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Chronicles of Theza: Annihilator of Worlds part 1
Chronicles of Theza: Annihilator of Worlds part 1
Chronicles of Theza: Annihilator of Worlds part 1
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Chronicles of Theza: Annihilator of Worlds part 1

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After an intense battle for the fate of the world, the Dark Sorcerer was driven into desperation and escaped the would-be heroes into the passage of time. Fourteen centuries have passed since then and an ancient evil stirs within Teril continent, waiting to be awakened. The two kingdoms are on edge with each other while the northern republic merely observes the situation and bides their time. A young knight, who faithfully serves her kingdom is soon swept up in a mysterious quest that brings forth the most unlikely companions to her side. As they all travel across Teril to uncover the madness behind these events that begin with the razing of a forest region, unbeknownst to them a race against the clock has begun.
Release dateJan 28, 2024
Chronicles of Theza: Annihilator of Worlds part 1

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    Chronicles of Theza - Kade Tanner


    The four intruders neared the top of the spiral staircase, keeping hope alive in their hearts that this war would finally see its conclusion. The United Liberation forces were dealing with the Elven elites of the Egessflo Empire. This small band of misfits were storming the Spire of Calamity where the Dark Sorcerer commanded his abyssal army. There was Hathor, a Dwarf warrior known for the hammer 'Balinkah' which he had forged himself. His robust build was common for a Dwarf and his red hair mismatched his black beard and honey-colored eyes. A ferocious combatant on the field and a strong barrel of ale seemed to make him ever more ferocious!

    Hathor, being the shortest in stature, was still able to keep up with Norod, a human shaman who was learned in the way of elemental magic, especially healing spells. Norod was thin, but his robes concealed his body shape. He seldom revealed his long, gray hair. He was ever the student of all varieties of magic for the greater parts of his life and came to join this entourage after realizing the true nature of the Elvish Empire. He witnessed so much senseless pain and suffering Egessflo inflicted on other, smaller nations, realms, and the like, crushing any resistance that dared stand against them. Norod decided after losing his home city to Elvish influence to now stand for a cause instead of remaining ignorant by tending to his studies. He came to join this merry band of would-be heroes after the unification of the seven-folk formed into an army called the ‘United Liberation.’ So, his sights were now set on aiding these new allies in defeating the Dark Sorcerer.

    Ahead of Norod, there was a member of the race called the ruzo, cat-like humanoids with fur, a tail and pointed ears. Fajira wore an olive-green tunic enchanted with magic resistant dyes. This furry woman excelled in martial arts but was adept in healing magic and thievery when the occasion arose. She was also born with a unique power she didn’t understand, but thanks to the wisdom granted from a great sage, she was made aware of it. She could focus her heart and soul to ask the Divine source, the 'Aethersphere', for one wish to be reality, but it came at a heavy cost. The ritual for this sacred wish removed the life essence of the asker at the hands of the one who cared for them the most. A rare, quite immensely powerful miracle known as ‘Final Prayer.’

    Last but not least, leading this unlikely group was a young man just into his twentieth year. A young man born through the channeling of dark magic. He, like the rest of his kind, was born to obey, to serve, and to die for his creator. Now, this man was on his way to confront his creator and destroy him. Unlike a human man, he had a long snout, a bushy tail, a body covered in red fur with white streaks, and long ears that poked above his blonde fur on his head. The race became known to the world after this chaotic saga as the fenara, a humanoid people with foxlike characteristics. Many fenara were created by the Dark Sorcerer and left nameless as they were mindlessly subservient. Two years prior to this moment, this particular man had been involved in a massive skirmish that had left him near death in a forest. A single dryad had discovered him and convinced her people to take him in and care for him, unaware of his purpose and past. Since he had no name, the dryads granted him one: Shinlo. He was the first fenara to be named and would live on in legend.

    We’re almost there now, Shinlo! Fajira shouted. Shinlo was equipped with a medium armor layered with leather and steel plates expertly crafted together for both a balance of agility and defense. He nodded to her as they ran up the spire. They reached the top and found themselves in a long corridor.

    Could we not rest a moment, lad? We dwarves ain’t built for sprintin’ like a buncha Chlorisks in the spring! Hathor was exasperated.

