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Daddy, I Don’t Want to Marry! Vol. 2: Daddy, I Don’t Want to Marry, #2
Daddy, I Don’t Want to Marry! Vol. 2: Daddy, I Don’t Want to Marry, #2
Daddy, I Don’t Want to Marry! Vol. 2: Daddy, I Don’t Want to Marry, #2
Ebook319 pages4 hours

Daddy, I Don’t Want to Marry! Vol. 2: Daddy, I Don’t Want to Marry, #2

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About this ebook

A sprinkle of drama. A large dose of distrust. A recipe for disaster.


In an attempt to prevent her father from marrying her off to the cruel Crown Prince, Jubelian proposed to Max that they enter a contractual relationship. Now, the two must put on the act of the century to convince everyone of the authenticity of their bond.


With a former lover stewing in ugly jealousy and her aloof father causing her further distress, Jubelian finds herself plagued by troubles. Moreover, and unbeknownst to her, she has placed the very man she wants to avoid right at her side, thrusting herself into the center of a world of plots, schemes, and conspiracies.


Amid an empire in turmoil, Jubelian and Max navigate the turbulent waters of their fake relationship. The feelings shared between them grow, tempered by external forces and misunderstandings. Will their love triumph over the obstacles in their path? Or will it all crumble to dust?


In this game of love and power, the stakes are as high as the rules are deadly.

Release dateMar 30, 2024
Daddy, I Don’t Want to Marry! Vol. 2: Daddy, I Don’t Want to Marry, #2

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    Daddy, I Don’t Want to Marry! Vol. 2 - Hong Heesu





    I beg your pardon? Did I inadvertently offend you, my lady? Baron Gordon stammered, appearing taken aback. However, instead of sympathy, a surge of anger coursed through me. He treats the powerless with harshness, but has the audacity to act pitifully before me.

    Baron Gordon reminded me of my superiors in my previous life, who often abused their authority. Such individuals only showed servility to the powerful while freely raising their voices against the weak. Although I longed to reprimand him to my heart’s content, I realized that we were amidst the bustling Arcade Street, where numerous nobles congregated. Blindly supporting my father’s disciple, who seemed like a commoner, would only invite further rumors about me.

    I have no choice but to put on a little performance.

    I pointed towards my father’s disciple and composed myself. Were you not mistreating my attendant just now?

    As soon as the words left my lips, my father’s disciple widened his eyes, undoubtedly caught off guard.

    I am trying to protect you, so keep quiet, understood? I attempted to convey my intentions through an intense gaze. Although my question was directed at the baron, an unexpected group of people chimed in.

    What? What do you mean, my lady?

    What do you mean by your attendant?

    Their unusually solemn voices startled me.

    Oh dear, I forgot about the knights trailing behind me! It had become a habit of mine to overlook the escort knights who accompanied me while shopping, as their presence made me uneasy. Consequently, I accidentally forgot they were there.

    I turned around.

    He is a secret escort assigned to me by my father, I calmly stated. He is a highly-skilled mercenary.

    I was never informed of this, my lady, Geraldine stubbornly retorted.

    He truly lacks the ability to adapt to such situations. I sighed, deciding to explain the circumstances to them later and resorting to a temporary lie. I asked my father to keep it a secret from the escort knights, as I believed it would displease all of you.


    I am currently engaged in a conversation, so I will discuss the details with you later.

    Geraldine bowed, sighing. Yes, my lady.

    As he stepped back, I glared at Baron Gordon.

    Now, do you truly believe I will let you off the hook after meddling with my escort, Baron Gordon?

    The baron winced, but his pride compelled him to protest. What do you mean by meddling? That man caused me to fall and spoke to me informally! My question is, how will you compensate me for the damage incurred here?

    In an aristocratic society, a subordinate’s transgressions were only answered by their master if the conflict escalated. It was more commonplace for both parties to let the issue slide to avoid offending one another. Now that he realized friendly relations are futile, he sought to extract some monetary compensation from me at the very least. True to his self-made noble status and humble origins, the baron displayed servility without a trace of agreeability, evident in how swiftly his demeanor changed.

    I truly detest this person, I thought, sighing.

    At first glance, it was evident that the baron had initiated the altercation and unjustly demanded an apology. My father’s disciple, with his fierce personality, was unlikely to degrade himself before someone who had picked a fight with him. Even if he had been at fault, I doubted he would have apologized to the baron.

    I suppose there is no other choice in this situation.

    My escort grew up in the countryside, so he is not well-versed in social norms. Nonetheless, it is my responsibility for failing to teach him proper manners. Hence, I will bear full responsibility as his lady, I softly uttered, fixing a deathly gaze upon the baron. He met my stare, wearing an expectant expression.

