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Neurological Intelligence Volume 1: A Guide to Your Human Opertaing System
Neurological Intelligence Volume 1: A Guide to Your Human Opertaing System
Neurological Intelligence Volume 1: A Guide to Your Human Opertaing System
Ebook366 pages4 hours

Neurological Intelligence Volume 1: A Guide to Your Human Opertaing System

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"It's Not What Happens to You, It's What Happens Within You!"

Do you feel sad, lost, stuck, or confused? Are you angry, resentful, reactive, or regretful about yourself and others? Neurological Intelligence: A Guide to Your Human Operating System is your roadmap to a happier and more peaceful life.


Release dateMar 27, 2024
Neurological Intelligence Volume 1: A Guide to Your Human Opertaing System

Glenn S Cohen

Glenn S. Cohen is a Master Neurological Life Coach and the founder of the Center for Neurological Intelligence. He has helped thousands of individuals and couples by guiding them to heal their unresolved neurological wounding and grow into the highest version of themselves.Glenn's life calling is to share his passion, knowledge, and discoveries with the world. He lives and practices in South Carolina, and you may find him at

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    Neurological Intelligence Volume 1 - Glenn S Cohen

    Client Testimonials

    As a mental health clinician myself, I know how rare it is to find someone who truly knows how to get into the human psyche, body, and soul. Glenn knows an inordinate amount about the physiology and biology of the ways our body holds and responds to trauma. He is a self-studied expert—the best possible kind. His process not only makes sense to the lay person, but it also transports you to a sense of grounded presence in real time. He helps you get in full touch with your boundless power, compassion, and sense of true self.


    Glenn has helped me trust my internal intelligence and reach far into my heart and mind to heal past traumas and allow the best version of myself to be present and available for my family, friends, and patients. It’s an amazing feeling to know yourself fully and know that you are in complete control of yourself and your internal environment.

    —Dr. VK

    After trying therapists and psychologists over the years, I decided I wanted to try a different approach. I wanted something that wasn’t talk therapy, wasn’t prescription medicine suggestions, but something that was tangible, something a control freak like me could still feel like she was in control of and doing something about. I wanted something that would give me the tools to help resolve all those old patterns that were no longer serving me and better ways to communicate with my husband and child. A system that could help me to move forward more easily in the direction I want to go. From my time working with Glenn, I can think more clearly, feel more sure-footed about my decisions, worry less, and move about my life knowing that my thoughts, words, and actions will be more in sync, therefore making me feel more at home in my own body.


    Glenn has tremendous ability to challenge your thinking, question for deeper meaning, and push you beyond your comfort zone from an area of care and compassion. With his process, I was able to see results immediately. Not just within my confidence, but also with my patience, understanding, compassion, listening skills, and happiness. The techniques and strategies Glenn equipped me with, along with tools I can use to reestablish grounding, have given me a new perspective and lease on life.


    The Re-Claiming Process has been life changing and unlike anything I have done before. Glenn has opened my eyes to negative language I was using and how changing the way I look at things will change how I feel about them. I have truly released and healed my past in order to become the best me ever. He is truly gifted in his ability to lead you into your most empowered self!


    Thanks to Glenn’s assistance, I was able to confront the ghosts of my past and forgive my parents and previous partners for harm done—I realized that they, too, are imperfect people, and in forgiving them, I was able to reclaim a part of myself that felt stuck in the past. Most importantly, I was able to show grace to myself and move on from mistakes I had made in the past that had hurt others, that had hurt me.


    Through Glenn’s coaching, I was able to look at the things beneath the surface that were the root of my pain, so I am now able to move forward to live in my true authentic self. His approach is powerful yet gentle.


    I was able to identify several areas that were constantly and subconsciously pulling me down. I was also able to become conscious of my thoughts and realize how damaging my thought process was to me. The awareness process enabled me to take responsibility for my past and future actions and allow me to put down the baggage I had been carrying that had predetermined my behavior for so many years. It was the most intense and freeing feeling I have ever had.


