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Murder at Sunset Bluff Part I
Murder at Sunset Bluff Part I
Murder at Sunset Bluff Part I
Ebook133 pages1 hour

Murder at Sunset Bluff Part I


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In the picturesque New England town of Harborview, where the end of summer casts a bittersweet spell over the landscape, Emma Bennett, a former forensic specialist turned fishing shop owner, finds herself at the center of a shocking mystery. The tranquility of her seaside existence is shattered when Laura Reynolds, the beloved PTA president and

Release dateMar 8, 2024
Murder at Sunset Bluff Part I

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    Murder at Sunset Bluff Part I - GL W



    In the Beginning

    In the quaint New England town of Harborview, nestled between rolling hills and the glistening waters of the Atlantic Ocean, the end of summer heralds the approach of fall with its crisp air and vibrant foliage. As the days grow shorter and the nights cooler, the residents of this close-knit community prepare for the annual transition, embracing the beauty of the changing seasons.

    At the heart of Harborview lies its small downtown area, where colorful storefronts line cobblestone streets and the salty scent of the sea mingles with the aroma of freshly baked pastries from the local bakery. Among these charming establishments stands a modest fishing shop known as Seaside Treasures, owned and operated by Emma Bennett, a woman whose quiet strength and determination have earned her the respect of her fellow townsfolk.

    Once a forensic specialist in Boston, Emma has a keen eye for details and a knack for solving puzzles. Emma’s life took an unexpected turn, however, when tragedy struck, leaving her widowed and the sole guardian of her spirited sixteen-year-old daughter, Lily, a few years ago. Seeking solace in the familiar rhythms of the ocean and the therapeutic solitude of fishing, Emma traded in her lab coat for a pair of rubber boots and set out to carve a new path for herself in Harborview.

    As the sun dipped low on the horizon, casting a golden glow over the tranquil waters of Harborview’s bay, Emma stepped out of her quaint fishing shop and took a deep breath of salty sea air. The rhythmic lapping of the waves against the pier provided a soothing backdrop to the small town’s evening symphony.

    Beautiful evening, isn’t it? a familiar voice called out from behind her.

    Emma turned to see Sheriff Jack Lawson approaching, his broad shoulders and easy smile a comforting presence in the fading light. Despite their occasional clashes over matters of jurisdiction and procedure, Emma couldn’t deny the undeniable spark that had ignited between them since her arrival in Harborview.

    It certainly is, Emma replied with a soft smile, her heart fluttering at the sight of him. I was just about to head home. Care to join me for a cup of coffee?

    Jack nodded, falling into step beside her as they made their way down the quiet streets of the town. As they walked, their conversation flowed effortlessly, touching on everything from the latest gossip at the diner to the upcoming autumn festival.

    So, any new developments in the Laura Reynolds case? Emma asked, her tone growing serious as they neared her cozy waterfront cottage.

    Jack sighed, his thoughts turning to the unsolved mystery that had gripped the town in recent weeks. Nothing concrete yet, he admitted, his brow furrowing with concern. But I’m not giving up hope. I know we’ll find whoever did this.

    Emma nodded in silent agreement, her gaze lingering on Jack’s face for a moment longer than necessary. You know, if you ever need anything… or just someone to talk to, she began, her voice trailing off uncertainly.

    And you know I’m always here for you, Jack replied.

    Emma’s heart skipped a beat at his words, a rush of warmth flooding her veins. Thank you, Jack, she whispered, her eyes meeting his in silent understanding.

    As they reached her doorstep, Emma turned to face him, her hand lingering on the worn wooden railing. Would you like to come in? she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

    Jack hesitated for a moment, his gaze searching hers for any sign of hesitation. Finding none, he nodded, a small smile playing at the corners of his lips. I’d like that, he replied, his voice soft with emotion.

    And as the door swung open to reveal the warm glow of Emma’s cozy cottage, the promise of a new beginning hung in the air, mingling with the salt-tinged breeze and the gentle whisper of the waves. 

