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The Island of Forever
The Island of Forever
The Island of Forever
Ebook365 pages5 hours

The Island of Forever

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He's his own worst enemy---and their only salvation.

Seventeen-year-old Max Greenfell grew up hearing stories about the Island of Forever-a beautiful paradise of intrigue and magic that was once controlled by a destructive shapeshifter who killed everything

Release dateJun 18, 2024
The Island of Forever

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    The Island of Forever - Jeremey Harrison

    The Island of Forever MapThe Island of Forever Map

    A defined torso, chiseled abs, and biceps the size of grapefruits—all features Max knew he would never have. Changing in the locker room for his last class of the day has always been stressful, and today was no different. Looking at the upperclassman's toned body, he was embarrassed by his own underdeveloped frame.

    Could I ever have a body like that?

    Judgment overcame him when he entered the weight room at school from the jocks. Their snide looks and raised eyebrows saw right through him as they scanned his average body from head to foot. Max's insecurity around his peers made it difficult for him to complete his workouts, often causing him to leave before starting.

    The upperclassman turned and caught Max’s eye before announcing to the locker room, Greenfell, are you checking me out? Reaching to his shorts, he cupped the middle with his hands. Looking for this?

    Max’s cheeks grew hot, and blood rushed to his ears. He shoved his head through a white t-shirt before deepening his voice to respond, I—I wasn’t looking at you. Even as the words came out of his mouth, he knew they weren’t believable.

    A loud voice across the locker room cut through the accusation. Come on Reznik, do you really think he’s checking you out? His girlfriend is Hannah Reeves.

    Max's attention was drawn to his best friend, Rylan, who was making his way over to them, his blonde hair tousled and wild from gym class, yet it seemed to suit him perfectly. His dark green eyes narrowed as he stepped over a wooden bench and placed his palm on his friend’s shoulder to give a reassuring squeeze.

    The upperclassman raised an eyebrow in disbelief. I’ve hit Hannah up on Insta a couple of times. His eyes surveyed Max from head to toe. "She’s hot… and she’s dating you?"

    Seeing his friend's brow begin to sweat and his cheeks redden, Rylan extended his arm and lightly squeezed Reznik’s large bicep. She probably didn’t get back to you because you only have muscles in your arms. She’s looking for them elsewhere.

    Get the hell offa me. Reznik tapped two palms on Rylan’s chest, causing him to take an abrupt step backward.

    I’m just saying, word gets around when you promise big things and don’t deliver. Smirking, Rylan watched as Reznik retreated through the locker room door and disappeared into the school hallway. With a look of triumph, Rylan reached into his coat pocket and grasped a thin metal vape filled with a unique blend of his favorite ingredients: CBD and THC. Placing the end of the tube between his lips, he pressed a small button on its exterior, illuminating a small square around his thumb. Holding the vape in his hand like a baton, Rylan cocked his head toward the exit. Let’s wait for Hannah outside. I gotta smoke.

    Max placed his arms into his jacket and threw his backpack over his shoulder, following Rylan outside the gym to the dingy hallways of the school. He was thankful to have a friend who understood his anxiety and helped him when needed, but he constantly wondered when he’d find his own confidence.

    Max, you know what I’m going to say, Rylan started as he pushed open the school doors.

    Let me guess, something like, ‘man up and nail her’? He rolled his eyes and punched his friend in the shoulder. You know how much I hate it when you talk about my sex life.

    You mean the non-existent one?

    Stepping outside, the crisp fall air and bright light had awakened his senses from the dim, fluorescent lighting that enveloped the school. The landscape was alive with color as the leaves had shed their coats of green, transforming to hues of red and yellow. Noticing a bite in the air, Max buttoned his jacket for the walk home. A large storm had been predicted for later that night, and dark clouds collected on the horizon as a reminder.

    Out of the corner of his eye, Max noticed his friend struggling to put a knitted hat over his flowing blonde hair. You talk a big game Ry, but you can’t even get into that hat, let alone a girl.

    "Believe me, I've gotten into a hat before, many hats, actually. Rylan snickered as he blew a plume of white smoke into the brisk air. You and Hannah have been together for over a year now, and every time you guys get close to doing it, you chicken out. He sucked on the end of his vape, which made a crackling noise before continuing. Let me bring you to reality: your girlfriend is captain of the cheerleading squad. At this rate, she’s more likely to get banged by the entire football team before you make your move. Rylan laughed, causing him to cough out the smoke he’d been holding in his lungs. Even Reznik is after her, and if you don’t seal the deal, he’ll be sliding into more than just her DMs."