    "I’m glad you came along, Hathor. All of you, this is my fight, and you are choosing to be there for me. A mistake in this world," Shinlo replied gratefully.

    I didn’t set aside my tomes and experiments to hear such a thing my friend. Norod scolded, placing a hand on Shinlo’s shoulder. I’m here to see you prove you and the rest like you belong in this world and deserve to be your own masters!

    Shinlo smiled hearing the magician's encouraging statement. They began to enter the long corridor where a large pair of doors rested at the far end.

    The tile under Fajira’s depressed and a steel gate dropped behind them all, the steel slats tightly crisscrossed one another so not even the smallest of them could get through. There was no going back now.

    This be it, we either emerge victorious or lay down our lives in glory. Either way, we’ll give this ol’ dark womble a thrashing he won’t soon forget! Hathor never being one for self-delusion, called out.

    Norod stood in front, Wait a moment! I’ll help our progress. the shaman proclaimed. "Eyes blind to the unseen, help guide the way. By further reaches, show the path of safe travels. Radiant Sense!" as he finished his chant, and a vibrant golden light shot forth from his eyes and bathed the walls and floor. Two dark tiles appeared on the floor, The dark tiles are traps of some kind.

    I could disable them, I think, Fajira offered.

    Shinlo shook his head. Better we just avoid them. Norod, will your spell last until we reach the doors?

    Yes, of course, the human replied.

    Upon reaching the doors, despite their massive size and weight, it took Hathor a moment to budge them. The rest of the group joined him in pushing, and together they found themselves looking into a room of pure darkness aside from blue flickering candles towards the back and a figure sitting on a throne with four steps leading up to its stone platform.

    The four entered slowly, suppressing all fear and doubts rippling in their minds. Upon seeing his so-called ‘father’, Shinlo especially felt an icy sensation welling up inside his gut and chilling even his lungs. The figure waved a hand, and all around the massive throne room blue and white candles became illuminated, providing more light. Red and black tapestries decorated the gray stone walls, the mark of his abyssal forces known as Zunrosh woven into each tapestry. Shinlo and his allies readied their weapons as their adversary sat upon his chair, calm and unimpressed.

    Shinlo stepped forward, It’s over! We’ve come to end this Xyger!

    The black-cloaked sorcerer stared at them. His cloak concealed the black and golden armor he wore beneath, and his eyes were beady and a blood red color. A hood hid his bald head. He spoke curtly, You know what happens when pets turn on their masters? They are put to death without mercy, but perhaps I might shed a tear for you, since you’re the first to have such daring potential. You pushed me to my limits and by luck, evaded my traps. I simply underestimated your abilities, but no more! The sorcerer’s voice shook with anger as his mask of calm failed him. Xyger stood up and held his hand out, as two more fenaras came out from behind the throne adorned in plate mail armor and with spears grasped in their paws. Their eyes seemed hollow, as if under a mind control spell, unlike Shinlo’s clear hazel eyes. A black sword appeared in the sorcerer’s hand. Through the middle of the blade glowed a vibrant red, indicating great magic was at work.

    Shinlo, this is our final battle together, Norod said. Let’s finish this and bring peace to Xamgren continent as well as all of Theza once more! Norod’s words solidified Shinlo’s confident gaze as he raised his sword, and they all readied their stances.

    We’re going to do this! No more doubts, Shinlo. All or nothing! Fajira rallied.

    The two evil-bid fenaras charged forth. Hathor intercepted one with his hammer, meeting the spear. The dwarf knocked his foe off balance and swung a heavy blow at him, and hammer met the floor with the entranced fenara narrowly escaping the strike. Norod began chanting a mighty incantation while Fajira dashed ahead, sliding under the other armored fenara as his spear swipe went over her head. She threw a punch upwards as she slid, striking the fenara beneath his armor and sending the furry, brainwashed man to the floor as she managed to get up in a sprint towards the Dark Sorcerer himself! Shinlo, having his clear sword of mystical crystal drawn, focused his thoughts into the blade. Let fire fill my blade, the would-be hero focused as his blade turned orange and red as heat gathered within. He charged forth as the fox-man recovered from Fajira’s low blow and found himself suddenly clashing weapons against Shinlo.

