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Archangels Mikael, Gabriel And Ariel
Archangels Mikael, Gabriel And Ariel
Archangels Mikael, Gabriel And Ariel
Ebook142 pages1 hour

Archangels Mikael, Gabriel And Ariel

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About this ebook

Mikael or Michael, Gabriel and Ariel are the first three angels of the fundamental hierarchies of the cosmos. Mikael is the warrior archangel, Gabriel the messenger and Ariel the angel of spiritual battle in prayer. The earth trembles in the presence of these angels, there are many other powerful angels, but in this work we will keep the Kavanah on these three to understand more about them. The earth trembles in the presence of these three warrior angels with supernatural powers acting on the planet and leading us to spiritual confrontation against the forces of chaos. Discover great secrets about these three powerful angels of light in this work and understand that angels act in every moment of our lives. They generally go unnoticed by ordinary people who do not understand the work of the Creator through the angels as well as the function of each angel in our daily lives.
Release dateMar 7, 2024
Archangels Mikael, Gabriel And Ariel

Eliel Roshveder

Escrevo sobre cabala, profecias e conspirações.Sou judeu cabalista, sou messiânico.Gosto de estudar os segredos do universo pela visão da Cabala.

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    Archangels Mikael, Gabriel And Ariel - Eliel Roshveder



    Mikael or Michael, Gabriel and Ariel are the first three angels of the fundamental hierarchies of the cosmos. Mikael is the warrior archangel, Gabriel the messenger and Ariel the angel of spiritual battle in prayer.

    The earth trembles in the presence of these angels, there are many other powerful angels, but in this work we will keep the Kavanah on these three to understand more about them.


    The earth trembles in the presence of these three warrior angels with supernatural powers acting on the planet and leading us to spiritual confrontation against the forces of chaos.

    Discover great secrets about these three powerful angels of light in this work and understand that angels act in every moment of our lives. They generally go unnoticed by ordinary people who do not understand the work of the Creator through the angels as well as the function of each angel in our daily lives.


    Archangel Mikael of Judah


    Mikael is the archangel of Yeshua's divine sacrifice, so many confuse him with the Messiah. The world was in the hands of chaos because of sin, it seemed that Adonai had failed in his plan for humanity on earth, but then there was plan B, sending the Messiah to die in the place of humanity that deserved death.

    He died and rose again and now those who accept him come to inherit the mansions of light and glory, but chaos 10

    does not accept it so easily and then the role of Mikael or Miguel appears who fights for the rights of humanity acquired by the blood of the Mashiach that he poured out as a sacrifice for humanity are guaranteed.

    Michael is always at war with chaos as he is in Revelation 12. Everyone who reads Revelation knows his fight against the Dragon.

    It is Mikael who gives the first combat against the Archon of Chaos, Sabaoth or Sabtabiel. This being is both the God Mars of war and Elimi, the eliminating Shedim, the prince of the powers of the air. In Babylonian magic he was Marduk and in bloodthirsty Assyria he was Assur.

    This means that this being is behind the exile of Israel and when Gabriel was unable to pass through with the answer to Daniel's prayer that interceded for Israel to return to Jerusalem, it was Mikael who intervened and fought against the Principalities.


    Assur or Marduk, the beings who led Israel into exile and today continue to torment and destroy Israel's elect. Only Mikael's war can limit these powers of chaos.

    Mikael means who is like you Creator? This word comes from this expression that was strong among the Maccabees, a challenge from the children of Israel to the gods of the nations, but this expression is older, as the archangel Mikael was mentioned in the Tanach long before the book of Maccabees was created.

    In a way Mikael is the root of the Torah, for the essence of the Torah was the forgiveness of the people's sins by following the law. When the law was transgressed, an animal was sacrificed to cover up the sins of the person who asked the Levites to sacrifice the animal. This means that Mikael, as an angel linked to the sacrifice of Yeshua, is also the angel linked to the war against chaos every time an animal was sacrificed by the people.


    This places Mikael at the root of the Torah, level of Malkuth, of the earth, the root of everything, the world of Assiah, of action.

    Mikael fights at the base of the spine against the Dragon, the Kundalini serpent, so Mikael is related to the Chakra at the base of the spine.

