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The Art of Spiritual Warfare
The Art of Spiritual Warfare
The Art of Spiritual Warfare
Ebook117 pages1 hour

The Art of Spiritual Warfare

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Live Your God-Given Destiny Through The Art of Spiritual Warfare by Jonathan Shuttlesworth

The blessings promised by God—prosperity, health, and victory over sin—do not come without a fight. Whether you’ve felt the sting of defeat or are weary from battle, “The Art of Spiritual Warfare” is your call to arms. It’s for those ready to stand firm in the face of adversity, armed with the knowledge and faith that no battle is too great with God.

Jonathan Shuttlesworth does not just recount tales of biblical victories; he translates them into practical, actionable strategies. Whether battling for your health, prosperity, or the salvation of loved ones, this book demonstrates that victory is always within reach when you understand God’s provision.

You Will Learn:
•Practical steps you can take to overcome forces that oppose your inheritance.
•How to move from being under siege in your spiritual life to being an overcomer, equipped to face adversaries confidently.
•Tangible examples of victories—from securing properties to transforming lives marred by addiction.
•Life doesn’t need to be filled with chaos; you can achieve victory and peace amid life’s storms.

This isn’t merely an academic book; it’s a weapon for those ready to claim victory and live the abundant life promised by God. It’s time to abandon victimhood and fight the right battles, battles that lead to tangible rewards and align with your God-given destiny.

About the Author:
Jonathan Shuttlesworth is an evangelist and founder of Revival Today, a global ministry dedicated to reaching lost and hurting people with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He is also the pastor of Revival Today Church, a Holy Spirit-filled, Bible-believing church that blesses families and the nation.

Release dateMay 7, 2024
The Art of Spiritual Warfare

Jonathan Shuttlesworth

Jonathan Shuttlesworth is an evangelist and founder of Revival Today, a global ministry dedicated to reaching lost and hurting people with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He is also the pastor of Revival Today Church, a Holy Spirit-filled, Bible-believing church that blesses families and the nation.

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    The Art of Spiritual Warfare - Jonathan Shuttlesworth


    Rise, take your journey, and cross over the river Arnon. Look, I have given into your hand Sihon the Amorite, king of Heshbon, and his land. Begin to possess it, and engage him in battle.


    That poor king was living in a land he thought was his. He had the proper paperwork but didn’t realize God had already transferred the land to Moses. But Moses couldn’t walk right in and take it. He had to engage him in battle and begin to possess it.

    The things God’s given to you don’t drop into your lap. You must fight for what God says is yours. Health and healing belong to you, but you must fight for them because forces oppose your inheritance.

    Nobody scoots up the sideline into the end zone without an opponent trying to tackle them. There are forces in opposition to you going to Heaven. Forces are resisting your healing and your continued health. Forces are resisting your prosperity. Some people have parents who worked their whole lives and retired with nothing, and now, they depend on their children to supplement their income each month.

    You don’t stumble into prosperity, healing, Heaven, or victory over sin‍—it’s a fight. If life is a fight, it’s good to know how to win the fight! Can you win the fight?

    Fighting is inevitable. In my late teens and twenties, I thought by doing everything right when I went into ministry, I wouldn’t have any troubles. Back in the ’80s, I saw TV exposés and critiques of some TV ministers. I thought, ‘Well I’m not going to do what those guys did. I won’t be a flamboyant minister. I won’t do showy stuff that attracts attention. I’ll just be a nice, normal minister. Then, I won’t have any problems.’ I must have missed the part in the Bible about the character named Jesus. Jesus did everything right. He treated people right, never sinned, and had the highest ethical standards. He was kind and compassionate. Newspapers didn’t run an exposé on Him; He didn’t make headlines. What they did was put Him to death, even though He did nothing wrong in His entire life.

    You learn from attacks against you, your destiny, your dreams, and your advancement. Your wrongdoing does not cause the attacks, they come because God’s anointing on your life attracts adversaries.

    When Joseph announced his dream, his family turned on him. His brothers sought to kill him. When God marks you for a glorious destiny, it’s a magnet for confrontation. But you can prevail in those confrontations 100 percent of the time. This book will deal with that through 24 practical, actionable keys.

    If you’re anointed, you are guaranteed to face battles. Just make sure you’re anointed and not acting like an idiot. If you have a big destiny, you’ll have a lot of enemies. But having a lot of enemies doesn’t mean you have a big destiny. It can also mean you’re stupid about how you treat people and you make bad decisions.

    If I decide to stop paying my taxes for the next five years, I’ll probably end up in a huge battle with the IRS and face going to federal prison. If that happened, it wouldn’t be because I have a great destiny. It’s simply because I didn’t pay my taxes. I acted foolishly and faced the consequences. Don’t conflate those two things. We are not a ministry that celebrates turmoil. Life doesn’t have to be filled with chaos. Even when storms raise their head, God will give you peace.

    When I talk about spiritual warfare, I’m talking about real battles. I’m not talking about waving colored flags or blowing shofars. I’m talking about actual battles like the one in Deuteronomy 2:24 when God gave them land to possess, but the people occupying it didn’t want to give it up. Yet God said, Engage him in battle and begin to possess it.

    I’m discussing spiritual warfare that produces land ownership, buildings, property, and financial fortune. I’m talking about fighting for children who are not serving the Lord to start serving the Lord. I’m talking about people going from being heroin addicts to entrepreneurs with no addiction problem. I’m talking about real spiritual warfare that produces a tangible reward.

    David didn’t kill an invisible Goliath. He took out an actual flesh-and-blood Goliath and gained a tax-exempt status for life, along with the king’s daughter as a wife. I hesitated to use the words spiritual warfare in the title because the last thing I want is for you to imagine yourself atop the highest point in your city, barefoot, playing the acoustic guitar over the city. If it doesn’t have a tangible reward, then it’s fake.

    Here’s an example of what I mean by real battles. I know a pastor in another country who had the largest church on the continent. The government did not like that he had such a large church, so they tried to take him out. He was a man of African nationality who relocated to Europe. For years, they tried to deport him to his former European home and kick him out of the country. When that plan failed, they launched an eminent domain action to seize his church’s property.

    When they take your property through eminent domain, they must give you property of equal or greater value. So they gave him more church property, but it was on the opposite side of the city. It was the equivalent of New York seizing a church in Brooklyn and replacing the land they took with property on Staten Island. It turned a short commute into an hour and 40-minute drive to church‍—people stopped coming.

    That’s an actual attack: land seizures, lawsuits, and devilish harassment that disrupt your dream and destiny. This book will show you how to prevail in such attacks one hundred percent of the time.



    Moses my servant is dead. Therefore, the time has come for you to lead these people, the Israelites, across the Jordan River into the land I am giving them. I promise you what I promised Moses: ‘Wherever you set foot, you will be on land I have given you‍—from the Negev wilderness in the south to the Lebanon mountains in the north, from the Euphrates River in the east to the Mediterranean Sea in the west, including all the land of the Hittites.’ No one will be able to stand against you as long as you live. For I will be with you as I was with Moses. I will not fail you or abandon you.

    JOSHUA 1:2-5

    He didn’t say no one would try, but God has given you a guarantee that every time somebody rises against you, they will not succeed. When the Israelites suffered their first defeat against a town called Ai, Joshua

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