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The House of Monsters
The House of Monsters
The House of Monsters
Ebook202 pages2 hours

The House of Monsters

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About this ebook

Modern-day 2019 took place through dreams, visions, and some real events. I would find out later that many events had already happened many decades before.

This story is about a little girl named Rosie who lived in a house that, in its day and time, used to belong to a secret society that had many dark secrets. Little Rosie lived in hidden rooms in the walls, and if she was ever seen, she could be killed. Find out what happened when she was unable to talk from her throat being cut and her family was killed and her house was stolen.

Release dateMar 12, 2024
The House of Monsters

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    Book preview

    The House of Monsters - David Newark

    Table of Contents



    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15

    Chapter 16

    Chapter 17

    Chapter 18

    Chapter 19

    Chapter 20

    Chapter 21

    Chapter 22

    Chapter 23

    Chapter 24

    Chapter 25

    Chapter 26

    Chapter 27

    Chapter 28

    Chapter 29

    Chapter 30

    Chapter 31

    Chapter 32

    Chapter 33

    Chapter 34

    Chapter 35

    Chapter 36

    Chapter 37

    Chapter 38

    Chapter 39

    Chapter 40

    Chapter 41

    Chapter 42

    Chapter 43

    Chapter 44

    Chapter 45

    Chapter 46

    Chapter 47

    Chapter 48

    Chapter 49

    Chapter 50

    Chapter 51

    Chapter 52

    Chapter 53

    Chapter 54

    Chapter 55

    Chapter 56

    Chapter 57

    Chapter 58

    Chapter 59

    Chapter 60

    Chapter 61

    Chapter 62

    Chapter 63

    Chapter 64

    Chapter 65

    Chapter 66

    About the Author


    The House of Monsters

    David Newark

    Copyright © 2023 David Newark

    All rights reserved

    First Edition


    320 Broad Street

    Red Bank, NJ 07701

    First originally published by Newman Springs Publishing 2023

    ISBN 979-8-89061-122-2 (Paperback)

    ISBN 979-8-89308-000-1 (Hardcover)

    ISBN 979-8-89061-123-9 (Digital)

    Printed in the United States of America

    Chapter 1

    Modern day (2019)

    It all started when I needed a place to live. I had just opened a new shop in the small town of Apopka, Florida. I had been staying in an RV camper on the property of my new shop.

    As for my wife and kids, they were an hour's drive south at our home in St. Cloud, Florida. We were just getting ready to put our first owned home on the market. We had wanted a change in our lives.

    The home we had was a single wide trailer on three acres of property. We decided to step out on faith and make a move to a town only an hour away that we knew nothing about.

    It was different leaving the town that we had grown up in and never left. Our hometown Kissimmee and St. cloud had a much faster lifestyle than this new town. We never knew that we could drive an hour away and feel like we went back in time thirty years.

    People at the grocery stores will hold the door for you and say excuse me. Very often, you could hear them say may God bless you.

    It seemed like the whole Southern Bible Belt from Alabama to Mississippi was wrapped up in one small town of Apopka.

    After about a week into my stay, I had always driven by this old abandoned house, which sat next to a beautiful upscale house. Why am I so attracted to it? I asked myself. After multiple trips by it, I decided to stop and ask the neighbor about the house.

    The story he told me was interesting, to say the least. After speaking with him, he gave me the contact info for the owner.

    On my first walk up to the front door, I must admit I was overwhelmed by the door itself. It was as if it was from an old castle or out of a scary movie. It had a small four-inch metal-slot peephole that someone could open from the inside and look out of. On the outside, it had a cage over that slot so no one could reach in. I found it very creepy, and that reflected a memory of what the neighbor had told me.

    I reached down and jiggled the big metal door handle, and to my surprise, the door opened.

    As I stepped into the house, it was cold and felt wet. But everything was dry and dusty as if it had not been lived in for many years.

    To my surprise, someone's belongings were still there. I picked up a picture, and I could see the memories of someone's family photos. Precious memories, no doubt.

    The house that I was standing in was over a hundred years old. I didn't want to go any farther into the house because I didn't have any permission yet, and it felt even creepier knowing that someone's belongings were still there.

    We were looking at houses that were in the range of $1,700 a month. That was normal in this area for a three-bedroom house. But as for my wife, she was missing the pool, and those range for around $2,300 a month or more, which was way beyond my reach.

    When showing the wife and kids the house, we pulled into the yard. Suddenly, I noticed a pack of wild coyotes staring at us. As for me, I had never seen coyotes before. They looked like they were wolves. I couldn't tell the difference until my wife spoke up and said, Those are coyotes.

    As if the house wasn't creepy enough already. The kids named it Monster House.

    After peeking through a broken privacy fence, I noticed an old Olympic-sized pool in the backyard. Then I noticed that the back of the siding was all modern but was not all finished yet. Also, there was new central air and heat. It had so many pluses about it—stainless steel kitchen appliances and everything that my wife said that she must have. And she reminded me of it sarcastically before I stepped out of the vehicle that she wasn't about to get out of. Everything she wanted out of a house was there.

    It's a sure win for everyone, I said to myself.

    I got it cheap—way too cheap for me to even believe. It was $950 a month. No first, no last month's security deposit, and three months free with no money down. Now that was unbelievable. After that, I knew for sure that this was the house. I just had that gut feeling.

