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No-Face vs Two-Face - The Legend of No-Face #4
No-Face vs Two-Face - The Legend of No-Face #4
No-Face vs Two-Face - The Legend of No-Face #4
Ebook40 pages36 minutes

No-Face vs Two-Face - The Legend of No-Face #4

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This special breed of cat lurked around streams and other bodies of water and actually came out of the water to feed on unsuspecting travelers. There were also tales of the stiff-limbed bear, the cannibal dwarves, and the flying heads. All these creatures were fearsome and the stuff of nightmares. Like all the other kids, Nahani hoped that she would never encounter such fearsome creatures of legend. Unfortunately for her, that was exactly what was about to happen.
The creature moved swiftly and silently. It moved through the darkness with a swift deftness of purpose, almost as if the darkness were a part of it. The cover of the night, coupled with its unusual speed and silence made it nearly invisible. The braves that had been posted to watch over the tribe during the night were the ones with the keenest senses, and were alert at all times. Despite their superior skills, they had no chance of detecting the malevolent intruder that descended upon their nation in the night.

Release dateMar 29, 2024
No-Face vs Two-Face - The Legend of No-Face #4

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    No-Face vs Two-Face - The Legend of No-Face #4 - John J. Law

    Prologue: A Creature of Myth.

    Little Nahani fell into a peaceful slumber. She had fallen asleep, hearing her mother's soft voice singing a lullaby that had been passed on from generations of their tribe. Sleep came easily for the little girl, as she lay comfortably on the straw mat that was laid down for her on the soft earth.

    Like most of the children of the Nakatwa, Nahani had been regaled with tales of great courage and derring-do of the legends of her tribe. She had heard the tale of Ochuska, the young brave who challenged the demons of the underworld for the love of his bride-to-be, Ninechos. She had also heard the story of Pomanchou, the young brave who could talk to wild horses. Most of the tales she had heard were of courage and sacrifice, or of love that overcame great odds to triumph in the end.

    However, there were also other tales that Nahani had heard. Tales of great fear and terror, of creatures that lurked deep in the woods, and came at the wee hours of the night. Creatures that were neither man nor beast, but something more powerful. Creatures that were unnatural, dangerous, and very terrifying. She had heard of the ice man, a powerful brave that was once very brave and courageous. His only flaw was challenging an earth spirit that turned his hear to ice. Once this happened, he was cursed to walk the land only when the snow came, devouring any unfortunates who happened to get in his way. Nahani was also wary every time they walked beside a river because of the tales of the water panther. This special breed of cat lurked around streams and other bodies of water and actually came out of the water to feed on unsuspecting travelers. There were also tales of the stiff-limbed bear, the cannibal dwarves, and the flying heads. All these creatures were fearsome and the stuff of nightmares. Like all the other kids, Nahani hoped that she would never encounter such fearsome creatures of legend. Unfortunately for her, that was exactly what was about to happen.

    The creature moved swiftly and silently. It moved through the darkness with a swift deftness of purpose, almost as if the darkness were a part of it. The cover of the night, coupled with its unusual speed and silence made it nearly invisible. The braves that had been posted to watch over the tribe during the night were the ones with the keenest senses, and were alert at all times. Despite their superior skills, they had no chance of detecting the malevolent intruder that descended upon their nation in the night.

    The creature made it to Nahani's teepee in no time at all. There was nary any resistance from any braves or warriors, and it smiled to itself. This was just too easy.

    It entered the tent and gazed its evil eyes on Nahani. To the creature, she was not an innocent child sleeping, but

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