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Campaign Of Mato Grosso In The Paraguay War, 1865-1867
Campaign Of Mato Grosso In The Paraguay War, 1865-1867
Campaign Of Mato Grosso In The Paraguay War, 1865-1867
Ebook45 pages19 minutes

Campaign Of Mato Grosso In The Paraguay War, 1865-1867

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Since 1862, politicians argued with the imperial government about the need to improve the border defenses of Mato Grosso and Rio Grande do Sul, which at that time were dangerously unguarded. Let s simulate what would be the best conditions for the Brazilian Expeditionary Force in the north of the Paraguay managed to complete the first phase of a strategic-military plan that aimed to establish a logistical base across the border on the Apa River. This would make it possible, in a second phase, to attempt to consolidate this axis of invasion and from there, an operational strategy could be pursued that would advance on Concepción and Asunción from the north, aiming to connect to the fluvial axis through the Paraguay River, from the Platinum region, south of the continent.
Release dateFeb 3, 2024
Campaign Of Mato Grosso In The Paraguay War, 1865-1867

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    Campaign Of Mato Grosso In The Paraguay War, 1865-1867 - André Geraque Kiffer


    Campaign  of  Mato  Grosso  in  the

    Paraguay  War,  1865-1867. A  historical  simulation

    Author's  Edition Rio  de  Janeiro


    ---  Kiffer,  André  Geraque.

    Campaign  of  Mato  Grosso  in  the  Paraguay  War,  1865- 1867.  A  historical  simulation.  André  Geraque  Kiffer.

    Author’s  Edition,  Rio  de  Janeiro,  2022. Bibliography:  51  p.  20  im.  21  cm..

    1.  History.  2.  Art  of  War.  3.  Science  of  War.  4.  War Games.  I.  Author.  II.  Title.

    ISBN  978-65-00-39055-1



    In  my  Military  History  study  project  I  rely  on  a summary  of  historical  fact,  I  analyze  and  highlight the  decisive  factors,  before  simulating  alternative what  if…  hypotheses  through  a  board  game.  In  the simulation,  all  possibilities  of  the  purpose  of  the study  are  completed,  when  the  past  of  history  is analyzed  based  on  the  theory  of  the  present  and projected  for  similar  situations  in  the  future.  Since 2010  I  have  published  the  following  series  of simulations:  I.  Historical  Simulation  of  the  Wars  of the  First  Empires;  II.  Historical  Simulation  of  the Wars  in  Classical  Greece;  III.  Historical  Simulation of  the  Roman  Wars;  IV.  Historical  Simulation  of Wars  in  the  Medieval  Era;  V.  Historical  Simulation of  Wars  in  the  Modern  Era  (1453  to  1774);  VI. Historical  Simulation  of  Wars  in  the  Age  of Revolutions  (1775  to  1860);  VII.  Historical Simulation  of  Wars  in  the  Industrial  Age  (1861  to 1913);  "VIII.  Historical  Simulation  of  the  First  World

    War;  IX.  Historical  Simulation  of  World  War  II;  X.


    Historical  Simulation  of  the  Cold  War  (1917  to 1991);  and  XI.  Historical  Simulation  of Contemporary  Wars  (1991  to  ...)". Keywords:  History.  Art  of  War.  Science  of  War.  War



    João  Baptista

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