    He was probably elated at the prospect of receiving ample compensation. However, as they said, an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. In such a circumstance, it was customary for the master to punish the subordinate or compensate the other party. Since I had no intention of disciplining my father’s disciple nor squandering my precious funds, I proposed a method to resolve this issue amicably and economically.

    Why don’t we consider it even if you address me informally, Lord Gordon, just as my escort did to you? I suggested.

    The baron’s smile promptly vanished from his face.

    Address you informally? After pondering the lady’s words, the baron trembled, suddenly realizing something. I have made a grave error.

    He was certain that the nobles he associated with had gossiped about the lady’s lack of decorum, along with her dreadful and arrogant demeanor.

    Feel free to speak to me informally, the woman stated, her voice laced with haughtiness as she stared at him with an angry and intimidating gaze. No matter how much he observed her, she was not a mere child but a fiend who would threaten his life the moment he dropped his guard.

    This vile woman! She dares to utter such words because she knows I cannot address her informally.

    Having attained his noble status through cunning means, the baron understood that speaking informally to the lady merely to preserve his pride would result in severe punishment for insubordination. Such a crime could strip him of his hard-earned, insignificant position.

    In a hurry, the baron bowed. I have caused great inconvenience to the lady. I implore you to show me your generosity and forgive me.

    Despite his apology, the lady shook her head disapprovingly.

    I do not believe you should seek forgiveness from me but from my escort, she said coldly.

    Gritting his teeth, the baron seethed at the prospect of bowing down to a commoner. Nevertheless, aware that he would enrage the lady if he refused to apologize, he promptly lowered his head.

    I apologize for what transpired. It appears I have misunderstood you, he forced himself to say.

    Sensing the insincerity of his words, Max stared down at him, choosing not to respond.

    I cannot believe he departed so abruptly.

    It was peculiar to witness the baron leave quietly after causing a scene and demanding an apology. However, upon deeper reflection, it did not seem so surprising.

    Well, it was not my intention to make him uncomfortable about speaking informally to me. Nevertheless, considering his social standing, he likely felt that way. There was no telling what he might have done to my father’s disciple if I hadn’t intervened and unintentionally belittled him. Regardless of his swordsmanship skills, he will face consequences for defying a nobleman.

    I surreptitiously glanced at my father’s disciple, but he did not appear injured.

    Hm, is he shocked by what transpired, considering his rigid demeanor?

    Out of concern, I extended my hand towards him.

    Are you unharmed? Did you sustain any injuries? I inquired. He turned towards me without any signs of fear, indicating that he hadn’t been rattled.

    That is a relief.

    Perhaps due to the times I had confided in him, we had developed a level of comfort between us.

    I am glad. After today’s events, I was concerned he might become intimidated and distance himself from me.

    At that moment, he grasped my hand firmly. His grip reminded me of a lost child who had finally found their parents. I found it amusing that such innocence emanated from his large hands. Allowing him to stay in my room and providing him with nourishment had not been in vain, as he was gradually opening up to me. At that moment, he spoke with formality, a development I never anticipated.

    I am unharmed, my lady, he uttered.

    I couldn’t fathom hearing such words in my lifetime, leading me to doubt my perfectly functioning ears.

    Wait a minute… what has gotten into him? I failed to comprehend why someone who frequently found trouble due to their stubbornness and informal speech was now exhibiting the opposite behavior.

    Hey, are you alright?

    The dispute between him and the baron had persisted before my intervention, making it plausible that he had been struck on the head. With this suspicion, I scrutinized his face, although his tall stature obstructed my view. Not only did he tower over me, but he was also remarkably handsome. Even though the commotion had subsided, many people continued to halt and gaze at him.

    Who is that gentleman over there?

    Hmm, I am uncertain, but isn’t that Lady Floyen beside him?

    Oh my, it is indeed. And it seems they are holding hands!

    Irrespective of the vastness of the plaza, situated at the very heart of the capital, it was unsurprising that people recognized me as the infamous lady in high society.

    Hey, we can stop—

    I was about to request that he release my hands so we could relocate elsewhere, but he interjected. There is something I must inform you about, my lady. The contract you mentioned…

    My skin tingled from his politeness, but that was a separate matter. His forthcoming words startled me, prompting me to cover his mouth with my hands.

    You are referring to the compensation you require from my father, correct? I inquired. This was a bluff—he wished to discuss his response to my proposal to enter into a contractual relationship. I cannot engage in such a significant conversation in such a crowded place, where prying ears may listen. Follow me.

    I maintained my grip on his hands and led him towards the carriage.

    Here, step inside.

    However, instead of complying, he regarded me with tenderness. Why don’t you enter first, my lady?

    His unexpected offer left me feeling perplexed. He has grown slightly kinder.

    So, why did you depart without saying anything that day? I inquired as the carriage door closed. I had secretly been troubled by his angry expression, wondering if he despised the idea of entering a contractual relationship with me to such an extent.