    Max's friend's callous comment made his bright gray eyes roll in annoyance before he stumbled back as two arms wrapped around him. Breathing in the sweet smell of lilac, the soft tickle of his girlfriend's blonde hair wrapped around his neck. A mixture of joy and apprehension overtook his body.

    You two are so cute, Rylan scowled. It makes me wanna throw up.

    You wish someone were this excited to see you. Hannah brushed her hand through Max’s hair with a large smile sitting on her lips as her irises sparkled in the sunlight. You make me melt.

    Yeah, right.

    Max smiled and put an arm around her shoulder. Hannah had always been a beautiful girl; he’d be lying if he said he didn’t ask himself why she was with him. When she commented on his eyes, smile, or even his body, a gremlin of doubt burrowed into his mind. What does she see in me?

    A loud, shrill voice rang through the chilly air. Omigosh you guys! Look at the leaves—they’re so pretty!

    The sound of rustling leaves drew Max, Hannah, and Rylan's attention to their friend, Leona whose cheeks were red against the brisk air, and her naturally highlighted brown hair blew in the breeze. She wore a confident smile, and her eyes circled in amazement as she marveled at the vibrant colors surrounding them.

    This is the perfect weather to practice shooting with my dad. Her confident smile disappeared as she brandished the cell phone from her pocket. There’s only a few more months until hunting season.

    Rylan raised one of his eyebrows and pointed to Leona as she walked toward them. Why don’t you lovingly throw your arms around me like Hannah does to Max?

    Have you ever thought that maybe I’d be happier to see you if you were less of a dick?

    Max and Hannah's laughter filled the air as they listened to their friends volley playful remarks back and forth. Leona and Rylan were constantly bickering, but their true affection for each other was evident to those who knew them well.

    Max, are we picking up your sister at Ana’s house? Leona’s thumb proceeded to scroll through her phone, never stopping for more than a split second before continuing on.

    He nodded as memories flooded back to when the three of them were kids, and Leona's family found an affordable babysitter who lived nearby. Ana raised them from children into their teenage years, and the time that they’d spent with her created a strong bond between them.

    Ella asked me to make her a princess bracelet with some of my craft supplies, so I was hoping to give it to her today.

    Rylan dramatically huffed, I really can’t deal with Ella’s personality without something to mellow me out beforehand. Lemme refill my vape.

    Asshole, Leona muttered, rolling her eyes. Her face was pointed downward as the endless scrolling abruptly ended. Hannah, did you see your newest post? It’s up to five thousand likes!

    It must have been the fabulous photographer that took it. She winked and nudged her elbow into Leona as they walked.

    Oh shit, did I forget to like it?

    Max quickly took out his cell phone, clicked the app, and typed Hannah’s name into the search bar. He navigated to her profile, tapping the tiny heart button within seconds. His eyes then shifted to Hannah's most current picture. Her thin frame stood before a backdrop of brightly colored fall leaves and her perfectly manicured fingers delicately tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, as if she was lost in deep thought while gazing beyond the camera. With her blonde hair casually thrown over her shoulder and a pair of dazzling white teeth peeking through her pink lips, the post was a picturesque reminder of the hike she’d gone on just the weekend before.

    Look at Hannah, Leona gushed. She looks like a model.

    Rylan cocked his head to look at the picture. If you ask me, she looks more like a porn star. A sly smirk triumphantly sat on his mouth as he took a long drag from his vape, the tendrils of smoke drifting from his nostrils like a dragon.

    While Leona punched their friend in the shoulder, Hannah tugged at Max’s shirt. Walk with me? I want to talk to you.

    Ignore him. You look amazing in the picture and even he knows it. They slowed down, allowing a gap between them and their friends. Max’s palms were slick as he rubbed the back of his neck. What’s up? Is everything okay?

    I’ve been meaning to bring this up for a while, and I don’t want you to take this the wrong way. She paused and considered her words carefully. You know I think our relationship is perfect, and you’re the best boyfriend a girl could ask for, right?

    I think I know where this is going.

    Having seen enough movies and television shows to know where this conversation usually led, he asked, Are you breaking up with me?

    No! Not at all! Hannah's body tensed, and her eyes widened as she realized the possible misinterpretation of her words. I just feel like we should take our relationship to the next level…believe me, I know you get nervous and uncomfortable about it, but I was just wondering when we were going to…you know… Her fingers brushed the back of his arm as she bit her bottom lip.

