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English Civil War, 1642 To 1651
English Civil War, 1642 To 1651
English Civil War, 1642 To 1651
Ebook90 pages38 minutes

English Civil War, 1642 To 1651

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The English Civil War (1642-1651) was a series of three major civil conflicts and political machinations between Parliamentarians ( Roundheads ) and Royalists ( Cavaliers ), mainly over the form of governance of England and questions of religious liberty. Parliament defeated the King because it could appeal to the enthusiastic support of the commercial and industrial classes of town and country, to the small and progressive nobles, and to the wider masses of the population whenever they could, by free discussion, understand what it really was the fight. In the development of this simulation I will use the board game “Unhappy King Charles” from GMT Games.
Release dateFeb 4, 2024
English Civil War, 1642 To 1651

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    English Civil War, 1642 To 1651 - André Geraque Kiffer


    English  Civil  War, 1642  to  1651.

    A  historical  simulation

    Author's  Edition Rio  de  Janeiro


    ---  Kiffer,  André  Geraque.

    English  Civil  War,  1642  to  1651.  A  historical  simulation. André  Geraque  Kiffer.

    Author’s  Edition,  Rio  de  Janeiro,  2022. Bibliography:  91  p.  43  im.  21  cm..

    1.  History.  2.  Art  of  War.  3.  Science  of  War.  4.  War Games.  I.  Author.  II.  Title.

    ISBN  978-65-00-53357-6



    As  a  Military  Historian  I  rely  on  a  summary  of  the historical  fact,  I  analyze  and  highlight  the  decisive factors,  before  simulating  hypotheses  what  if… hypotheses  through  a  board  game.  In  the simulation,  all  possibilities  of  the  purpose  of  the study  are  completed,  when  the  past  of  history  is analyzed  based  on  the  theory  of  the  present  and projected  for  similar  situations  in  the  future.  Since 2010  I  have  published  the  following  series  of simulations:  I.  Historical  Simulation  of  the  Wars  of the  First  Empires;  II.  Historical  Simulation  of  the Wars  in  Classical  Greece;  III.  Historical  Simulation of  the  Roman  Wars;  IV.  Historical  Simulation  of Wars  in  the  Medieval  Era;  V.  Historical  Simulation of  Wars  in  the  Modern  Era  (1453  to  1774);  VI. Historical  Simulation  of  Wars  in  the  Age  of Revolutions  (1775  to  1860);  VII.  Historical Simulation  of  Wars  in  the  Industrial  Age  (1861  to 1913);  "VIII.  Historical  Simulation  of  the  First  World

    War;  IX.  Historical  Simulation  of  World  War  II;  X.


    Historical  Simulation  of  the  Cold  War  (1917  to 1991);  and  XI.  Historical  Simulation  of Contemporary  Wars  (1991  to  ...)". Keywords:  History.  Art  of  War.  Science  of  War.  War



    HISTORICAL  FACT.…………..…….….……………6 HISTORICALANALYSIS….……………..…………13 HISTORICAL  SIMULATION.….……………………34



    The  English  Civil  War  (1642-1651)  was  a  series of  three  major  civil  conflicts  and  political machinations  between  Parliamentarians (Roundheads)  and  Royalists  (Cavaliers),  mainly over  the  form  of  governance  of  England  and questions  of  religious  liberty.

    Im  1:  Historical  fact  map.

    Each  side  had  a  geographic  base,  so  minority elements  were  silenced  or  fled.  Royalist’s  areas included  the  countryside,  the  counties,  the  cathedral

    city  of  Oxford  and  the  less  economically  developed


    areas  of  the  north  and  west  of  England. Parliament's  strengths  encompassed  the  industrial centers,  ports  and  economically  advanced  regions of  the  south  and  east  of  England,  including  the  other cathedral  cities  (except  York,  Chester,  Worcester). Lacey  Baldwin  Smith  says  that  the  words  populous, rich  and  rebellious  seemed  to  go  hand  in  hand.

    The  English  Civil  War  broke  out  in  1642,  less than  40  years  after  the  death  of  Queen  Elizabeth  I. She  was  succeeded  by  her  first  cousin,  King  James VI  of  Scotland,  as  James  I  of  England,  creating  the first  personal  union  of  the  realms.  Scottish  and English.

    As  King  of  Scotland,  James  had  grown accustomed  to  a  weak  parliamentary  tradition  since taking  control  of  the  Scottish  government  in  1583, so  in  assuming  power  south  of  the  border, England's  new  King  was  affronted  by  the  restrictions that  the  English  Parliament  tried  to  put  on  him  in exchange  for  money.

    Charles  I  followed  his  father's  dream  in  hopes

    of  uniting  the  kingdoms  of  England,  Scotland  and


    Ireland  into  one.  As  Charles  shared  his  father's position  on  the  power  of  the  crown  (James  had described  kings  as  little  gods  on  Earth,  chosen  by God  to  rule  according  to  the  doctrine  of  the  "Divine

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