    If that is the case, he should have rejected me, and I could have begun devising a plan to escape.

    He looked at me with an air of arrogance, then averted his gaze as if he could no longer bear the sight of me.

    It is none of your concern, he retorted.

    I knew it. It was impossible for someone to change so readily.



    I have an urgent matter to discuss with him, so I kindly request that you keep a distance from the carriage.

    Despite issuing the order firmly, Jubelian’s gentle tone exuded a captivating charm that resonated with Max. As he observed her in this situation, he realized how distinct she truly was. Jubelian’s previous excessive consideration towards him had given her an air of naivety. However, in her refined demeanor as the sole daughter of a duke who bowed to none but the imperial family, Max no longer worried about others taking advantage of her kindness.

    While I trust all of you, there will be consequences if anyone happens to eavesdrop on our conversation, she warned.

    Witnessing her exercise authority—an unfamiliar sight—Max found solace. It seems she won’t be easily ensnared in trouble, he thought, as the carriage door closed, locking their gazes.

    Why did you leave without saying anything that day? she inquired, causing Max to be taken aback—a rarity for him. Panic gripped him momentarily.

    Oh no, what should I say? He pondered, recollecting her words: Then, I must run away. He couldn’t reveal the truth about being the crown prince if she intended to flee.

    That’s none of your concern, he replied, his voice tinged with somberness at the mere thought of her escaping.

    Rather than pressing him for an explanation, Jubelian sighed, letting the matter go. Very well. Now, what is your answer regarding the proposed contractual relationship?

    Max hesitated before responding. Ever since she first raised the question, something had been bothering him. Why did she specifically choose him for this contractual alliance?

    Before I decide, there is something I must ask you, he finally replied, hoping that hearing her reasons would alleviate the unease festering within him.

    Please, go ahead, she granted.

    Why did you suggest such an arrangement to me? he inquired. He clenched his fists, an unfamiliar tension coursing through him.

    Jubelian’s expression grew more serious, her ruby lips parting to answer.

    That’s because… you are my father’s treasured disciple, she revealed, much to Max’s surprise.

    Her response neither praised his appearance nor his swordsmanship skills, deviating from his expectations. Puzzled, Max frowned at her seemingly trivial reason. Is she trying to pursue me for such a frivolous motive?

    Disappointment and anger welled up inside him, an unexpected surge of emotions.

    To waste my time with a woman like her… he mused, his irritation slowly waning as he continued to gaze at her.

    Gradually, his vexation dissipated, leaving behind a sense of shame that furrowed his brow.

    But there is another reason, she said, prompting him to look up and meet her sweet smile.

    You are the only person I feel comfortable enough to ask for this favor, she added.

    Comfortable. Max himself experienced a similar sentiment in her presence.

    I see, he responded, his sour mood evaporating when he learned that she felt the same way about him. A warm flutter filled his heart, brimming with joy. Although he had more questions, he no longer wished to dwell on them.

    Yes, this is sufficient, he thought, a smile gracing his features unintentionally.

    To my surprise, I noticed his smile. A pleasant sensation enveloped me inexplicably.

    Well, it’s no secret that he’s handsome, I reluctantly admitted, acknowledging that he fit my taste. His personality may be abrasive, but I wouldn’t mind being in a relationship with someone so good-looking. However, I soon realized that I had yet to receive his decision.

    Now that I’ve answered your question, shouldn’t you respond to my request? I inquired, seeking a resolution.

    He nodded in acknowledgment and replied, Very well, I accept your request.

    Relieved, I beamed brightly, finally finding a way to evade my predetermined demise.

    Thank you. How much compensation do you desire? I asked, only to witness him furrow his brows, his voice turning cold.

    I don’t need any compensation. I am simply repaying what I owe you, he stated, and at that moment, he seemed akin to an angel. This arrangement would enable me to save money and lead an independent life in the future.

    Who cares about his lack of manners? His kindness surpasses it all, I thought, overwhelmed by gratitude. I took hold of his hands, deeply moved.

    Thank you. I eagerly await our collaboration, I expressed, clasping his hands firmly.

    In response, he scowled and gruffly uttered, Fine, I understand. Now, release my hands.

    Yet, I had no intention of letting go.

    What do you mean? From now on, we must act as lovers. It will be challenging to explain if you are half-hearted about it, I insisted, my words laced with a deeper meaning.

    My life depends on this humorless act, I swallowed the unspoken words, fixating my gaze on him.

    Now that we have decided on a contractual relationship, you must hold my hand, intertwine arms with me, and address me affectionately. Do you understand? I implored, watching him with an unwavering gaze as I finished speaking.

    His stern expression met my eyes.

    Say something, I urged.

    He sighed. Very well, he muttered.

