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從 1960 年開始,一批批台灣最優秀的女性學子至美國求學,沒拿到博士學位的幾乎無顏回家見江東父老。這些留學生世代被稱為「高成就世代」(Overachiever Generation)。 情況到 2000 年起了變化,中國崛起,製造了可觀的經濟機會。到美國留學的中國年輕人愈來愈多,也排擠了台灣年輕人到美國求學的機會,而當年決定留在美國高就的留學生,除了國籍變更之外,也面臨了文化斷層,沒有台灣年輕人接班了,他們的風光即將埋入歷史。

我也是這群「高成就世代」的人,我常苦思如何在我們因年齡而隨風飄逝之前, 保留住這段輝煌。2014 年,我因緣際會認識了台灣國立歷史博物館館長張譽騰博士,&

Publisherchang c chen
Release dateMar 17, 2024

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    陳李琬若口述歷史:第一位美國華人女市長 - 邱彰

    copyright©2018 by Chang C. Chen

    All Rights Reserved

    No part of this book may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, or by any information storage or retrieval system, without written permission from the publisher.

    Includes bibliographical references.

    Herstory: in her own words

    Oral History of Chinese American Women Series


    Since 1960, many of Taiwan's elite college women graduates began a movement to study at leading American graduate schools. They are called the Overachiever Generation. The situation changed drastically in 2000 when China emerged as a world economic power. American schools were no longer the only option, and most of Taiwan's youth choose to further their studies and work in China where language and culture are not barriers.

    In 2014, I met Dr. Chang Yu-Tung, Director of the National

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