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Prepare for the Coming Antichrist: Nostradamus and The War on Terror
Prepare for the Coming Antichrist: Nostradamus and The War on Terror
Prepare for the Coming Antichrist: Nostradamus and The War on Terror
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Prepare for the Coming Antichrist: Nostradamus and The War on Terror

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Much has been written about the famous seer Nostradamus. Few have tried to interpret his prophecies through the eyes of Christianity. Author Kevin Lee Brady believes Nostradamus was a practicing Catholic Christian and he wrote from this perspective. In Prepare for the Coming of the Antichrist, Kevin discusses the coming Antichrist and, in part, what Nostradamus wrote about concerning the time of his arrival on the scene and of his ascension to power.

Kevin expounds on what Nostradamus had predicted would take place, looking at Bin Laden and 9/11 and how these events tie into the prophecies of the Antichrist. He believes Bin Laden was a type of the Antichrist to come.

Some chapters relate to today’s world events, and Kevin has also devoted a chapter to Daniel 11, explaining what will take place with the king (Antichrist) and his reign of terror. The prophecies of Daniel are determined to take place and the wise will be prepared.
Release dateMar 19, 2024
Prepare for the Coming Antichrist: Nostradamus and The War on Terror

K. L. Brady

Kevin L. Brady was deeply impacted by what happened on 9/11 and has devoted much time, energy and prayer to understand it from a biblical perspective. His mission is to help others to understand the times that we are in and to prepare for what is prophesied to take place.

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    Prepare for the Coming Antichrist - K. L. Brady

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    ...and the moon to blood...

    - Joel 2:31, NIV

    Jeremiah 28:8-9 "From early times the prophets who preceded

    you and me have prophesied war, disaster and plague against

    many countries and great kingdoms. But the prophet who

    prophecies peace will be recognized as one truly sent by

    the Lord only if his prediction comes true." (NIV)




    Chapter 1     Nostradamus: Preface to Cesar

    Chapter 2     Oracle or Saint?

    Chapter 3     Antichrist’s Name

    Chapter 4     RAYPOZ

    Chapter 5     Washington’s Vision


    Chapter 1     In the Beginning

    Chapter 2     Usama’s Shadow

    Chapter 3     No WMD

    Chapter 4     Zarqawi and Al-Qaeda

    Chapter 5     Chosen One

    Chapter 6     Victory?

    Chapter 7     Yasser

    Chapter 8     Hate

    Chapter 9     Omission

    Chapter 10   Spark

    Chapter 11   Patriots

    Chapter 12   Que Anti-Pope


    The premise of my first book, Advent of the Antichrist, was that Nostradamus gave a prediction of the birth of the Antichrist. This was done in Century 10 Quatrain 72. He gives a date of July 1999 using the Julian calendar of his day. The second line reads From the sky will come a great king of terror (the Antichrist). I believe that he was making a reference to the August 11, 1999, total solar eclipse that fell over Europe. This astronomical event would have been in July on his calendar.

    Since ancient times a total solar eclipse was seen as a malefic as opposed to a benefit. This occultation of the Sun would have been seen as a dark omen to Nostradamus. Europe being the subject of most of his prophecies. In the quatrain he was making a parallel to the birth of Christ as being foretold in the skies. The third line is a reference to the second coming of Christ that takes place because of the Antichrist. The fourth line states that there will be wars before and after the date of his birth.

    Many commentators believed that this quatrain was a foretelling of a war that would fall from the skies on this date. But this date came and went, and a great war did not happen. Because of this some see this as a failed prophecy as what they thought would take place did not. This quatrain is correctly seen as important because it is dated, being unusual for Nostradamus. He did, however, use astrology/astronomy to date some of his quatrains.

    I believe that Nostradamus was a true Catholic Christian and Jewish mystic. Many claim that he was only a mystic unbeliever that claimed to be a Catholic believer to avoid the Inquisition of his day. He did in fact go to great lengths to avoid scrutiny and this is one of the reasons that his quatrains are difficult to discern. He wrote from a biblical perspective often peppering his writings with biblical references.

