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The Tragedy Of Death of ASA
The Tragedy Of Death of ASA
The Tragedy Of Death of ASA
Ebook123 pages57 minutes

The Tragedy Of Death of ASA

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About this ebook

The Tragedy Of Death of ASA, is a bloody and painful drama by Reza 

Taheri Bashar.

This play tells the ancient story of greed and love and grudge in the tense 

relationship of two sisters, Asa and Parna, from a powerful aristocratic 


Parna with a sick soul, is a lonely mother, who longs to mee

Release dateMar 16, 2024
The Tragedy Of Death of ASA

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    Book preview

    The Tragedy Of Death of ASA - REZA TAHERIBASHAR

    The Tragedy






    Reza Taheri Bashar


    Parna: The elder sister and leader of Karen's aristocratic family

    Asa: younger sister and successor of Parna

    Pargas: Parna's ex-wife from Mehran's noble family

    Abrand: son of Asa and General of the army from Karen aristocratic family

    Bastab: son of Parna and Pragas and their only surviving son

    The king of Iran, the king's representatives, commanders, soldiers, mobs, and servants

    Act I

    The first scene

    [The deafening roar of drums in the distance, Asa and Parna look out the window; Parna impatiently turns and stands in the middle, and suddenly all sounds are silenced]


    The king and his scouts must have arrived in the capital.



    Many things have changed.


    Many changes


    This time I was not here for three years. The spiritual mother did not allow me to leave the monastery.


    I urged her to let you leave the monastery.

    [Laughs and looks out the window again]

    Because today your young warrior son returns from war.


    Of course, under the command of General Abrand, your ambitious eldest son.


    They are both our precious sons.


    Listen to the distant rumbling of drums

    The tumult of celebration of victory in this hard battle.


    Bastab has not visited me for a long time.


    It was a war.


    But he had to make an effort to see his mother.


    You were depressed and angry for a long time and didn't want to see anyone in the monastery or here.

    [grabs her hands]

    Come on


    But this time, I have come to see and stay.

    [they exit]

    The second scene

    [The wind is howling, soldiers and courtiers are standing on the side, and the king is in the middle]

    The first courtier:

    Defeated rebel Governor of Armenia

    [Armenian Governor is brought before the king with his hands tied and made to kneel before the king]

    The first courtier:

    See, this treaty is between the venerable king and the Roman emperor.

    [opens a scroll]

    As a result of Iran's victory in this difficult battle and according to this treaty signed by Emperor Stratus and the Senate of Rome, Great Armenia will be returned to the states of the vast kingdom and will join the motherland forever.

    [closes the scroll]

    By paying a heavy ransom and many restrictions, Rome has committed to not interfere in Armenia, not to disturb the agreement's terms, and to fulfill its clauses.


    [goes to the kneeling man, pulls out his sword]

    By joining the Romans, you turned your back on your land and history; you involved the Iranians, making them violent and bloodthirsty. This is treason.

    [Armenian Governor takes to the place of execution]

    And the punishment for treason is death.

    [goes towards Abrand]

    Now, in honor of our victorious leader, Abrand of the Karen family

    [All raise their swords to the sky, the king gives Abrand a badge of honor]

    In the towering mountains of Armenia and the difficult passes, you fought bravely against the armed Roman army.

    [Abrand bows before the king]

    Just like your illustrious warrior father

    [The courtiers leave, Asa and Parna are standing on the side, the king faces Asa]

    Madam, you should appreciate this brave boy.

    [Then turning to Parna]

    And also the value of pioneering your son in vanguard regiment, Lady Parna

    [The king exits, Bastab is standing further away and does not go towards his mother - Parna -, Abrand kisses the hand of his mother - Asa - ]


    Dear mother

    [he bows to Asa, and then Bastab kisses Asa's hand]


    My lovely children, fearless warriors

    [caressing them gently]

    You have been away from the capital for a long time.

    How did this war end?


    Hard, cold, terrifying


    It wasn't easy, but we won.


    [shows Parna to Bastab]

    Are you not going to meet your mother?

    Parna has left the monastery because of you and has come to see your glory.


    just for you


    [Coldly hugs his mother]


    [Parna hugs Bastab tightly and does not let him go]


    Congratulations, dear aunt.

    At the beginning of the battle and on the front line of the campaign, your son and the leading regiment under his command fought bravely and smashed the enemy lines.


    [She stares into the eyes of Bastab]

    Just a small advance regiment was under the command of Bastab, right and share of my only son and rightful heir to the headship of the Karen family?

    [Abrand bows to Asa and Parna and leaves, and Bastab follows him.]


    Give him a chance

    [they exit]

    The third scene

    [Parna is looking at the papers on the table, Asa is standing on the side, and their agent is in the middle of the hall]


    Your agents are waiting to finalize this year's royal tax in the north and south flat lands and rough meadows in the fields extending beyond the Caspian.


    Hasn't the accounting book been closed for the past year?



    [Squeezes Parna's hands to leave]

    Bastab has been waiting for you for a few days now.


    No one is waiting for me. Maybe I shouldn't have come.

    [pulls her hand out of Asa's]

    Was the list closed last year?


    Not yet, my lady


    During periods when you were not directly in charge of leadership, especially during the ups and downs of the last three years, your sister was reported to.



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