    Her unfinished words pierced the air and hung like humidity. The silence created an awkward barrier around them that seemed impenetrable.

    Does she mean what I think she means?

    He quickly stole a glance and noticed her eyes were alight with yearning and desire. His suspicions were confirmed.

    Immediately, the familiar panicked heat crept over Max’s body, and he imagined long, spindly fingers wrapping themselves around his heart and bashing it against his chest, trying to escape. His breath shortened like he was underwater, sweat made his palms slippery, and his vision blurred like a murky veil covered his eyes. He wanted to appease and make her happy, but he often thought about their first time and always spiraled into a hole of anxiety. How about tonight?

    Did I just say that? It’s like my mouth said it on its own.

    Hannah was accustomed to his evasive answers, so when he answered directly, her mouth dropped in shock. Tonight? Are you sure?

    Max hesitantly nodded and wiped his palms on his jeans. My mom’s working the late shift again, so you can come over after Ella falls asleep. A weight sat on his chest as his mouth dried, forcing the words in short breaths.

    Leona turned around, waving her arms to Max and Hannah. Can you two hurry up back there? I’d rather eat my leg than spend another second with this idiot.

    Hey! Rylan yelled. I was trying to sweet talk you.

    Max and Hannah laughed and ran a few feet ahead to save their friend from her torture. On the corner of the street was a large apartment complex in which Leona, Rylan, and Max called home. The faded brick building was painted in splotches of gray and white as the birds that flew overhead used its exterior for target practice. The windows that overlooked the street were murky, with grime clouding the glass, and the cement between each brick was crumbling. A large wooden sign stood on the small lawn in front of the building with the words, ‘Ocean View Terrace,’ in big white letters with a splintered wave painted behind it. Max always found the name of the complex ironic as there was no ocean remotely near them.

    This place looks shittier every day, Rylan spat as they walked past the building. I know it's low-income housing, but it looks like it needs to be condemned. Signs depicting a sleazy politician littered the lawn of the complex. The man’s forced smile disappeared as he put his foot through the nearest one. And this guy’s a dick!

    Leona jabbed his arm with her lip upturned. Would you rather be homeless? Be thankful for what you have.

    Max nodded—he remembered being homeless for a few days after his parent’s divorce was final. His mother drove him and Ella around until they were too tired to stay awake, adventuring, she had called it, stopping only to use the restroom and buy a slice of pizza from a gas station. It was a stroke of luck when Ocean View Terrace accepted their housing application, and they moved in with nothing more than one twin bed and a box filled with various odds and ends. 

    The widow’s house is straight ahead.

    Her name is Ana, you idiot! Leona firmly slapped the back of Rylan’s head.

    At the end of the dead-end street sat a spacious Victorian house that loomed over the other residences in the neighborhood. The trees in the yard were completely bare, and the branches looked like gnarled old fingers reaching out from the trunk. An iron fence marked the perimeter, making eerie noises when the wind blew, and the grass inside was brown and withered.

    Ana has the perfect house for Halloween, Hannah commented as the gate in the fence swung shut, followed by a reverberating clang.

    Leona shuddered and rubbed her arm. Yeah, but it always gives me goosebumps. I always feel like someone is watching me whenever I’m nearby.

    She always says that she has eyes everywhere. As if to further prove his statement, the wooden door flung open, and a little girl stumbled out from the darkness inside the house. Swaying back and forth, the girl acted as if she were drunk as she hugged the handrail to get down the wooden steps.

    Ella, what’re you wearing? Max asked.

    A smile crossed each of their faces as they gazed upon the child and her odd assortment of clothing. In her ill-fitting red high heels, she shuffled across the creaky, old wooden deck. Her legs were covered in pink polka-dotted pants, a frilly orange shirt hung off one shoulder, and a faux pearl necklace draped down to her knees. Encircling her neck was a purple boa while a pair of black wayfarer sunglasses constantly slid down the bridge of her small nose.

    This is what princesses wear, duh! Ella squealed, pointing to the silver plastic crown with two pigtails sticking straight out of the top. I’m the princess in the story Ana told me about.

    Max smiled and lightened his voice, I think Leona has a gift for you, Princess Ella.

    The little girl gasped and shimmied out of Max’s arms. She ran to the brown-haired girl, jumping up and down. Did you bring my princess bracelet? Did you bring it?