    I couldn’t help but raise the corners of my lips, delving into another topic essential to our newly formed relationship.

    By the way, I realized you don’t know my name yet, I began, intending to share my name with my father’s disciple since he had always referred to me as you. However, before I could proceed, he interrupted me.

    Jubelian, he declared, his voice clear and resolute.

    My eyes widened in surprise.

    You know my name? I questioned, taken aback by his knowledge.

    My heart quivered at his earnest tone, but a realization soon struck me, knitting my brows together. Wait, why has he been referring to me as you when he knew my name all along? I felt disgruntled by this fact, but a more significant issue presented itself.

    I still don’t know your name. I’ve asked you before, but you never gave me an answer. Could you tell me now? I approached the topic cautiously, mindful of his feelings. Thankfully, he didn’t seem offended by my words.

    A brief silence lingered before he finally spoke up. It’s… Max.

    Max. If I were to find fault with this name, it would be its resemblance to the crown prince’s name. Nevertheless, the name held a positive connotation.

    That’s a remarkable name. Your parents must have envisioned greatness for you, I commented, appreciating its significance.

    He stared at me intently for a while before finally responding, Yeah.

    I expected him to avert his gaze once again, as he often did, but this time, he maintained eye contact, his crimson eyes resembling a sunset. An inexplicable feeling washed over me, compelling me to change the subject. Hey, about—

    He interrupted me, insisting, Didn’t we agree to use our names?

    Caught off guard by his words, I smiled awkwardly. You’re right, Max.

    A soft smile appeared on his face when I addressed him by his name. For a while, I continued to gaze at him, captivated by his presence, before refocusing on the matter at hand.

    Why don’t we draft an official contract? I suggested, at which he immediately scrunched his face and shot me a glare.

    A contract? Is it necessary to formalize it to that extent? I distinctly recall expressing my disinterest in compensation, he protested.

    I sighed inwardly. What did my father teach him if not common sense? What if someone takes advantage of his lack of awareness?

    My exasperation mounting, I assumed the role of an instructor, determined to guide this pure and innocent man standing before me.

    All contracts must be properly documented. Without an official agreement, people may perceive you as vulnerable and exploit you. They might refuse to compensate you or engage in deceitful acts using your name, I explained, noticing his attentive demeanor. However, his expression betrayed his lack of comprehension. Ugh, should I explain it to him in simpler terms?

    Yet, just as I contemplated employing more accessible language, he spoke with sincerity and conviction.

    But you wouldn’t do that to me, he asserted.

    His words stirred something within me.

    Until now, no one has ever placed trust in me.

    I was mindful of my role as the villainess, which had led everyone to despise me. Even my father had never confided in me. In the original novel, Jubelian had pleaded for her father to trust her, only to be ignored and imprisoned by him. Yet, as I met the unwavering gaze of this man, not a trace of doubt tainted his fiery red eyes. A peculiar sensation arose within me, stirring the depths of my heart.

    Ah, now is not the time to space out, I reprimanded myself, swiftly composing my thoughts.

    Scammers succeed precisely because they exploit people’s trust, I emphasized, hoping to convey my point.

    Is that so? he questioned, his voice tinged with uncertainty.

    Yes, that’s why, no matter how close you are to someone, it is essential to establish an official contract. Understand? I reiterated, perceiving his obedient response.

    However, concern gnawed at me.

    This man is truly inexperienced and oblivious to the ways of the world. Will he be able to handle its harsh realities?

    After a moment of deliberation, I made a silent promise.

    Since we are bound by this contractual relationship, I will impart knowledge to him, I resolved. Feeling remorseful that he had refused compensation, I would repay his favor by offering him valuable life lessons.

    Before we finalize the contract, let’s reach an agreement on something of utmost importance.

    And what would that be? he inquired, prompting me to share the thoughts that had occupied my mind for a while.

    Geraldine, the leader of the escort knights, will undoubtedly inquire about how we met, considering his personality. We cannot disclose the truth, so we must devise a story that we both agree upon, I proposed.

    Ah… I understand, he conceded, realizing the validity of my reasoning.

    The memory of our initial encounter, which involved trespassing, threats, and a drawn sword, made it imperative to conceal the truth.

    So, I have been thinking… What if we adopt this story? I unveiled a scenario I had contemplated extensively, only to be met with his swift objection.

    What? I despise that idea! he retorted, his distaste evident.

    Surprised by his strong aversion, I scrutinized his reaction.

    Do you have a better suggestion, then? I inquired, my expression firm.

    Can’t we switch roles? What if I— he began, but I interjected, dismissing the notion.

    No, that wouldn’t make sense. You know that I am always accompanied by knights, I reminded him, studying the pensive man before me. Taking hold of his hands, I tightened my grip, seeking to reassure

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