    Hathor and his foe clashed hammer to spear a few more times before the Dwarf mustered forth some energy to attempt a critical strike! Smash! The fenara took a heavy hammer to his ribs that sent him airborne into a wall beside the throne where Xyger and Fajira were dueling. Xyger’s blade met Fajira’s punches in a dance of death!

    "Raging flames, I beckon to engulf thy foes in a torrent of engulfing flame! I beseech Flame Burst!" Norod chanted as a blast of fire erupted from the ground and engulfed the Fenara that Shinlo was dueling. The spear wielder burned immensely and collapsed to the floor as the fire subsided. Now Shinlo diverted his attention to his main foe in time to help Fajira who was now attempting to defend herself from strike after strike. As Shinlo reached the top of the steps, he struck his fiery blade at Xyger, but it bounced off of an invisible barrier that surrounded him.

    Come now, the Sorcerer said, You didn’t seriously think the two of you could get the upper hand on me this easily?! Xyger then laughed as another sword manifested before him, moving ominously without needing to be wielded! The blades of darkness whirling like a typhoon tried to claim their way into flesh. They clashed again and again against Fajira’s gauntlet and Shinlo’s Prism Blade. Rest in the clutches of oblivion! The dark magician called out.

    "Luminous aether gather forth and strike the darkness ahead. I call forth Mega Bolt!" From Norod’s hand a mighty bolt of lightning struck the sorcerer in the chest. Xyger, unfazed, stepped back as he parried Shinlo’s blade once more with his floating sword. Hathor leaped between them taking Xyger on now as his hammer struck the floor where the sorcerer had been standing! Hathor tried to strike again, and a cloud of mist exploded where the sorcerer once stood. The mist swiftly encompassed the four allies and the entire room!

    A cackle from the evil magician could be heard but no one could trace it. Fajira and Hathor looked around nervously. Shinlo could not sense where their foe had gone. Suddenly, they heard an ominous chant from near the doors where they entered.

    "Aether that gathers, aether that flows. All that is created and all that once was. Force of all life bend now into devastation. I call upon the six elements to come forth enraged as they fuse into one within my hands and bring ruin to those before me…"

    Shinlo and Fajira felt a powerful magic barrier encompassing their bodies. I’m out of time! Norod shrieked as he barely cast the first two magical protection spells.

    I cast upon thee, Aether Fury! Xyger’s voice echoed and a golden dome of aether surrounded Hathor and quickly expanded to the size of the room. It exploded in a violent combustion, freezing, crushing, darkness, shocking blast of magical energy that shattered the stained-glass windows on the exterior walls. The stone doors crumbled to mere rubble! Air escaped Hathor’s and Norod’s lungs, accompanied by bursts of unbearable pain. The barriers that protected Shinlo and Fajira were shattered as both of them were pushed to the far side of the room. Fajira regained her footing first as Xyger calmly strutted across the room, carrying a single blade in his left hand. Shinlo struggled hard to get up but felt terribly weakened.

    Norod was barely moving as he lay on the floor near Fajira. She took notice, got to him, and tossed a red gelatinous medicine on his wounds.

    Hathor’s hand twitched but the sorcerer got ever closer to him at the room’s center. Fajira saw what Xyger was about to do, Hathor! She called out and quickly manifested a poisonous needle within her paw and tossed it at the evil adversary!

    Xyger saw the projectile just in time to deflect it. So, one of you stands! I guess I can deal with you first.  His blade vanished in a black flame as he held out both hands as a spear of darkness formed.

    Fajira looked over to Shinlo, who was still trying to get up. "O light of life, grant onto thee healing to mend the broken and close the wounds. Replenish!" She chanted as Shinlo’s wounds healed rapidly, but the dark spear had already been launched forth! The ruzo attempted to dodge the deadly magical weapon, but the fatal tip soon found its way into the young woman, sending her pinned against the wall through her belly.

    Fajira!!!! Shinlo screamed as he got back on his feet. His temper spiked, he picked up his blade once more this time focusing on the element of lightning, radiant light, an element called lumin that opposed shadow. The blade grew white with bolts of lightning running along the sharp edge. Bastard! You’ll pay Xyger! You will pay!! the fenara suddenly had a vibrant red aura radiate from his body, his eyes turned white, and his teeth clenched as if he was a wild animal! He dashed forth and struck the dark armored human ferociously blow after blow. Xyger grunted and called out in pain with each strike as Shinlo moved faster than any demon, barely visible to the naked eye.

