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SCREWED-UP: BREAKING CHAINS FROM NARCISSISM: Know your Worth and break the toxic bond from a narcissist!! 92 pages
SCREWED-UP: BREAKING CHAINS FROM NARCISSISM: Know your Worth and break the toxic bond from a narcissist!! 92 pages
SCREWED-UP: BREAKING CHAINS FROM NARCISSISM: Know your Worth and break the toxic bond from a narcissist!! 92 pages
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SCREWED-UP: BREAKING CHAINS FROM NARCISSISM: Know your Worth and break the toxic bond from a narcissist!! 92 pages

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About this ebook

Screwed-Up" is a straightforward guide to understanding and overcoming narcissism's grip. Through relatable stories and practical advice, this book offers a roadmap for anyone who's felt trapped in toxic relationships or struggled with their own self-worth.

With empathy and clarity, the author untangles the complexities of narcissism, helping readers recognize the signs and reclaim their power. Whether you're dealing with a narcissistic partner, parent, or boss, "Screwed-Up" provides the tools you need to break free and rebuild your life on your own terms.

If you've ever felt like you're not enough or been manipulated by someone's inflated ego, this book is for you. It's time to untangle the chains of narcissism and rediscover your worth.
Release dateMar 1, 2024
SCREWED-UP: BREAKING CHAINS FROM NARCISSISM: Know your Worth and break the toxic bond from a narcissist!! 92 pages

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    SCREWED-UP - Hayde Miller

    Copyright ©2024 Hayde Miller

    All rights reserved.

    No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. This book is intended for informational purposes only and is not meant to serve as medical or therapeutic advice. The author and publisher disclaim any liability arising directly or indirectly from the use of this book.

    ISBN 978-1-304-59597-3




    Chapter 1: Unmasking the Charmer

    Chapter 2: Emotional Whiplash

    Chapter 3: The Friends and Family Fiasco

    Chapter 4: Dodging the Manipulation Minefield

    Chapter 5: The Self-Love Rebellion

    Chapter 6: Faith in the Face of Gaslighting

    Chapter 7: Claiming Financial Independence

    Chapter 8: Plotting Your Great Escape

    Chapter 9: Life Beyond Narcissism

    Chapter 10: From Screwed-Up to Survivor


    A Love Note from the Author


    Hey there, warrior.

    Welcome to the exclusive club you never knew you needed —the Screwed-Up Club. Now, before you start wondering whether you've accidentally clicked on a link to a self-help group for DIY disasters, let me clarify. This club is all about navigating the wild, sometimes bewildering world of relationships tainted by narcissism. And trust me, the membership fee —your sanity, temporarily on loan —is fully refundable. Spoiler alert: Everyone passes the exit test, a dazzling quiz on self-love, with flying colors eventually.

    If you’ve ever found yourself wondering whether your partner, friend, or even a family member might just be a tad more into their reflection than normal (we're talking beyond the usual selfie obsession), then darling, pull up a chair. You're in good company. We're about to embark on a quest through the microscope of narcissism, but here's the twist —we'll be navigating this maze with humor as our torch and self-love as our shield.

    Now, I know what you’re thinking. A book about narcissism that doesn’t make me want to crawl under a blanket and hide? Exactly! Because here’s the deal: dealing with narcissists can be draining, disheartening, and downright demoralizing. But who said we can’t tackle serious topics while having a bit of a laugh, right? Laughter, after all, is the best medicine (except for treating diarrhea, as the saying goes).

    This book is your friendly guide through the complexities of relationships marred by narcissism. Imagine sitting down for coffee with a friend who's been through it all, who doesn’t just throw academic jargon at you but talks you through everything she’s learnt.

    From identifying the charmer who's more about harm than harmony, through the emotional rollercoaster that leaves you feeling like you've survived a hurricane in a teacup, to plotting your grand, glorious escape, I’ve got you covered. And we're not just talking romantic entanglements. Oh no, narcissism can sneak into friendships and family relationships too, like an uninvited guest who ends up crashing on your couch indefinitely.

    You’re stronger than you think. This journey? It’s about finding your way back to yourself, about screwing your sanity firmly back on, and about learning that self-love isn’t just a trendy hashtag but a lifeline.

    So, as we dive into the nitty-gritty of escaping the narcissistic whirlpool, remember, this isn’t just about moving on. It’s about moving up. About turning your back on the chaos and stepping into a version of you that’s all about empowerment, peace, and yes, a little bit of sass. Because in the Screwed-Up Club, we don’t just survive; we thrive.

    Welcome aboard, lovely. Let’s screw up —in the best way possible.

    Chapter 1

    Unmasking the Charmer - Spot the Narcissist

    So, you've found yourself in the whirlwind of what felt like the perfect love story – a narrative that began with the intoxicating scent of roses, the thrill of a captivating dance, and the promise of a love that could withstand anything. My friend, you're not alone; we've all been there, lured into the enchanted beginnings of what we thought was our fairy tale.

    Picture this: the curtain rises on a stage adorned with the soft glow of fairy lights, a setting that whispers promise of forever. Enter your co-star, the charming lead who seems to have stepped right out of the pages of your dreams. The script unfolds flawlessly – romantic gestures, heartfelt confessions, and a love that feels destined.

    In those early days, the world outside your love bubble fades away. Every glance, every touch feels like a scene stolen from a romantic masterpiece. The intensity is exhilarating, and you find yourself surrendering to the allure of enchantment. The love bombing is in full swing, and you're caught in the dance of illusions.

    The screw-up narcissist, our skilled director, orchestrates this scene meticulously. They know precisely when to make an entrance, what lines to deliver, and how to sweep you off your feet. It's a performance so convincing that you, my dear, become the unwitting star of a production you didn't even audition for.

    As the love story unfolds, you may notice that everything seems almost too perfect. Their words are like honey, sweet and irresistible. Their actions are tailored to your desires, making you feel like you've stumbled upon the love you've been searching for. This is the love bombing stage, the captivating inception that leaves you intoxicated with the promise of eternal bliss.

    But here's the catch – the illusion is, in essence, the overture to a symphony that takes an unexpected turn. The narcissist isn't interested in a

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