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Flight Through Dragons Fire: Lost Chronicles from Circle of Stones - A Heroine's Odyssey, #5
Flight Through Dragons Fire: Lost Chronicles from Circle of Stones - A Heroine's Odyssey, #5
Flight Through Dragons Fire: Lost Chronicles from Circle of Stones - A Heroine's Odyssey, #5
Ebook88 pages1 hour

Flight Through Dragons Fire: Lost Chronicles from Circle of Stones - A Heroine's Odyssey, #5

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Embark on an electrifying journey alongside Chrissy, a spirited young woman from Earth who finds herself entangled in a whirlwind of adventure and peril. Chased by a relentless psychopath across diverse realms and time, Chrissy's quest transforms into a daring odyssey to reunite with her beloved younger brother. Along the way, she encounters legendary creatures, forges unexpected alliances, and unearths hidden strengths that shape her into a beacon of hope amidst chaos and conflict.

Prepare to be captivated by Chrissy's resilience and courage as she navigates through treacherous landscapes, faces formidable adversaries, and uncovers the secrets of her own past. With a touch of humor and a dash of wit, this gripping tale delves into themes of survival, self-discovery, and the enduring power of human spirit.

Join Chrissy on this rollercoaster of a journey, where every twist and turn brings new challenges, surprises, and moments of sheer exhilaration. Will she conquer the odds and find her brother? Dive into the adventure and find out!

Release dateMar 30, 2024
Flight Through Dragons Fire: Lost Chronicles from Circle of Stones - A Heroine's Odyssey, #5

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    Book preview

    Flight Through Dragons Fire - E.L.Marr

    Flight Through Dragon Fire

    Lost Chronicles from Circle of Stones - A Heroine's Odyssey

    By E.L. Marr

    Chapter 7– I See Fire.

    Book 5

    Day 8- Early Morning

    Inn River Run

    The insistent rapping on the sturdy wooden door sent vibrations through the walls of the cozy Norse-style lodge Inn, abruptly pulling Chrissy from a profound slumber. Rubbing the sleep from her eyes, she heard Delfini's voice carrying through the door, announcing that breakfast was ready before her footsteps faded away down the hall.

    Sighing softly, Chrissy swung her legs over the edge of the bed, feeling the lingering stiffness from the previous day's exertions. In her groggy state, she almost reached for her sword, lying dangerously close to her bed, and narrowly avoided slicing her palm on the blade. Cursing softly under her breath, she quickly withdrew her hand and scanned the room.

    The dim light filtering through the curtains cast a soft glow over the room, illuminating traces of mud on the floor—a testament to the night's adventures. With a determined shake of her head, Chrissy resolved to freshen up before joining the others for breakfast. Gathering her belongings, she paused to glance at the chair propped against the door, a makeshift barricade for added security during the night. Removing it with a deliberate motion, she unlatched the door, ready to face the day ahead.

    Here's your plate of fried beef, eggs, and potatoes. That'll be five copper, Delfini announced with a hearty voice as Chrissy approached the bar. Leaning in closer, she added in a hushed tone, The Strangers are in the corner. Be cautious, they've been causing quite a stir.

    Thanks, Chrissy replied, eyeing the savory dish before her. Just as she was about to take a bite of the eggs, her curiosity piqued. What's their story? Why is everyone so suspicious of them?

    Delfini's expression darkened momentarily before she regained her cheerful demeanor. Let's just say items have disappeared from both Genny's and Lucus's stores.

    Chrissy nodded, intrigued by the mysterious reputation of the strangers. As she savored the flavorful combination of beef, eggs, and potatoes, she couldn't help but compliment the cook. This is delicious. Could I also have a mug of fresh cow milk if you have any? And what's the latest from Valnor's?

    After placing a steaming mug of milk in front of Chrissy, Delfine announced, That's a copper, and the only thing he has complaints about that was taken is that damn claw. Speaking of which, I heard you got roped into trying to get it for him.

    The jerk lied to me and said that they also kidnapped his sister, Chrissy replied after taking a satisfying sip of the milk.

    So, did you get it? Are you going to give it back? Even if you did get it, you can claim the law of Bounty for the trick he pulled on you. Of course, he could have the Jarl adjudicate it. But since he and the Jarl don't get along, I don't see a problem.

    Chrissy's lips curled into a wicked smile at this new information, a hint of mischief dancing in her eyes.

    I almost feel sorry for him by the look on your face, Delfine chuckled.

    By chance, did you brew any Jaffa beans? Chrissy inquired, glancing around the bustling inn.

    No, why? Delfine asked as she wiped off the counter with a cloth.

    You should. It's great to wake up with, Chrissy said wistfully, her gaze lingering on the thought of the aromatic beans.

    I just may. Thanks, Delfine replied warmly, noticing the anticipation in Chrissy's eyes.

    As Chrissy savored another mouthful of the delectable breakfast, she broached a more serious topic. Say, I was wondering why you are so friendly with me and my group but not the strangers? I know you think they may be thieves, but I got this feeling it's something else.

    Delfine paused, wiping her hands on her apron before responding, You know, it's strange. I get this unnerving feeling about them, but you and yours just put off a calm feeling. I learned a long time ago to trust those types of feelings as they haven't been wrong yet. Or is there something I should be worried about? Her tone was lighthearted, but there was a genuine curiosity in her eyes.

    Chrissy smirked mischievously. I thought it was just because you wanted to get into Borazon's pants.

    Delfine chuckled, That does help, but I don't always trust a nice-looking man.

    Understood, Chrissy said with a nod, taking a sip of her milk.

    As they continued their conversation, Chrissy and Delfine discreetly watched the strangers, their quiet chat punctuated by occasional glances at the enigmatic group.

    Thanks for the meal. It hit the spot. Hey, I was wondering if I could leave a letter with you, Chrissy said gratefully, pushing away her empty wooden plate.

    Delfini nodded knowingly as she cleared the plate. For that good-looking friend of yours?

    Yeah, Chrissy confirmed. I promised I wouldn’t be too far behind them, but as you know, I got sidetracked and now must head to Wyvern Keep. And if things don’t work out where they were heading, they would return here if I didn’t send a courier.

    Delfine listened attentively. And since there hasn’t been a courier around for weeks, you want to leave a letter for them here.

    Exactly. I can pay for the service, Chrissy replied.

    You got one written, or do you need time to write it? Delfine inquired, already reaching for parchment, a quill, and an inkwell.

    I don’t have anything to write on or with, Chrissy admitted.

    Delfine smiled and pulled out the writing materials. "You’re in luck. Here, take this. Two copper for me to keep

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