    Norod managed to get back to his feet, blood running down from his forehead as he limped over to his pinned ally. The spear vanished as he reached her, but her injury was dire. He began his spells to close the wound.

    I have but one of these remaining. Don’t die yet, Fajira. He took a mystical stone from his robe; an ornate feather was carved upon it. Believers say these rare Angel Stones were gifts from the five dragon gods that made this world. They restore the life force of a single person when shattered over their body, but only if used right away and only if death was due to unnatural causes.

    In his fury, Shinlo kept up his assault, but Xyger reformed his black blade once more. Hathor slowly got back up; he used the last of his healing medicines to sustain his fighting spirit. He saw Norod tending to the ruzo woman and Shinlo locked in a duel to the death with Xyger. The dwarf recollected his hammer and charged forth!

    Blow after blow the human and the Fenara exchanged without drawing blood from their opponent, but once they locked weapons, Hathor came from Xyger’s left flank and with a mighty swing smashed his hammer into the dark sorcerer’s lower back.

    Seizing the opportunity, Shinlo stepped back. He readied a final stance, and with a swift motion, Shinlo drove his sword forth into the Dark Sorcerer’s chest, piercing the black armor of Xyger!

    In shock, the sorcerer staggered backward, blood falling from his wound onto the tiled stone floor, the sorcerer’s sword once again vanished.

    It’s over Xyger, you’ve lost. Shinlo affirmed as he held his blade at the sorcerer.

    Xyger staggered back to his seat, chuckling as his left hand raised again.

    This time a symbol appeared on it, glowing black.

    The Rune o’ Annihilation! Hathor called out, upon recognizing the twisted symbol of devastation. A swift blast shot forth and sent Shinlo and Hathor back to the room’s entryway.

    The dwarf was unable to move; exhausted from the blast. Shinlo’s vision was blurred. He was able to make out Xyger chanting with his back turned, clutching his wound with his right hand.

    I’m too weak to continue. I shall rest now for ages ahead. You’ve won this battle, my little abomination. Rejoice now, but know I shall return and when I do, my power will be unstoppable! Two more runes appeared in the air, one of an hourglass tilted and the other markings indicating a door.

    The rune of time and the gateway rune! Norod said after a gasp as he broke the angel stone on Fajira.

    A large doorway appeared before Xyger, double doors wide open for him as he stepped forth into the dark blue, white, and black swirling corridor.

    No. You are to— Shinlo gasped for his breath as he got to his feet once more, his vision still blurred you are to die this day! He dashed forth to strike with his bare claws now. Alas, Xyger had already vanished into the portal his runes created, leaving no trace.

    He’s in between the gap of time and space, Norod muttered. Who knows when or if he will return.

    Shinlo hurried over as he diverted his attention to Fajira, who was still lying in Norod’s lap. Will she be alright?

    I think I am, said a weakened Fajira. Just tired.

    Shinlo knelt down beside her. I’m glad you’re alright Fajira.

    Her gaze met his as she apologized. "I’m sorry Shinlo. I should’ve used Final Prayer, and this would’ve been all over already."

    Norod shook his head as Hathor limped his way over to them. If you had, then this world would’ve been without you.

    But— The ruzo tried to continue as she sat up, but Shinlo cut her off.

    I won’t hear of it. I promised your safety to your husband in Sa’muul Village. You are Fajira Qatorri after all, known for your recklessness and ferocity! the fenara laughed.

    Aye, the lad be right. B’sides, we won, did we not? We dinnae destroy the ol’ wombly blaggard but we did bring an end to his reign! Hathor cheered. Now how about healin’ me up. You lot jus’ let me fen’ for meself out there! Ah may be Hathor Agar, but I am no golem impervious ta pain! Hathor complained teasingly.

    Norod began his healing magic on the dwarf, as Shinlo stared out of one of the broken windows of the desolate spire, seeing the far-off battle of the United Liberation forces and the Egessflo armies tip in favor of the former as the Elves were being driven further back.

