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A Work in Progress: A Julie Avery Mystery
A Work in Progress: A Julie Avery Mystery
A Work in Progress: A Julie Avery Mystery
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A Work in Progress: A Julie Avery Mystery

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A WORK IN PROGRESS is the 4th book in the Julie Avery Mystery series. Although this is a new mystery, our main characters from the Julie Avery Mystery Trilogy will still be with us. Our heroine, Julie, is now married to her longtime friend and love of her life, Brandon Jenkins, and they are living happily

Release dateMar 22, 2024
A Work in Progress: A Julie Avery Mystery

Beverly J. Graves

Beverly lives in Pella, Iowa with husband, Don. She is retired and volunteers in community events that keep her busy. She's been actively involved with community theater for almost 40 years performing and directing 50+ productions. She has written several plays and skits, and seen them brought to life on stage. Her love of theater encouraged her to organize a children's drama group at church that ran for eleven years. Beverly says, "It is a joy to see young actors grow up to become confident, outstanding young adults."

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    A Work in Progress - Beverly J. Graves


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    A Work in Progress: A Julie Avery Mystery

    Copyright © 2024 by Beverly J. Graves

    Published in the United States of America

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2024905119

    ISBN Paperback: 979-8-89091-520-7

    ISBN eBook: 979-8-89091-521-4

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    CHAPTER 10

    CHAPTER 11

    CHAPTER 12

    CHAPTER 13

    CHAPTER 14


    Damn,’ Julie mumbled to herself as the Star Trek theme rang out on her cell phone and baby David started to cry. I meant to put that on silent while he napped.’ She had just laid the baby in his crib for hopefully a long afternoon nap so she could sit down at the computer and work on her latest book. But now the phone ringing might have ruined the afternoon of writing she had planned. ‘Stupid Star Trek theme; I need to change that to something more relaxing that won’t wake him.’ She rebuked herself and quickly clicked to send the caller to voice mail. Whoever it was would have to wait while she soothed David back to sleep. He was a happy baby and usually took a good nap in the afternoon, but the sudden blare of the music when he had just dropped off to sleep startled him and he let out a loud wail.

    Spot looked up from his basket next to the baby’s crib as if to say, ‘I knew that would happen when you carry the phone around with you everywhere.’ Julie stuck her tongue out at the cat and gave him a quick pat on the head before leaning over the crib. David was only partially awake and Julie turned him on his side and gently rubbed his back in long strokes as she hummed a lullaby. The baby let out a soft sigh and drifted back to sleep.

    Julie let out her own sigh of relief. She knew Spot was right, she shouldn’t carry the phone around with her now that the baby was here or she should have at least silenced it. But she was waiting for a call from her publisher, Richard Beasley. She had sent him the first chapter of her latest book just before the baby was born and she was anxious to hear his opinion. Her mystery books had done well in the market and Richard had encouraged her to continue in that genre. Even though Tetonkian Romantics focused more on romance novels, Richard had supported Julie adding a twist to her recent trilogy of romance and mystery. She had started her current book towards the end of her pregnancy, but hadn’t done much writing since David’s birth. She knew that if Richard liked the start of this current one, he would be pushing for her to finish it, but she just hadn’t regained the energy to do it. Ideas were floating around in her mind, but she couldn’t seem to find time to put them down in her laptop. The baby was the center of her world right now, but she had told Richard and herself that she would get back to writing soon; she just needed to do it. This afternoon seemed like a good time to work while David slept in his crib nearby, as long as the phone didn’t wake him again.

    She clicked the phone to silent mode and opened her laptop. She had delayed writing for long enough, she chided herself.

