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Anastasia And The Nuclear Incident
Anastasia And The Nuclear Incident
Anastasia And The Nuclear Incident
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Anastasia And The Nuclear Incident

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Anastasia with her husband Ryan are sent to the Russian held Kuril Islands in the North Pacific Ocean to stop the UK being involved in a nuclear holocaust against the Russian Federation and China. They get aboard the UK aircraft carrier HMS Queen Elizabeth which is in the Sea

PublisherSarah Henley
Release dateApr 26, 2024
Anastasia And The Nuclear Incident

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    Anastasia And The Nuclear Incident - Sarah Henley

    Anastasia And The Nuclear Incident


    Sarah Henley

    ISBN 9781917129268

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    This is a work of fiction. Names characters places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locals is entirely coincidental.

    Sarah Henley©  February 2024

    Other books by this author

    The Secret

    Second Chance


    A Love Story

    Anastasia To The Rescue  Spy Series book 1

    In the name of  Terence Henley


    The Miranda Gate

    Miranda Revealed

    The Game

    Invasion of The Cycloves

    The Death Zone

    Galactic Conquerors

    Hazel’s Pride

    Written in & Edited for The BIS

    Visionary I

    Visionary II


    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15

    Chapter 16

    About the Author



    Chapter 1

    Ryan made a phone call before they left their complex to the Royal Navy officers at RAF Barkston Heath.

    "Hello Commander Trench, this is Wing Commander Ryan Mikhailov of the Australian Royal Air Force. I have a special F-35A Lightning II modified aircraft five miles north of the Mikhailov Mansion Chelmsford I wonder if you can assist me? I need it flown to join HMS Queen Elizabeth, she is with her fleet in the Sea of Okhotsk. The aircraft is called Angel of Death 1 call sign Angel 1. Her armament has been modified to the latest 5th generation Mikhailov AirLance. She is also armed with rapid fire Quantum shells.

    Just how many shells or bullets does she carry?  Commander Trench asked.

    Unlimited. As long as the aircraft is flying and has power, the twin wing cannon will fire. Your pilot will need to be able to land on an aircraft carrier of course. Do you have a pilot and navigator you can spare for a few days Sir?

    Is this a hoax. I have never heard of a Royal Navy airfield anywhere near where you are talking about, he replied.

    Commander, I am sending you the co-ordinates of the airfield and a copy of my orders from MI6.

    Ryan pressed four buttons on his computer and sat looking at Commander Trent sat in his office on his 4ft diameter halograph projector.

    I do apologise Wing Commander, it is just with your surname, we have had quite a few spam calls now since a dog fight over The Sea of Japan two hours ago.

    "I am aware of that dog fight Sir, your pilot did well, but even a new F-18 is no match against a Chinese J-20 Black Eagle. According to my information, the Chinese fighters took off from the Aircraft carrier Fujian. We have just intercepted a message from its base that the Fujian is to go to full battle alert readiness and two further squadrons of J-20 fighters and a squadron of J-7 Fishcan Interceptors are ordered to land on the carrier in ten hours. 

    The Fujian will join her fleet of warships and four Russian Destroyers, The Vice Admiral Kulako, Admiral Tributs, The Severomorsk and Admiral Panteleyev.  Five Frigates, The Ladny, Admiral Grigorovich, Admiral Essen, Admiral Fiota, Soyuza Gorshkov, five Corvets, two Minesweepers and Minelayers. Three Ballistick missile submarines are to take station in the North Sea ten miles off the coast of the UK. Two Cruise Missile Submarines in the English Channel. They will be covered by their nuclear fast attack submarines with two nuclear submarines trailing their fleet of ships. Two diesel destroyers will watch four Russian Destroyers which will dock at two ports on the Kuril Islands. Two more Ballistic Missile Submarines will join four Chinese Nuclear Missile Submarines which will move into the South Pacific Ocean and take position to deploy its nuclear arsenal of weapons against the USA, Ryan explained.

    My God, that is a large part of their fleet of warships, Commander Trent replied.

    That is not all Sir, thirty minutes ago the Russian Federation Roscosmos launched a heavy payload Angara A5-rocket from the Plesetsk Cosmodrome and it is currently placing a military satellite in a northern Polar orbit. The second satellite will deploy in two hours and orbit over the equator. Both satellites are equipped with high intensity search, locate and kill lasers. The Russian Defence rocket deployment agency has placed new crews in charge of their anti satellite rockets with orders to kill any satellites that enter what they claim to be Russian Space Territory. Within the next hour, the four Russian Scientists and two Russian Astronauts will board two of three Soyuz capsules attached to the ISS. They will orbit the Earth once and then land on The Russian Steps. The last Soyuz capsule will be detached from the ISS as soon as the other two Soyuz capsules have been safely detached. This will leave 2 USA astronauts, one Indian, one French and one English Scientist aboard the ISS. They have no way down. The last Soyuz capsule will burn up in the atmosphere.

    How on earth can you have access to this information? We must warn NASA and ESA.

    "All orbital transmissions are being stopped Sir. I am just reading information coming in. We have intercepted a message sent direct to the two Russian Cosmonauts Varvar Popov and Nikolaev Sokolov on their last spacewalk two days ago, to replace six faulty coolant cells, repair the leaks and they placed twelve charges to explode and separate the Russian part of the ISS and move it to another orbit by a new Russian space tug. They have replied and have already suited up their scientists and got them aboard their escape capsule without the rest of the astronauts knowing. Both Cosmonauts are expected to make another spacewalk commencing in twenty minutes. The last scientist has suited up and is in the Soyuz capsule.

