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Approved for Life
Approved for Life
Approved for Life
Ebook126 pages1 hour

Approved for Life

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In his life, Leander has just one wish: to be approved in a federal civil service examination, to have a big wage, and to work little.


He did not achieve this wish immediately. Leander did an examination to be the coach in a sportive project in the city of Betim, Minas Gerais.


For him, this work would be only something temporary and without importance, but during his time on the team of Lemon Trees, he noticed a reality too different from what he had imagined for public service.


Leander stays divided between his dream of the federal civil service examination and helping the pupils of the project. That generates big trouble for him. Besides that, Leander notices what is really behind the public service…

PublisherRafael Lima
Release dateMar 27, 2024
Approved for Life

Rafael Lima

Brasil, 1989 Graduado em Processos Gerenciais e M.B.A. em Gestão Estratégica de Projetos pelo Centro Universitário UNA. Cristão pela Graça de Deus. Apaixonado pela escrita (português, espanhol e inglês), poeta e romancista. Um poeta e escritor, que compartilha seus pensamentos através dos versos dos poemas e dos capítulos dos romances. Também escrevo em inglês e espanhol para alcançar mais pessoas em mais lugares. No tempo livre, gosto de videogames, filmes e séries. Fico pensando no dia em que um de meus livros será a base para uma destas produções…

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    Book preview

    Approved for Life - Rafael Lima

    First Workday

    The alarm of a cell phone starts playing the music, On the first part of the journey; I was looking at all the life; There were plants and birds and rocks and things... [1]

    Is the time to wake up? said a white man with an asleep voice, Just a little bit more...

    A woman knocked on the door and said in a loud voice, Leander! You’re going to be late on your first workday!

    I’m going, mom! It’s still too early!

    She said firmness, It isn’t early! She entered the bedroom. A thin middle-aged white woman, with fair skin, average height, grey hair, and brown eyes. It’s almost eight o’clock! You wouldn’t be like this if you had slept earlier! But you only stay on this cell phone all the time.

    Oh mom, stop it! Will you start early?

    Yes, I’ll start. Hum! An old man that seems more like a child!

    Leander breathed and said, It will start...

    Mary began to walk into the room, which was very messy. There were clothes, shoes and other things spread throughout the whole room. She gesticulated and talked, You have more than twenty-five years, and now it will be your first job.

    Still lying, Leander shook his head and gestured like his mother. He also had fair skin, short black hair, and light brown eyes.

    When I was your age, I was already married, working, and had a son to educate. And you, just want to have fun and tranquility.

    Leander stayed impatient and said, Okay, mom! I already know all of it. You always tell the same story.

    I tell you to inspire yourself and make something.

    Leander got up. He has an athletic physical shape and average height. He hugged his mother and said, Yes mom, but you forgot one thing in the story.


    You got pregnant when you were eighteen years old. And you got married in a rush. You passed some difficulties in the beginning, but thank God, you keep firm and grow in life.

    Mary reflected a little about her story and said, That’s true. But the question here is not what happened to me. The matter is what is happening with you.

    Leander tried to dissimulate, But isn’t happening anything to me. Or is it?

    Mary looked him in his eyes and said, Do you really want an answer to your question?

    It’s better you don’t because if not, it’ll begin everything again.

    To avoid it, get ready to go to work. It’ll not be good for you arriving late on the first day.

    Don’t worry mom! said Leander with tranquility, I’m a public employee, and anybody will not realize.

    In fact, they will realize.


    The public you will attend.

    Leander smiled and said, Do you really think those slum-dweller boys will realize something?

    Mary said with firmness, Leander! Never again, speak in this way about anything or anybody! It wasn’t this kind of education your father and I gave to you.

    If they aren’t slum-dweller boys, what are they?

    They are children and teenagers that haven’t the opportunities and benefits that you had and have in your life. They are needy in many things, and they need the government’s support to change their realities.

    Hey mom, stop with this speech about government assistance!

    This is not government assistance! It’s respect and comprehension with the situation of others.

    Mary took him by the arm and pointing her finger, she said, You must change your behavior about it! You know things were not easy for us.

    Ouch, mom! Leander moved his arm to release himself. Okay. I take back what I said.

    I hope you never say it again. I’m watching you.

    Leander got ready and went to the place where he should work. Even with the GPS, he has lost. He circulated too much until he decided to ask for help. He stopped near a bakery, and talked to a woman, Good morning. Please, where is the Lemon Trees neighborhood? Most specifically the football field of the Lemon Trees team.

    The woman replied, It’s close to here. You must go ahead on this street, you’ll arrive there.

    Thank you very much.

    You’re welcome.

    Leander followed the street and arrived at the football field of the Lemon Trees. The neighborhood was not a shantytown but was a less favored town in socioeconomics matters. There is nobody there, Leander thought, Why isn’t there anybody here? Oh, it’s true! Everyone stays at the team’s home.

    Leander went to another city block and arrived at the avenue where the team’s home was. The place was like a store, where the athletes met, and the team’s equipment has kept.

    Leander did not enter immediately. He stayed close to the door and observed everything. There were many kids and teenagers, most black. He also noticed there was a pretty woman. She had light brown skin, an athletic physical shape and black hair. He thought, Is she an athlete? It can’t be, she seems to be almost my age.

    The woman went to him thinking, Hmm! The new coach is handsome but started so bad.

    Leander noticed her green eyes and her average height. He thought, She’s beautiful.

    She said, Are you the coach Leander?

    He smiled and said, Yes. Why?

    She answered with a serious tone, You are more than one hour late.

    Leander tried to justify himself, Excuse me, I thought...

    She said ironically, I thought nobody realizes. I’m a public employee. It is always the same blah blah blah.

    That’s not what I thought.

    So, what did you think? Did you think the slum-dweller boys didn’t matter and anything is good? All these public employees think in the same way.

    He thought, It seems she talked to my mom. And replied, Of course, not! I didn’t think this.

    I don’t matter about whatever you think or not. The most important thing is to do your job here.

    I’ll do my job in the best possible way.

    She looked up to him and said, If I will evaluate you for your clothes, your work will be excellent.

    Leander looked at himself and said, What’s wrong with my clothes?

    You’re in denims and loafer shoes. It’s too appropriate for a sports coach, said ironically.

    But I didn’t know how to wear myself.

    All coaches receive a guide with orientations about conduct, clothing and everything related to the job. It’s obvious, you didn’t read it!

    Leander really had not read anything of the guide.


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