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Sacrificial Lamb
Sacrificial Lamb
Sacrificial Lamb
Ebook317 pages4 hours

Sacrificial Lamb

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About the Book: It’s a fictional story about the blood line of Jesus Christ. In this tale, the salvation of humanity rests upon a sacrifice that must be had at the completion of every thousand years. Revelation 20-7 “And when a thousand years has ended, Satan shall be loosed from his prison.” In this fictional story, there must be a sacrifice of (the) blood line, in order to prevent the beast from giving rise to the Devil in our world/realm. The beast can only give rise to the Devil through the blood of Christ. In this twisted tale, the Devil rapes a young ‘Madalina’. A young Portuguese immigrant living in New York City. She is of the blood line and the Devil in his malevolent insight, is fully aware that his rise must be had through this poor young innocent immigrant child. Our protagonist Michael is the only male born in a thousand years of this specific lineage, and he is the only one who can give his life for the rest of humanity. Throughout the story, the Devil is on an unholy mission to manipulate and convince Michael that humanity is no longer worth saving. Michael almost loses everything in the interim, but his salvation. This story is not lacking in twists and turns that keep the reader completely engaged for its entirety.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateMar 17, 2024
Sacrificial Lamb

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    Sacrificial Lamb - Christopher Jacob

    Copyright © 2024 by Christopher Jacob.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

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    Rev. date: 03/13/2024





    Chapter 1     Forewarning

    Chapter 2     Innocence Lost

    Chapter 3     The Plan

    Chapter 4     The Birth

    Chapter 5     The Dream

    Chapter 6     Fall River, Massachusetts

    Chapter 7     Michael

    Chapter 8     Westport, Massachusetts

    Chapter 9     Beelzebub, Father of Lies

    Chapter 10   The Witness

    Chapter 11   Summer 1989

    Chapter 12   First Date

    Chapter 13   Vanished

    Chapter 14   Resolution

    Chapter 15   The Beginning

    Chapter 16   Wedded Bliss

    Chapter 17   Trenton State Hospital

    Chapter 18   Raymond

    Chapter 19   Charles Harper

    Chapter 20   The Interim

    Chapter 21   Sheep among the Wolves

    Chapter 22   Jessica

    Chapter 23   John Conrad

    Chapter 24   The Vineyard

    Chapter 25   Sarah

    Chapter 26   Janet Gibson

    Chapter 27   Good News Travels Fast

    Chapter 28   Pink Blanket

    Chapter 29   Slipping Away

    Chapter 30   The Beginning of the End

    Chapter 31   Pep Talk

    Chapter 32   The Incident

    Chapter 33   Revelation

    Chapter 34   Squaring It Away

    Chapter 35   Captive

    Chapter 36   Reconciliation

    Chapter 37   The Truth

    Chapter 38   Catharsis

    Chapter 39   Lucidity

    Chapter 40   A Mother’s Love

    Chapter 41   Making Amends

    Chapter 42   A Turn of Events

    Chapter 43   Old Stomping Grounds

    Chapter 44   Little Brother

    Chapter 45   Leap of Faith

    Chapter 46   The Nubble

    Chapter 47   Elysium

    Chapter 48   For the Pessimists

    About the Author



    T HE EARLY MORNING sun was already beginning to warm the air around Alyssa, a beautiful young Portuguese girl with long, wavy auburn hair and brown almond-shaped eyes. This day was no different from any other. It began with Alyssa rising early to go about the demeaning task of begging for food from the local townspeople. Although Alyssa was born in Lisbon, her family, consisting of her mother and grandmother, now lived in Fátima, Portugal. In recent years, Fátima had been the center of a religious uprising of both hope and controversy.

    Alyssa repositioned her basket on her arm as she made her way down the cobblestoned streets. Her nostrils were filled with the aroma of fresh bread baking, along with the robust scent of freshly prepared fish. Her stomach was aching to be filled by the same aromas that scorched into her belly like a tortured soul burning in the abyss. Alyssa’s sweet disposition and lovely brown eyes aided her in acquiring a few morsels of yesterday’s bread and cheese from the already poor neighboring townsfolk. How could they turn this child away?

    As she made her way through the alleys, she quietly passed the source of recent controversy, the statue of Lady Fátima. She was suddenly taken back to the day it all began, three years earlier. Alyssa found herself wondering, How can something so beautiful create so much strife for the three children who claimed the Virgin Mary spoke to them and gave them a message? She remembered how the three were ostracized publicly in 1917 by not only the townspeople but also all Portugal. Alyssa was just ten years old at the time. Now at the tender age of thirteen, she recalled that year and how eventful it was.