    As time passes over the course of just a few centuries, more wars will be fought, new kingdoms established. Who knows when Xyger will return, perhaps he’ll get himself stuck between dimensions. We should enjoy this upcoming peace we have earned, said Norod. Besides, Shinlo isn’t it time you found someone special like Fajira and Hathor did?

    I haven’t thought about it, Shinlo said as he stepped beside his human companion. I would feel better if we could ensure he can’t return. Studying runic magic might be an idea so I can hunt him down.

    Norod turned to the fenara, I doubt Xyger will return in our lifetimes, my friend.

    Shinlo sighed before replying with, You’re probably right. I just don’t know what’s next for us though.

    Enjoy your life, Fajira said as she got up to her feet once more.

    Shinlo was surprised to hear those words. Enjoy my life? he looked at his claws. For the last two years, ever since he learned what he was and why he was created, he had sought to right the wrongs of his kind and his existence, but now that his goal was as complete as could be, he discovered he needed a new purpose.

    There are many more Fenara out there, and with Xyger gone they likely have no idea why they do what they do, and no master to serve. They are probably scared and unsure of themselves, Fajira explained.

    Shinlo realized his ruzo friend was right. His life seemed to have a new calling. Together, the four began their descent from the spire’s top floor, the gate that once blocked their exit route lifting when Norod found the lever, cleverly hidden away in the wall. They continued their descent to safe ground, knowing this wasn’t the end, but a beginning of rebuilding, living, embracing peace. Something that wasn’t truly felt the entirety of the two and a half centuries the elves were in power. It would be nearly fifty more years before war entered the minds of rulers and monarchs again across the world.

    Fourteen centuries pass…

    A map of a fantasy game Description automatically generated

    Chapter 1

    Crossing Fate with Tragedy

    The bushes rustled as a stout; blonde dwarf woman peered through. Amazingly, the branches managed to miss the opportunity to snag her braided locks, despite her hair reaching her lower back. Thorns scraped against her breast plate as she watched the duel from her hiding place. Och, that man be a ruzo! He was covered in light brown fur, with cat ears protruding above his head, green eyes, and a long tail. He was wearing blue knitted shirt and green trousers. He battled a hideous, hairy hog-faced humanoid creature known as an orc. The orc carried a crude hand axe made of sharpened stone and spoke no known language unless one could understand grunts, snorts, and squeals. The ruzo charged his foe with an iron sword in hand as the monster snorted at him. He must be o’ the forest village deep within here. This be yer chance, Ameria, ye could help him as ye would for an Aloxi citizen. Her thoughts wrestled with one another. The cat-man nimbly impaled an iron sword into the monster's gut as its axe missed him. Ameria attempted to enter the clearing, but her metallic greave became stuck on a root. Och, o’ all the… The orc squealed, but relentlessly now moved with rage in its eyes; however, the cat man evaded another strike as he leaped out of its arc! Like a flash of lightning, he drew his short bow with an arrow to be jetted into the monster’s neck. The orc’s body finally gave out and collapsed onto the forest ground.

    The mysterious ruzo man withdrew his blade from the fresh orc corpse. Ameria struggled with her greave until a branch near her arm snapped. The ruzo’s ears flickered, and he gazed towards the cluster of bushes. He muttered something in his native language of Nakirin Gra-hada before scurrying into the dense trees of Gessia Forest.

    Wait— she called out to him, but it was too late, the furry man had fled the scene. Good goin’ at that, got stuck on a blasted root. Feeling flustered however, she saw some relief in how everything turned out. Ah be glad enough though, he was a’right. She then remembered she was starting to run behind schedule. Ah must return ta Aloxi City, me dear friend Rynia awaits me.

    Without further incident, the young dwarf followed the winding dirt roads back home to the grand city of Aloxi. A city founded in 1205 A.E. and declared itself its own kingdom in 1225 when it fought for its independence from Oparl Kingdom to the far south across the Akarp Desert. The city had a round shape, with walls that towered over its citizens, offering a sense of safety and security. City guards patrolled it day and night. Every visitor to the city was subject to having their possessions inspected thoroughly by the city guards, while the Aloxi Knights maintained order and peace within. This grand city housed its monarch, King Odephar Aloxi V, in the Castle located toward the southern side of the city, where the towers reached high above the protective walls and served as a beacon to those in the valley due south.