    As Emma and Jack stood on the doorstep of her cozy cottage, their conversation paused by an unspoken understanding, suddenly the sound of the front door swinging open interrupted them. Lily, Emma’s spirited sixteen-year-old daughter, bounded out onto the porch, her golden curls bouncing in the evening breeze.

    Hey, Mom, Sheriff, Lily greeted them with a grin, her voice tinged with a hint of mischief.

    Hey, Lily. What’s up? Emma asked, her eyebrows raised at her daughter’s unusually chipper demeanor.

    Lily rolled her eyes dramatically. Oh, you know, just surviving high school drama one eye roll at a time, she replied with a smirk.

    Jack chuckled at Lily’s sass, admiring her spunky attitude. Sounds like quite the adventure, he remarked, amused by the teenager’s antics.

    Lily shrugged, a mischievous glint in her eye. You have no idea, she quipped, shooting Jack a playful wink.

    As Lily launched into a rapid-fire recounting of the day’s events, her words tumbling over each other in her eagerness to share the latest gossip from Harborview High, Emma couldn’t help but smile at her daughter’s infectious energy. Despite the weight of the investigation looming over them, Lily had a knack for lightening the mood with her irreverent humor and quick wit.

    And then, can you believe it, Sarah Thompson actually asked Jason Miller to homecoming! Lily exclaimed, her eyes wide with excitement.

    Emma’s smile widened at the mention of Jason’s name, a pang of nostalgia tugging at her heartstrings. That’s wonderful, sweetheart, she replied, her voice tinged with wistful affection. I remember when your father asked me to homecoming. It feels like a lifetime ago.

    Jack’s gaze softened at the mention of Emma’s late husband, a silent reminder of the ghosts that still haunted her past. I’m sure he would have been proud of you, Lily, he said, his voice gentle with empathy.

    Lily’s smile faltered for a moment, her thoughts drifting to the father she had lost far too soon. But then, with a determined shake of her head, she squared her shoulders and met Jack’s gaze with renewed determination. Thanks, Sheriff Lawson, she said, her voice filled with quiet resolve. I know my mom misses him every day, but she’s the strongest person I know.

    Emma’s heart swelled with pride at her daughter’s words, a rush of warmth flooding her veins. Thank you, Lily, she whispered, her voice thick with emotion. I’m so lucky to have you.

    After Lily’s animated recounting of the day’s events, Emma couldn’t help but chuckle at her daughter’s lively storytelling. As Lily paused for a breath, Emma glanced at Jack, a playful twinkle in her eye.

    Sounds like Lily’s already got her own detective skills honed with all that high school drama, Emma teased, nudging Jack with her elbow.

    Jack grinned, playing along with the joke. She’s a regular Sherlock Holmes in training, he replied with a wink in Lily’s direction.

    Lily rolled her eyes dramatically, but a playful grin tugged at the corners of her lips. Please, I’m way cooler than Sherlock, she retorted, her attitude shining through.

    The trio shared a laugh, the tension of the day momentarily forgotten in the warmth of their shared camaraderie. As they stood together on the porch, bathed in the soft glow of the fading twilight, Emma felt a surge of gratitude for the two most important people in her life.

    And as the evening sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the tranquil waters of Harborview’s bay, Emma, Jack, and Lily stood together on the porch of their cozy cottage, bound by the promise of a brighter tomorrow. In a town where secrets were as abundant as the stars in the night sky, they knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, they would face them together, their hearts united by the timeless rhythm of family and friendship.

    Chapter 2: The Murder at Sunset Bluff

    The week before, as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the tranquil waters of Harborview’s bay, the idyllic scene was shattered by the discovery of a body at Sunset Bluff—a popular spot for locals to gather and watch the sunset paint the sky in hues of orange and pink.

    Laura Reynolds, the esteemed president of the Harborview Parent-Teacher Association, was found lying

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