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Don't Go Out There!: The Truth
Don't Go Out There!: The Truth
Don't Go Out There!: The Truth
Ebook183 pages2 hours

Don't Go Out There!: The Truth

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The werewolves, Karl and Tanya have escaped to France. Some of the survivors from the Tan Hill Inn are in pursuit, including Karl's twin brother Brad and Tanya's brother, Peter. Karl and Tanya have twins, Romulus and Remus. The couple befriends a French midwife, Maria. She has her own secrets, and she is a lot older than she look. A book is in t

Release dateApr 12, 2024
Don't Go Out There!: The Truth

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    Don't Go Out There! - Sean Watson


    Don’t Go Out There! The Truth

    Author: Sean V Watson

    Copyright © Sean V Watson (2024)

    The right of Sean V Watson to be identified as author of this work has been asserted by the author in accordance with section 77 and 78 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.

    First Published in 2024

    ISBN 978-1-83538-138-0 (Paperback)

    978-1-83538-139-7 (Hardback)

    978-1-83538-140-3 (E-Book)

    Book cover design and Book layout by:

    White Magic Studios

    Published by:

    Maple Publishers

    Fairbourne Drive, Atterbury,

    Milton Keynes,

    MK10 9RG, UK

    A CIP catalogue record for this title is available from the British Library.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or translated by any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system without written permission from the author.

    The book is a work of fiction. Unless otherwise indicated, all the names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual people living or dead, events or locales is entirely coincidental, and the Publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.

    To my little brother, Adrian.


    Chapter One

    Jack, according to the passport being used, and Tanya had escaped the crimes they had supposedly committed that weekend. The couple escaped from Tan Hill Inn and England using the channel tunnel before the police had been informed of the massacre on the Yorkshire Dales. Just as the police had turned up at the Tan Hill Inn on the Yorkshire Dales and took control of the crime scene, the two instigators were driving onto French soil. Jack and Tanya had reached the relative safety of France. They had a place to go to but needed to stay under the radar. The couple’s stealing of Simon’s Land Rover was a good move, as it helped with the injuries they had sustained at the pub. Simon was a member of Swaledale Mountain Rescue, and he had a lot of first aid equipment in his vehicle. They planned to sleep in the Land Rover in the French countryside until it was safe to go to Fontainebleau.

    Just before leaving the Eurotunnel near Calais, Jack was able to change some cash for euros. Jack and Tanya had been awake now since the day before and were exhausted. They drove on until they found a layby just outside Calais, where a food van was situated. Wearing a baseball cap tilted over his eyes, Jack went to get the couple some breakfast.

    Bonjour, do you speak English? he asked the man, serving in the van.

    Oui, how can I help? answered the Frenchman.

    Can I have two of your full French breakfasts, an English tea and a coffee to takeaway, please?

    Oui. Would that be what the English call a builder’s tea?

    Yes, I think that is what they call it.

    Seventeen euros, s’il vous plaît.

    Jack gave the man twenty euros and told him to keep the change.

    Merci. Your food will be about ten minutes.


    Jack then went over to a nearby table to wait for his food. Three British lorry drivers had gathered outside the van for their breakfast. One of them had mentioned about an incident that had happened in Yorkshire. Jack felt the need to keep his distance. Ten minutes passed, and Jack was called over for his order. He moved past the lorry drivers, collected his food, and went back to the Land Rover. The couple sat and enjoyed their breakfast.

    By the time they had finished their breakfast, the layby was now empty. Jack and Tanya closed their eyes to get some sleep. They were asleep when someone tapped on their window, waking them up. A Gendarme stood before them on Tanya’s side, asking for their passports. Tanya passed them over to the police officer and asked if everything was ok? He checked the passports and then asked where they were going.

    We are heading to our place in Fontainebleau.

    Bon jour, you must move. You cannot sleep here, replied the officer as he gave back their passports and walked back to his motorbike. The officer sat on his bike, whilst he spoke on his radio.

    We better go before he comes back. He might check out this vehicle. We will find somewhere to stop for the night.

    Jack started the engine and drove off.

    Jack drove for another hour, not heading anywhere, just looking for somewhere to stop. By chance, they found a glamping site where they could stay. The campsite was in the middle of nowhere.

    Look, a campsite. It looks secluded. We can stop here for a few days, said Jack as he turned in. There is a farm shop. We can get some raw meat.

    Sounds good. I’m tired and still hungry, replied Tanya.

    They drove up to the entrance, where a man sat in a deck chair.

    Bonjour, sir! said the man.

    "Bonjour. Do you have any tents for a few nights?

    Ah, American! We have one yurt left. The one over there, amongst those trees.

    Merci. How much?

    Trois nuits pour deux cent euros. Three nights, two hundred euros.

    Merci, thank you, replied Tanya as she counted out the money and passed it to the man. Do you need our passports?

    Do you have anything to hide? asked the man in broken English.

    Tanya looked at Jack and then back at the man. No!

    Again, in broken English, the man said, you are safe with me!

    Tanya quickly put the passports back into her bag. Jack, according to the passport he had used, had escaped from the crime scene that was the Tan Hill Inn. However, as Brad had already established, his brother Karl, not Jack, was with Tanya. With similar facial features, and the same colour eyes as Jack, Karl was able to convince the border patrols of both England and France. With a marker pen, Tanya easily replicated on Karl’s neck, a tattoo that Jack had on his neck, which was visible in his passport photo. Now they were in France and unknown to everyone, but how long for?

    Karl re-started the engine and drove over to their accommodation for the next three nights. He parked just to the left of the yurt, in front of some trees that surrounded the yurt.