    We have arranged for those left aboard the ISS to be brought down by one of our ships when their time is up, and we will transport new crews to the ISS for free. Have no fear Sir, we will be sending many more UK astronauts to the ISS in the future.

    How do you know all this information? Not even we know what you are talking about?

    We are using our own satellite sir, The EYE is in a much higher orbit at 300 miles altitude. We cannot stop what is happening in orbit, what my wife and I have orders to do, is to stop a nuclear war between the UK and part of the USSR. Do you have a pilot who can fly my aircraft down to the Queen Elizabeth?

    Yes I believe I do, Captain Tracey Abigale, she is used to her own navigator and co-pilot, Lieutenant Claire Nightingale.

    Excellent, If they log into the secure site I am sending you,  Sam will take them through the controls for my aircraft’s weapons systems. They can try them on their way to the carrier.  If they select Teach mode the aircraft’s onboard computer will launch test drones and tell them where they have gone wrong. It is the way all your fighter pilots must learn to fly in a few months when we hand over our Triple fighter aircraft firing system to the Royal Navy and RAF.

    Are you selling it to the USA?

    That depends on talks we need to have with the MOD when we return from our mission.

    You have only mentioned one aircraft are you flying alone?

    No Sir, Angel’s 2 to 6 are already on route from our base in Australia to the carrier and all our aircraft have the Mikhailov triple Lance and wing cannon installed by our Russian engineers.

    We have a UK scientist aboard the ISS, you say you will get them down, how?

    We are the Mikhailov Spaceship Company, we have been sending people to the stars by FTL drive for years. We are watching what will happen with the ISS when they lose the Russian section. We know Roscosmos was to build another large space station in 2034. The new Russian Space station will be ten times larger than the ISS and have its own gravity control and docking system and of course, its own laser defence system.

    You seem to know an awful lot about this new space station Ryan.

    Of course Commander, it was designed and built by the Mikhailov Sisters and it is already in orbit. Once the Russian science crew and Cosmonauts have been reunited with their family, they will go up to the new space station to work there.

    Yet you said they will go there, surely something that large will be seen from Earth?

    Only if you know where to look and who would think of looking among a star background at an object that moves at the same speed as the star background, 400 miles above the Earth in a Polar orbit.

    It must have taken them years to build it in space and we have not seen repeated launches from anywhere in Russia Ryan, I would have been made aware of it.

    "It is a mile wide, half a mile high and a quarter of a mile round. It was launched two years ago in two sections. There are currently fifteen hundred men women and children on the Mikhailov Hotel. They joined the German’s who have been living on the Moon since 1943. In 1945 British Engineers designed a large lander to land on the Moon for the USA as they wanted to see for themselves if they were there. The UK Engineers designed a rocket for it and ten US marines landed on the Moon in March 1945.

    "They found exactly what they were looking for, met the German high Commanders of The Third Reich and of course the Fuhrer and were sent home much faster and safer than they arrived. The Germans put their ship inside one of theirs shot the command capsule down and when they returned to Earth orbit, they shot down the orbiting capsule that would have been NASA’s first space station. The ship dropped off the US Marines with a letter for their President banning them from the Moon for at least 20 years, then came to the UK, found the UK engineers, took them and their families aboard their ship and returned to the Moon. Now you know all I dare tell you.

    Tonight, have your people look at this spot through the Greenwich telescope and have them take a photo of what they see. This is just to show you that what I have told you is true. The USA is so far behind Russia and now the UK Russian Ship builders.

    Ryan as a matter of interest how long does it take the Russians or Germans to fly to the Moon?

    From lift off on Earth to Landing on the Moon, thirty minutes. It’s a short hop and jump away Sir.

    I will arrange for your aircraft to be refuelled inflight.

    That will not be necessary Sir, it uses a new type of engine. It would however be helpful if you arrange for us to be picked up by a helicopter from the airport in Tokyo, make it appear to be a tour of the islands helicopter and drop us off on the carrier. We need to make our entrance to the theatre of war as quietly as possible Sir.

    Of course Ryan, anything else you need?

    Yes, I want a Nikon 35mm camera with a wide angle zoom lens and three telephoto lenses left in my aircraft for my wife to use, she will learn how to use it on our way to Japan.

    And what will you be doing while she learns how to use the camera and lenses?

    I think she’ll be on my lap keeping my hands busy. By any chance is there anyway you can get me at the controls of our aircraft?

    Just hold a moment Ryan, I have an urgent incoming call no doubt about you…… Yes, it is a call for you Ryan.

    Ryan, I knew you needed to get your jet to HMS Queen Elizabeth, especially as the rest of your wing are coming into land, vertically, you did not tell me that Ryan.

    You did not ask Mam! Ryan replied.

    I am sat in my car driving to MI6 you have your orders and I specifically told you no flying your lift to Japan. No doubt you could get there much faster in that jet of yours, and when you get back I want to be in on this meeting with the MOD, I want to see what else you can offer us. Ryan, hands off the slow aircraft’s yolk, and keep your hands on your wife, while she reads and you do all the Russian Spy work. Now Ryan, be a good spy, behave and let your wife take control of your yolk, Lady Ariel Devenesh, head of MI6 told him.

    Indeed Mam, a very good idea at that, Ryan replied smiling.

    Father shall I play the last of the message to Mother? Sam asked.

    Ryan looked up at one of the cameras and smiled at his son. No my son, I shall inform her of the contents of the message she needs to know.

    Oh dear Father, Mother insisted she listen in on any calls you made to the Royal Navy to get a pilot to fly your aircraft. You are aware Father, I could have flown the aircraft myself?

