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My Cute Vampir Vol. 3: My Cute Vampir, #3
My Cute Vampir Vol. 3: My Cute Vampir, #3
My Cute Vampir Vol. 3: My Cute Vampir, #3
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My Cute Vampir Vol. 3: My Cute Vampir, #3

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The Primordial Khaos has returned to rest for an unknown period of time, leaving Artem to grow his powers on his own. As an Avatar of Khaos Artem is expected to master these skills and use them to spread the god's Authority, but it is still a mystery to the youth how exactly he's meant to do that.

The pirates are slowly losing their influence in Wneeri due to the spread of CELESTE's technology. The Witches seem to be backing up the company and its endeavors to continue to produce a hybrid of magic and technology, though not all covens share the idea that CELESTE is what is best for the continued growth of their nation. In order to assert their power over the states of Wneeri the ever proud pirate leader plans to conquer the nearby Dungeon, the Mirrored Mire, and once and for all show the humans who truly carry the right of kingship in the region.

Release dateMar 30, 2024
My Cute Vampir Vol. 3: My Cute Vampir, #3

R.A. Rex Draco

I am an Illustrator and writer who has been in love with storytelling since we were a wee dragon. I am a member of the furry community with friendships within the LGBTQ+ community so I understand the need for being inclusive and as such these are often represented in my stories as part of my greater worldbuilding. I write comics, light novels, and other types of unique genre models that represent myself and the communities I am part of. I love science fiction first and foremost, romance, action and monster stories so those I love science fiction first and foremost, romance, action and monster stories, so because of that I enjoy writing genre-hybrid fictions. [Concerning my Erotica. It is only labeled as such for site genre purposes but all my books are [genre-bending]/[genre-hybrid] stories, meaning they are undefinable as one genre and include multiple genres within its universe.]

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    Book preview

    My Cute Vampir Vol. 3 - R.A. Rex Draco

    Chapter One

    Deepest Delve

    It was dark.

    But it was also warm.

    It was a distinct heaviness that weighed down on Artem's body, making it difficult to sit up. It was hard to tell up from down, but the young Revenant could feel that he had landed on his chest. It was hard to breathe. It was a familiar weight that pushed down onto his back. Someone was there with him.

    Miki? Artem's mind was swirling. He was disoriented and couldn't mentally grasp his current state.

    Had he all his limbs?

    Was he injured?

    As he mentally checked off the parts of his body he could sense, he would feel momentary concern when he was unable to touch upon the numb tingling sensations that crawled at the edges of his knees. He would finally blink his eyes open. Where was he? There was no light, or maybe it was not yet day? He could feel his lids touch when he blinked, his eyes tracing along the ground which was close to his face. This scent, he knew it.

    It was nothing.

    No, that wasn't quite right. It did have a smell, but it wasn't anything he knew on Tethys. There was a metallic aroma that touched the surface of his nose, but it wasn't blood he tasted in the air. It was like when lightning struck nearby, that after-burn of singed ozone he remembered from the Marsh. It was home. Nguitchfels after a storm. He would finally press his hands against the floor, but as soon as he did he realized that the surface slightly deformed under his touch, like soft bedding imprinting the form of his palms. He continued up until he was able to pull his leg under his chest, his knee pointed up to allow his chest to lean against it.

    He could feel it on his back. It was heavier than he thought and made it difficult to push to his feet. Get off! He complained.

    Whatever it was, moved. It seemed bothered by his tone, whatever it was. Artem remained on one knee. One knee was pressed to the ground while the other rested against his chest. His arms were outstretched with his palms flat on the spongy ground so he was able to maintain his position. He raised his head as much as he could. In that moment an inky limb reached out, the animal-like paw pressing to the ground. When it touched the surface that Artem associated with ground a gaseous mist rose from the floor. Afterwards another limb followed suit and reached out before the animal-like foot pressed down. One by one until all four of its limbs carried the creature off from his back.

    It was a little easier to breathe now and Artem pushed to stand. He had only seen the creature from his strange pose, giving him only a view of its belly as it crawled off. Now that he was standing he turned his focus to the entity and examined it. It stood on four legs, each limb ending in beast-like paws that were tipped with hooked claws. These long, deer-like legs were attached to a long body that was canine in its nature, but it was incredibly thin, with a deep, barrel chest. Its arched back seemed to undulate, almost as if a wind had caught its fur, but this was not fur and it was not clear what the coat was. Was it fabric, fur, or even feathers? Its body was jet black from its tail tip to its nose. The deep red eyes that glared at him gave the distinct feeling that he was being judged. Its long tail swayed back and forth like a serpent attempting to hypnotize its prey. The end of the appendage was of the same smoky substance that seemed to flutter as if every passing moment bits of it evaporated into the air.

