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The World War Of 1756 To 1763
The World War Of 1756 To 1763
The World War Of 1756 To 1763
Ebook154 pages1 hour

The World War Of 1756 To 1763

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In this book we are going to expand the scope of the Seven Years War (1756-1763), known to many historians, among whom I include myself, as the First World War, to associate it, particularly in the chapter dedicated to Analysis and Simulation, with other two wars, these secular and latent. One fought for control of the Oceans, the Anglo Dutch (1652-1784); and another for the control of Central Europe and the Mediterranean Sea, the Ottoman Habsburgs (1526-1791). The military strategy, between 1648 and 1789, witnessed the so-called “Kabinettskriege” (from the German “Cabinet War” with “metal soldiers”), in which regular disciplined armies were equipped and supplied by the States to conduct the maneuvers in the name of interests combined between Coalitions. The operational strategy prioritized the control of the main stronghold cities, those positioned in order to command the surrounding regions and roads. There were more prolonged sieges than decisive pitched battles.
Release dateFeb 4, 2024
The World War Of 1756 To 1763

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    The World War Of 1756 To 1763 - André Geraque Kiffer


    The  World  War  of 1756  to  1763.

    A  historical  simulation

    Author's  Edition



    ---  Kiffer,  André  Geraque.

    The  World  War  of  1756  to  1763.  A  historical  simulation. André  Geraque  Kiffer.

    Author's  Edition,  Resende,  2021.

    Bibliography:  145  p.  58  im.  21  cm..

    1.  History.  2.  Art  of  War.  3.  Science  of  War.  4.  Wargames. I.  Author.  II.  Title.

    ISBN  978-65-00-18629-1



    Supported  by  a  summary  of  the  historical  fact  (war, campaign  and  /  or  battle),  I  try  to  analyze  and highlight  the  decisive  factors,  before  simulating alternative  what  if…  hypotheses  through  a  board game.  In  the  simulation,  all  the  possibilities  of  the study's  purpose  are  completed,  when  the  past  of history  is  analyzed  based  on  the  theory  of  the present  and  designed  for  similar  situations  in  the future.  So  far  I  have  published  books  in  the following  series:  I.  Historical  Simulation  of  the  Wars of  the  First  Empires  in  2010;  VIII.  Historical Simulation  of  the  First  World  War  in  2011;  II. Historical  Simulation  of  the  Wars  in  Classical Greece  in  2012;  III.  Historical  Simulation  of  the Roman  Wars  in  2016;  IV.  Historical  Simulation  of Wars  in  the  Medieval  Era  in  2018;  and  V.  Historical Simulation  of  Wars  in  the  Modern  Era  (1453  to 1774)  in  2019.  I  still  plan  to  publish  the  following series:  "VI.  Historical  Simulation  of  Wars  in  the  Age

    of  Revolutions  (1775  to  1860)",  particularly  the


    Napoleonic  Wars  (1803  to  1815);  VII.  Historical Simulation  of  Wars  in  the  Industrial  Age  (1861  to 1913),  particularly  the  American  Civil  War  (1861  to 1865);  IX.  Historical  Simulation  of  World  War  II; and  X.  Historical  Simulation  of  the  Cold  War  (1917 to  1989).  So,  based  on  this  comprehensive  view  of Military  History  since  1560  BC  in  Ancient  Egypt,  and the  knowledge  acquired  in  my  studies  for  a  doctor  of Military  Sciences  in  2000  and  a  bachelor's  degree  in History  in  2019,  I  will  complete  my  project  by  writing and  publishing  an  own  theory  on  the  Art  and Science  of  War. Keywords:  History.  Art  of  War.  Science  of  War.



    CHAPTER  1  –  WORLD  WAR  OF  1756-1763……..6 CHAPTER  2  –  ANALYSIS  &  SIMULATION...........35


    6 CHAPTER  1

    THE  WORLD  WAR  OF  1756  TO  1763

    Names  of  people  and  places  may  be  kept  in  the original,  game  and  /  or  real  languages,  unless  there is  a  more  familiar  or  necessary  form  of understanding.  Titles  or  technical  terms  in  other languages,  when  there  is  no  better  translation  into English,  will  be  kept  and  explained  the  first  time they  appear.

    In  this  book  we  are  going  to  expand  the  scope of  the  Seven  Years'  War  (1756-1763),  known  to many  historians,  among  whom  I  include  myself,  as the  First  World  War,  to  associate  it,  particularly  in the  chapter  dedicated  to  Analysis  and  Simulation,

    with  other  two  wars,  these  secular  and  latent.


    Im  1:  Clash  between  empires.

    One  fought  for  control  of  the  Oceans,  the  Anglo Dutch  (1652-1784);  and  another  for  the  control  of Central  Europe  and  the  Mediterranean  Sea,  the Ottoman  Habsburg  (1526-1791).  In  this  chapter  we will  summarize  the  main  aspects  of  these  two conflicts,  while  in  the  analysis  and  simulation  we  will cover  only  the  possible  actions  in  the  selected period  from  1756  to  1763.

    For  the  greatest  worldwide  expansion  in  the history  of  the  period,  we  will  first  present  a  more detailed  picture  of  the  Seven  Years'  War,  and  then summarize  the  history  of  the  other  two.  In  the

    simulation  the  three  will  be  part  of  our  World  War.


    Im  2:  Europe  in  1748.

    Seven  Years’  War  (1756-1763)  1

    The  so-called  Diplomatic  Revolution  2  it  was  a major  diplomatic  shift  triggered  by  the  separation  of interests  between  Austria,  Great  Britain  and  France. The  peace  of  Aix-la-Chapelle,  after  the  Austrian  War of  Succession  (1744-1748)  3  ,  left  Austria  aware  of the  high  price  it  paid  to  have  Britain  as  an  ally.

    1  MARSTON,  Daniel.  Essential  Histories:  The  Seven  Years’

    War.  Oxford:  Osprey,  2001.

    2  SCHWEIZER,  Karl  W.  War,  Politics,  and  Diplomacy:  The

    Anglo-Prussian  Alliance,  1756-1763.  Cambridge:  University Press  of  Amer,  1991.

    3  ARMOR,  Ian.  A  History  of  Eastern  Europe  1740–1918.  New

    York:  Bloomsbury  Academic  Press,  2012.


    Im  3:  Diplomatic  Revolution  in  the  18th  century.

    Maria  Theresa  of  Austria  had  defended  her claim  to  the  Habsburg  throne  and  had  her  husband, Francis,  crowned  emperor  in  1745.  However,  she was  forced  to  relinquish  valuable  territory  in  the process.

    Under  British  diplomatic  pressure,  Maria Theresa  had  to  give  up  most  of  Lombardy  and  the occupied  part  of  Bavaria.  The  British  also  forced  it to  hand  over  the  Italian  city  of  Parma  (from  the

    Duchy  of  Milan)  to  Spain  and,  more  importantly,  to


    abandon  its  valuable  state  of  Silesia  to  Prussian occupation.

    Im  4:  Silesia  until  1742.

    During  that  1744  war,  Frederick  II  of  Prussia had  conquered  Silesia,  one  of  the  lands  of  the Kingdom  of  Bohemia,  further  advancing  Prussia  as a  major  European  power  and  a  growing  threat  to  the German  lands  of  Austria  and  Central  Europe  as  a whole.

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