    Ameria took a moment to gaze upon this city from atop a hill. She stared at the glorious city and felt gratitude that she was able to turn this into her home and career in life. She approached the east gate. A sight ah ne’er tire of.

    She was on good terms with the City Guards and often at least said hello to them whenever she could, City Guards and Knights didn’t always get along, but Ameria had built a strong reputation for herself in the last three years she had come to this diverse city filled with Humans, Elves, the slithering serpentine folk known as the Gresks and even Centaurs!

    Once the young knight reached her home just inside the city walls the sun was beginning to set on the western horizon. The city folk were gradually emptying the streets to go home for supper and rest for the evening. The dwarf's cottage was humble and had a wooden gate around the small yard before it. The home had a front door of solid oak, nearly a foot taller than her and a little wider than a human door. The windows were round with thick glass to the right of its entrance while vines crept up the awning which gave it a majestic appearance. The roof was sloped with shingles of clay as round logs made up the supports.

    This was part of her payment for fulfilling her duties as a knight to Aloxi Kingdom and its people. Sworn dutifully to honor the crown, protect the innocent, and carry out orders to the best of her abilities, from escorting merchants and their wares to slaying menacing monsters, the knights were to fight diligently and tirelessly to keep Aloxi safe. The other part of her compensation was a steady pay of three hundred green coins known as Zoa, this was paid to her by her captain after each quest she was given, which often took one to three days.

    As she approached her front door of oak, a rustling came up from behind.

    Ameria! You’re finally back!! exclaimed a feminine voice with excitement as furry, blonde arms wrapped around her in a hug.

    Aye, ah had a feelin' ye’d be skulking around me house whilst ah was oot on a quest. Thank you fer comin' this way, Rynia. Ameria replied gratefully as she patted the furry woman's paws.

    Like the cat-man Ameria had just seen in the forest, Rynia was also a ruzo; with pointed ears, a body covered in fur, and a long tail like that of a house cat. Rynia had blonde fur with red stripes on her body and longer fur, like human hair, on top of her head. She had a lean body frame, very agile in contrast to the stocky build of Ameria. Rynia was almost a foot taller than her dwarven friend, who was merely a touch over four feet from the ground. Fingerless, leather strapped gauntlets with iron plates over the knuckles was Rynia’s weapon of choice should an opponent get too close.

    Next time Ameria, take me along! Rynia complained. My healing magic can keep you safe and take care of whatever wounds you get, especially if monsters show up.

    That, although appreciated, be unnecessary. Ye be needed here and in Qatorri making yer medicines as well as studying yer spells ta heal the sick and injured, Ameria insisted. Ah cannae risk ye gettin’ hurt kitten.

    Rynia’s ears twitched with agitation as her tail stiffened but she was silent a moment before blurting, Ameria! You can’t always handle everything by yourself! Sure, you are strong and fearless but that’s not enough in the far reaches of the wilderness! It’s too much and even the other knights travel in pairs, or goes in entourages of three, or even hire a mercenary. But you refuse to do any of that, and that worries me. Your dwarf head is going to get you in trouble some day!

    Ameria felt upset inside, both with her friend and herself, for she knew Rynia was right to a degree. Another silent moment came, and their identical pale blue eyes looked away from each other at the cobblestone walkway as the situation chilled.

    Ameria finally broke this silence with a sigh, Very well, Rynia. Ye may come along for me next quest but know this: should something happen to ye and if ah cannae protect you, Ameria paused as her look was seriously stern. Ah will not forgive you and from the summit of mount Agar ah shall curse your name annually ‘til I draw breath no longer!

    Rynia giggled, Whatever makes your people happy, I guess. Ruzos always did think the Dwarves had odd customs. But now I’m so excited because I can give you this! Rynia handed Ameria a scroll of parchment.

    That’s from captain Mallar, observed America in surprise. Then she noticed the seal had already been broken once, Och! Ye read me next quest before handin’ it to me?! How did ye even get this? Ameria demanded. The dwarf unrolled the parchment which detailed how she was to set off towards Cresi Village on the southern end of Gessia Forest and clear the herd of omnivorous creatures known as volnors that had made their breeding ground there, blocking the road for travelers. Ye sneaky furball, Ameria said with agitation as she finished reading, No wonder ye pushed so hard ta come along.

