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Campaign Of The Grande Y Felicísima Armada, 1588
Campaign Of The Grande Y Felicísima Armada, 1588
Campaign Of The Grande Y Felicísima Armada, 1588
Ebook85 pages35 minutes

Campaign Of The Grande Y Felicísima Armada, 1588

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When a fleet of 128 Habsburgs left Coruña in late May 1588, under Alonzo Guzmán, Duke of Medina, with the aim of escorting and transporting an army from Flanders (present-day Belgium) to invade England. The strategic objective was to overthrow Queen Elizabeth I and the establishment of Protestantism in England, with the expectation that this would also end English interference in Spanish Holland and the damage done to Spanish convoys by English and Dutch corsairs. The Spanish Armada was banned by Philip II from attacking the English fleet in Plymouth. Then he was unable to establish a temporary anchorage on the Solent (off Portsmouth), he finally headed for Calais. While awaiting communication with an army of the Duke of Parma, the Spanish fleet was spread by an English attack with fire ships . To make our simulation possible, we will consider the following hypotheses: 1) That King Philip should give carte blanche to his naval commanders. 2) That they were well aware of the need for a decisive naval battle, before the amphibious operation between Flanders and England. 3) That the Iberians had taken advantage of their greatest artillery on board.
Release dateFeb 4, 2024
Campaign Of The Grande Y Felicísima Armada, 1588

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    Campaign Of The Grande Y Felicísima Armada, 1588 - André Geraque Kiffer


    An  historical  simulation  of  the campaign  of  the  Grande  y Felicísima  Armada,  1588

    Author's  Edition



    ---  Kiffer,  André  Geraque.

    An  historical  simulation  of  the  campaign  of  the  Grande  y Felicísima  Armada,  1588.  André  Geraque  Kiffer.

    Author's  Edition,  Resende,  2020. Bibliography:  78  p.  23  im.  21  cm..

    1.  History.  2.  Art  of  War.  3.  Science  of  War.  4.  Wargames. I.  Author.  II.  Title.

    ISBN  978-65-00-07469-7



    Supported  by  a  summary  of  the  historical  fact  (war, campaign  and  /  or  battle),  I  try  to  analyze  and highlight  the  decisive  factors,  before  simulating alternative  what  if…  hypotheses  through  a  board game.  In  the  simulation,  all  the  possibilities  of  the study's  purpose  are  completed,  when  the  past  of history  is  analyzed  based  on  the  theory  of  the present  and  designed  for  similar  situations  in  the future.  So  far  I  have  published  the  following  series: I.  Historical  Simulation  of  the  Wars  of  the  First Empires  in  2010;  VIII.  Historical  Simulation  of  the First  World  War  in  2011;  II.  Historical  Simulation  of the  Wars  in  Classical  Greece  in  2012;  III. Historical  Simulation  of  the  Roman  Wars  in  2016; and  IV.  Historical  Simulation  of  Wars  in  the Medieval  Era  in  2018.  I  plan  to  publish  the  following series:  V.  Historical  Simulation  of  Wars  in  the Modern  Era  (1453  to  1774);  "VI.  Historical Simulation  of  Wars  in  the  Age  of  Revolutions  (1775-

    1860);  VII.  Historical  Simulation  of  Wars  in  the


    Industrial  Age  (1861  to  1913);  IX.  Historical Simulation  of  World  War  II;  and  X.  Historical Simulation  of  the  Cold  War  (1917  to  1989)".  After being  based  on  this  comprehensive  view  of  Military History  since  1560  BC  in  Ancient  Egypt,  and  on  the knowledge  acquired  in  my  studies  for  a  doctor’s degree  of  Military  Science  in  2000  and  a  bachelor's degree  in  History  in  2019,  I  will  complete  the  project by  writing  and  publishing  an  own  theory  on  the  Art and  Science  of  War. Keywords:  History.  Art  of  War.  Science  of  War.






    Names  of  people  and  places  will  be  kept  in their  original  languages,  unless  there  is  an  English form  necessary  for  understanding.  Titles  or technical  terms  in  other  languages,  when  there  is  no better  translation  into  English,  will  be  kept  and explained  the  first  time  they  appear.

    Im  1:  Art  and  Science  of  War  in  the  Early  Modern  Era.

    As  the  main  characteristics  of  this  period  in  the Naval  War  ,  we  highlight  that  since  ancient  times, war  at  sea  had  been  fought  as  on  land,  with  stun guns,  bows  and  arrows  on  floating  wooden

    platforms  instead  of  battlefields.


    The  first  cannons  on  the  ships  were  small pieces  of  wrought  iron  mounted  on  open  decks, often  requiring  only  one  or  two  men  to  deal  with them.  They  were  designed  to  injure,  kill  or  simply stun,  shock  and  frighten  enemy  crews  before  an approach.

    With  cannons  becoming  more  durable,  capable of  withstanding  stronger  charges

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