    In order to rise and grow from your trauma, you first must go back to that point in time and simply wade in to those feelings for a while. This is what Glenn does. He takes you on a journey to pinpoint those triggering moments that may be the reason your thoughts are so negative today. He reprograms your brain’s way of thinking. For me, personally, he turned my red thoughts to green and aided me in taking back my power over my emotions. And I am here to tell you—the relief I feel today is nothing less than extraordinary.


    Glenn uses techniques that are different from the traditional talk therapy found in most psychology or coaching offices. The frameworks that he uses help each individual tap into their unconscious and personal narrative and effectively rewire their thought patterns into more functional ones. His approach is a process of self-actualization, and it really works. I have been amazed at the inner strength I have developed. I accomplish more every day now because I am emotionally connected with my goals. Working with Glenn has changed my life.


    Glenn has a very thorough and detailed process that I trusted with all my heart. I am very grateful for the hard work I put in and for his guidance. Without Glenn, I would have never made it through this journey successfully. Glenn gave me the lifetime tools to continue the work we did together to make sure I succeed. I have seen a huge increase in my confidence and self-esteem as a result of the hard work I put in under Glenn’s guidance.


    I lost myself and the zest for life I once had, and I had no idea how to get it back. Working with Glenn, I learned about myself and started to understand what happened and why I was feeling the way I was. He taught me the tools to help me help myself. Making the effort to implement these in my daily life was a huge factor in my transformation. I’m extremely pleased to say that, thanks to Glenn, I broke the cycle of negativity and became a happy, grateful person who is excited about the future instead of anxious about it.


    There’s a lot one can say to themselves that can trigger elevated negativity. We all have memories of childhood wounds that affect how we view the present, and when you combine that with a life situation that involves lots of pain, we can get triggered into negativity and a cycle of communication that can be so unhealthy. Glenn’s process led me through this awareness and provided me the required skills for healthy communication. These are techniques that work!


    Glenn’s method is not feel-good cheerleading; it is a way to retrain your brain through neurological pathways in the mind and body. I have learned how to manage my stress and anxiety levels in a healthy way. I have also discovered several traumatic events in my life that have been trapped in my unconscious mind and how to change their meaning so they can serve me in a positive light rather than a negative experience.


    Neurological Intelligence®



    Volume 1

    A Guide to Your Human Operating System

    Glenn S. Cohen

    Copyright © 2023, 2024 by Glenn S. Cohen. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the written permission of the author and publisher.

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2024902067

    Paperback ISBN: 979-8-9876567-6-1

    eBook ISBN: 979-8-9876567-7-8

    Audiobook ISBN: 979-8-9876567-8-5

    Design by Christina Thiele, CreateForGood

    Editorial production by KN Literary

    Neurological Intelligence, Re-Claiming Journey, and Re-Claiming Process are registered trademarks of Glenn S. Cohen and the Center for Neurological Intelligence.

The information and exercises in this book are based on the concepts and philosophy

    of the Center for Neurological Intelligence® and Glenn S. Cohen.

    This book is not intended to replace any form of therapy,

    and no therapeutic benefits are offered or implied.

    At any point should you feel that you might be experiencing depression, anxiety,

    thoughts of harm to self or others, or any other type of psychiatric distress,

    please contact a qualified mental health professional.


    Think about taking the best-practice self-help and psychology books and synthesizing them into one book that gives you a clear, concise road map on how to take control of your life. This is that book. As a psychotherapist for the last twenty-three years, I have studied, read, and implemented hundreds of self-help and psychological materials, including trauma work, attachment theory, neurolinguistic programming, somatic experiencing, Internal Family Systems, cognitive behavioral treatment, inner child work, codependency to interdependency work, mindfulness exercises, and so much more.

    Neurological Intelligence builds on the work of giants and puts it into a usable framework for anyone, from novice to seasoned clinician. It helps you see how so much of what triggers us and keeps us from being happy has to do with our own neurological wounding and not what the world is doing to us. It is a step-by-step guide that teaches how to self-regulate our thoughts and emotions and take control of our neurological wiring to live a peaceful, flourishing, satisfying life.