    Rylan closed his eyes and rubbed his temples. I’m so glad I smoked before coming here.

    Leona reached into her corduroy bag and pulled out a bracelet with crowns and wands dangling from it. You have to promise to keep this safe, okay?

    Ella looked Leona square in the eye and answered with a serious nod, I promise. She slid the bracelet onto her tiny wrist and shook it, the charms jangling with each turn. Feeling satisfied, the little girl turned around, grabbed the high heels, and gestured toward the house. C’mon guys, say hi to Ana.

    As they approached the large house, the dim lighting made it appear ominous, and a musty smell emanated from within. The polished dark wooden floors gave the illusion of walking on glass, while vintage wallpaper was peeling at each corner of the room. Mirrors were fastened to every wall, big or small, and multicolored string from unfinished knitting projects lay scattered over the floor.

    Ana emerged from her kitchen holding a tray of food, looking far more modern than the dingy ambiance of her home. Today, she was wearing a matching white and black striped pantsuit that looked as if she’d borrowed it from Beetlejuice and had paired it with a shiny pair of ankle boots. Her dark eyes twinkled as a smile crossed her red lips to reveal a set of perfectly white teeth. She pushed her black bangs out of her eyes as she sidled into the room.

    Is that food? Rylan’s forehead furrowed as his eyes lifted, eyeing the silver tray.

    Oh yes, Ana said softly, enunciating every word. The rumor was that Ana had been a famous soap opera star in the early eighties, but she rarely talked about her time on screen. I just finished cutting up some apples, sliced an orange, and quartered some celery stalks as an after-school snack for all of you.

    Fruits and veggies aren’t exactly my top choice for munchies, but they’ll do. Rylan helped himself to a piece of apple, noticing the multicolored string haphazardly thrown across the coffee table. When are you going to clean this place up? I get that you’re a widow, but there’s yarn everywhere.

    Ana’s sparkling eyes glanced toward Rylan, her eyebrows raising. "I’ll remember not to send you a new knitted hat this year if you’re so concerned with the yarn in my house."

    Ella tugged on Ana’s pants. Can you please please please tell them the story about the princess?

    She patted the little girl on the head and shook her head. I don’t think your brother and his friends are interested in hearing a fairy tale about a princess. I’m sure they’ve heard too many of my stories throughout the years.

    I’ll listen if a bag of chips is involved. Rylan lobbed a half-eaten carrot stick back onto the silver tray as he lifted one leg, dangling it over the wooden arm of a lush vintage couch.

    You’ll live. Ana rolled her eyes and dramatically stole to the light switch on the wall to dim the lights. Lifting her black-and-white striped sleeves, she deepened her voice as if she were the narrator in a story. Far out at sea, where no one from our world has ever stepped foot, lays an island. A magical island. She drew out many of the words for a more pronounced effect. Many fantastical beings, such as mermaids and fairies, call this place home and live together in perfect harmony.

    There are princesses, too, Ella interjected, nodding at Hannah as she crunched on a celery stick.

    Yes, and princesses too, Ana smiled. This magical place is called the Island of Forever. Everything within this island stays constant; there is no war, famine, or disease. This world always stays the same—never aging, never changing.

    That means there’s no fighting, and no one has to grow up and be old.

    We know what it means. Rylan dramatically rolled his eyes. We’ve heard this story a million times. He stood up and pushed his hair out of his face. The bad guy comes to the island and takes control while the princess tries to find a hero to protect them. The hero shows up with a magical sword, fights the bad guy, and wins. Am I right?

    You’re so impatient, Leona screeched at him. You forgot the hero ended up sealing Samael away inside a volcano.

    Right, that was his name, Rylan crossed his arms and stood. Since we’ve heard this before, can we go?

    Ana pursed her lips as she stomped to her front door, inviting a brisk breeze inside the warm house. Now that you mention it, there’s a bad storm coming. You should be getting home. She shooed the blonde boy quickly outside while her glistening eyes landed on the little girl. She put both hands on her knees and bent her body to be eye-level. I’ll see you tomorrow. Let’s hope Rylan is in a better mood so we can finish the story.

    Wishful thinking. Max laughed as he exited the house.

    The storm approached slowly, with dark clouds rolling in and the environment growing still as the sky turned gray. Before heading into Ocean View Terrace, they stopped on the stone pavers at the end of the road, now covered in weeds and overgrown grass.

    Do you guys mind bringing Ella up with you? I wanna say goodbye to Hannah. Max nodded to his friends, hoping they’d catch the hint.