    Alyssa’s mind was always in a constant state of wonderment, which was typical of a girl her age. She often thought of her father, a Lisbon native who had unfortunately died of a heart condition when Alyssa was only two. She tragically had no memory of her father, Fredric De Menezes, except for the accounts her mother so diligently ingrained into her mind. Alyssa’s mother, Sophia, never let a day go by without a kind word about the hardworking, benevolent man who had made his living as a carpenter.

    Sophia, originally born in France, where her family’s lineage dated back for centuries, met her husband what seemed like ages ago while visiting Lisbon. Sophia and her mother, Marie, had always remained an undaunted presence in Alyssa’s life. Unfortunately, they were now impoverished and struggled daily to keep food on the table.

    Alyssa would collect her pride, along with the food she had begged for, and made her way home to proudly bestow her earnings for the day with her family. But on this day, Alyssa did something completely out of character. With much reservation, she screened herself in the alley just behind the statue of Lady Fátima and surrendered to the hunger that drove her. She began to eat a portion of the bread she was to deliver home to her family. Shame stricken with every bite, she glanced over at the statue. It appeared as though a bright glare from the sun was reflecting from its center. As the seconds passed, Alyssa realized that the brilliant white-crimson light grew brighter and appeared to travel closer to her.

    Alyssa stood paralyzed in awe of the sight before her. She could not believe what her eyes were witnessing. There within the light, a figure approached. It can’t be! The Virgin Mary, shrouded in white, made her way to Alyssa.

    Forgive me, Virgin Mother! My weakness is as great as my hunger on this day. Alyssa fell to her knees, clasping both hands together. She bowed her head and began to pray, Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us . . . Alyssa glanced up.

    The Virgin Mary was just inches away, arms stretched out. Alyssa could see her face clearly now. The Virgin Mary was smiling at her with tears in her eyes. She placed her hand on Alyssa’s forehead, and with a sudden jolt and flash of white light, Alyssa found herself in an unfamiliar place in excruciating pain. She immediately realized she was nailed to a crucifix, suspended in a vast wasteland. The sky was dark, and the blistering heat scorched her flesh while the wind and sand thrashed her overwrought body for what seemed like days. She cried out, as she could bear no more. Please, my God, help me!

    Suddenly, all became calm. Alyssa could no longer feel the agony of the nails piercing her flesh as a calm, righteous voice came to her.

    He that hath the seven Spirits of God, and the seven stars; I know thy works, that thou hast the name that thou lives, and art dead. Be watchful and strengthen the things which remain. Worthy is the lamb that are ready to die: for I have not found thy works perfect before God. Remember therefore how thou hast received and heard; hold fast, and repent. He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith, and know that I have loved thee.

    With a sharp flash of light, Alyssa opened her eyes to find herself back in the alley by the statue. She slowly raised her head and realized she was on her back, arms sprawled out as if she were still nailed to the crucifix. The ache from the nails that pierced her flesh, and the sting of the sand and wind were still prevalent throughout her body. She snapped to her feet with the reflexes of a cat and began to run as though the devil himself were chasing her. She never once looked back, leaving the bread and cheese behind for the morning birds to devour.

    As she made her way back home, Alyssa realized night had fallen. She thought, How long have I been gone?

    She rushed through the front door of her home to find her mother perched in a rocking chair, waiting anxiously for Alyssa to arrive. Sophia jumped to her feet and exclaimed, Where have you been, young lady? I have been worried sick! Do you realize what time it is?

    No, Mama, Alyssa responded.

    How is it possible you have no idea what time it is? You have been gone all day and night! Your grandmother and I have been worried sick!

    Please, Mama! Alyssa began to cry, unable to contain her emotions, wanting desperately to confide in her mother. Alyssa was fearful that if she explained the events of the day to her mother and if her ordeal was to be made public, the family would suffer the same fate as the families of the three children who first witnessed the Virgin Mary in the spring of 1917. I just need to lie down. I don’t feel well.

    We will talk about this in the morning! Do you understand me? Sophia snapped.

    Yes, Mama.

    The first thing Alyssa did upon entering her room was check the time, 12:06 a.m. How could I have been gone so long? Where did the time go? Alyssa began to question her sanity at this point. It had to be real. I can still feel the resonating pain in my hands and feet!

    Alyssa then dropped to her knees by her bed and began to pray, Dear heavenly Father, forgive my sins of the day as I offer my love and devotion. Alyssa believed what transpired was penance for eating the bread she should have brought home to her family. Her innocence prevented her from understanding the greater path inherited by her family, a bloodline that had remained a secret for nearly two thousand years. Alyssa, now mentally and physically drained from her ordeal, rose to her feet and slipped tentatively under the sheets of her bed and fell fast asleep.

