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"Mabel Sawyer is a twenty five year old who knows nothing of the vampire realm or the supernatural. She lives in Pumpkin Patch, Georgia- a bustling, lively, southern city. She's a vampire fairy with a splash of elf. It's not until two familiar faces- brothers; Teo and Alex Darling show up that things start unraveling. She's not thrilled about th

Release dateOct 26, 2022

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    Book preview

    Wonderstruck - Madaline Clifton


    Madaline Clifton

    Ukiyoto Publishing

    All global publishing rights are held by

    Ukiyoto Publishing

    Published in 2022

    Content Copyright © Madaline Clifton


    All rights reserved.

    No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted, or stored in a retrieval system, in any form by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publisher.

    The moral rights of the author have been asserted.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

    This book is sold subject to the condition that it shall not by way of trade or otherwise, be lent, resold, hired out or otherwise circulated, without the publisher’s prior consent, in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published.

    To all those who help with and during the creative process. Y'all are a gem! Also to, my siblings, love ya; forevermore.


    Fool’s Gold

    Crazy Kids



    Ready or Not

    Open Door


    Deep Chatter


    Déjà vu







    Tied Together






    What The Hell?

    Castle of Glass


    Silver Tides

    Godly Lounge




    Cheshire Cat

    Bites the Dust




    Make Believe

    Every Breath

    Doom and Gloom



    No Control


    Fool’s Gold


    he city of Pumpkin Patch, Georgia was bustling like any other day. The clear rays of gold with sky blue eyes were overhead. The conflicting colors of the rainbow mingled with the humid atmosphere proved a normal day. It was a city for the tourists, college students, and anyone looking for a place to start. It was awe-inspiring, welcoming, honest– home to the creatives of the universe.

        At least to the creatives of the universe in the southern part of Georgia. A place where the laws weren't so harsh or demeaning.

        A sigh fell from between my dark pink, full lips. My cornflower green eyes held longing– a desire to live a life of fulfillment. I was a petite, slim, twenty five year old working a seemingly dead end job. My hair consisted of short, dark hickory brown curls– so short, my curls framed my face. My skin was made of a coppery olive complexion with moles scattered about.

        I didn't like to think about it. I had been working as a waitress for a good year, thinking my life was going in the right direction. Today was one of those boring days. I release another breath, showcasing my annoyance. My workplace was located downtown– a bit away from where I lived with my family.

        Fool's Gold Cafe was an ironic name for a small, quaint joint on Clover Boulevard. The walls were dark red with sleek, marble and gold flooring. It had small, rounded tables reminding me of a different era. Fool's Gold Cafe was ironic for its name, solely because most lover's would flee the cafe– breaking up in my workspace.

        A space I thought was safe. I had never felt more cursed until the pattern of broken sweethearts became all too much. I was on the brink of quitting– fully aware I would have to stop working in the near future. I shake my head, furrowing my dark eyebrows. I let my green eyes slide to my lavender, snug fitting tank top with regular– light blue jeans.

        I wore my burgundy, zip up boots as I leaned on the countertop– awaiting customers. I knew Pumpkin Patch, Georgia to be a rowdy, fun place. It felt like magic– felt like home. It was no North Carolina or Florida. It was somewhere in between; a fact I rather did enjoy.

        The shuffling of feet, the opening of the door to the Cafe caught my attention. I got briefly excited, until my eyes met ones I usually came to expect. A frown flickered across my olive features, You aren't who I'm waiting on.

        Wow. I'm hurt, miss Mabel Sawyer. The soft, sweet, deep voice of my boyfriend mocked. He was the type of guy I never saw myself with. He was taller than my five foot two, short ass.

        He was about five foot nine with swirls of green and blue eyes. They were emerald. He had broad shoulders with a sun-kissed tan. His hair was short, coffee brown consisting of curls. He was a year younger than me; the same age as my brother.