    I went down and had the electricity turned on, never spending the first night in the old house. Then I decided to turn on all the lights so the neighbors would know that someone was living there. But to my surprise, as I returned to the house before daylight that next morning, I noticed all the lights were off. All but the one in the attic.

    I stopped dead in my tracks. I was a little nervous, wondering what was going on in this house. Then I thought about the whole situation as I remembered the story that the neighbor had told. I decided the only thing I could do was to have the house blessed, and that's just what I did.

    But it wasn't an easy thing to do. I called around, trying to find out if there was a modern-day priest or someone that could come bless the house. Most people don't believe in ghosts or demons, and most churches wouldn't take the time of day. They would think you're crazy, making you wonder if you weren't.

    After reviewing multiple things online and speaking with my family, I figured the best thing we could do was to get some anointing oil and pray over it ourselves.

    The house was cold and dark. My wife, kids, and I put the anointing oil on the tips of our fingers and stepped into the center of the dining area, and we placed it on all four walls as we prayed like never before.

    Then I felt goose bumps, and the hair was standing up on the back of my neck. There also were waves of chills all over me and a coldness wrapping around my body, starting at my feet and making its way up to my neck. I knew that something had just happened. But then a peace came over me, and I felt a warm wind blowing through the house. And just like that, it was gone. I felt as if whatever demon may have been there was gone, and that gave me much comfort.

    I don't know how serious my kids or my wife were about the demonic spirits. After all, they knew nothing about the stories of the old house that neighbor had told me, and I sure wasn't about to tell them at this time. This was going to be our first night there.

    We started a nice fire to stay warm and then spread blankets on the living room floor.

    In the middle of the night, I had woken up pouring sweat, but I was freezing cold at the same time. As the flames were burning in the fireplace, I stared into them, and I saw myself burning.

    Speechless, I tried to turn away, but I was paralyzed in the vision, unable to move.

    Chapter 2

    Modern day

    The house had four bedrooms, and to my surprise, there were a few extra hidden rooms. There were secret passages in the walls, and the crazy thing was there were hidden doors that only locked from the inside.

    Then there was another small hatch door boarded up in the upstairs bathroom. After I pried it open and looked inside, I started thinking that maybe it was just an old laundry chute. That was until I discovered the writings on the walls.

    The writings on the walls appeared to be from a small child. And then I could see the stick-figure drawings of an entire family. I could tell from the drawings that they lived inside the house walls.

    Then there were more drawings of another family that appeared to live in the normal rooms of the old house.

    I discovered that under the staircase was a very old chest, and inside it were pictures and a diary of someone's most personal possessions. There was a picture of a little girl that appeared to be probably around eight years old. Also, there was a small box inside the old chest that appeared to be her belongings. Inside it were little necklaces and feather earrings along with some other keepsake items.

    My mind started wondering why anyone would leave these things behind, especially along with all the other things that I had found. It made no sense to me.

    Then after moving some more boxes, I found more writings and a whole other room that was boarded up under the staircase. It went deeper into the old house.

    It seemed that this house had a basement, and basements in Florida are very rare.

    I was cleaning up in the dining room when I noticed the floor had a cut-out place that appeared to go down under the house. It looked like it was boarded up decades ago.

    Chapter 3

    Modern day

    As my thoughts tried to get the best of me, I found myself asking a question: God, why me and why this house?

    The next day or two, we had all the beds in the house, and the family was finally all back together. This would be their first night.

    Everything was going smoothly, or so I thought.

    My youngest daughter's room was across the hall upstairs, and she had an AC vent with no cover on it yet. Later that night, around 3:00 a.m., I woke up, and the light was on in the attic.

    And suddenly, I heard the sound of glass breaking and my daughter screaming. I quickly rushed into my daughter's room across the hall and saw glass all over her floor, which fell from her vent. I asked her what happened.

    She said she heard someone in the attic, and as she looked up, she saw a child's face sticking through the hole and looking back at her. Then, suddenly, glass started falling through the hole, so she quickly closed her eyes and turned her head. And when she looked back up, no one was there.

    I went up into the attic and found an old broken window (probably from the 1930s) that was just sitting on the side, uninstalled. It appeared that it was the glass that fell through the vent.

    I told her it was just an old window that fell over, probably because of a rat. I quickly made my way down the attic stairs. I turned the light off and went back to sleep.

    Again, I woke up right before daylight to the sound of screaming now coming from my granddaughter's room downstairs. As I rushed down the stairs and into the room, she was crying like crazy. She told me there was someone dancing in her room, and it was a little girl. And then there was a loud noise going bang.

    She was crying profusely in between her words. She was so frightened, and I could see it in her eyes. I knew right then she had seen something.

    I had signed a five-year lease, and we haven't even slept comfortably for five hours.

    My mind wondered back to stories that I had heard in the past of children who can see things that we can't see. The children are special. I've heard of them seeing angels, and I've heard of them seeing people that had passed away long before the child was ever born.

    My question was this. Who was this little girl dancing in my granddaughter's room, and what was the big bang? I decided to go digging through the diary and the things that I had found under the stairs in the hidden rooms.

    I ended up finding a lot more books and diaries. Then

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