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Beat the Cheats! How We Can Fight Those Who Are Fighting Our President
Beat the Cheats! How We Can Fight Those Who Are Fighting Our President
Beat the Cheats! How We Can Fight Those Who Are Fighting Our President
Ebook291 pages2 hours

Beat the Cheats! How We Can Fight Those Who Are Fighting Our President

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A small group of "elites" is cheating America. 

They're trying to cheat us out of our rights as Americans: Our right to vote in free and fair elections. To elect the per

Release dateMar 26, 2024
Beat the Cheats! How We Can Fight Those Who Are Fighting Our President

Ashley Hayek

Ashley Hayek is the Executive Director of America First Works. With over 15 years in political and non-profit consulting, she served as the National Coalitions Director for the Trump-Pence 2020 campaign. Her greatest joy comes from being the wife of a US Marine and a mother of five.

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    Beat the Cheats! How We Can Fight Those Who Are Fighting Our President - Ashley Hayek

    Also by Ashley Hayek: BEAT THE ELITES

    BEAT THE CHEATS! How We Can Fight Those Who Are Fighting Our President

    Copyright© 2024 Ashley Hayek

    No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, or by any information storage or retrieval system, except as may be expressly permitted by the 1976 Copyright Act or in writing from the publisher. Requests for permission should be addressed to

    Printed in the United States of America

    Published by America First Publishing


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    979-8-9890429-5-1 Beat the Cheats Kindle


    Extensive research went into the creation of this book, and you will see nearly 700 source numbers noted throughout. Please visit me at for a full listing of all the sources I relied on in writing BEAT THE CHEATS. Thank you!

    We have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.

    Joe Biden

    (recorded on video)¹

    It has often been repeated there is ‘no evidence’ of fraud in the 2020 Election. In actuality, there is no evidence Joe Biden won.

    Summary of Election Fraud

    in the 2020 Presidential Election in the Swing States²





    ACTION: Become a Neighborhood Activist!


    ACTION: Fight For America!


    ACTION: Protect Our Vote!


    ACTION: Impeach Mayorkas!


    ACTION: Stop The Censors!





    The moral duty of the leaders of a country is to serve the country.


    Tucker Carlson

    When Donald Trump ran for president in 2016, he gave the American people hope for a better future. We are going to start winning again, he famously promised, and we are going to win so much.⁴ He explained how, too, telling us jobs would be returned to America, not shipped out. Families would be safe, thanks to tough action on crime at home and enemies abroad. Our border would once again mean something, and our economy would soar to new heights.

    It all sounded so good, especially after the nation had slogged through eight tumultuous years under Barack Obama. So good, in fact, that Trump defied all the odds, stunned the so-called experts, and soundly defeated Hilary Clinton on November 8, 2016.

    That’s when we found out he meant every word he’d said.

    During the Trump Presidency, the U.S. economy boomed as seven million new jobs were created, unemployment fell to the lowest level in decades, and family income rose substantially. The poverty rate plummeted, especially in America’s black and Hispanic communities, with low inflation, rising household wealth, and much-needed family tax relief. Fair trade deals for U.S. workers and farmers were signed, and companies came back to America. Energy independence was also achieved, and the stock market reached record highs.

    But that’s not all. At the same time, hundreds of judges who respect the Constitution were appointed, restoring the rights to life and religious liberty. Investment in our military soared, blood-stained terrorists were terminated, and national pride swelled. Vladimir Putin didn’t dare step one foot in Ukraine, nor did China in Taiwan, and peace in the Middle East was honored with the landmark Abraham Accords. Meanwhile, our police were funded, our immigration laws enforced, and hundreds of miles of border walls were built.

    Like I said, Donald Trump meant what he said.

    We weren’t the only ones who realized it, though. Even though Big Media and Big Tech worked like crazy to hide the truth from the American people, preferring instead to peddle the Russia collusion hoax, our adversaries clearly saw President Trump was serious about making America great again. And they weren’t happy about it. China, in particular, didn’t want a resurgent America. Iran was none too pleased, either–with Trump in the Oval Office, Obama’s pallets of cash stopped cold. Globalists were pretty glum, too, as Trump renewed the promise of American energy and dismissed the climate agenda that Newt Gingrich rightly called an elite rip-off of everyday workers.

    So, our adversaries and their paid-off pals here in America took action. They did whatever they could to wrest the White House from President Trump. And when Biden was installed in the Oval Office, they set out to reshape America in order to prevent anything like the Trump years from happening again. Ever.

    That’s who and what this book is all about.

    You see, a small group of people are trying to pull off something very big: they want to cheat the American people out of our rights as Americans. Our right to elect the person we want as President. Our right to vote in free and fair elections. Our right to secure borders and safe communities. And our right to express ourselves any way we wish.

    They’re not pulling off these cheats casually, either. Instead, theirs is a conniving effort to make America something she was never meant to be: a place where the few have much–and the people have little.

    If we don’t stop them, they will succeed. They’ve already done so much damage since President Trump left the White House, and they plan to do much, much more.

    That’s why I wrote BEAT THE CHEATS. My objective is simple: to expose the cheats so everyday Americans can take down those who want to take down America. Fight those who are fighting our President. And preserve our great nation from those who mean to do her mortal harm.