    After working with Glenn as my mentor for the past two years, I can wholeheartedly say that he has helped me evolve in profound professional and personal ways. Because of Neurological Intelligence and working with him as my coach, I’ve been able to help my clients and educate them on the power of how we can rewire our reactive patterns and go from feeling stuck and frustrated in our neurological wounding to living in our neurological freedom. Glenn gives you a practical guide to moving from feeling disempowered in aspects of your life to truly living and loving in an empowered way in all areas of life.

    Applying Neurological Intelligence into your life is like learning a fun, new language that is rich with acronyms. His acronyms are genius and comical enough to easily memorize and use in real-life scenarios. His book is an extraordinary example of how important language is and how we can use the language of Neurological Intelligence to name what is and is not working for us and do something about it.

    The powerful examples, metaphors, and stories in this book provide a holistic self-help framework like no other. I can honestly say I’ve become a much more resilient, genuinely strong, calm, and centered person because of it.

    Glenn has been one of my greatest teachers, having traveled tough roads into deep wisdom himself. It seems like everyone I talk to these days (clients, friends, and family alike) is struggling, on some level, with trying to figure out how to feel and do better. This book is an absolute treasure and salve for these times. I am certain that it will change your life experience as much as it has mine. Your relationship with self and others will flourish, your confidence and clarity will strengthen, and you will embody the power of living and speaking your truth.

    With deep gratitude,

    Solange B. Swafford, LISW-CP


    The Birth of Neurological Intelligence

    Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.

    —Carl Jung

    I have long suspected that many great works of art and breakthroughs in our civilization originated in the minds and souls of people who suffered a great deal—people who walked through many dark nights and were able to cultivate the courage and insight required to illuminate the path ahead for their fellow humans. Their unresolved pain drove them to discover their purpose and achieve their dreams.

    The late author Debbie Ford shared a metaphor of how, when we endure hardships, we cultivate the pearl within the oyster that is our life. This pearl is unique to the person you are because no one else has ever lived your life. The crafting of the pearl and your way of navigating through the world is unique to you. Your mission is to discover the wisdom and insights that come from your own lived experiences; your purpose is to then share this with the world.

    My life has followed a similar path. Like many of the people I’ve met, I’ve experienced great joy and sorrow; I’ve had experiences that led me through peaks and valleys, but through which I emerged with a greater sense of my own resilience and what I had to offer the world.

    My last tumultuous cycle began in 1994, when I sold my two drugstores and changed careers. In 1995, my wife and I mutually agreed to separate, and we finalized an amicable divorce. In 1998, my younger brother died by suicide, and I got a DUI and had back surgery. In the years that followed, I drained my IRA, lost all my money, and had a failed engagement. In the summer of 2003, I was unemployed and on the brink of having to sell my home with a second mortgage, and my father succumbed to pancreatic cancer. It was a nearly ten-year cycle that included many highs and lows and plenty of reversals of fortune that some may have attributed to bad luck.

    My switch began to flip on a cold January night in 2003. The evening was all too familiar. As an innocuous TV show played in the background, providing familiar white noise, my bloodshot eyes fo-cused on the fireplace, and my thoughts—filled with fear, shame, and anxiety—swirled in the flames. My body felt raw, empty, and numb.

    As I stared lifelessly into the fireplace, my ten-year-old son, Seth, emerged from his room. Daddy, let’s play together! he insisted. My gaze still fixed forward, I replied, I can’t, Seth. Please go to your room and play by yourself. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see his crestfallen face; his head drooped, and his innocent smile faded. I couldn’t bear to look at him as he turned and slowly walked back to his room. I knew in my soul I had failed again.

    To this day, I remember how deflated he was, and how I hurt him in that moment. All he wanted to do was connect and play with his dad, yet I couldn’t move a muscle. I couldn’t feel anything. I just sat there, staring into nothingness, downing another cocktail, waiting for another agonizing night to end. I was freefalling into an abyss of my own making. I had become an empty shell of a man. I didn’t feel capable of showing up for my son, myself, or anyone else. I woke up each morning, showered off the residue of the night before, and put on my shield of denial before I went to work. My everything is fine mask was convincing enough, and at least it kept most people at bay. But behind the mask, I was anxiously waiting for the clock to count down until it was time to go home. It felt as if all my effort was poured into hiding my pain and figuring out how to survive another day. I looked forward to getting home, to the safe confines of my back porch, where I numbed my pain with alcohol and cigarettes until I fell asleep. Lather, rinse, repeat.