    Ryan looked through the halograph picture wall that was starting to fade, in its place a picture of his aircraft Angel of Death 1 with himself flying and Anastasia in the back with her camera taking a picture of him and waving. He smiled and waved back, closed the aircraft picture and watched his wife in real time waving at him blowing him a kiss. He caught it and blew it back. He cut the link and stood, picked up his laptop and walked through the halograph wall into his wife’s open arms.

    They walked hand in hand from their offices out onto the tarmac and watched their helicopter descend through the early afternoon hot air and land a short distance ahead of them. They ran hand in hand to the luxury helicopter with the Mikhailov name telling everyone the couple were proud to fly in a Russian craft that had their name upon both sides.

    Sofiya had their two cases packed like any couple going on their honeymoon to Japan. Anastasia had alerted Paul and his wife Yulia Mikhailov, formerly Catalina, as he too had taken her surname, it might give them the cover they wanted and Ryan ran up to their bedroom and returned with four new weapons they had just finished inventing. He also had an air injector and four miniature satellite tracking pellets that could not be detected by any form of biological scan or monitoring system. He opened his laptop and connected it to The EYE in orbit. He entered the ten digit code into the computer and inserted the name of the recipient for Paul.

    Unbutton your shirt Paul, Ryan had already unbuttoned his shirt and started by injecting his tracking pellet deep into his intestines. Anastasia, don’t be shy my love, nor you sister, blouses open I need to get to here, he said.

    Why my love? Anastasia asked as Ryan undid the four bottom buttons to Anastasia’s pale blue satin blouse, placed the air injector against her skin and looked into her blue eyes.

    I love you, this is why.

    Hey that hurt…. Anastasia said and hit her husband lightly on his arm. No it didn’t really, but if you lose track of me my love I’ll inject a hundred of these pellets into every part of your body especially right down here between your legs.

    Ryan looked at his wife. That honey, would be very painful especially in its tip, please don’t think of doing that, you might just do it in your sleep one night while I’m half awake or half asleep and that would really hurt, he said laughing.

    Paul was already holding himself with a look of horror on his face. Ryan you come up with some dumb ideas.

    Yes Paul, I agree, but the problem is with Ryan, they all work. Come on sister, get your shot, guaranteed to keep away all the nasty Russians who might want to take you home to the Motherland, Anastasia replied.

    Yulia turned to face her cousin and started to give her a hug, then she felt something enter her body and gave Ryan a girlish Russian slap on his shoulder. He was wearing reinforced shoulder pads to hold Anastasia’s prolonged weight if she had to stand on his shoulders for any length of time to gain access to a building.

    Don’t look at me Yulia, it was Anastasia’s idea, she is going to add them to her outdoor clothing design to make carrying a rucksack on your back easier and able to carry double a normal load. Have you seen her new design of jumpers and jackets just for the army and SAS, allows them to carry 14st that’s about 100kilos on your back and run twenty kilometres in a day as if your running with nothing on your back at all? Ryan asked Paul.

    Who would even be in a position to need that Ryan?

    Anastasia you thought this idea up my love.

    You put a lot into the suit my dearest, Anastasia replied, took her husband’s hand in hers and kissed it. Well okay, let’s say you are parachuted into rough terrain behind enemy lines, your team member has broke his leg when landing. The nearest camp with a helicopter out is 40 kilometres away. The problem is you were supposed to deploy reconnaissance equipment and set it up 18 kilometres away. There was a strong gust of wind and you were both blown way off course. Your partner weighs 89kilos approximately. The equipment is in two bags and each bag weighs 35kilos. You cannot break radio silence, what do you do?

    I would have to hide the equipment and mark the place so I could see it from the air. Make a sling and drag my mate out of the kill zone, over two or three days.

    Let’s say you are really fit, you have my trousers and jacket on? Your friend has an open fracture to his tibia, Anastasia suggested.

    I drag him as far as I can the first day, then leave him and run the rest of the way for help? Paul suggested.

    "With my jacket and trousers, it has a built in material hard frame if you rub a sachet of special oil into it. You rub the oil into your mates trousers and jacket. You can then give him his morphine capsule and push his bone inside his skin, and bandage it up with your emergency first aid kit. Sit your mate up on a rock then strap his part of the equipment to his back. Activate both your sets of clothes. Your mate uses his good leg to support himself, you get him high on your back. Pick up your kit bag put it on the front of your clothes activate your clothes and make yourself comfy, then with a GPS phone in your hand you start to run and your full load weighs no more than one kilo, less actually.

    The clothes have an antigravity device stitched into the fabric. With the strengthener fabric as well. A must for the army in the UK. We are branching out to the forces with clothes and they can be camouflaged, Army green, white or sand for whatever terrain the army are in. A woman medic, weighing say 8stone, could easily carry a man weighing 15 stone plus her medic bag plus the mans gear with this. We are helping the UK Forces with our clothes designs.

    Do you have any orders yet? Paul asked.

    We have had to take on more Russian machinists and we are making stronger and easier to wear spacesuits and clothes for our space travellers using a similar system. Anyway, that is all in hand, Ryan my dear husband can we go now? Our helicopter pilot is waiting for us and our honeymoon plane will not wait, Anastasia said, pulled Ryan into her and kissed his lips. He held her in his arms, lifted her off the floor and kissed her lips repeatedly.

    You my darling are not getting away from me on this mission.

    Paul you do not hug me like Ryan hugs Anastasia, have I married the wrong man?

    Yulia I am not swapping my husband for all the tea in China or nuclear bombs on the Kuril Islands for that matter.

    Nuclear bombs, Kuril Islands, Japan, that is where we are off too, you said nothing about nuclear weapons Anastasia? Yulia retorted.

    "Come on, I’ll tell you on the way and Paul you need to be much more romantic with your wife, you are just married again, like us, but you will be replacing us in Japan when we disappear into thin air.