    Your captain saw me in passing and knew I was likely going to see you first. It is a bit outside their protocols but what do I care? I’m a civilian, knights can keep their orderly, stuffy ways, the catwoman shrugged with a grin. This is for you as well! Rynia lightly tossed a pouch that contained Ameria's payment for the last quest she completed. We set out tomorrow, don't we?

    Aye. We do. But ye do well in lettin’ me handle the bulk o’ the fighting, understand? Ameria instructed.

    The ruzo nodded with a smile and let herself into the cottage ahead of its tenant. Ameria sighed and followed, removing her heavy breastplate and pauldrons. She got changed into a simple tunic for relaxing. Her iron battle hammer was placed near her bedroom doorway as she stepped back to the living room. The only memento of her birthplace, Agar Mines to the northwest.

    That night, the two settled in for bed after having some dwarven stew Ameria had learned to cook as a child. Now, being nearly thirty-five which is comparable to a human’s age of about twenty-six or so, the dwarf expanded on this traditional recipe using a combination of human spices. Red tangle-root and groves-lion herbs added a very fragrant scent and brought this common dwarven dish a rich taste. Ameria thought about the journey ahead and although it was a simple monster removal and elimination, something about it seemed off. Surely, this quest seems simple, but ah’m entrusted it alone? It wasn’t long ago ah’d be paired up with Knight Adahnil or Knight Cassius; would be more efficient ta be paired with either of them, she thought.

    You alright? Rynia asked as she was getting into the extra bed Ameria kept for whenever Rynia stayed over, which was quite often these days.

    Aye, just be thinkin’ that Captain Mallar gave me a quest like this, Ameria said.

    He must really trust you to handle it, Rynia replied cheerfully, yawning.

    Ameria’s standing with the Aloxi Knights Order had solid footing for she spent the last three years earning a reputation among them from being an immigrant from Mount Agar which was an independent land between Aloxi and Umar Kingdoms respectively. Granted, not all within the knights welcomed the dwarf woman as women were already few and far between among the knights even with the majority of them being human. Despite Rynia’s reasoning, Ameria was unable to pinpoint the reason for this feeling as she finally dozed off into a peaceful slumber.

    As the rays of the sun pierced the eastern sky Ameria and Rynia were already up and packed. Leaving Aloxi’s eastern gate behind them as they began on the winding dirt road, the pair chatted along the way and watched the wilderness. They witnessed green oozing creatures in the distance known as slimes go about their lives, trying to consume smaller creatures than themselves. Small rabbits with make-shift little hatchets, commonly called axe bunnies, frolicked, hacking away at bushes or trees to knock fruit down. While these were considered monsters, unless they approached travelers on the road, they were rarely seen as a threat.

    Before the two realized, the sun approached its peak, and they would find themselves atop a hill staring down the gradual slope to the village of Cresi in the distance and the plethora of shelled beasts that lay. The herd of volnors which Ameria was tasked to remove. The beasts had black, hardened shells, a rough exterior much like a tortoise that never poked its head out, for it didn’t have one.

    They certainly don’t seem menacing, Rynia observed. The creatures grazed casually as if they were bovines instead of monsters.

    Volnors be nomadic, mostly peaceful yet territorial, Rynia. At this wee distance they shouldn’t bother us but when we get too close, they’ll attack fer sure, Ameria said. They do indeed block the road ta Cresi.

    Maybe we can scare them off? suggested Rynia.

    Fire be one way ta scare them but we are not exactly mages, lass. Downing a few should get them ta move right along though, Ameria said as she drew her hammer from its strap from around her shoulder.

    The courageous dwarf woman ran forth as she approached the beast closest to her and gave it a mighty bash with her hammer that barely but did flip the beast to its back. The dwarf hopped up onto the edge of the shell and delivered a crushing blow to its underside in the center where its mouth was located. Ah’ve always wondered where that disgusting tongue comes from! Still not sure how they see, there be no eyes! she called out as the creature died outright without much suffering.