        I try not to smirk. I hadn't meant I was unhappy to see the man. I gesture to the dead place, As you can tell, I was expecting this place to be packed, Zephyr Sinclair.

        This place won't be packed today. Zephyr lightly mused, having approached the counter. He leaned over it, nearly pressing his nose to mine.

        I couldn't resist the jump, somewhat recoiling from the notion. I really did like Zephyr– I was still put off by the slight age difference. Should it matter? Not if you love somebody, but did I love him? I raise an eyebrow at him, Why do you say that?

        Rock & Sandler University. Zephyr gently informed me. He jabbed a thumb over his shoulder, pointing out the window of the cafe. He didn't seem bothered by my recoiling from him. He never did which made the warmth in my heart grow for him.

        I scoffed, Yeah, what about it?

        Everyone had lined up to listen to the crazy kids. The ones who claim a vampire is on campus. It's fucking insane, babe. Zephyr said, allowing the pet name to roll off the tip of his tongue.

        I can't hide the blush causing him to wiggle his eyebrows at me. I remember my work. I try not to get overly caught up in the moment. I bite the inside of my cheek in the process, I don't like that name.

        Sweetheart? Lover? Stop me when you're comfortable, Mabel. Zephyr playfully listed off some names I didn't enjoy. He as well as his family originated from someplace in California. He never did say exactly where.

        I shudder at Zephyr, How about just use my name?

        Zephyr sighed, nodding his head. He may have the image that screams, 'bad boy,' but he was genuine and sweet. Image didn't mean shit. He sticks his hands in the pockets of his leather jacket, You off early?

        No, why? Do you fancy going to knock some sense into the crazy kids? I ask, lightly laughing in the process.

        I can't say no. Zephyr said, leaning on the counter to give me a kiss. His lips were soft pink, juicy, sweet. His lips almost touched mine, but I groaned.

        I have to get back to work, Zeph. I say, stepping away from the counter. I see his lips collide with the counter top, causing guilt to ride me.

        Mabel, I'm calling you, Maybe. Zephyr whined, false sobbing before smirking as he lifted his emerald eyes to lock with mine. He was about to get another word out when my eyes found something else.

        Fuck. I state, catching sight of a tan spider close to his face. I lightly nudged the boy, S-s-spider.

        Zephyr follows my gaze. His reaction is priceless. His eyes grow wide as a shriek escapes his lips. He's quick to move his ass, tripping over tables in the process, Kill it!

          I got over my initial shock, about to slam my hand down on the damn thing. I then proceed to realize I didn't want the guts and blood of a dead creature on me. I tense up, soon eyeing the odd appearance of a bug never before seen in the store. I make the mental note of the big ass spider which happens to be that of a wolf spider. I shake my head, Why can't you–?

          Mabel! Zephyr screeched, having gotten over the shock. He came forth, about to take charge when the spider crawled off. He looked to the place on the counter as sheer terror grew to overtake him.

        What is wrong with you, Zep? I don't like bugs any more than you do. I gingerly inform my boyfriend of about three years.

        Mabel, I know. I'm sorry. Zephyr says, trying to cool off. He still seems more panicked than me. He wipes the sweat of his palms on his gray jeans, You're the expert at killing spiders, right?

        Small spiders, but big ass ones like that wolf spider– no. I say, knowing I'd rather kill a tiny spider than a roach any day of the week. I try to keep the unwelcome thoughts from my brain, Weren't you headed to Rock and Sandler University?

        Yeah. I'll see you tonight. Zephyr said in a shaky tone. He scrambled for the exit, not waiting to be attacked. His words stumped me.

        I wrack my brain for what I must have forgotten. Why were we meeting tonight? I then begin to slowly recall why. I had agreed to go with Zephyr to the new 'underground' club opening. I didn't really want to go, but Mitzy and Elijah had agreed to tag along.

        I never would have gone alone with Zephyr. I still wasn't sure how I felt about him. My emotions were about as mixed as my feelings on the subject. I was about to say something more to my boyfriend, but he was already out the door. I couldn't help, but to wonder what the night would bring.