    To take our leave of the UK and enter the Kuril Islands will be a stroke of genius, now let’s board our helicopter: our holiday aircraft awaits, Anastasia said and took her seat with her back against the cockpit of their helicopter and sat right next to her, holding her hand was her lover and husband Ryan, who wielded the same power as did her father.

    The helicopter lifted off from the front lawn of their mansion and headed over fields and traffic filled roads and into the working area of Heathrow airport. Normally passenger helicopters had their own area of the air they could lift off and land when another aircraft, more than likely a Boeing 747, took to the air taking its passengers to different parts of the world that this airport on a daily basis connected with.

    The helicopter’s call sign was temporary changed to Anastasia One. Clearance was given to the pilot to fly in as close as he could to the main concourse building and the departure tubes that connected the aircraft with business and first class departure lounges and their aircraft. On the 14:00 flight from Heathrow to Tokyo Japan non-stop, all the passengers had now boarded the Dreamliner aircraft flown by two Virgin Airline pilots, their engineer and flight attendants.

    A few people on the starboard side of the aircraft saw the helicopter come into land. It had skimmed over other 747 Dreamliner aircraft that were in a queue ready to depart but due to the helicopter’s flightpath, they had to remain stationary and keep their engines running at idol until it had unloaded it’s passengers. The four VIPs entered the aircraft on a special set of steps that had been driven to the front first aircraft doors that were normally reserved for the crew to gain entry to the upper flight deck that looked down upon the runway.

    With the helicopter hiding them, one of the aircraft porters ran to meet the two people, picked up their cases and took them up to the front of the aircraft and onto the bought out business class section. Ryan jumped down from the helicopter and took Anastasia’s hand helping her down to the tarmac. They both looked to their left and checked they could not be seen. Yulia sat on the edge of the helicopter then stepped onto the two foot pads below her at the rear of Anastasia’s jacket. She wrapped her arms around Anastasia’s neck, felt her stand and Paul did the same to Ryan and two people ran over the tarmac and up the steps to the 747 jet. The aircraft porter just saw a man and woman head up the stairs to the business class section. The porter said goodbye to the hostess, turned and headed down the steps as the male hostess closed the front crew entrance door and locked it.

    The helicopter pilot waited for permission to move out of the main airport then flew back over the other aircraft and returned to the company heliport. Heathrow got back to letting aircraft get into the air and Anastasia and Ryan’s aircraft joined the others flying to warmer climates. Upstairs, Ryan adjusted his suit and jacket and took his seat, Anastasia did the same as Yulia and Paul took their seats.

    They had only been in their seats twenty minutes when one of their hostess brought them free glasses of champagne. The young attractive woman looked at Anastasia and her husband. She smiled at Ryan and handed him a slip of paper. He took it with his hand as if he did not wish Anastasia to see it. The young attractive woman smiled at Ryan and turned to walk away.

    Excuse me, Anastasia said in her strong Russian voice, the hostess stopped in her tracks and turned to look at the young woman who had called her attention. Anastasia pointed to Ryan, That my dear, is my husband, I hope that slip of paper was not your phone number.

    Anastasia my love, this is a note from Tracy Abigale, Ryan said smiling and pointed to the far window, Anastasia turned her head and looked at the clouds then a sleek fighter aircraft with three lances. On the side a Kangaroo and its name Angel of Death 1. A woman was smiling waving at them. Ryan’s phone rang.

    Hello Tracy.

    Wow, look at that jet, the flight attendant said and leaned over Paul pushing her breasts into his face.

    Hands off him too, he’s mine, Yulia said also in a Russian accent.

    Sorry, just taking a glance at that sweet looking jet next to us flying a little too close to us really.

    Tracy the stewardess thinks you are flying too close to us and Anastasia wants to take a look at her camera. Yes she does. Anastasia, Claire says your camera is fine and she’ll keep it warm for you.

    Anastasia looked at her husband then through the window she looked at the woman sat in the back of the jet laughing waving the camera in her hands. Anastasia, Claire said smile.

    They watched the jet slide sideways above the wing and close against the side of the fuselage. Claire was holding the camera pointing it at Anastasia. Ryan leaned next to her face and waved.

    Ryan she looks great. Do I sit in the front?

    No Anastasia, in the back where Claire is sat. I sit in the front seat, that is your seat in the back, you have a little more leg room as well my love for your handbag. I have even had a vanity mirror added just for you my love.

    Now Tracy, take good care of my aircraft…… If you want to fly with me it would mean having another aircraft now be a good Captain and we’ll see you on Queen Elizabeth soon.

    Wow I would liked to fly in that aircraft, the young woman said.

    Well you can’t and hands off because that aircraft is mine and the back seat is taken by my wife, Ryan replied. Just a moment, Claire want’s to speak with you my love, Ryan said and handed Anastasia his phone.

    Really? Claire that’s good, did it come out well? Anastasia asked.

    Ryan look, Claire just sent me the photo she took of us, Anastasia said laughing.

    I don’t believe it, the hostess said.

    Anastasia showed her Ryan’s phone with the photo of the three of them in looking out of the window at Claire.

    Claire, Ryan is already wishing we would have travelled in his jet. Yes, keep my seat warm, knowing Ryan, he’ll have us flying up over the Pacific Ocean to the Black Sea as soon as we touch down. Yes Claire, thank you, I’ll see you on the Queen Elizabeth with my husband. They watched the fighter jet slide out over the wing then rise a few feet above it, turn vertical, slide further out and go straight up out of sight.

    Tracy said she flies like a dream and she wants one, Anastasia said to her husband.

    Are you two pilots? the young woman asked.