    Early the following morning, Sophia entered Alyssa’s bedroom to acquire answers to the questions she had been anxiously straining over, pertaining to the events of the night prior. Alyssa’s mother attempted to wake her and within seconds noticed blood on the linen of her daughter’s bed. Hastily, she peeled back the covers to reveal puncture wounds on Alyssa’s wrists and feet. Sophia desperately struggled to wake Alyssa, to no avail. Sophia began to panic, rigorously shaking and shouting at Alyssa. Wake up, Alyssa! Please wake up!

    Sophia screamed for Alyssa’s grandmother, Marie. Mama, come quickly! Something is wrong with Alyssa, she won’t wake. Mama, there’s blood on the sheets!

    Marie entered the room in an instant. She was immediately sent into a state of shock and disbelief from the sight before her. Marie began to scream in horror from what her eyes had observed.

    You are not helping, Mama! Sophia snapped. Run and fetch the doctor. Tell him what has happened to Alyssa! Sophia began to bandage her daughter’s wounds while agonizing over the doctor’s arrival.

    After what seemed like an eternity, the town’s physician appeared suddenly in their home, like an angel sent from God. He was carrying a black satchel, with a pair of round spectacles resting tentatively on the bridge of his nose. Dr. Silvia was a very composed, straightforward person. He had known Alyssa’s family for many years. I need for you to be calm, Sophia. Please explain to me what has happened to Alyssa.

    I don’t know what’s happened to my baby! I tried to wake her this morning and found her in this state! Sophia was at her wit’s end.

    Dr. Silvia stepped calmly toward Sophia and placed his hands on her shoulders to set her at ease. Let’s just see what we can do, shall we? You’ve done impeccably well dressing the wounds. He approached Alyssa’s bed, reached into his bag, and drew his stethoscope, placing each end into his ears, leaning forward to examine her.

    Alyssa snapped up to a seated position with a sudden jerk. Her arms were rigid at her side. She was staring calmly at her mother through the eyes of a person far beyond the girl’s tender age. Dr. Silvia, now standing well within arm’s reach, clenched his chest as Alyssa spoke the following warning: "Woe to you, oh earth and sea, for the devil sends the beast with wrath. For he knows the time is short. Let him who hath understanding reckon the number of the beast, for it is a human number. It’s number is 666."

    While the onlookers stood in silence, trying to grasp the significance of the occurrence before them, the chant continued in every language known to man: Latin, ancient Aramaic, and Hebrew, to name a few—languages dead for centuries, languages Alyssa could not possibly comprehend yet flowing through her as though the Holy Spirit was using her as a conduit.

    Sophia, run quickly and fetch Father Herc! Tell him of the possibility that Alyssa is experiencing the stigmata. Dr. Silvia calmly related his requests to a bewildered Sophia, who crossed herself as she looked over his shoulder.

    Sophia’s eyes were wide as Alyssa began scratching at her neck and face. Blood began to soak through the once suitable bandages Sofia so diligently applied for her baby. Mother Mary and Joseph! Sofia cried, sickened by the sight of her only daughter’s display of self-affliction.

    Dr. Silvia turned in time to see Alyssa becoming more violent and self-abusive. "Sofia, please go and gather Father Herc this instant! Marie, come quickly. We must restrain her before she hurts herself further." Dr. Silvia began ripping bed sheets to make restraints for her arms and legs. Alyssa thrashed violently while they tried to subdue her, tears streaming down her face as she wept.

    Marie, although not understanding the condition of her only granddaughter, gathered a bowl of water and a cloth to swab her brow. Please, darling, my beautiful girl. What is it you see? What is it you want me to know? How can I help you? Talk to me.

    Alyssa turned her head slightly, her eyes focusing for a moment on the familiar wrinkled face of her grandmother. "Avo, he is coming." The little girl spoke in a moment of clarity and then slipped back into her mystified state. She laid there on her bed, her wavy auburn hair splayed out on her pillow. Suddenly, she burst forth with more hysterics, her voice revealing her panic as foreign phrases erupted from her lips.

    Dr. Silvia was perplexed by Alyssa’s ramblings, knowing full well a peasant girl could not possibly have the education to understand the languages she was speaking, one of which he learned in medical school, the scarcely used Latin language. He prepared a syringe with shaking hands, visibly shocked by the spectacle he had experienced this morning. He injected Alyssa with enough tranquilizer to put down a large man. To his astonishment, it did not have the effect he had hoped for. Although it appeared to calm her thrashing movements, she continued her repetitive chant, staring into the distance as though in a catatonic state.

    As Marie stood above Alyssa, whispering comforting words, she swabbed her granddaughter’s forehead with a cool, damp cloth. Why does my granddaughter speak of such things? Is she trying to warn us?