    During this time, I kept hearing a soft, assuring message in my mind, which seemed to come from a very different source than my conscious mind. It communicated something like, This is all happening for a reason. Don’t give up. Be patient. Keep going. The answers will come.

    It was not until many years later that I realized the universe doesn’t give us what we want; it gives us what we need to heal and grow. It’s our choice as to the meaning we assign and the actions we take that will define our destiny.

    But I wanted concrete answers. I wanted to know why I was here, how any of this had happened, and what I was meant to learn. I knew I wasn’t stupid, so how had I gotten myself into such a dismal situation? Was I destined to desperately count down the hours until I could finally be put out of this misery? Wasn’t there a different, a better, a more dignified way to live?

    Although it was hard to take in the gentle, reassuring voice, and although my questions nearly drowned out the wisdom that was being relayed to me, I somehow developed a deep belief and faith that I wasn’t just making it all up. That voice had to come from somewhere, though I didn’t understand where.

    I can now look back on that winter evening in 2003 as my defining moment, the culmination of a lifetime of impactful neurological, emotional, intellectual, physical, and spiritual experiences. Decades of repeating pain and inner turmoil had led me to the bottom of my abyss, but while I didn’t know it at the time, I was beginning to claw my way out. I’d reached rock bottom, and there was nowhere to go but up. Around this time in my life, specific memories from my childhood continued to pop up in my awareness. I would come to realize that these memories were arising for a reason; they were revealing to me some of the earlier instances of wounding experiences and protective patterns I’d created and perfected, and that had led me to become a master of hiding my unresolved pain, anger, sadness, shame, and fear. Throughout my lifetime, I’d made unconscious choices to reenact and reinforce disempowering beliefs that I was weird, unworthy, not smart enough, and not safe enough to be vulnerable and authentic. These choices had become my armor and my identity.

    The first memory was of me standing in the kitchen of my childhood home. I don’t remember what I said, but I could see my father looking down at me with his furrowed eyebrows, saying, Your ideas are pie in the sky. His body language, tonality, and harsh words imprinted on my impressionable mind. Then and there, I decided I was not enough.

    The second memory was of when I had told a little white lie about a girl to impress a group of guys. I wanted to be a part of their group. I wanted to feel significance, acceptance, and connection. I was devastated when they immediately called me out and excommunicated me from their group. Not long thereafter, I stood looking at myself in front of a full-length mirror in my bedroom, and I smashed a peanut-butter sandwich into the reflection of my face. I was filled with loathing as I said, I hate myself! Thus, another disempowered belief was born.

    The third memory was of evenings sitting at the family dinner table. By that time, I was deep in the darkness of my own pain and loneliness. I still remember the body sensations of feeling overwhelmed with anxiety, fear, and shame every night. My parents and siblings would be talking and laughing while I sat there feeling frozen inside. I usually didn’t engage and wondered if anyone noticed that I wasn’t OK. Was the turmoil I felt obvious to anyone else? If so, why wasn’t anyone saying or doing anything? I couldn’t wait to leave the table and scurry off to the safe confines of my room to hide my confusion and pain.

    Even at my lowest, though, I knew that life was taking me where I needed to be. In the midst of the roiling uncertainty was an inexplicable sense of clarity arising from my soul. I may not have realized it at the time, but it was there, and it emerged in the form of the voice that spoke to me. That voice became clearer and clearer over time. And the memories that were arising in my adult awareness seemed to be showing me some of the beliefs I’d created in the midst of intense emotions, which had solidified the process of disconnecting further from my body, my heart, and my head. Over the decades, I’d only continued to withdraw into my protected inner world and further fragment my nervous system until I could barely recognize who I’d become.

    Not long after that winter evening, something

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