        I didn't see my boss, manager or even coworkers. I kept waiting for Liz to appear. I had known her for as long as I could remember causing us to become the best of friends. The only fucked up thing is– I knew somewhere in my gut that she couldn't be trusted. It was more or less a hunch with no proof to back it.

        I eye the door beginning to wonder if the others had gotten involved in the crazy kids. The Crazy Kids were a group of social outcasts, deemed as crazy for what they did or didn't believe. It was societies fucked up way of keeping what was different and unique– from being okay with those who didn't mind. I know, because I myself was a self proclaimed loner. People were way too much work to get involved with and maintain faux friendships.

        So, I understand, all too well where the crazy kids of our Georgian– southern society were coming from. Why name a school– a university, no less– after two comedians who were outcasts like the crazy kids? It didn't make much sense to me. Of course, some things just didn't stick in my mind.

    Crazy Kids


    was grateful when my boss briefly came by. I was let off work early, being told Fool's Gold Cafe would be closed for the rest of the day. I never got to ask Sharon– the owner of the cafe as to why. I kind of figured since the talk of the southern city revolved around the crazy kids and their 'vampire sightings.' I didn't even get a chance to thank her.

        I took off the apron, placing it where it belonged. I snatched up the keys to lock up. I didn't like locking up, solely for how forgetful I could be. I didn't fancy the idea of losing the keys then not being able to find them. It was my luck.

        I had been told several times by Sharon how she trusted me. I grab my magenta pink cardigan, slipping it on. I got cold way too easily. A light breeze even on the hottest of days was all it took to cause me goosebumps. I exit the cafe surrounded by restaurants, stores, etc. on Clover Boulevard.

        I do the necessary task of locking up. I turn about face to see the courtyard across from the cafe. I always wonder about everything. I have too much curiosity to keep count. I breathe in the sweet smell of baked goods, perfume, and even the wilting flowers.

        I rolled my green eyes at the unwelcome reminder of Summer in the air. I'd love to say I didn't mind it, but I rather enjoyed the cold days to the hot days. I found the winter months more intimate, close knit, and jolly. I couldn't say the same for the summer months, shaking my head as I jiggled the doorknob to double check it being locked. I smile as I wonder how I'm getting home.

        I could take the bus. I could even walk– the walk would be rather painful to my feet. I debated my options, knowing I wouldn't ask Zephyr. I was fairly certain I loved my boyfriend, but I tried not to ask him for anything. I wasn't the type who enjoyed asking people for things.

        I walk to the end of Clover Boulevard, stopping to press the walk sign near the traffic light. Funnily enough, there wasn't too much traffic. I mutter silently to myself– waiting to cross the road. I wasn't about to be the fool taking chances. Knowing my luck, I would cross the road– only for a vehicle to come zooming my way.

        I was envisioning the day I became a bloody pancake. The wildest dream of someone so 'insane.' I scoffed at my morbid humor, shaking my head of short dark hickory curls. I'm finally able to cross the road, idling walking down the sidewalk. I eye the grand hotel on my right– three stories high, making my eyes widen.

        The hotel is lavish, expensive, beige and causes my curiosity to peek. It was right in front of the bus station. Silver Tides. A funny name for a hotel.

        I shake my head, forcing myself to tear my gaze away from the hotel– towering over the tiny ants in human form; passing it by. I have my hands placed on my hips, having stopped to ogle the century old building. I scowl as this feeling of being watched gets on my nerves. Who the fuck would be watching me? I wasn't interested nor was my big sister and little brother.

        I try not to panic. I place my hands down by my side, continuing to walk at a slower pace than usual. I come to another traffic light next to a convenient store– more or less; a gas station. I can't shake the feeling of being watched since it had grown. I press my dark pink lips together, debating on casting my eyes about.

