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My Soul to Keep
My Soul to Keep
My Soul to Keep
Ebook130 pages1 hour

My Soul to Keep

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The citizens of Coventry lived in perpetual bliss. Under the town’s blue metal sky, all their needs were seen to by the Attendants, under the leadership of Magistrar Isaiah. Like all the citizens, Helena Troy knew they had been raised from the dust by great Ashk’rhaya, and continue to be watched over by their creator. With thoughts only of her art, Helena looked forward to savoring the joy of being alive...until bad dreams lead Helena to the truth about Coventry, the citizens, and the destiny that awaits them. With the help of Isaiah, can Helena save them all from the fate that is coming for it had before...

Release dateMar 12, 2024
My Soul to Keep

Michael P. Dunn

I was born in New York, and currently lives in Florida with my cat, Brynna. I discovered science fiction at an early age, growing up on Lost In Space, Captain Scarlet and The Thunderbirds. I've always had an active imagination, and started writing the day after he saw Star Wars. I divide my time between working full time and writing. Writing is probably the only thing that keeps me sane.

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    My Soul to Keep - Michael P. Dunn

    My Soul to Keep

    By Michael P. Dunn

    Published by Michael P. Dunn at Smashwords

    Copyright 2023 Michael P. Dunn


    Mom & Dad,

    Linda & Joe

    And Also For

    April, Billy, Brandon, Chris, Cody, Elizabeth, Hayla, Helen, Kelly, Kenny, Kevin, Kevin, Lauren, Linda, Rachel, Richard, Robyn, Sally, Simone, Steve, Vincent

    Thank you.

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be resold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

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    Then to this earthen Bowl did I adjourn

    My Lip the secret Well of Life to learn:

    And Lip to Lip it murmur’d – "While you live,

    Drink! – for once dead you never shall return."

    The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam of Naishápúr


    It’s been said that beginnings and endings are delicate times. A misstep could destroy years of patient work. Caution is well advised. What are you to do when the beginning and the ending are the same point in time?

    It has also been said that those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it. It’s a warning to not forget lessons learned over time, or else risk repeating them. How can you do that if you don’t have a past?

    Except that’s not true. We had a past. We just didn’t remember it.

    That was the position we found ourselves in, five years ago. Unaware of the circumstances that brought us about, we lived in blissful ignorance. We had no memory of the past or thought of the future. We existed only for the moment, knowing only the joy of being alive.

    How different would our lives have been if we had known the truth?

    The Tralamafan would say truth, like everything, is irrelevant. All that matters is the search for knowledge. That was why they…

    I’m getting ahead of myself.

    There are things you need to know, so you can understand.

    I have a story to tell you.

    …beginning of the end…


    I know it hurts, Helena. Just remember, this is the way of things.

    Isaiah’s voice was calm and quiet. Like the soft carpeting, comfortable furniture and muted colors of the large room, his words were meant to soothe her. Even the softly colored sash, worn over his white shirt and pants, was meant to ease her mind.

    It wasn’t working.

    Helena Troy glanced at Isaiah, sitting next to her in one of the Sleep Center’s Chamber of Eternal Rest. She hardly noticed the look of sympathy on the Magistrar’s round face. She was too focused on the sadness that clouded her mind.

    It had been an hour since she had accompanied Joseph Damon to the Sleep Center. An hour since he had settled into the sarcophagus, and spoke his love for her for the last time.

    An hour since he had been put to sleep.

    She tried to accept that she would never again hear his voice, or feel his gentle touch. Knowing that this was the way of things, and that in five years she would be in the same position, did nothing to ease her mind.

    Helena tugged at her waist-length brown hair, closed her eyes, and said, I know this is the way of things, Isaiah. On the turn of the fortieth year comes eternal sleep. One sleeps, one awakens. Coventry remains in balance. It’s thoroughly logical, but it doesn’t address those left behind.

    Isaiah nodded, and put a reassuring hand on her shoulder. That’s true. You and Joseph were regular, yes?

    For the last three years.

    That’s why this weighs so heavily on you. Remember, Ashk’rhaya puts no burden on us that we can’t bear.

    Helena’s memory stirred. She saw herself and Joseph walking along the shore of the Lake. She saw his smiling face as they lay to share passion. She sighed as she felt his hands glide down her back.

    The memory faded, leaving only sadness.

    Helena looked around the Chamber. Attendants milled around the altar and sarcophagus, making sure it was ready for the next citizen. She asked, Is there anything else to be done, Isaiah?

    No, Helena. If there’s anything you want to keep from Joseph’s residence, make sure you get it before you rest. Attendants will be by overnight to collect his belongings.

    I will, Isaiah. Thank you.

    Helena sighed, and tugged at the hem of her short dress. She considered the bright floral pattern of the fabric and smiled. Joseph always liked this dress, she thought, almost as much as he liked taking it off me.

    The Chamber faded into darkness, and silence closed in on her. She felt like she was floating, like a balloon carried by a breeze. There were voices in the distance, but she couldn’t make out what was being said.

    Are you alright?

    Helena blinked. Isaiah was leaning close to her, a look of concern on his face. She looked around the Chamber and blinked again.

    Isaiah? What…

    He smiled. It looked like you were resting. You didn’t answer when I spoke to you.

    She massaged her eyes. I don’t think that’s happened before.

    It could be a matter of circumstance. When was the last time you came to the Sleep Center?

    It was a few years ago.

    I’m sure you weren’t as close to that citizen as you were to Joseph.

    I don’t think I’ve been as close to anyone as I was to Joseph.

    Sadness must have overcome you. I’d suggest spending some time in the Chapel.

    She nodded. Yes, of course. I’ll go through Joseph’s belongings tonight. I’ll ask Isaac to help me.

    Her cell phone rang. Helena excused herself, and slipped the phone from the pocket at her waist. She checked the screen, smiled at the name that appeared, and picked up.

    I was just thinking of you, Isaac.

    He laughed. That’s good to hear. Is it finished?

    It is. Joseph has been put to sleep. Can you help me get some things from his residence?

    Of course. We’ll take care of it after dinner. Are you going to be much longer?

    No. Meet me at the Restaurant.

    See you there.

    Helena hung up, and returned the phone to her pocket. Thank you, Isaiah. Until later.

    Isaiah smiled. "Until later, Helena. And remember, yueo goshk’hya arh Ashk’rhaya."

    Helena bowed her head. Ashk’rhaya enoyh sra. She stood, and left the Chamber.

    In the plaza outside the Sleep Center, Helena stopped, and looked around. The sight of the manicured lawn, sculpted bushes, and tall trees that surrounded the sweeping lines of the building brought a smile to her face. She looked to the east, passed Isaiah’s office, toward the Nursery and Education Center. She watched citizens walk in and out of both buildings, and her smile grew.

    One sleeps, one awakens, she whispered. Thoroughly logical.

    Helena started walking toward the Restaurant. The feel of the grass against her bare feet eased

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