    To do so, it’s important for us to understand why their cheating is so profoundly un-American. In my first book, BEAT THE ELITES, I revealed the ruling class that has metastasized in America. It exposed how so-called elites are dismantling our democratic institutions so they can wield increased power and amass inconceivable wealth. As the book detailed, they’ve been making the American people poorer while they get richer. They’ve been killing our jobs without ever seeming to lose theirs. They’re violating our rights while safeguarding their own. And they are putting us in danger while they and their families remain safe and sound.

    By giving themselves privileges and protections they deny the people, the elites are cheating America.

    It’s wrong and un-American, but it’s precisely what the elites are doing–to our President, our vote, our borders, and our fundamental rights. In each instance, they are strengthening the two tiers they have devised–one for them and the other for the rest of us. And for that reason, they must be beaten.


    If you ever have the opportunity to go to Washington, D.C., I hope you’ll visit the Supreme Court building. With a very appropriate address–One First Street–it sits upon a high foundation, looking across the street at the U.S. Capitol. The Supreme Court’s home never fails to impress visitors with its dignity, and most stop to take photos as they stand on the front steps.

    But it’s the inscription above the building’s entrance that I think is the best feature of all. Inscribed in marble are four words which mean everything: EQUAL JUSTICE UNDER LAW. When they were installed, a journalist wrote to then-Chief Justice Charles Evans Hughes, urging him to have the word Equal removed. Hughes would have none of it. ‘Equal Justice’, the Chief Justice responded, is a time-honored phrase placing a strong emphasis upon impartiality–an emphasis which it is well to retain.

    What the journalist didn’t get, but the Chief Justice clearly knew, was that–unlike any other nation before her–America was founded on the vision of equal treatment of all citizens, no matter how high and mighty or low and needy they may be. It was both a commitment and conviction that freedom could only come from equality, even if the nation would have to fight a civil war to make its meaning real and available to every single American.

    Before our nation was born, you see, people lived in fear of what the elites could (and often did) do to them. The elites had rights. You didn’t. They served themselves, while the people were forced to serve them. And if you ever dared to question the two tiers of society–with them on top and you struggling at the bottom–you wouldn’t get a fair hearing or justice. Instead, they could break down your door, bind you in shackles, and keep you in prison for as long as they wanted.

    That’s what our Founders rebelled against. They really didn’t have to, though. It would have been easy for them to impose here the unjust ways of England and other autocracies. They could have kept for themselves all the wealth, land, and power, causing Americans to grovel as people the world over were forced to do. But they knew that was wrong, so they set about creating an America in which other nations’ bloody past would not stain our bold future.

    That’s why the Founders created a nation of, by, and for us–the people. America would not be yet another nation for pompous, powder-wigged elites. Instead, it would be for those who the elites looked down on. Everyday Americans. And to ensure this new system wouldn’t be easily dismantled, the Founders not only adopted a Constitution but made its passage contingent on the addition of a Bill of Rights explicitly written to make it unlawful for any wannabe tyrant to step on the rights of anyone else.

    So expansive was this protection, the Founders literally outlawed elites from using government power in any unjust way. As the Fourteenth Amendment says in the clearest possible terms,

    No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.¹⁰

    Those words–and the system of equal justice they forged–were unprecedented. In fact, if you think about it, there’s nothing more uniquely American than the freedom and equality those words made possible. Once planted in this soil, freedom and equality grew as slavery was abolished, women’s rights were codified, and civil rights were honored. With each advance, America underscored how much of an exception it was to the world–both then and now. (In fact, that unique exception is what the term American Exceptionalism means!)

    This is why people from all over the world traveled long distances to come here (legally, mind you). It wasn’t that our air, water, or dirt were any different. It’s what people could do with and on them that was. So, they fled persecution and war, poverty and want to come to America. And the Land of Opportunity gave them the liberty to pursue their own American Dream.


    I live near D.C., so I’m able to see the Supreme Court on a pretty regular basis. I love that building but, lately, when I look up and see its inscription, I’m struck by a deeply troubling question: do the powerful today still honor those words? Reflecting on how out of control the elites have become, I no longer think so. And that’s a crying shame because EQUAL JUSTIC UNDER LAW doesn’t only sound good. It’s the very essence of what America was established to be.

    Today, however, millions of Americans no longer feel free to think, say, and do whatever they want, certainly not without fear of punishment by the elites. Where once everyone–no matter their power or purse–was equally subject to the law, now the very system of justice created by the Founders is being perverted and used in an arbitrary and unjust way. As a result, the progress our Founders fought for has not only been halted but is actually in the process of being reversed.

    The elites, you see, know how truly democratic American justice is. When everyone is equal before the law, the elites’ power is limited. And they hate that. So, they have been working to destroy American justice and replace it with the one-sided, utterly slanted, and totally unfair system they prefer. The kind that preceded the creation of America. The kind where the elites sit high up on thrones and the rest of us are under their thumb or, worse, under lock and key. In other words, the kind that will take over if America is lost.

    This isn’t any wild conjecture. Instead, it’s a snapshot of what is happening right now. As BEAT THE CHEATS will reveal, the elites are destroying equal justice in many very disturbing ways.

    Concerned parents, people of faith, and patriots are being targeted, while the rich and powerful escape accountability.

    Our President is being persecuted because he expressed the people’s concerns about election integrity, which only

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