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The Power of Mindfulness: How to Stop Overthinking, Reduce Stress and Anxiety, and Live in the Present: Self-help and personal development
The Power of Mindfulness: How to Stop Overthinking, Reduce Stress and Anxiety, and Live in the Present: Self-help and personal development
The Power of Mindfulness: How to Stop Overthinking, Reduce Stress and Anxiety, and Live in the Present: Self-help and personal development
Ebook84 pages54 minutes

The Power of Mindfulness: How to Stop Overthinking, Reduce Stress and Anxiety, and Live in the Present: Self-help and personal development

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About this ebook

Do you feel unsatisfied with your life?

Do you find it hard to enjoy the here and now?

Are you trapped in a never-ending whirlwind of negative thoughts, stress and anxiety?


Don't worry, you're not alone. Millions of people are going through, or have been through, the same thing as you. The good news is there's a solution. There is a way to get your mental peace back and enjoy life to the full: here and now.

Mindfulness, a millennia-old practice backed up by modern science, will help you connect with the here and now. Thanks to mindfulness, you will learn to manage your thoughts and emotions, to get rid of old unsatisfaction with your past or warped worries about your future and, in short, to enjoy the life that you deserve and have been waiting for.

This book is for you if:


  - You often feel tired, anxious, stressed or sad.

  - You're living in "survival mode".

  - You haven't healed from past traumas.

  - You don't feel in control of your life.

  - You're afraid of the future.

  - You get overcome by anger, resentment, envy or impulsiveness.

  - You've been having a midlife crisis for years.

  - You don't like your life.

  - You don't like what you've become.

  - You've tried mindfulness and you didn't like it or find it useful.

With The Power of Mindfulness, you will learn:


  - To implement mindful practices in your everyday life.

  - To understand and manage your emotions more effectively.

  - To foster self-compassion and gratitude.

  - To integrate mindful meditation into your routine.

  - To use your full attention to improve your life and your relationships.

  - And much more.

In this mindfulness guide, you will find simple and practical tools for incorporating your full attention into your daily life through clear and accessible steps. In no time at all, with a little consistency, you will notice a significant improvement in your general wellbeing, how you manage stress and how you relate to your thoughts and emotions.

Whatever your personal situation or life stage, right now there are two things you can do: keep doing what you're doing and hope for a different result, or try mindfulness. If you choose the latter option, you will see how the pieces of your reality begin to fit together. You'll understand things from the present, past and future, and you will have the privilege of witnessing the transformation of your inner and outer world.

Most of us live with intolerable pressure. But life doesn't have to be that way. Your life can be wonderful. And it can start TODAY.

Stop waiting and get your copy NOW.

Release dateMar 18, 2024
The Power of Mindfulness: How to Stop Overthinking, Reduce Stress and Anxiety, and Live in the Present: Self-help and personal development

Daniel J. Martin

Daniel J. Martin, a writer by hobby and psychologist by vocation, first studied psychology and then business administration, trying to find the tools that would allow him to enjoy a full and happy life, far from the "rat race" that his parents were forced to endure. Over time, he realized that the skills he sought were not taught at university, precisely because the system is designed to trap us in this cruel race. It was then that he decided to combine his knowledge in both disciplines and develop a holistic approach to promote emotional well-being and personal success. Through his books and professional practice, Daniel helps people from all over the world discover what they really want in life and provides them with the tools and skills necessary to achieve it.

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    The Power of Mindfulness - Daniel J. Martin


    At this point, I don’t know of anyone who hasn’t heard of mindfulness.

    However, I know very few people who are actually benefiting from its potential. And there are very few people who know how to explain exactly it is. Why? What is so mysterious about mindfulness? Is it an occult science? A religion, a force from beyond revealed only to a select few?

    Of course not. Mindfulness is much more real and rational than people believe. It does not come from the beyond or from any extrasensory god: it comes from the capabilities of our own minds, and its power of action is limited to our nervous system (so, almost limitless!). It can be explained through psychology, psychiatry and neurophysiology, and its benefits are proven: it is not a matter of beliefs or a trend, it is a matter of fact.

    However, many people never approach mindfulness, or they abandon it shortly after getting started. I myself was a skeptic until I realized that mindfulness is not what we’ve been sold.

    What is mindfulness and why should you care about it?

    Mindfulness is a protection of the nervous system. It is the calm voice capable of silencing all the external and internal noise, all the chaos, all the uncertainty and all the emotional and physical pain that we carry in our daily lives.

    Mindfulness is those comfortable slippers that you put on when you get home after a bad or tiring day. It is that lens that allows you to focus until you can see an image with total clarity. It is that feeling of wellbeing that floods you when you’ve done what you needed to.

    Mindfulness is a tool that allows you to get closer to yourself and rediscover that overgrown path through life. It is a means of communication with your soul, body and way of being.

    If it’s so beneficial, you might be wondering, how can it continue to be the subject of debate?

    Well, because mindfulness is not a pill that you just swallow and wait a half-hour for it to start working. It is not a concept that you read about in a flyer and that works by magic. Mindfulness is a learning process. And, like any learning processes, it needs a little support.

    This book will be the support that you need to be able to understand mindfulness and, above all, to be able to enjoy its amazing power.

    This guide to mindfulness is for you if:

    I want to stop at this last point. You might be thinking: How is mindfulness going to work for me if I’ve already tried it and didn’t like it or get anything out of it?

    Well, what you didn’t like was actually the approach you took, not the mindfulness itself. Let me explain: mindfulness is NOT something you might just not like. It’s not a question of taste. You can’t not like drinking water when you’re thirsty or that feeling when an injury finally heals and no longer hurts. In the same way, you can’t not like living fully or being the owner of your life.

    So you have so many reasons to give mindfulness a chance (or another chance). Because you know the best bit? You have nothing to lose by trying it. There are no contraindications, there is no sacrificing anything. There is only contribution and growth, and, on

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