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“Aliens” in Revelation: Devils Watchers Angels
“Aliens” in Revelation: Devils Watchers Angels
“Aliens” in Revelation: Devils Watchers Angels
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“Aliens” in Revelation: Devils Watchers Angels

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How will the Antichrist explain the rapture? He most likely will say we were taken by aliens, and thus this book, "Aliens" in Revelation. How else could it be explained? Both the angels of God (elect angels) and the angels of the Devil (devils), with their superior abilities, if they had not been named angels and evil spirits in the Bible, would be thought of as "aliens." And during the Tribulation many angels will be coming and going (Revelation 8:13, 12:3-4, 9, 12, 14:6, etc.). There will be a one-world religion during the tribulation, the entire world will worship the Antichrist (Revelation 13:4, 8, 12). Many who go to church now but are not saved, will be left behind after the rapture, but the Muslim religion will never join what is left behind from Christianity, it will be the other way around. The Muslim religion teaches that in the end times, their 12th Imam (or Mahdi to Shiah) will return to earth, and will rule the world. However, the Muslim religion teaches that there is someone else who will return to the world during the end times, and that is 'Isa'—their Jesus. I am a follower of Jesus Christ of the Bible, not the Jesus of Islam.

PublisherGM Matheny
Release dateMar 22, 2024
“Aliens” in Revelation: Devils Watchers Angels

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    “Aliens” in Revelation - GM Matheny



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    The premise of this book is that aliens are evil spirits, the fallen angels of the Devil. This preface will give the basis for the story that will begin in Chapter I. God created animals, man, and angels, but no little green men from Mars. But both the angels of God (elect angels) and the angels of the Devil (devils), with their superior abilities, if they had not been named angels and evil spirits in the Bible, would be thought of as aliens. And there are reasons why people living in the future tribulation will believe angels are aliens, a deception that would work to the Devil’s advantage.

    Ancient writers from different countries wrote about beings visiting them from the skies, who were superhuman. Some were called gods, watchers, or angels. I do, however, believe that angels in the Bible are exactly what the Bible says they are—not that the word angel is a code word for alien or that the prophets of the Bible lacked the vocabulary to describe aliens. Again, I am only saying that if God had not given us their name, angel, then people would naturally think they were ancient aliens.

    This book is written with complete reliance on the Bible, and the outline for my story will come from the book of Revelation. But first I will need to explain the differences between God’s angels and those of the Devil. For those who believe in Chariots of the gods, or are troubled by unexplained mysteries of the ancients, please see, Ancient Aliens Debunked,      

    Real Plagues

    All the plagues of Revelation will be fulfilled literally, as the plagues of Moses were upon Egypt. There are those who interpret Revelation and the events of the great tribulation as something that has already happened during the first century, or they believe the book of Revelation is to be fit in during the church age. But when the book of Revelation says that one-fourth of the people of the earth will die from one plague, has that happened yet? (Revelation 6:8). Or that one-third of the remaining people on earth will die from another plague? (Revelation 9:15–18)? I could go on, but the point is, none of these things have ever happened; they will, but not yet. And it should be made clear that these plagues are for the entire world, not local plagues that will fall only on Israel. Unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people (Revelation 14:6). Of all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues (Revelation 7:9; see also 11:9, 18, 12:5, 13:7, 16:19, 17:15, and many other verses).

    Alien Abduction

    There are good Christians who differ on when the events of the end times will occur. I believe the rapture, when Christians are taken out of the world, is before the tribulation. The tribulation will be seven years in length, and the last half will be called the great tribulation. And when the rapture takes place, it will produce mass pandemonium. (1 Thessalonians 4:17. For more detailed information on the rapture and tribulation see,

    How will the Antichrist explain the rapture? He most likely will say we were taken by aliens, and thus this book, Aliens in Revelation. How else could it be explained? The Antichrist is certainly not going to say, I guess the Bible was right all along. It will in fact be easy for those living in that time to say it was not the rapture, as they will just point to all the churches that still have some or most of their congregations as before the rapture. Perhaps some congregations will not change at all, as most churches could not tell you how to be saved or even use the word saved in their services. Christ, when speaking of how many will be saved, said, Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it (Matthew 7:13–14).