    I’m the pilot, my wife is a back seat driver, Ryan said And that is my fighter.

    Who do you fly for? I haven’t seen those markings before, she asked.

    The Royal Australian Air Forse and NATO. Tracy is taking her for a ride.

    Wow you must have fabulous lives.

    We try to keep ourselves busy, Anastasia replied.

    We are supposed to be on our honeymoon, Anastasia said laughing.

    Talking of which my love, come over and sit on my lap. Unlike my jet, this plane has seats that tilt back. If you tilt your seat back in my plane, you’ll be ejected from the cockpit and coming down by parachute, Ryan said, pressed the leaver on the side of his seat, and with his wife on his lap, they tilted back so she was laying in his arms. They kissed and snuggled into each other as the hostess smiled and let them get on with their romance in the air.

    Yulia followed Anastasia and sat on Paul’s lap, kissing each other but even now, Ryan seemed to be having better ideas, he was now laying flat with Anastasia laying on top of him, his hands on her back, caressing her body, talking to her all the time about some of his missions then discussing her early life in St Petersburg.

    Anastasia drifted off to sleep in her husband’s loving arms, she was dreaming of their mission to come and deep down in her nightmares not looking forward to returning to part of the Motherland that still held memories of atrocities down to others and herself, of her two friends that drowned on the school bus as it plunged into the depths of the ice cold river Neva close to St Petersburg. Had it not been for her personal bodyguard, she too would have drowned. Her nightmare carried her back in time, to a time she was frightened to whom she could turn to for comfort, for love. For the girl she had to try and be friends with in school to make herself look normal when all she desired to be was Alisa, a beautiful girl, who adored him, the old him, what would she make of him now she wondered deep inside her dream that was swiftly becoming part of her worst fears?

    She could see them, KGB officers, lined up with their Russian Parabellum Russian Submachineguns, taking aim at her thin now female body. Major Yelizaveta Sokolov the new Interrogation officer for all undesirables in the Russian Federation and soon to be USSR. She was standing before the men, wearing her black knee high, six inch high heeled boots. She wore her uniform, her black very sexy body suit, black long sleeved gloves up to her elbows, her long black hair, halfway down her back and in her right hand, raised in the air, her whip, her left hand on her hip.

    She looked at Anastasia, their eyes met. Bright red eye shadow her face smiling at her, her deep red lipstick with a paralysing agent added to it so if she kissed you, your body would not be able to fight back the lashes from her whip, and you would not be able to stop yourself telling her everything she asked of you, every name she wanted, you would speak then your body would lay still, unable to move as time after time her arm raised and brought her whip down upon your body until happy with her results, she would have two men stand you up, tie you to a wooden post. She would then drop her arm ordering the KGB officers to open fire, send their entire clips into her naked body. Then her secretary would count the bullets, total their cost and send your next of kin their bill.

    Of course, failure or refusal to pay, resulted in your execution and another cost of a bullet sent on again. Her nightmare had taken control of her thoughts, entered deep into her subconscious and woken memories buried very deep into her mind so they would not fall prey to those that would defile them. Defile her memories of a childhood that was fought with danger, lies and most of all fear that those who she loved the most would be taken and shot, naked before her. Her beloved sister Ekaterina.

    They used to climb into each other’s bed in the freezing cold winters in St Petersburg when their condensation froze to the inside of their bedroom window. Despite the size of their house, there were only two open log fires, one in their lounge which they did not use very often, the other in their backroom, where their mother played their upright piano and her mother taught Ekaterina and herself to play, day after day, practicing all the time. She would take them to the music store and buy music by Bach, Mozart and Beethoven, then it would be a race to see which of them could learn to play it the fastest and most accurate by heart, then sometimes, when their mother was invited to open new wings of children’s hospitals, they would sit at the large concert piano and play music to entertain the guests. Sometimes at weekends, they would play to the Party members in the great halls where they had their meetings with their parents.

    She would sit in bed next to her sister and they would talk about their future lives together and what they would do. Of course Victor had lots of questions for his sister about her body of which he was so very envious. She would ask him why he did not feel content to live within the body he was given as if they were adults but they were far older than adults then, younger even, discussing times they believed they existed in another Plane.

    They sat in their nighties, side by side, beneath their blankets trying to keep warm. In the dark of the night they would talk quietly, whispering to each other. Anastasia was there now in her dream with her sister Ekaterina. They talked together, sure they had planned their lives together, they had picked their parents from the thousands of would be parents when they too were very young and had not yet met and they lived the lives they too had sat in this place at one time and planned in immaculate detail. Anastasia and Ekaterina had agreed to be devoted sisters to the end and help each other in everything they did. They would help each other create and live their lives hand in hand and Anastasia had promised then on the other Plane to above all protect and love her sister with her life.

    Back then they were just two lost Souls in mists with other lost Souls not yet ready to be sent to the other Plane, the Plane where they could live out their dreams in reality. Within humanoid bodies for a change, because in previous lives they had lived as other entities on other planets for hundreds and even thousands of years as they passed the time in this cosmos that itself was not infinite.

    In their Plane the mists that held the cosmic womb of souls was now depleting in its numbers and the worlds on which the Souls could spend their time together, was growing less in their numbers as the multitude of universes were beginning to withdraw back into their origins. They had all surpassed their electivicy of expansion and the electivicy of the multitude of universes were withdrawing.

    Many of the first circle of expansions were almost back home to group together and reform the matter that would again very soon in this cosmic time, collapse, remould, Souls being returned to their mother’s vast cosmic womb and hold them within the confines of its female womb waiting for the cosmic matrix of matter to join so tight together to form two opposite particles that would then commence to revolve about each other getting faster and faster and then at some unmentionable speed and time, both particles would find attraction and then collide and once again start the new multiverses for the great female cosmic womb to let her children, her trillions upon trillions upon trillions of Souls once again travel to the other Plane and live out their lives the Souls had lay side by side, planning, then picking other Souls would join them in the living Plane.