    Nor had she continued the work of restoring the big Tudor house on Broadway. It had been an exciting project but a long and tiring process as well. Julie soon realized that being pregnant had zapped her energy level, so Brandon, always the loving and supportive husband, had suggested she rehire the previous designer to finish the house to allow her the time to work on the book while she cared for the baby. Julie had hesitated at first; she wanted to do the project herself, but she soon realized that Brandon was right, a little help wouldn’t hurt. She liked Rory Peterson, the designer who had done the kitchen before they were married and moved in, but he could be a bit difficult. He and his company, Designs by Rory, were well known in the Fort Wayne area and highly sought after, which made him a bit egotistical. He and Julie had a few words over her desire to keep the original butler’s pantry and dumb waiter in the kitchen but Julie finally won out when she advised him that there were other designers who would love the job and her substantial budget.

    Julie agreed to hire him again as long as he fully understood at the start that her wishes were the final say on any portion of the project. Julie was adamant that the lovely old oak woodwork and hardwood floors would remain. The floors were to be sanded and redone, as well as the woodwork being stripped and refinished. If a single drop of paint was put on any of the natural wood in the house, Julie reminded him that there would be a case of murder on Broadway Avenue! Rory had laughed, but the look in Julie’s eye told him she might be serious!

    Julie knew that the current decorating fashion trend was for woodwork to be painted, but she loved the old patina of the oak even though it had darkened with age. Stripping it and varnishing would lighten it enough without painting it white as Rory had suggested. He had argued and Julie held firm. But, at least they were in agreement that all the carpet was to be removed and the hardwood floors refinished. Julie understood why Mrs. Houghton had carpeted the floors; keeping the hardwood floors looking nice was a project she just couldn’t keep up as she aged. Her housekeeper could do the vacuuming, but Mrs. Houghton missed her lovely floors. Julie knew that there just had to be hardwood floors under the carpet even before Mrs. Houghton told her and Rory was thrilled too when he saw them. That project alone in the huge house would be expensive and Julie could see the dollar signs light up in Rory’s eyes when she told him. The bathrooms need a complete overhaul and the third floor hadn’t been touched in years. Rory would have his hands full for months.

    Thankfully, Brandon had suggested a housekeeper during the last few weeks of her pregnancy and Julie had readily agreed; cleaning the huge home was a big job she didn’t relish and as her belly grew, her desire to clean diminished. Her little cottage on the cul-de-sac in Monique and later her apartment in the West End Manor had been all she had wanted to clean and even though she loved the big old Tudor, cleaning it was not her favorite task even if she had not been pregnant.

    Mrs. Houghton had given her the name of her cleaning lady and Julie had hired her without question, knowing that Mrs. Houghton would never make a recommendation without good reason. When Julie contacted her, Florine was pleased to be able to continue her job at the mansion as she called it. Julie had laughed at the term. Although the house had a large living room and dining room with French doors leading to the conservatory, which then led to the beautiful English garden that Mr. Houghton had lovingly planted and tended for his wife sixty years ago; Julie never considered it a mansion. It was just her dream home with its five bedrooms upstairs, three bathrooms and the third floor bonus room that Julie wanted to redo as a play area for the children. But she supposed it could seem that way to most people.

    Florine was a pleasant, efficient housekeeper and Julie enjoyed having her come weekly. Florine loved the baby and said he reminded her of her own children when they were young. David had shared his first smile with her and Florine was thrilled. She was anxiously waiting for him to take his first steps, even though that was months away. As Julie watched Florine talk to the baby as she cleaned his room, she thought to herself, ‘Florine would also make an excellent nanny. I wonder if she would consider moving into one of the spare rooms at the end of the upstairs hallway.’ The more Julie thought about it, the better the idea became. There was a bedroom close to the baby’s room but still would allow some privacy for Florine since the back staircase was next to that room and the back door which led to the three-car garage. The hall bathroom could be just for Florine since Julie and Brandon had their own ensuite. Julie thought she could offer one of the garage stalls for Florine’s vehicle; that way she could come and go any time she was not needed for the baby or cleaning.