    We each need a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, and this comes when we no longer trust our good works (Ephesians 2:8–9) but put complete trust in Jesus Christ alone, and we ask Him to save our souls from the penalty of our sins. For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved (Romans 10:13). My point is that even though many claim the name Christian, still few are saved. And churches are not raptured, but Christians are. But the world thinks that anyone who goes to a church is a Christian and therefore should be raptured. So it would be easy for those living during the tribulation to say, Look, most of the ‘Christians’ are still here, so it was not the rapture.

    However, though few are saved compared to the billions on this earth, still millions will be missing all over the world, and I know of no way to explain this from a lost man’s perspective, other than for them to say, Alien abductions must be for real! Perhaps the Antichrist will tell people that those who were raptured were aliens themselves, living among us and spying on us to learn our weaknesses.      

    It works to an enemy’s advantage (in this case the Antichrist and devils) if one does not know he has an enemy. If devils are called aliens, then the world does not think of Jesus Christ, and the term aliens can also cause doubts about Christ and the Bible. For the thought will be, Why did not the Bible warn us about these invading Aliens? Well, the Bible did. But under a different name, evil spirits or devils. And because the rapture will be worldwide in scope, Christians missing from every country in the world, it would also lend itself for uniting the world, something the Antichrist wants, as he will seek to rule the world. Also, because of the problems of evolution, the idea is being put forth that a meteorite from Mars hit earth and started life here. The idea of life from outside the earth not only has a following, even among some scientists, but would be welcomed, with aliens being received as our predecessors.


    Before the story I will need to give certain foundational truths about angels.

    Devils, angels, and God can all see each other as well as the physical world. And Elisha prayed, and said, lord, I pray thee, open his eyes, that he may see. And the lord opened the eyes of the young man; and he saw: and, behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire round about Elisha (2 Kings 6:16–17). 

    The word angel in the Bible means messenger (Strong’s Concordance), and they are mentioned almost 300 times* in the Bible, more than the great patriarch Abraham. My point is they are well attested to in the Bible and not something rare. *(This is not counting the names Angel of the lord, cherubims, watchers, seraphims, or archangel.) What follows are the abilities of angels and evil spirits, some of which are surprising.

    Elect Angels

    (1) Angels are spirit beings: Are they not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation? (Hebrews 1:14. See also verses 7 and 13—they in context were angels, verse 13. See also Psalm 104:4).(2) Though angels usually remain invisible, they can materialize and be seen: And there appeared an angel unto him from heaven, strengthening him. (Luke 22:43. See also Judges 6:12; 13:3; Luke 1:11, and many other verses.) Their appearance may be with or without wings (discussed later), and their countenance and clothes are sometimes very different from man. And his face as the appearance of lightning (Dan 10: 6). Behold, two men stood by them in shining garments (Luke 24:4).

    (3) Angels can speak and be understood by man: Then the angels hastened Lot, saying.... (Genesis 19:15. See also Acts 8:26 and many other verses).

    (4) Angels have more power than man: Whereas angels, which are greater in power and might... (2 Peter 2:11). Certain angels have much more power than man: I saw another angel come down from heaven, having great power (Revelation 18:1, 21. See also Psalm 103:20. The plagues of Revelation are released by angels).

    (5) There is a hierarchy of angels: To the intent that now unto the principalities and powers in heavenly places... (Ephesians 3:10).

    (6) Certain ranks of angels (cherubims) have wings (I Kings 8:6–7), and some have multiple wings: Above it stood the seraphims: each one had six wings (Isaiah 6:2). Angels can also appear without wings and mingle with people without them knowing about it: Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares (Hebrews 13:2).

    (7) Their number is more than one could count: But ye are an innumerable company of angels (Hebrews 12:22. See also and Revelation 5:11).

    (8) They can eat (Psalm 78:25; Genesis 18:1–2, 8) and can exert physical strength (Acts 5:19; 12:7, 23), touch (I Kings 19:5–7), smite (Acts 12:7) and kill (Isaiah 37:36; Acts 12:23).

    (9) Christ has a whole army of them, and they will be with Him when He returns in His glory: He cometh in the glory of his Father with the holy angels (Mark 8:38). "Thinkest thou that I cannot now pray

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