    Maybe they feel their surroundings? Monster scholars in Aloxi would know right? Rynia called back as she thought about it.

    Another volnor approached Ameria but before it could launch an attack, a bolt of lightning struck it from Rynia's hand as she cast one of the few healer spells that harms foes, Bolt.

    The blast stunned the new opponent but three more approached from both the left, right and center. Watch your footing! Rynia cried out as Ameria jumped to the ground, and a tendril-like tongue from the approaching volnor wrapped her right ankle. It lifted her up and slammed her into the ground as if she were a ragdoll wielded by a hyper-active toddler! Her armor, instead of protecting her, only caused the air to launch from her body and she could almost taste her breakfast with the sheer force that struck her. She gasped for air as another bolt of lightning whizzed over her and struck the volnor, whose tongue was tied to the dwarf’s ankle. The grasp loosened as Ameria struggled to roll over, trying to get air in her lungs once more.

    The dwarf staggered her way back to her feet, slowly picking her hammer back up, when all the monsters stopped abruptly. They were at a complete standstill for a moment as screams in the distance were heard. The volnors began to flee further south, perplexing the ruzo and dwarf for only a few seconds before they noticed the source of the screams. Looking to the north, where the edge of Gessia Forest began, orange, red, as well as black smoke flooded from between the trees and rose into the air!

    The forest! Ameria exclaimed as she began to sprint the best she could. Her gear was heavy, and she was still not fully recovered from the volnor’s attack. Smoke rose more rapidly and each volnor, on their three legs, began shuffling into the grasslands south of the road, away from danger.

    Hold still, Ameria! Rynia shouted. Rynia began applying an alchemic medicine known as a clear gel by reaching up under Ameria’s armor and applying it directly to her skin. It immediately treated the internal bruising she had suffered from her impact. As the pair looked onward, they saw creatures and people of all kinds escaping Gessia Forest as plumes of black smoke rose above the trees. An inferno of writhing flames consumed tree after tree.

    In shocked silence, the pair looked each other in the eyes for they both knew they had to help. Rushing towards the forest edge near the village gate people and creatures were pouring out, all fleeing for their lives in chaos. Everything from Elves, Ruzos, and even the foxlike people known as the Fenara were fleeing for their lives alongside monsters such as axe bunnies, living carnivorous plant creatures called tanglebulbs and chlorisks. Even the boar-faced orcs fled the carnage.

    The screams and shouts made it difficult to hear anything useful. There’s no way this could be a natural fire, Ameria. Just none, the flames are spreading too quickly! Rynia exclaimed as a burning tree toppled down and crushed a fleeing orc. Magic started this fire, had to be! Rynia sternly informed her friend as she observed the pattern it made in its path of destruction.

    Ameria, pushing that aside to focus on what needed to be done, replied, All well and good, Rynia, but it does us little good! Heal as many injured as you can, ah’ll rescue as many as ah can from the flames! We shall figure oot how it happened after this is over! sweat had already begun pouring down the dwarf’s face as she turned to enter the blazing trees. Rynia got to work on aiding the first burn victim, a ruzo child with his mother.

    Ameria stepped into the branches and began pulling innocent people out, anyone she could reach. She shouted into flaring torrents, letting them know she was there to save them. Stragglers were quickly engulfed in the sweeping inferno.

    A short man up to Rynia’s chin, with flesh of bark and leaves for hair, struggled trying to put out his flaming leg.

    A dryad! Rynia exclaimed, rushing to help him.

    Ameria had her sights focused on a little girl, fox ears and face, black furred with a bushy tail from her patched trousers, likely no more than eight- or nine-years old. She was crying hysterically, trying to find a way to go back deeper into the ever-blazing forest while clutching a small hand-made doll. Ameria felt her heart sink but rushed over to the child as the girl managed to slip in between some smoldering branches, crying and screaming in the language of Nakirin.

    Light energy left Rynia’s hands to heal the burns of the dryad man. Your burns are awful; I hope my magic helps, even if a little.

    He replied with only a look of gratitude as the fire was extinguished. He grabbed her wrist and said a phrase that concerned her, "Yadra’s ticomonch." While she didn’t know the dryad tongue very well, she had a chill down her spine.

    "I’m sorry, I don’t understand Treda

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