    When Julie suggested the idea to Brandon, he had said. Terrific idea. I really like Florine and David adores her already. Having her here would free up more of your time for writing. You know how Richard has been anxious for you to continue your current book. Do you think she would be interested?

    I don’t know. I guess it won’t hurt to ask. You don’t think it would be too much for her at her age? She’s not a spring chicken, you know. Julie pondered.

    Hmmn. I don’t think so. She seems like she’s in good health. Mrs. Houghton said she never missed a day of work when she cleaned for her. If that’s what you want to do, go ahead and ask her. She can always turn you down if she doesn’t want to do it.

    I hope she won’t be offended by my asking. We need to make it worth it to her. They talked about an appropriate incentive package to offer with an increase in pay, weekends free and a two week paid vacation. Julie hoped Florine would consider their offer since her children were grown and Florine’s husband had passed away a couple of years ago. She didn’t own a house, just rented a small apartment in town, so moving in with them would be easy. Julie knew she would quickly become part of the family and could share meals with them if she wanted or she was free to cook in the kitchen for herself.

    Julie smiled to herself as she rubbed the baby’s back till he was asleep again. She tiptoed out of the room leaving Spot to watch guard over the sleeping infant and checked her voice mail. She saw that it was indeed from Richard. She clicked his number and he answered immediately. Julie, you’ve done it again! Richard exclaimed excitedly. "I don’t know where you come up with these ideas, but I love it, A Work in Progress. I didn’t get the title at first, but I know you; you’ve got an unexpected twist coming. I’m anxious to read more."

    Thanks, Richard. It’s just an idea right now, but I’ve got a story line lurking in my brain.

    Well, get on it. I want to hear more from that twisted brain of yours. Richard urged with his usual excitement over her ideas. Let me know when you’ve got more. He chuckled as he hung up. He had been a great publisher and friend. She had been so pleased when he agreed to walk her down the aisle at their wedding. Brandon was happy too that she wanted his boss to be part of their special day. They had a wonderful working relationship and Brandon considered Richard a good friend as well. Brandon had been promoted to Senior Editor at Tetonkian Romantics and loved his job. Julie was proud of the successful work Brandon had done over the years that allowed him to afford their lovely Tudor home. Julie’s writing career gave them the extra money for the housekeeper and designer and her new advance from Tetonkian would pay for the new nanny fee. With her career, Brandon and baby David, Julie’s life was good. She couldn’t imagine anything that could spoil it.

    Julie felt the phone as it vibrated in her jeans pocket; she was glad she had put it on silent since the last time it had awakened the baby. Julie looked at the screen and saw it was Leann Garner, her friend from West End Manor where Julie had lived when she first moved to Fort Wayne. They had become fast friends immediately and Leann had been Julie’s Maid of Honor. Hi Leann, Julie said softly into the phone.

    Hi, how’s my little baby boy today? Leann asked.

    I just put him down for his afternoon nap. Julie replied. He’s been a bit fussy, not his usual self. I suppose he’s got a bit of a cold. His nose has been running a bit. If it doesn’t clear up, I’ll take him into the clinic.

    Oh, no, sweet baby. I was going to come over to see him, but I understand if you don’t want any more outside germs coming in.

    It’s okay, Leann. You can come over. I’ve just put the tea kettle on for a pot of Earl Grey. You can look in on him and have a cup of tea with me. But please, don’t stay too long, though, I need to work on my book while he’s sleeping. Richard called earlier and is urging me to get going on it. You know Richard when he’s waiting for a new project.

    Oh, of course. I assume Richard liked the first chapter and is excited to see more? Leann asked.

    Yep, so I’ve got to produce some more pages pronto if I want to keep my advance.

    Writers and their deadlines. Whew, I’m glad it’s not me. I’d never be able to do it under pressure. Leann exclaimed.

    "I’ve never really thought about Richard pressuring me, but he can bug me a little when he’s ready to put another book on the presses. I don’t think I’m his bestselling author,

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