    Now the two Souls were here, but not as they had planned to be. Something had gone wrong, a wild card, an accident within the matrix the two Souls had picked, one of the intended sisters had been accidentally born a brother through a mix up but Anastasia’s Soul had not forgot who she was meant to be and loved her sister as her sister who she had thought herself to be within the cosmic womb.

    Both sisters had for a reason unbeknown to them, not forgot the place from whence they came, they had not forgot like normal Souls, the other side as they transgressed to the Life Plane. They had remained as two minute thought particles, recalling everything within the cosmic womb, the lives they had planned and enjoyed creating, Anastasia had to be a female of the species to join with a male and use him to protect both Souls.

    Together they were before they joined the plane, destined to do great and wondrous things and Anastasia was destined with her sister’s help to save many others of their species. In her deep dream Anastasia suddenly recalled that her sister had been on her school bus that had been pushed by other people against their father. Had it not been for the position she was in, the protection her father deemed she needed, Ekaterina would have perished on the coach with the other boys and girls in the Nava river that morning.

    She was thinking now of the woman Major Yelizaveta Sokolov, she would be there on one of the Kuril Islands, she was waiting for her and she was there for a reason. Ten Transgenders and six lesbians had tried to escape Russia, they had taken a chance had been offered a way out of Russia if they helped an officer, Kapitan Morozov Kozlov of the Russian Federation Destroyer Admiral Tributs.

    The crews had been working on getting four ICBMs ready to move into Ukraine to blow them up and make it appear it was US troops who had got the weapons there to fire at Moscow. Instead the nuclear crew of men and women realised there was a fault with two of the missiles so the plans were changed. A new think tank of KGB officers who had been recruited by Major Yelizaveta Sokolov to destroy Japan and bring the UK into the fight and allow Russia to attack the UK mainland and then remove each of the countries, smallest first from their Commonwealth and destroy the greatest power on Earth, however, no other country dared to launch a war against the UK. It was unbeaten in two world wars then was asked by the USA to help them do battle with the Japanese after the US lost a large part of their fleet of warships in and around Pearl Harbour.

    Had it not been for the Royal Navy and German engineers the USA army had captured in Germany during WW2, the US would never have made the hydrogen bombs they dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki to finally bring the War in the Pacific to an end. Had they not had other nations help them, they would never have won the war and very soon, not only would the UK be destroyed, but the USA would lose their Naval Fleet again, this time to the Russians and Chinese.

    The unwanted men and women had agreed to help get two missiles aboard the Tributs in secret for passage to the Kuril Islands and passes to have shore leave and help get the last four people they needed to build a new supersized nuclear bomb that would legally give Russia worldwide permission and acclamation for attacking the country that thought it could bring down Japan and the entire Kuril Island chain which legally belonged to Russia.

    Anastasia started to cry in her nightmare, it was horrific what they were planning to do and what they were up against. Her sister and parents were in the UK and in extreme danger. She had just managed to think of her cousin Yulia, who she loved as much as her sister. Like her sister Ekaterina had come out and fallen so deeply in love with her cousin Natalye, and are lesbians. Yulia, Anastasia’s cousin was forced to change her name to Catalina while they lived in the USA and their early months in the UK, now she had reverted to her former Russian first name of Yulia, no longer afraid of the Russians who had hunted them. They too had been cousins in love, forced to live so close together, rely upon each other’s help day and night. They were so close to each other and Yulia had helped Anastasia so very much learn about being a young woman, the same age as herself. They looked after each other and cared for each other through Anastasia’s change from male to female.

    There had been a few times when in the CIA headquarters at Langley and in their rooms at MIT, they had not at all times been discussing lessons and weapons. Some weapons needed a lot of all night discussions on their backs and on top of each other under their duvet after triple checking their rooms for listening and camera bugs with devises they had designed and made themselves and only handed their designs over to the CIA when they were allowed to leave and move to the UK. Their parents were not made aware of the terms of their final release, it was only expedited, because of the designs for the detectors and silencers that were used on rifles to help in the extraction of her sister and her wife from Russia.

    Anastasia could not stop her real tears as in Ryan’s arms, her body shook in fear and trembled as her tears turned into cries of pain and great sorrow. Ryan spoke softly to her, trying to calm his wife. He held her trembling body in his arms, kissed her hair, her face, her lips, told her she was safe in his arms and he would protect her with his life. He promised her she was in no fear right now, but the fear was deep rooted inside her head. Yulia stood, pushing herself from her husband’s body. 

    She took a few steps across the aisle and sat on the seat Anastasia and Ryan occupied. She put her arms around her lover, spoke so very softly to her in Russian and sang their favourite Russian Lullaby.

    Take me, love me, shelter

    The shroud that you and I created together

    Take me, love me, shelter

    The shroud that you and I created together

    Take me, love me, shelter

    The shroud that you and I created together

    Take me, love me, shelter

    The shroud that you and I created together

    I remember that night you closed your eyes, grandma’s door

    And the stairwell, we went down together

    Parks, scandals, love, history, love songs

    I wanna be with you forever, please remember me

    I accompanied you home to the sounds of birds

    You fell asleep on my lap

    And I knocked on my grandmother’s door

    I have walked the whole corridor, and you're still sleeping

    Don't get up, baby, you've told me

    Take me, love me, shelter

    The shroud that you and I created together

    Take me, love me, shelter

    The shroud that you and I created together

    Take me, love me, shelter

    The shroud that you and I created together

    Take me, love me, shelter

    The shroud that you and I created together

    The light of lanterns, walks along the street

    Look into my eyes and I'll tell you everything

    And I’ll sing you a lullaby, look into my eyes

    And where is kindness in them? (where is the kindness in them?)