    When John quotes Michael's fight against the Dragon in

    the Apocalypse he is using a macrocosmic context, but in the microcosmic context everything is connected at the base of our spine the root of the main Chakras of the seven hierarchies of angels.

    Judah is also this point at the base of the human spine, as the spine has 33 vertebrae which are 33 energy points and the same number of years that Yeshua died. This shows that 13

    nothing is by chance; the advent of Yeshua is linked to the very human structure and the cosmos.

    Each vertebra in the spine symbolizes a year of Yeshua's life and one of the gates or connections of the universe.

    The number 32 is sacred in Kabbalah as it is the sum of the 22

    letters and 10 numbers of the Hebrew alphabet used to create all things, which is why these 32 paths of Kabbalah are so important. The sacrifice of Yeshua is governed by the '33' and not by the '32', because in Kabbalah there is always this bond of continuity, but with a new cycle, it is like that in the Sephiroth, in Kether a new cycle begins, it is not the end. The 33 years of Yeshua's life show that a new cycle was beginning, transcending the 32 paths of the Torah, because in this alchemy a new creation emerged, that's why Yeshua said: Behold, I make all things new.

    Mikael, being at the base of the column, also

    presides over these 33 vertebrae that are responsible for every 14

    movement of the human being, because without Mikael the universe does not expand, it does not move, since Satan is not expansion, it is contraction.

    Satan is contraction, limitation, destruction, death, while Mikael is expansion, life and unlimited power.

    Mikael can also be considered the Alefe or Aleph, the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet, but also of Arabic, Syriac and Aramaic. He is symbolized by the head of a bull representing the bull that was sacrificial in the time of the law.

    The law was actually never abolished, but the bull is

    no longer sacrificed, as Yeshua died in our place and in the place of animals and Mikael as the beginning of everything, the Aleph, is at the root of this eternal struggle against chaos. The universe expands in this fight.


    This confrontation is part of the dynamics of the universe, everything starts with Aleph and after the complete cycle it starts again with Aleph in the new cycle.

    In the age of Taurus 6,000 years ago Adam emerged

    and with him the Adamic or Semitic race began a new phase for humanity, as other human races had already fallen.

    Adam was created from the red earth of Mars, a clash

    against Sabaoth, the archon of Mars, Sabtabiel.

    He was created from a human race that lived on Mars

    and that was destroyed in the war against chaos, but a new cycle began with Adam, in the age of the bull, Aleph.


    Before the bull in the age of twins, the Atlanteans and Lemurians ruled the world, they were two brother peoples, twins, but they fell and everything was created, recreated in Aleph, Adam Kadmom, the father of the Semitic race.

    The Devekut Meditation


    Start the work by learning to meditate to

    understand how I know the divine mysteries. They are not 18

    exclusive to one person, everyone who practices Devekut meditation discovers fantastic secrets by delving into the level of Sod which means mystery. Meditating is a foreign concept to the West. How will I evolve towards the Creator by achieving physical and spiritual powers without doing anything, just sitting and breathing? This for the Westerner is nonsense, because he is used to the rush of everyday life and everything that passes from that to him is nonsense.

    You've learned to run from one place to another to achieve your goals, studying, working, taking graduate courses, fighting to get the ideal woman or the ideal man in the case of ladies. This rush ends up accumulating stress that generates depression, anxiety and leads thousands to suicide around the world.

    If I tell a person who is on this path of daily madness that everything he does is useless, that he should start meditating in silence and then the doors will open, this person will call me crazy and might even hit me.


    This is because the Westerner does not understand the dynamics of the universe. When I say western I also mean 90% of the east, whose people are also contaminated by the greed and selfishness of the west.

    The universe works as follows. Everything that we conquer consciously, running and fighting, is something superficial and material, it is not something profound. This all symbolizes the world of the 1% of the cabala, the material, transitory, ephemeral and mortal world, as it is fading every day.

    The true art of living is in the world of the 99% of Kabbalah, the unchanging, eternal world that we reach through meditation by accessing our subconscious.

    This sounds crazy, but it is this secret and invisible world that governs our physical world, when we try to access it in meditation we enter a deep trance and then our mission

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