        I can't say it was the first time I was being watched or stalked for that matter. I do the one thing I swore I wasn't going to do only to realize where I was at. I glance to my left– seeing the red brick building of Rock and Sandler University. I knew the college had several brick buildings all throughout– not understanding why college students thought they were better than everyone else. I see a crowd of people really gaining my interest.

        I forget the direction of heading home. I inch closer, hearing the shouting of men and women. I frowned, unsure of what all the commotion truly was about. Vampires in Georgia? I didn't think so– I refused to believe as much.

        I wouldn't believe it until I saw the evidence. The proof. I scan the crowd of students, not finding my stalker. I then wondered if the person watching me wasn't in the crowd. I caught sight of my boyfriend who seemed to be listening to what some students in the middle were saying.

        There was a crowd gathered around who I assumed were the crazy kids. I decided I'm gonna walk over to see what nonsense was going on. I should have stayed on the other side, grateful my boyfriend didn't notice me right off the bat. I would see him later in the night as the voices from the front were loud, startling me. I could hear the insanity coming from a male voice whose voice wasn't deep, but not high pitched.

        I furrowed my eyebrows at the crazy kids. I note that they are a group of three. As I drink in the scene from the back– I realize something. I know the boy in the front; we were the same age, but I was like seven months older. I feel heat rise to my cheeks.

        I hadn't seen the boy or his brother in years– thankful they had moved back to their home of the place they were born. I continue to look on with red cheeks. I wasn't about to get close to the front after it clicked on me who was leading the crazy kids. I knew why the two women in front would follow someone like Alex Darling. I silently chuck at long forgotten, shoved under the surface memories.

        He was tall, lanky, scrawny with olive features– a mole above his lip on the left side. His eyes were dark to match the short, dark curls congregated on his head. He seemed to wear glasses, looking like the average nerd, but he nor his brother could fit into that category. He was in a dark red, long sleeve knit sweater with regular blue jeans and brown boots. He was all too familiar to me.

        Alex Darling wasn't an ex. He was someone I used to know as a kid, so was his older brother.

        I harshly gulped, finally listening to what was being said.

        Vampires exist. They leech off us. See! There was panic in his tone as he pulled down the collar of his knit sweater. He had two, red marks where a 'vampire' would go for the jugular.

        Show us. Zephyr coldly remarked, glaring at Alex as if he was the devil.

        I make sure neither my boyfriend or childhood friend can see me. I really need to take my ass home, forget I ever bore witness to the crazy kid movement.

        I can't. It goes against their code. They'll kill me. Alex informed Zephyr, finding the problem. His mood seemed to shift, sinking like a rusty ship.

        I had managed to return to the back without Alex or Zephyr seeing me. I thought I was home free when I saw him. A blush coated my cheeks as my eyes locked with sea green eyes– eyes so bright; they outshone my own. I see the coy smirk on his juicy, soft pink lips of a porcelain complexion. I forgot how good looking he was.

        I eye the short, light brown wisps of curls on his head. I feel warmth in my heart at the lanky lad in yellow-black flannel over a white tee shirt. I see some concern in the green eyes of my former boyfriend. I would have dealt with seeing him, but I decided to force my ass back on the right path. My head is swimming with too many thoughts.

        I need to get home before the night comes. A sense of urgency overrides me as I had returned to the other side of the road. I wasn't about to open myself up to the possibilities of the supernatural. Not now. Vampires in Georgia?

        Did that fool think we were living in a tame version of True Blood? I didn't want to know as I heard my name being shouted, causing my pace to pick up. I wasn't about to stop for anything until he suddenly came into view, nearly gifting me with a heart attack. I drink in the likes of my ex-boyfriend, What do you want, Tatum?

        It's Tate, Mabel. What were you doing in the crowd of onlookers at the crazy kids? Tate asks me. Tate Douglas is his name. His scrutinizing gaze on top of violent outbursts is why I ended things.

        Did I think he would harm me in a psychical manner? I couldn't be sure. I didn't want to be sure so I managed to break things off with him.



    fold my

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