    I accompanied you home to the sounds of birds

    You fell asleep on my lap

    And I knocked on my grandmother’s door

    I have walked the whole corridor, and you're still sleeping

    Don't get up, baby, you've told me

    Take me, love me, shelter

    The shroud that you and I created together

    Take me, love me, shelter

    The shroud that you and I created together

    Take me, love me, shelter

    The shroud that you and I created together

    Take me, love me, shelter

    The shroud that you and I created together

    Nah Nah Nah

    Nah Nah Nah

    Nah Nah Nah

    Nah Nah Nah

    Nah Nah Nah

    Nah Nah Nah

    Nah Nah Nah

    Nah Nah Nah

    Yulia sang the Russian lullaby twice, right by Anastasia’s ear, her voice so low, so very angelic, filled with romance, sincere love and devotion. Yulia held her cousin’s body in her arms, looked into her eyes and kissed her lips. They rotated slowly over hers, together, her words still passed between their lips. 

    My darling Anastasia, I love you so very much. I love you with all my heart and until the stars shall shine no more I will love you and I give you my heart forever.

    Моя дорогая Анастасия, я так сильно тебя люблю. Я люблю тебя всем своим сердцем, и пока звезды больше не перестанут сиять, я буду любить тебя, и я отдаю тебе свое сердце навсегда.

    Anastasia opened her eyes wide, her arms wrapped around Yulia’s back and held her into her so their breasts pressed together, in a lesbian romance formed in fear for their lives and a bond to protect each other forever, no matter who came between them.

    Thank you Yulia, my love, she uttered.

    You were lost again my dearest, you needed to be rescued from that place, Yulia replied in her soft voice. She did not let go of Anastasia, just kept staring into her eyes.

    I thank you my love.

    You my dearest Anastasia, we have been in Hell together and have come out the other side and I will keep my promise to you and love you for all eternity with all of my heart.

    And I will love you for all eternity Yulia, I promise you. Thank you for rescuing my Soul again. The two women kissed hugging each other.

    Looks like you have a little competition here Ryan, Paul said.

    Paul. You have these women all wrong, have you not learned to speak Russian yet?

    No Ryan, I’m still learning to speak Japanese.

    "Yulia sang a Russian lullaby, I first heard her recite that lullaby to Anastasia in a special hospital just outside Paris. It calmed her down and sent her to sleep, because she was terrified of being inside a special medical Hyperbaric Chamber to help her heal faster from her scars. Julia recited it four times a night before she too fell asleep, then Anastasia would wake for a short time a little terrified and no way out until the unit is decompressed. So I talked to her, and she to me and we promised to find each other and love each other forever. Then I would recite the lullaby to send her back to sleep and lower her heartrate. I recited it with the same love and eternal promise to care for both of them for all eternity.

    I knew if I held Yulia’s hand, I was holding the love of my life’s hand. So I sat next to her until it was time for her hyperbaric operator, to start the decompression which can be a little noisy. I remained at their sides, talking to them in Russian. The three of us are joined together in more ways than you ever will believe, isn’t that right ladies?

    You are right there Ryan, and you have my love for all our lives. Yulia kissed Ryan on his lips, then the two girls kissed Ryan together."

    So why was Anastasia inside a hyperbaric chamber? Paul asked Ryan.

    My lips are sealed Paul.

    Then why were you there?

    My lips are sealed Paul, Anastasia and Yulia said together and laughed.

    My husband, if you know what is good for you, please do not ask, Yulia added stood and walked over to her husband and lay on his body.


    Yes Anastasia?

    Have you ever thought of joining the Mile High Club?

    Anastasia, with what your body has been through? You have just put the idea into my head and I think there is no other person on this planet who I would rather be in the club with. Shall we join here, you could enjoy yourself just here on top of me, or we struggle in a confined toilet and not a good place to join the club. But I would be very proud to undress you right here on top of me and cover everything you don’t want Paul to see with my body.

    My husband, I don’t care if he does see, it is what you see that matters to me, and anyway, he should not be ogling my beautiful body when he has his new wife to ogle.

    Well said my love, we have a blanket to cover us, kneel over me my love.

    She did as he asked and felt his hands gently as always, lower her panties and placed his hands on her warm bottom, pulled her into his face and kissed her vagina, before Anastasia expertly lowered her husband’s trouser zip and inserted his semi erection penis into her. She started to gyrate herself over him, feeling his reactions to her movements and sexual stimulation. At times she stopped, leaned over and kissed his lips, inserting her tongue deep into his mouth, to feel his tongue react to hers and kiss it, touch it and feel it, lick it and let it explore his mouth, as his tongue explored her mouth only to enhance their sexual mating.

    She started again gyrating herself over him, as his full erection touched every part of her vagina exciting them both. She felt Ryan’s hands hold her hips firmly and help her gyrate her body around and over his balls and she; starting to feel very excited herself as his hands moved up under her blouse, under her bra, and caressed her breasts in his hands. His thumb and first finger of each hand found her nipples, they were hard and erect, excited by their romantic sex session, now they were feeling Ryan’s special way to rub them between his fingers and love them, excite each nipple as if he were stroking her deep inside her vagina. She could feel the sensations he was sending through her body, her back started to arch as she breathed deep, held her breath longer between gasps of oxygen and felt herself stimulated so sexually loved and wanted, her body desired for love.

