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United We Stand Divided We Fall: The Dragon, The Beast & The False Prophet
United We Stand Divided We Fall: The Dragon, The Beast & The False Prophet
United We Stand Divided We Fall: The Dragon, The Beast & The False Prophet
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United We Stand Divided We Fall: The Dragon, The Beast & The False Prophet

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For those of you that have raised the same questions and picked up this book looking for an answer. This isn't it. 'United We Stand, Divided We Fall', is a complex rough correlation of historical events with a modern day vantage point of American and World History. In a raw and uncut lens, the negative, and the positive. As Where's Waldo of an e

Release dateApr 29, 2024
United We Stand Divided We Fall: The Dragon, The Beast & The False Prophet

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    United We Stand Divided We Fall - Wallace Walker III

    United We Stand

    Divided We Fall


    The Dragon, The Beast & The False


    The Crime and Punishment of the

    Country and Past


    Wallace Walker III

    Copyright © 2024 by Wallace Walker III.

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without a prior written permission from the publisher, except by reviewers, who may quote brief passages in a review, and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by the copyright law.

    ISBN:   979-8-89228-134-8   (Paperback)

    ISBN:   979-8-89228-135-5   (eBook)

    Printed in the United States of America


    Do you not see the little plants, the little birds, the ants, the spiders, the bees working together to put in order their separate parts of the universe? And are you unwilling to do the work of a human being, and do you not make haste to that which is according to your nature?      Marcus Aurelius aka M.A.


    Compare yourself to who you were yesterday, not to who someone else is today.      Jordan Peterson aka J.P.


    Be without fear in the face of your enemies. Be brave and upright that God may love thee. Speak the truth always, even if it leads to your death. Safeguard the helpless, and do no wrong.      Knights Templar Oath


    Our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.      Ephesians 6:10


    Whoever is not against us is for us.      Matthew 9:40

    Be the change you wish to see in the world.      Mahatma Gandhi


    Prologue -

    Do you ever wonder sometimes, what’s going on? Really going on. Have you scrolled through Twitter-X or watched the News, or perhaps maybe even looked outside and wondered, is this the hum of the American Dream Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. spoke of?

    Are the current conditions and climate of a once proud nation what America’s Founding Fathers fought for 250 years ago?

    Curious what they would have thought looking into a crystal ball as they signed the Declaration of Independence in 1776. Perhaps this is what the Founding Fathers envisioned and sacrificed for and drafted the Bill Of Rights in embodiment of.

    Compounding, steadily appreciating National Debt and inflation rates. The largest incarceration population in the World, by far, growing year after year over the last 50 like a virus. Drug related overdose deaths skyrocketing like the amount of dollars being printed and shipped overseas. Addiction and drugs killing America’s youth day after day, with no end, remedy or even a glimpse of a recession in overdose deaths on the horizon.

    If you haven’t asked yourself any of these questions, chances are you aren’t reading this book. It’s okay. Stay under your rock. Everything is just fine. This is just the New Normal. Under the chance you do peek your head out in the future, here you are.

    Defining moments will be a constant theme linking past to present in this domino effect of a balancing act.

    When a defining moment comes along, you define the moment, or the moment defines you. Kevin Costner always says it better. From the Tin Cup is always half full point of view.

    (Tin Cup is a 1996 American romantic comedy and sports film starring Kevin Costner.)

    You can walk to the path of enlightenment, if you choose. You will find the river, however you are not forced to drink. Freedom of choice, speech, orientation, religion and decision. The 1st, 2nd, 3rd and all Amendments under the Bill Of Rights. What our Founding Fathers envisioned is all that is here. Once, the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave.

    For those of you that have raised the same questions and picked up this book looking for an answer. This isn’t it. ‘United We Stand, Divided We Fall’, is a complex rough correlation of historical events with a modern day vantage point of American and World History. In a raw and uncut lens, the negative, and the positive. As Where’s Waldo of an effort the latter may be to find at times.*

    (Where’s Waldo is a series of look and find books by Martin Handford where the main protagonist, Waldo, sets off on a world-wide hike.)

    To be clear, this is not a left or right, east or west, north or south, divisive movement. This is more simply a recognition of what has been left, probing questions for you to determine what is right.

    To be neither of the green nor of the blue party at the games in the Circus. M.A.

    For America. For the Global Economy. For Society. For the Future.

    The answer, the solution, the remedy, is up to you to decide for you and your family, and to each their own. As do most rabbit holes, this only brings to life the best question the Diamond from Beantown ever asked, "Do you like apples?"*

    (In reference to an American psychological drama film written by Ben Affleck and Matt Damon, starring Robin Williams. Wait for it.)


    The Dragon, The Beast and The False Prophet

    It’s not the people, but the systems they create, that rule. - Wallace Walker III

    The end of an era, the Swinging 60s, was coming to a finish. America and the world were changing in ways no one could predict or see coming. The Vietnam War was at its height with the United States dropping bomb after bomb, year after year, for two decades as it dragged on. Nixon was entering the beginning of his brief term as the President of the United States of America, times were surely changing.

    Residues of gunpowder from the assassinations of John F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King Jr. still lingered in the air, intoxicating the lungs of America and the public with disgust and distrust. Staging scenes like the legendary Woodstock of ‘69, singing the final tunes of The Beatles as they disbanded, metaphorically symbolizing the calling of a White Flag, Let It Be.