    This is the approach that I have taken in my translations of his prophecies, looking for parallels in the bible. Also, accepting his use of the astrology/astronomy of his day as it was not condemned by the Church at that time. Today there is a prohibition against astrology because it is believed to be used only for divination, seeing the sun, moon and stars as having the power to determine events in a person’s life or worldly events. Nostradamus was careful in his use of astrology by using what was acceptable so as not to run afoul of the laws of the Church. He freely used it as a marker of time to secretly date his prophecies and to obscure his writings.







    Nostradamus’ famous work Les Propheties (The Prophecies) begins with a letter to his son Cesar. He was just an infant at the time having been born in the same year (1555) as the first publication of this work also known as the Centuries.

    A literal translation of this letter is difficult in part because of his writing style. There are many reasons for this that include the time he lived in, his religious beliefs, his training in the medical field, his knowledge of languages, and his desire to be obtuse. There are many translations of this letter that are varied and different. There are many reasons for this as in his writing style, but also that some attempt to interpret what he meant to say or should have said.

    I have attempted to translate his letter in the most literal way possible going from French to English and making as little changes in his grammar as possible. Doing more can change the meaning of his thought process. This too could have been intentional on his part. I believe that he intentionally wrote in this way to confuse those who would have wrong or self-serving intentions for his prophecies.

    I acknowledge that I have benefitted from those that went before me. I am only giving my English translation as the French can easily be found in publications and the internet. I have also given a commentary after each passage. This letter is important as it gives insight into the prophecies.

    Preface of M. Michel Nostradamus to his Prophecies.

    To Caesar Nostradamus my son. Long life and happiness. (Written in Latin)

    Your late coming Cesar Nostradame, my son, caused me to put in long periods of time of my continual vigilances to save by writing to leave (my) memoire, after the bodily extinction (death) of your progenitor (father) for the common benefit of people from what the divine essence by Astrological revolutions gave me knowledge of.

    The birth of his son Cesar Nostradame (French) has motivated Nostradamus to leave a legacy to him and to mankind. He is implying that his time is short and that he will not live long enough to see his son into adulthood. It is divine in origin along with his knowledge of Astrological cycles.

    And since it pleased the Immortal God that (you) were born at this time to be in the natural light on this earthly plane and (I) do not want to speak of your (years) which are not yet accomplished, but in your Martial months (incapable) to receive in your weak understanding what I will be constrained after my days to define: since it is not possible to leave you in writing what would be by the injury of time obliterated: for the hereditary word of occult prediction will be in my craw (throat) interlocked: considering also that events of human definement is uncertain, and that all is regulated and governed by the inestimable power of God, inspiring us not by bacchic (drunken) fury, not by limphatic (delirious) movement, but by astronomical assertions. (In Latin) Inspired by only divine inspiration and a prophetic spirit.

    What Nostradamus is doing here is setting up the contrast between the natural light that all men walk in and the supernatural light of his prophecies. He is not going to project what his son’s life will come to accomplish. He will be unable to explain his constrained words to his son because of his young age. It is not safe to leave him his un-occulted writings. In his day the use of the word occult was another way of saying hidden, as in the occulting of the sun. Unfortunately, Cesar will not inherit his father’s gift for prophecy (Nostradamus is believed to be from the prophetic tribe of Issachar). His words will remain occulted (hidden) because human nature cannot be trusted. His gift is from God who controls the outcome. True insight into the future does not come from the use of drugs, alcohol or malady. He doesn’t employ any of these using only astrology/astronomy. 2 Peter 1:21- For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but by holy men of God spake as they were moved by the holy ghost.

    Although for a long period of time for many times I have predicted long periods of time to appear what has since happened, and in particular regions, attributing all to have been done by virtue and divine inspiration, and pronounced sinister events of accelerated promptness, that since are events by the limits of the world: wanting to keep quiet and because of injury and not so much only for the present time, but also for the most part of the future, to write down why the reigns, sects and religions will change if not opposite, or even respecting this diametrically, that if I came to reveal what is to happen to (those) who reign, sects, religions and faith would be so badly in accord to fantasy heard (hearsay), that they would come to condemn what over the centuries we will know to be seen and perceived.