    She craved to feel him deep inside her, imagined it in her mind, felt him inside her and amplified his love; the feel of his hands against the skin of her breasts and the way he caressed them, played with her nipples as she held his hand in hers, their fingers deeply and firmly interlocked and holding each other so tight.

    She felt herself nearing full excitement deep inside her body the parts where babies are made along with dreams of romance, never ending love, if its worth the pain and the player is worth it, worth the prolonged young romantic love which lasts a lifetime. Of course not all games are meant to end in a long term monogamous relationship.

    But here she was, a dream girl, made up of dreams to be the perfect woman, because she was so different when she started her brand new journey into a life she was originally not destined for, perhaps. But now she was almost there and her female cravings were at their peak and her desire for this man was so strong to make new children, all girls, because they would be perfect in every way and she needed this man to reciprocate and he was almost at the right spot and she was there right now, ready to explode deep within her body.

    She breathed deep, held her breath, increased the grasp of his fingers in hers, gradually and slowly began folding his hands back on themselves as she lowered her body and their lips touched, formed the perfect biological kiss, of want and incredible desire. She could feel his erection now, deep within her vagina, he was hot, hard and ready to cum and meet her love juices and together they would carry his sperm up her fallopian tubes into her stored egg high up and deep within her, protected by layer upon layer of muscle and female stores of hormones that help make her egg ready to accept the sperm and allow only one of the millions that were about to explode into her body make it and it had to be the strongest one of the bunch. Be strong enough to fight the rejection system her body would put into effect to eject from it that which was foreign to its own DNA.

    She felt herself reach her climax and exhaled her breath into Ryans mouth, it was a scream of excitement of being brought to her climax. She was screaming into his mouth as he felt himself explode within her, felt his sperm splatter into her orgasm that was flowing down to meet his orgasm and together, the rush and volume of romantic love juices carried those life forms which carried the male DNA deep up and into her body.

    Ryan released his hold of her hands, grasped her body into his arms and pulled her into him as their orgasms collided, joined and there was physically nothing either male or female could do right now to stop the mixture going to where it was meant to go. Anastasia collapsed onto Ryan. She started to breathe again and raised her head looking into his green eyes.

    I love you so very much, she sighed.

    And my dearest Anastasia, I love you, and we have not finished yet. Now my dearest, come up to me and my lips shall kiss your labia lips and caress them like you adore. Come on, we’re a mile or more high right now and you are not getting away with just one orgasm.

    Ryan positioned his hands just by her hips, raised her body and lifted her just off his naked chest and pulled her up over his body until his lips were against her labia lips, kissing them, licking them. His tongue entered inside them, found her clitoris, licked it and kissed it, licking it again and again.

    His tongue entered her vagina, its walls were wet with their combined juices but Ryan didn’t mind, his tongue licked each wall, licked just behind her vagina entrance, against the back of her clitoris skin and searched not long, because he recalled from previous visits here with his tongue, where her G Spot was. The tip of his tongue found it and caressed it and excited his wife. She felt her body react to his stimulation and could not stop the feeling flowing through her body. She was ecstatic, and couldn’t stop herself having another orgasm right down into Ryan’s mouth.

    He was licking her quickly now, licking her love juices from the sides of her vagina and drinking her orgasm juices. His tongue did not stop licking her and his lips continued to kiss her vagina as she looked down into all that she could see of his face, which was not much. She was adhering the attention he was making of her, not content with just making love with her, but satisfying her body again and again. And right now, she was feeling her body reacting again to his love.

    It was starting to bring her body ready to attain another orgasm. Her back arched and accepted more of his tongue deeper into her and she exhaled her breath as she had her third orgasm a mile high in the air.

    Oh yes Ryan….. she sighed aloud. She couldn’t stop herself and felt the change in Ryan’s face as he was smiling at her words of love, even though it was just two words, she was thrilled that it had thrilled him. She felt his hands ease their hold of her hips and slithered down his body beneath the blanket that was covering them. She looked into his eyes, kissed his lips and kissed them again then turned her head to look across the short gangway to see Yulia smiling over at her.

    She read her lips, You enjoying yourself?

    Yes! she mouthed in reply. She felt Ryan’s hands on her breasts, pull her bra down and make it more comfortable for her, then he was buttoning her blouse up, kissing her lips and neck. Whispering I love you over and over to her, then his arms were around her back, he managed to pull her panties up over her gun and thigh holster.

    His right hand gently caressed the front of her body over her pubic hairs where he was pulling up the front of her panties then lowering her skirt. Finally his arms surrounded her back as their faces lay next to each other and the blanket kept them both warm for the moment.

    There were still things she needed to tell Ryan, but right now she was content to lay in his loving arms and feel loved by her husband as they started their second honeymoon.

    Their plane landed at Tokyo’s main airport and due to a suspected engine problem, the aircraft stopped well away from the main terminal block, a set of steps were brought up to the aircraft and two members of the crew, a captain and stewardess descended onto the hot tarmac, with two holdall bags, boarded a car and were driven to the helicopter end of the airport. They boarded a helicopter and were in the air again before their former aircraft taxied to the main passenger debarkation area where Yulia and Paul descended the upper deck and followed the other passengers to immigration and found a taxi to their hotel with the correct number of passengers disembarked.

    Chapter 2

    Their helicopter arrived at HMS Queen Elizabeth in the Sea of Okhotsk. The carrier was in the middle of an incident. Two Destroyers were making speed towards the carrier and it was launching four of its vertical take off aircraft to deploy sonar buoys after a Russian submarine was spotted by one of the keen eyed men on watch thirty minutes ago. Their helicopter was put on a circular hold pattern as the fighters took to the air. The Chinese aircraft carrier Fujian was Approaching the island of Onekotan,

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