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Naval Battles In The American Revolutionary War, 1775-1783
Naval Battles In The American Revolutionary War, 1775-1783
Naval Battles In The American Revolutionary War, 1775-1783
Ebook126 pages44 minutes

Naval Battles In The American Revolutionary War, 1775-1783

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French involvement in the American Revolutionary War from 1775 to 1783 began when France, a hotbed of Enlightenment ideas and a historic rival to the Kingdom of Great Britain, secretly sent supplies to the American Continental Army when it was established in June 1775. It followed an Alliance Treaty in 1778, which led to French remittances of money and material to the United States of America. France s aid, mainly naval, was an important and decisive contribution to its eventual victory and independence in the war, however, it accumulated more than £ 1 billion in debt, which significantly affected the country s finances. In the development of the simulation of these battles we will use the board game “Flying Colors” from GMT Games. The rules of the game when they appear for the first time, will appear in a footnote.
Release dateFeb 3, 2024
Naval Battles In The American Revolutionary War, 1775-1783

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    Book preview

    Naval Battles In The American Revolutionary War, 1775-1783 - André Geraque Kiffer


    A  historical  simulation  of  naval

    battles  in  the

    American  Revolutionary  War,


    Author's  Edition



    ---  Kiffer,  André  Geraque.

    A  historical  simulation  of  naval  battles  in  the  American Revolutionary  War,  1775-1783.  André  Geraque  Kiffer.

    Author's  Edition,  Resende,  2021.

    Bibliography:  117  p.  44  im.  21  cm..

    1.  History.  2.  Art  of  War.  3.  Science  of  War.  4.  War Games.  I.  Author.  II.  Title.

    ISBN  978-65-00-17625-4



    Supported  by  a  summary  of  the  historical  fact  (war, campaign  and  /  or  battle),  I  try  to  analyze  and highlight  the  decisive  factors,  before  simulating alternative  what  if…  hypotheses  through  a  board game.  In  the  simulation,  all  the  possibilities  of  the study's  purpose  are  completed,  when  the  past  of history  is  analyzed  based  on  the  theory  of  the present  and  designed  for  similar  situations  in  the future.  So  far  I  have  published  the  following  series: I.  Historical  Simulation  of  the  Wars  of  the  First Empires  in  2010;  VIII.  Historical  Simulation  of  the First  World  War  in  2011;  II.  Historical  Simulation  of the  Wars  in  Classical  Greece  in  2012;  III. Historical  Simulation  of  the  Roman  Wars  in  2016; and  IV.  Historical  Simulation  of  Wars  in  the Medieval  Era  in  2018.  I  plan  to  publish  the  following series:  V.  Historical  Simulation  of  Wars  in  the Modern  Era  (1453  to  1774);  "VI.  Historical Simulation  of  Wars  in  the  Age  of  Revolutions  (1775-

    1860);  VII.  Historical  Simulation  of  Wars  in  the


    Industrial  Age  (1861  to  1913);  IX.  Historical Simulation  of  World  War  II;  and  X.  Historical Simulation  of  the  Cold  War  (1917  to  1989)".  After being  based  on  this  comprehensive  view  of  Military History  since  1560  BC  in  Ancient  Egypt,  and  on  the knowledge  acquired  in  my  studies  for  a  doctor’s degree  of  Military  Science  in  2000  and  a  bachelor's degree  in  History  in  2019,  I  will  complete  the  project by  writing  and  publishing  an  own  theory  on  the  Art and  Science  of  War. Keywords:  History.  Art  of  War.  Science  of  War.  War



    AMERICAN  REVOLUTIONARY  WAR……...………6 BRITISH  NAVY……….……………………….………7 FRENCH  NAVY……….……………………….…….16 BATTLE  OF  CAPE  HENRY....………………….…..22 BATTLE  OF  CHESAPEAKE..…………...…………48 BATTLE  OF  SAINT  KITTS....………………………71 ANNEXES........………………………………………93



    Im  1:  The  Theater  of  Operations.

    French  involvement  in  the  American Revolutionary  War  from  1775  to  1783  began  when France,  a  hotbed  of  Enlightenment  ideas  and  a historic  rival  to  the  Kingdom  of  Great  Britain, secretly  sent  supplies  to  the  American  Continental

    Army  when  it  was  established  in  June  1775.


    An  Alliance  Treaty  followed  in  1778,  which  led to  French  remittances  of  money  and  material  to  the United  States  of  America.  Subsequently,  Spain  and the  Dutch  Republic  also  began  to  send  aid,  which, along  with  political  events  in  Europe,  left  the  British without  allies  during  the  conflict  (excluding  the German  Hessian).

    France's  aid,  mainly  naval,  was  an  important and  decisive  contribution  to  the  eventual  victory  and independence  of  the  United  States  in  the  war. However,  France  has  accumulated  more  than  £  1 billion  in  debt,  which  has  significantly  affected  the country's  finances.  The  French  government's  failure to  control  spending  (in  combination  with  other factors)  led  to  an  unrest  that  culminated  in  its  own revolution  a  few  years  after  the  conflict  between Britain  and  the  United  States  ended.


    Before  the  French  and  Napoleonic Revolutionary  Wars,  the  British  Royal  Navy

    established  its  reputation  as  one  of  the  most


    effective  fighting  institutions  in  history.  The  primary objective  of  the  Navy  was  to  obtain  and  maintain naval  dominance  -  that  is,  control  of  the  sea  -  an objective  achieved  as  a  result  of  its  superiority  in leadership,  morals,  seamanship  and  artillery.

    Im  2:  The  fleet.

    The  Navy  not  only  played  a  pivotal  role  in  the defeat  of  France,  but  periodically  opposed, generally  with  notable  success,  against  its  allies, Holland,  Spain  and  Denmark,  then  establishing  a maritime  supremacy  that  would  remain unchallenged  for  the  next  hundred  years.

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