    He is saying that he had accurately predicted events both near and far over a long period of time and even naming where it took place before this publication. This is possible because it comes from God. However, he had decided not to continue to write of future events because he feared that it could wrongly influence future events. He also was concerned about the Holy Inquisition and that if he continued it could land him in front of the Inquisitors. He was aware that those in power would not be at all happy with what he would predict. That what they strived for would not take place, in fact just the opposite.

    Considering the sentence of the true Savior: (In Latin) "Give not which is holy unto dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you.’ (Matthew 7:6, KJV)

    He backs up his reasons with the advice from Jesus about giving wisdom to those who are unworthy, who will hate you for telling them that which they do not want to hear and will use it to turn on you and even kill you for it.

    This was the cause to have my tongue removed from the popular, and the feather (pen) from paper, then I wanted to continue declaring for the common event by obstructions and perplex sentences of the future causes, same with the urgent (ones), and those that I have seen, some human changes will come so as not to scandalize the others fragility, and all written under a nebulous (clouded) form, but more than anything prophetic, although, (In Latin) ... because thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes (Matthew 11:25, KJV): and to the Prophets by means of the Immortal God, and the good Angels received the spirit of vaticination (divination), by which they see far away (distant), and come to prove the future events: because nothing can be completed without it, whose power is so great, and the kindness to subjects while they remain in them, however to the other subjects effects for the similarity for the cause of good genius, that vaticinating (divining) heat and power approaches us: like the rays of the Sun, which come throwing their influence to the bodies elementary and non-elementary.

    The above was the reason why he withdrew from writing predictions. Then he decided to continue with the decision to write in a cryptic manner. He can write of scandalous events without fear of reprisal as the prophecies are hidden and difficult to discern. However, the integrity of the prophecy is maintained and can be understood by a child of God because Immortal God and the good Angels have revealed these things to the prophets. He then borrows from the bible with Psalm 23:6 - Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all of the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever; Joel 2:28-29 - ...I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young shall see visions: and also upon your servants and upon the handmaids in those days will I pour out my spirit; Matthew 5:45 - ... for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and the unjust.

    As for us who are human we can do nothing with our natural knowledge and inclination of ingenuity, to know the abstruse (obscure) secrets of God the Creator (In Latin) because it is not for you to know the times or the seasons, etc. (Acts 1:7)

    No matter how clever we think we are nothing can compare to God. Matthew 24:36 - But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.

    How many that also of the present little events and to persons, that God the Creator desires to reveal by imaginative impressions, some secrets of the future, according to judicial (judging) Astrology as in the past, that a certain power and voluntary faculty came over them, as a flame of fire (tongues) approaches, that inspiring him we came to judge the divine and human inspirations.

    He is continuing by saying that God reveals to many some secrets in small ways by way of judicial astrology. He is also defending his use of accepted astrology and not heretical astrology that was condemned. Judicial astrology is the art of forecasting future events by calculation of the planetary and stellar bodies and their relationship to the earth (Wikipedia). This is done as in 2 Peter 1:21 - For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but by holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Spirit.

    Because the divine works, that are totally absolute (unalterable), God comes to perfect them: the average that is in the middle, the Angels: the third, the bad ones.

    This is believed to have been taken from Pietro Crinito’s book: De honesta disciplina as well as some of the above ( What I believe that he is saying is that divine works are of three levels: the highest is performed by God talking directly to the prophets, the medial by visitations of good angels, and the third by bad angels (demons). This is confirmed by Deuteronomy 18:22 - When a prophet speaketh in the name of the Lord, if the thing follows not, nor come to pass, that is the thing that the lord hath not spoken, but the prophet hath spoken it presumptuously.... Also, Acts 16:16 - And it came to pass, as we went to prayer, a certain damsel possessed with a spirit of divination met us, which brought her masters much gain by soothsaying. The first two of God directly and the intermediary angels are true prophecy. The third is not divine and cannot be trusted to be fulfilled by God.

    But, my son, I talk to you here a little too obscurely: but as for occult vaticinations that we received by the subtle spirit of fire, who sometimes by the understanding agitates contemplating the highest of the stars as being vigilant, as at pronouncements, being surprising writings pronouncing without fear less affected to influence loquacity: but everything proceeds from the divine power of the great eternal God, from whom all goodness proceeds.

    This is an acknowledgement that he purposefully wrote in a way that is

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