided a much more tolerable Max to friends and family. I’m doing daily one-hour walks with my Beats headphones and taking better care of myself physically, and I don’t miss any of my girls’ activities and am giving a ton of rides and truly listening to them, and I’m on pace to complete April’s someday wish list house renovation in about a month (you should swing by sometime and check it out). I’ve changed. I’m happy and optimistic.

    Third, I want to tell you about something I’ve got to cook. It is definitely in line with the right order of priority (God, family, friends, work, leisure). This one is leisure. I partnered with my father and brought the old Barnett Properties, LLC out from the closet. I always wanted to do a project or business with my father, so kind of a no regrets deal. We are in the process of developing a Man-Cave Destination Storage facility near Tea off highway 106. This one is really cool and fun. My vision for what this place will look like is all over the plans, and in general will be a very exclusive/elite, invitation only club. More to come on it as things progress (I’m attaching current project information to this email), and I’ll keep you all posted. In the meantime, please feel free to send referrals as I need to post some signed up units for appraisal purposes…and I will make myself available to buy a couple beers and share the vision just about any time, to anyone (although I prefer very early mornings as insomnia has become my new normal).

    Fourth, I’m guessing most of you recall I spent about a decade working in public accounting. That experience proved to be an excellent springboard for the next 15 years I’ve spent with my current employer where I remain CEO, in a job that I really love. But I always had what if thoughts about how things would have turned out different if I had stayed practicing. So, I’m kind of just doing it in partnering with my good friend Jim Walsh in his accounting firm practice for a side venture. My commitment is high but the number hours I would be able to commit are very limited, as I intend to keep my first job of being a husband and parent and my second job in the CEO post as priorities. This would be my fun/third job. Attached is our Firm flier packet. If you know of anybody looking for this type of service, feel free to send them my way. I figure I’m only going to take on 10-20 relationships, and they’ve got to be the right fit, but I guarantee clients will love my approach and service.

    I wanted to say thanks again for your prayers and thoughts. 2023 certainly proved to be challenging for myself and Norah medically, and I really should throw April and Hannah in here too as they’ve absolutely been Rockstars in taking care of the sick kids. But I wouldn’t trade the year for anything.

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