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Summary of Grief Is for People by Sloane Crosley
Summary of Grief Is for People by Sloane Crosley
Summary of Grief Is for People by Sloane Crosley
Ebook42 pages32 minutes

Summary of Grief Is for People by Sloane Crosley

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This book does not in any capacity mean to replace the original book but to serve as a vast summary of the original book.

Summary of Grief Is for People by Sloane Crosley 

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  • Exceptionally summarized content that you may skip in the original book
Grief Is for People is a memoir by Sloane Crosley, which explores the loss of her close friend Russell. After his suicide, Crosley seeks answers in philosophy and art to cope with the pain and confusion of losing her friend. The book follows Sloane's quest to find meaning and belonging in the face of the pandemic, as she navigates the challenges of life and the loss of her friend. The memoir has been highly anticipated by various publications.
Release dateMar 8, 2024
Summary of Grief Is for People by Sloane Crosley

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    Summary of Grief Is for People by Sloane Crosley - GP SUMMARY

    Summary of

    Grief Is for People


    Summary of Sloane Crosley’s book


    Summary of Grief Is for People by Sloane Crosley


    All rights reserved.

    Author: GP SUMMARY


    Cover, illustration: GP SUMMARY

    Editing, proofreading: GP SUMMARY

    Other collaborators: GP SUMMARY


    This is an unofficial summary & analysis of Sloane Crosley’s Grief Is for People designed to enrich your reading experience.


    The contents of the summary are not intended to replace the original book. It is meant as a supplement to enhance the reader's understanding. The contents within can neither be stored electronically, transferred, nor kept in a database. Neither part nor full can the document be copied, scanned, faxed, or retained without the approval from the publisher or creator.

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    PART I



    On June 27, 2019, the narrator leaves their apartment for an hour and returns home to find all their jewelry missing. The thief enters through the bedroom window, taking away 41 pieces of jewelry, including the narrator's grandmother's amber amulet and her green cocktail ring. The narrator's grandmother was abusive and creative, and the thief took the jewelry, which were originally her grandmother's possessions.

    The narrator has been trying to repurpose these items, but they have never worn them on planes. The thief also stole the narrator's other grandmother's silver engagement band, charm bracelet, and a cow-shaped pin. All the narrator has left is being dumped into a stranger's backpack.

    The narrator reflects on the events of June 27, 2019, and the days that followed, which will be bookended by personal loss and a year of global loss. They realize that the burglary is a dark gift of delineation and that no one is obliged to learn something from loss. They have read grief literature, grief philosophy, and grief podcasts, and have learned the power of the present tense.

    On August 27, 2019, the narrator is writing these words on the evening of August 27, 2019, two months after the burglary and one month since the violent death of their friend on July 27, 2019. They will edit these sentences later, when the gap between the past

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