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How to Be Happy in an Extremely Stressful World: Emotional Stress Relief
How to Be Happy in an Extremely Stressful World: Emotional Stress Relief
How to Be Happy in an Extremely Stressful World: Emotional Stress Relief
Ebook73 pages40 minutes

How to Be Happy in an Extremely Stressful World: Emotional Stress Relief

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Suggestions for Mankind in general to cope in the digital world of today.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateMar 26, 2024
How to Be Happy in an Extremely Stressful World: Emotional Stress Relief

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    How to Be Happy in an Extremely Stressful World - Gaines Bradford Jackson B.S. M.S. Dr. P.H.


    How to Be Happy in an Extremely Stressful World

    Emotional Stress Relief

    Gaines Bradford Jackson

    B.S., M.S., Dr. P.H.

    Copyright © 2024 by Gaines Bradford Jackson B.S., M.S., Dr. P.H.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    Any people depicted in stock imagery provided by Getty Images are models, and such images are being used for illustrative purposes only.

    Certain stock imagery © Getty Images.

    Rev. date: 03/25/2024






    General Discussion

    Learn to Forgive Unconditionally

    Openly Feel and Express Genuine Gratitude

    Learn Empathy and Compassion

    Learn to Put Others First (Loved ones in particular)

    Choose Your Company in an Appropriate Manner

    Hold your tongue and Listen More

    Learn that Art and Beauty are in the eyes of the Beholder

    Connect with Nature and protect your Environment

    Relate to Animal Companions

    Learn to Smile and Laugh as Often as Possible



    References Cited

    Author’s Bio-Sketch


    A fundamental realization today is that the world is becoming more and more technical by the year, month, week, day, hour, minute, and even second. People of all ages are suffering from information overload and massive video bombardment. We have no peace and quiet anymore as cell phones can go off at any time unless you mark your phone for certain hours to automatically go to voice mail storage. Information and communication technology will keep on expanding at a phenomenal rate and affecting our lives and minds. We must find ways to limit the time we spend with the new devices and media bombardment.


    One may ask, Is it possible to find joy and happiness in life? Well, that is actually up to the individual himself/herself. Are you prepared to do what it takes? To find happiness you must look deep inside yourself to find out what makes you happy. What does the life you always dreamed of look like? What will it take to get there? No one says it will be easy, but you have to figure out whether it is worth a try or not. I once asked my father, How! Can I be sure to live a life in happiness? And my dad said, with a beautiful smile (not being too straight forward), "Son, that is a guarantee no one can give you, but you can work for it; it will not be easy, but if you just remember these three things (always), you will be on the right path:

    •Work as if you do not need the money,

    •Dance like no one is looking at you, and

    •Love your primary and secondary families like you have never been hurt in the past."

    When he first revealed these vague three facts to me, I thought he was out-of-his-mind.

    I did not understand them at all. But, now as a seasoned adult, it makes perfectly good sense. Obviously, he was wiser than I thought. These words of advice were from a man who had the Wisdom of Solomon! One who had worked like a horse for his family all of his life without ever asking for anything in return. He respected his spouse, respected his children,

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