    The question was directed toward Leona, so it was a surprise to everyone when Rylan asked, Mind if I tag along?

    You? Choosing to spend more time with Ella? Max asked in disbelief. Are you feeling okay?

    Rylan scowled and took another drag from his vape. I don’t wanna go home right now. My parents have been on my ass.

    You can come with us…but you have to play along. Leona grabbed Ella’s hand with a flourish. Shall we escort you to your palace, princess?

    A deep breath expelled from Rylan’s mouth as he silently regretted his decision, but begrudgingly held his hand out to the little girl.

    Let’s go! Ella giggled and wrapped her hand around the teens’ hands before they disappeared into the large building.

    A sideways smile awkwardly hung on Hannah’s face as she hooked her arms around his neck before placing her lips just outside his ear. See you at eight?

    Her warm breath made a chill run down Max’s spine as he nervously ran his fingers through his messy hair. A ball formed in his throat that wouldn’t go away, no matter how often he swallowed. Yeah…definitely. I’ll text you. With his words of affirmation, Hannah vigorously pressed her lips to his, showing her excitement.

    Her hands left him delicately as she gazed into his eyes. She spun, fanning her blonde hair behind her and disappeared down the road.

    Max’s palms became slippery, and a queasy sensation formed in the pit of his stomach. He placed his wet palm on the metal door handle that led inside the apartment building and realized that he couldn't use fear as an excuse tonight. Oh, shit.

    He walked through the small lobby area strewn with cardboard packages from Amazon and pressed the button for the elevator. As the dim button blinked to life, the realization of what he had agreed to overwhelmed him.

    Shit. Shit. Shit.


    The sound of a newly delivered text message stirred Max from his slumber. After dinner, he put Ella's favorite cartoon on TV, and they both dozed off on the couch. While his sister snuggled on his stomach, he checked his phone with one eye open and realized a few hours had passed. A message from Hannah roused him from sleep, and as he typed back to her, his fingers left a thin film on the bright screen before pressing send.

    Shit, it won’t be long now.

    Standing from the couch, he scooped Ella into his arms and hoped she wouldn’t notice the drum in his chest. As he swiftly carried her to the bedroom, her eyes parted before he laid her in bed and her body squirmed under the fleece blankets, gently laying her head on a pillow.

    Why isn’t Mommy home anymore to tuck me in at night?

    Max picked up a stuffed mini giraffe and explained, You know she works late. A forlorn look crossed his sister’s face. Princesses need to work hard to be good at what they do, right?

    Princesses don’t need to work, and neither should Mommy.

    He couldn’t say it aloud, but Max agreed with her. Ever since their mother divorced their father, she worked a full-time career and two part-time jobs to make ends meet. As a single parent, she was determined to make her children’s lives as comfortable as she could. The downfall was that with all her jobs, their mother was always working, leaving Max and Ella alone much of the time.

    She gave a half smile, At least I have you, Max.

    Thanks, kiddo. He smiled and placed one arm around her back, bringing her head to his pounding chest in a hug.

    Ella scrunched her face and placed one hand atop his heart. Is everything okay?

    She knows something’s bothering me. Shit.

    Um…nothing. Just nervous for a big test tomorrow, I guess. He knew his voice was shaking, the tremor betraying his nerves, and hoped Ella wouldn't catch on.

    Oh, school stuff. The weight of sleep bore down on her eyelids, making it a struggle to keep them open and fight off an impending yawn. Goodnight, Max. I love you. The stuffed giraffe’s neck was pinched from her hooked elbow.

    Goodnight, you little booger. I love you, too. Max flipped the switch to Ella’s nightstand lamp, which emitted a dim glow and played a soothing melody to lull her asleep.

    As he exited the pink and purple room, his anxiety surged even higher, overwhelming his senses. A sudden wave of nervousness flowed through him; like his body knew and was reacting to the fact that Hannah would soon be at his doorstep once Ella was in bed. Shit. His heart fluttered like a caged hummingbird as he typed the passcode into his phone, letting his girlfriend know the coast was clear.

    Am I ready for this?

    He let out a breath of air that he didn’t realize he was holding once the text was delivered.

    I need to find something to spice up my bedroom—make it romantic. That’s what I’m supposed to do, right?

    He scanned the dining room, taking two unlit candles with faded metal bases from the dining table. He opened the small junk drawer with his free hand and spotted the red handle of a stove lighter amid dull scissors,

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