    I thought he said this was the last one available. There seems to be no one else around. It’s incredibly quiet here.

    Maybe everyone is out and about?

    Maybe, but he seemed extremely weird to me! replied Karl. There is something not right here. I’m getting a similar feeling to that at the Tan Hill.

    It is Possible. It might just be that we are too tired. I’m famished. I’ll head over to that shop to grab some food. Feels as though I could eat for a whole family.

    Tanya headed over to the little shop, which was situated opposite the entrance. She turned and blew Karl a kiss as he walked into the yurt. The yurt was quite spacious inside, with a double bed sitting in the middle. Karl moved the complementary food hamper, which sat on the bed, over to the small sofa which sat on the right-hand side of the tent. He then laid down on the bed, as he stretched his arms and yawned.

    As Tanya walked over to the shop, she had noticed that the man from earlier was staring at her every move. She felt uncomfortable as she walked into the shop. Standing at the counter was a woman of a similar age to the man outside.


    Bonjour. How fresh is your meat?

    Ah, English. We butchered the animal this morning, the woman replied in broken English.

    I will have six packs, please!

    Vingt euro, Merci. Twenty euros.

    Merci. Where are all your other guests?

    You are our only guests. We are not busy this time of year. As the lady took Tanya’s hand, when are you due?

    Oh. Ok, I’m not! Puzzled, Tanya picked up the meat and headed for the exit. When Tanya reached the door, she noticed that there was a small patch of hair growing from her hand. It’s not a full moon! she said to herself.

    Pardon, madame?

    Oh, nothing!

    Enjoy your stay.

    Thank you! Tanya turned and opened the door. She looked at her hand again. The patch of hair had disappeared.

    On the other side of the door, Tanya took a deep breath and headed over to the yurt where Karl was. She looked over at the man, who was still staring at her. She stared at him as she hurried her pace.

    Tanya entered the tent, to find Karl sitting on the end of the bed as he examined his hands.

    You as well, said Tanya. But it’s not a full moon tonight, is it?

    I don’t think so, but I felt strange.

    There is something strange about this place. I don’t like the looks of those people.

    I know what you mean. I’m going to get our bag and move the Land Rover in front of the tent, replied Karl as he took the keys from his pocket and headed outside.

    Five minutes later, Karl came back into the tent with the bags. Tanya had a piece of the meat in her hand, which she was eating raw as she sat up in the bed.

    That does not taste like beef to me! I’m too tired. I need to sleep. The rest of the meat is in the fridge.

    Karl climbed into bed and said, I’m not hungry. I’ll turn the radio on too. I don’t think they will disturb us, with the Land Rover parked in front of the entrance.

    Tanya replied with a gentle snore. She was fast asleep with a piece of meat in her hand. Karl removed the meat from her hand and placed it on the side before he laid down and fell asleep to the sound of the radio.

    It was two o’clock in the afternoon when Karl woke up. He turned to Tanya, who was still fast asleep. He gently kissed her on the cheek and then got out of bed to make a coffee. Karl opened the complementary hamper to see what was on offer. He took a bite out of an apple from the hamper as he put the kettle on.

    Shit. It’s human flesh!

    Karl turned to see Tanya sitting up, eating the piece of meat that he had left on the side table.

    What do you mean?

    Tanya threw over a piece of the meat. Try that.

    Karl caught the meat and placed it in his mouth and chewed.

    Shit, you are right. What the fuck is going on?

    I guess we now know where the other guests are. Nice meat though.

    Tanya, really? Can’t believe you said that!

    You were not complaining the last two nights, when you were tucking into our victims.

    That was different, though. Wasn’t it? They would have hurt other people if we had not intervened.

    Yes, that makes everything ok. Anyway, these people could make us their next victims! We need to keep an eye on them. Let’s explore the woods and search for any clues they might have left.

    Fucking hell!

    Anyway, how are you this morning, babe? Did you sleep well? said Karl as he passed Tanya her coffee and climbed back into bed.

    Is this coffee ok?

    Yes, it’s from your bag.

    Ok, thanks babe! as she kisses Karl on the lips.

    We’ll drink these and then have a look around. Try to find out what is going on around here.

    Good idea. I don’t think I want to be here for another night. What’s up?

    Look! A family has just turned up. The caravan over there.

    What? Oh, a caravan.

    Yes, look. Three kids with them.

    Shall we warn them?

    Yes, no! We’ll have a look around first. Just in case we are wrong.

    Tanya and Karl quickly got dressed and left the yurt, putting their bag back into the Land Rover. As they looked over at the family, the father looked over and waved to the couple. They waved back and then walked along the side of their yurt into the wooded area. As they walked, the woods got deeper and deeper until they came to a clearing in the middle of the woods. There was a lake with a large out-building situated to the right. The wooden structure had seen better days and was no longer watertight, with its leaky roof. As Tanya and Karl walked towards the building, they looked at each other and held hands. Then, Tanya and Karl noticed that the large double doors were locked. They walked around the building to find a way in.

    Tanya, look. We should be able to squeeze past those loose boards there.

    Karl walked over to the boards and pushed them to the side as Tanya squeezed through the gap. She then took hold of the board as Karl pushed his bigger frame through the gap. They were now inside the building, which was dimly lit by the sun shining through the gaps in the walls and the roof. Luckily, Karl had brought a torch with him. He turned it on and looked around with apprehension. There was an old butcher’s table next to two chest freezers along the back wall. Two upright freezers stood along the wall to the right. In the middle of the building sat a large metal bin, which looked as though someone had

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