    The rhetoric of Martin Luther King, mixed and mastered to the drums and chorus of Vietnam protestors belched out in the streets of America. A dying dream, once worth dying for.

    I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed.’ ― Martin Luther King Jr.

    Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.


    The scene in the 70s was that of prohibition style ice cold cocktail. A tonic spiked with the spirit of Miles Davis and Ozzy Osbourne, shaken, not stirred, to the sounds of Fleetwood Mac spiced with a few dashes of the Jackson Five. Garnished with a Luxardo of Black Sabbath and a twist of Janis Joplin, a real Bitches Brew.* Used as a molotov cocktail to Rage Against The Machine…Where do you think they got the material? (In reference to the Miles Davis album ‘Bitches Brew released in 1970.)

    Times were changing, Sonny Liston passed away from a controversial ‘overdose’ after being dethroned by the up and coming original G.O.A.T. Cassius Clay aka Muhammed Ali aka Mr. Float Like a Butterfly Sting Like a Bee. Charles Manson the Manson family were in its demise as the cult leader was finally behind bars. The Swinging 60s were over, the Me Decade 70s were here.

    The 70s marked a time for change, necessary change. Unfortunately, the devil you don’t know, is sometimes worse than the devil you do. The grass isn’t always greener on the other side. It’s greener where you nurture and care for it. And more deadly where toxins and wars are birthed and prescribed, similar to that round up type deal.

    50 years later and the legislation instilled from the beginning of the 70s are the framework to the battles and wars America is fighting today. The brewing toxicity flooding the streets and country needs to be funneled, drained and replenished. Don’t let it be confused, between the current ongoing wars and record high overdose deaths year after year, America is battling itself in more ways than one. And the blood is in the streets, homes, jail cells, courthouses, boardrooms and Oval Offices all over the country.

    A pivotal decade marked by fear and uncertainty. From the Watergate Wire-Taps leading to Nixon’s resignation, to Ted Bundy and the Son of Sam, to the Munich Massacres and Vietnam coming to an end in 1975. The air was hot and humid, you could sense the tension. Events like the aforementioned and assassinations preceding in the 60s helped shape America’s state of mind in the 70s, all the way back to the future.*

    (Back to the Future is set in 1985 and follows Michael J. Fox’s character Marty McFly and his race against time.)

    Constant never ending turmoil of this era has left a lasting impression exposing a darker side of America. Side effects due to propaganda and media manipulation caused shifts in the public opinion and perception that are still felt today. Along with a whole bag of economic struggles and political corruption. During this era of the Me Decade, the bright lights of a dream were overpowered by the unsurmounted catastrophes of the previous decade and met with a more ominous, authoritarian tone as the new voice of America.

    The 70s were a crucial turning point for the United States battling major swings in the global economy dealt by the falling of the Bretton Woods System and the spark of the War On Drugs. These events combined with the introduction of MS Contin have shaped the current conditions in America, hence the ongoing National Emergency that is the opioid crisis. An era marking a time of massive change in American society leading to a nation grappling with economic fluctuations caused by wars abroad and at home, on the precipice of an opioid epidemic.

    In 1971 Nixon’s decision to end the convertibility of the USD into Gold was furthermore fueled by the War on Drugs being induced at year’s end. The year following in 1972 these factors were springboarded like a domino effect to the future with the introduction of powerful painkillers like MS Contin. And newly introduced variables like the aforementioned, factored by time, equate the current state of America’s landscape and infrastructure.

    As the past of the United States of America continues to rear its ugly beast of a dragon on its people it is becoming apparent the events of the 1970s have left a crippling impression on the present-day. Leaving today with the potential for further evolution and adaptation, because tomorrow is in dire need of it.

    From the Founding Fathers in 1776 to the current times in 2024 America has undergone some monumental and drastic deviations. The country has evolved from a small, fledgling nation fighting for independence to a global superpower 250 years later. Today’s current climate is a reflection of this growth and transformation, deeming it essential to reflect on the past in order to understand how it continues to shape the present.

    The concepts of fear and uncertainty are intertwined as America navigates through the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. Making it primary to walk in balance between these concepts as the nation inches forwards searching to find ways to address these fears of the past, while finding certainty in the present. And hope for the future generations to come. Let history serve as a reminder of the journey America has made from the ideals of the Founding Fathers to the battles of today.

    1971 - The End of the Bretton Woods System

    The decision by President Nixon to suspend and eventually cease the Bretton Woods System in 1971 cemented a headstone in American history that will forever mold the future. It not only signified the end of the USD’s peg to gold, but transformed the role of the dollar breaking the agreement between the United States and the 44 Nations attached to the exchange system. No longer a calculated means of exchange based on a gold for dollar rate, the system has gradually collapsed before the public’s and world’s eye.

    Even though the decision to end the Bretton Woods System came about over 50 years ago, the United States has still yet to create a new way to stabilize its currency and economy. This has led to the birth of the Floating Exchange Rate presently drifting around for the last half of a century giving the government autonomy and unilateral control over the value of the dollar.

    In other words, if the United States wants to float another country some money, the powers at be can simply just print it. But only for other countries and their wars of course, not America and its people. A long way from gold converted to dollars based on accepted and pegged rates in exchange for ink on paper printed at the likes of political demand.

    This shift in the value of the dollar has had a profound impact on the American economy and society over the years. The value of the dollar is no longer determined by its peg to gold, but rather by the actions and decisions

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