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Of Fluff & Wire
Of Fluff & Wire
Of Fluff & Wire
Ebook50 pages49 minutes

Of Fluff & Wire

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Of Fluff & Wire is a memoir written by Hail Mohi, under MIROYMON. It aims to recount what objectum means to Hail, as well as discussing life as an objectum child, and the exploration of gender identity related to the attraction. Between the concepts of objectumisia, transandrophobia, the marginalization based on uncontrollable thoughts, the memoir focuses on one thing - the absolute love for objects and objectum sexuality. While not a deep dive, the memoir stands to say one thing, that the stress of being objectum can break glass.

Release dateMar 22, 2024
Of Fluff & Wire

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    Of Fluff & Wire - Hail Mohi


    I lived in a one story home, with a large backyard that sloped alongside big trees and a white shed. That shed was where the icks lived, or the bugs and insects I did not like. I rarely went in there, and when I did, I was scared by the most basics of cobwebs. Our backyard expanded into the neighbor’s yard, which was pretty in summer, and soaked in spring and fall. The wooden burgandy balcony in the back was attached to two glass sliding doors in our kitchen, while another door was connected to the washing room, which had our water heater, freezer, washer and dryer in it. It was a three bedroom home. This is what my family considers the old house.

    Around the ages of 8 to 10, I had been gifted this huge brown teddy bear from my father. I do not remember the bear’s name, but I know that I was severely connected to him upon seeing his large brown stature and the stuffing inside. He was around two sizes bigger than a regular 9 year old, so he could barely fit in my twin sized bed.

    Around the same time I had gotten him, I was infatuated. While I did not bring him everywhere, I knew that I was in love. That was not the first time I explored sexuality, but it was the first time with an object. In the privacy of my room, I humped him. I had already knew of what this action was to achieve, I was exposed to porn due to the open tabs on a parent’s phone and the Adult Swim skits late at night when I could not sleep. Under a strict household where I could not tell my parents or anyone that I was feeling this way towards objects AND people of the same gender as a kid, I felt wrong in ever being honest about it. I felt shame in being attracted to an object. In elementary school, I never enjoyed playing with the kids around me. I focused hard on drawing and making storylines for fictional charaters. I did not invest in social time unless it was online, and online I could be whoever I wanted to be. Because my identity was a tool, and others could easily use that same tool to break the glass that was my confidence. And objectum related feelings was what I hid from everyone except the Incognito tabs on Google.

    There are thousands of objectum people on this Earth, and the possiblity of being born with that orientation grows every minute. No matter what, may it be the love of stuffing, the fabric, a loose wire, or a thick handle - accepting that objectum people exist is not a hard thing. Society simply chooses to ignore them. Yet, the moment they express themselves where society can be their most free, they are labeled freaks, and their object partners - degraded and called sex toys.

    Peeling back the pages of what sexual identity is, and how everyone is born with brain chemistry that learns overtime to warp and change based on hormones and experiences, to outsiders, objectum people fit somewhere between disorder and insanity.

    Of Fluff and Wire

    Object Sexuality, also known as OS, is a term coined nearing the early 1970’s. This term was specifically referring to the sexuality and orientation of people involved in relations with objects. The possibility that the term included objectophiles is not a possibility, but a fact. The concept lived ahead of it’s coining, existing in mythology and folklore. Existing as objectum back then would be harder than it is now, with how much freedom people have been given.

    Objectum, a term coined in the 2010’s resurrgence of object sexuality, specifically gained attention by grabbing those lost by the lack of a community.

    The average objectum muses about what it must mean to be the object in the equation. From pigswithwings on tumblr, who writes, "i am

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