    Sophia and Father Herc entered the small doorway almost simultaneously, with Sophia only a half step ahead of the priest. Is she all right? How’s my baby?

    Marie suddenly grasped the gravity and caveat of the situation as she focused on Sophia with wide eyes. She is trying to warn us! Marie desperately tried to explain. ‘Woe to you, oh earth and sea, for the devil sends the beast with wrath, for he knows the time is short. Let him whom hath understanding reckon the number of the beast; for it is a human number. Its number is six hundred and sixty- six. I believe she is repeating the same warning in different languages. Father, listen to her. How could she know of this?

    It is from the book of Revelation. Father Herc had been watching Alyssa while the old woman spoke, and now he made his request. Crossing himself, he then stated, Please, my friends, I implore you. Leave me with her. We must be alone.

    The three adults stood for a moment before silently leaving the room. Sophia and Marie fell to their knees outside the door, rocking simultaneously. As they clenched their rosary beads, they silently prayed to the Virgin Mary for the safety of their daughter and granddaughter.

    Father Herc, now alone with Alyssa, reached into his pocket and produced a small antique bottle filled with holy water. He carefully removed the lid and grasped the bottle with both hands, raising it to the heavens, pleading for guidance in helping heal this lamb of God. He placed his thumb over the top of the bottle, leaving a small slit, and began splashing the holy water in the sign of the cross onto Alyssa’s body and face. In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

    For seven days and seven nights, Father Herc remained at her side, praying, only taking time for a bit of water and food, which Sophia and Marie slid into the room. Alyssa would slip in and out of consciousness, continuing her rant in ancient languages. Fortunately, Father Herc was well versed in many languages such as Latin, ancient Hebrew, and Aramaic, which he refined while studying theology in Rome. An articulate man, he stood 5’6" with a small frame but was strong in stature. He had a thin brown beard that matched his thinning shoulder-length hair.

    Father? a barely audible whisper dared to ask from the other side of the door.

    Yes, Sophia, please come in.

    Sophia entered the room, wearing the stress of the past week on her face. Eyeing Alyssa, she put her trembling hand to her mouth and began to silently cry. Father, she murmured, will my baby be all right?

    She’s going to be just fine. She is with God.

    She’s dead?

    No, Sophia, the Holy Spirit embodies her. She is with God.

    Confused, Sophia asked, Did you perform an exorcism?

    There is no need for an exorcism. She is not possessed by demons.

    Then what is wrong with my child? she wailed.

    A hoarse, recognizable voice rose from the bed. Mama, I’m sorry I was gone all day. She picked up from the last conversation she remembered having with her mother.

    Querida! Sofia gasped. Are you all right? What in all that is holy has happened to you?

    Mama, I saw him.

    Who? Who did you see, my love?

    His name is Christopher.


    Innocence Lost

    I T WAS SEPTEMBER 1972 in New York City, and 666 was playing on the local radio station by an upcoming band called Aphrodite’s Child. Madalena was a beautiful nineteen-year-old Portuguese immigrant with long flowing light brown hair and cunning brown eyes, which looked amber in color when they met the sun. Her long sharp-featured face was nothing less than symmetrical perfection with full lips that accentuated her beauty. She migrated ten years ago with her parents from Lisbon. She was now buttering toast for a regular customer when she noticed the headline of the paper he was reading. World’s going to shit, isn’t it, Barry? Maddy sympathetically smiled.

    Yeah, kid, and there’s nothing you or I can do about it. Maddy, can you get me a little more coffee when you get a chance? I guess all any of us can do is try to live our lives right, Barry commented with an almost defeated look on his face as he slowly sipped from the fresh cup just poured for him.

    Watching the Jets this weekend, Barry? Jeez, what’s a girl gotta do to find a man like Joe Namath?

    Aw now, Maddy, as pretty as you are, don’t you worry, you’re gonna make a mark on this world. You’re a smart girl. You’ll make a difference. Mark my words, kid, he pronounced in a heavy New York accent.

    From your lips to God’s ears, she replied in a hardly noticeable Portuguese accent as she wiped down the counter, glancing at the clock, waiting for her shift to end.

    Madalina had been working at the diner since her mother passed away from cancer five years earlier. She needed to help alleviate her and her father’s financial burden.

    Her parents, Joseph and Ezara DaSilva, came from Portugal in 1961 after Joseph saved an air force pilot’s life. The pilot had landing gear troubles and was forced to down the plane on its belly, causing it to erupt into flames. Joe had managed to pull the pilot free from his burning plane. He used an extension cord he was carrying while working at the United States–occupied air base in Terceira Island, Azores, as

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