    It reminded Artem a little of the Junkyard dogs back home, specifically Goob who was supposed to be a supernatural entity that was bound to the territory by way of an ancient pact. In thinking these thoughts the idea hit Artem.

    Bia? Is that you? He would ask.

    As soon as he did two, triangular ear-like shapes snapped up from the shadow's skull, the being at attention. Artem approached the specter of darkness, holding out his hands to grasp its face. Bia seemed to share the appearance of a Grim, but they were unique.

    If you're here, does that mean I'm...? Looking around Artem would realize he was in that space again. As he spoke, stars began to spark to life, bringing light to the sky above, reaching out towards the twilight horizon and fading into a mix of blue, purple, and red.

    It was as if everything hinged on his recognizing the space, for as soon as he accepted it, it manifested as that familiar place his mind went to when he was unconscious, that place that skipped past his dreams and fell just outside the bounds of his delusions.

    [Ho ho ho~ You're finally awake star spawn~] The voice of Khaos rang through the air. Turning his head he would find the manifested deity standing over him, bending in so their star filled mane flowed across his face.

    Khaos... as strange as usual. Artem commented. Why are you up there? Why is Bia like this?

    [Hooo well as I told you last time they will change as you do. The shape they take is fully determined by the shape your powers take. Bia is your Keres.] The god declared. [But as for why I'm up here, well you seee~ I am going to rest for a while. I used up quite a bit of power making sure you kiddies weren't flung into a star. I'll come back another time. While I'm gone you need to get better at using your powers, my little star spawn. Remember you're my Avatar, so you'll need to ensure my Authority continues to spread. There are always consequences.]

    Consequences for what? Failing? Artem would ask.

    [Who knows~!] The entity rumbled. [But make sure you don't misuse my Authority or else you'll become an Ahriman.] After their warning the starry skies would once again become dim.


    Someone was calling him. He looked over towards his sitting place and noticed there was something on the seat of the throne.


    She was calling him.

    Miki? When he looked back he felt as Bia stepped away from his touch and walked towards the throne, indicating the object. Artem wanted to look, but Miki was calling him. It's okay Bia, I'll grab it soon. Miki! He turned and ran towards the sound.



    Artem's eyes fluttered open, his vision focusing as he was met with the visage of his love standing over him. Miki's hands were gripping his shoulders, ruffling the fabric of his hood as she pulled his upper body off the ground. He felt the strange sense of dangling as he was swayed just above the floor.

    Arty! Her eyes seemed to brighten up, the red hue that was seeping out from around her pupils and into her iris began to pull back. It seems his unconscious state was bringing her a considerable amount of stress.

    Artem pushed to sit himself up under his own strength. When he was able to sit up properly, Miki's grip on the front of his hoodie would begin to loosen. Reaching out Artem would rest his hand on the woman's bare arm. H-hey... I'm awake. What's wrong?

    Iskander noticed Artem stirring from his state and walked over, his clogs shuffling against the hard ground. Hey big guy! You sure took a tumble! You okay? Do - you - remember - who - I - am? He spoke the last part slowly as if trying not to overstimulate the man's mind.

    What the heck are you on about Izzy? Artem looked up and around, realizing they were no longer within the confines of the church, but instead they were in some sort of cavern. He could hear water dripping in the distance and the touch of chill in the air. Where are we? He moved to wrap his arms around Miki, who was glaring back at Iskander, and pulled her to his chest. Artem noticed she had short sleeves and was probably chilly. Miki relaxed in his hold and snuggled into the man's chest.

    Iskander moved to cross his arms over his chest, tilting his head. Wheeeeelll... He hummed. I think we're back home, but not really? Artem made a face at the young man. Throwing out his hands in an animated fashion Iskander would explain his thoughts. Well, remember how we jumped into the portals that snake made?!

    Vaguely. Artem rubbed the side of his head. Honestly I remember going in, but coming out? Not so much. I was dreaming or something. It was the best he could describe that simulacrum of a dream. He was fully aware it was some sort of mental state that he didn't have a means to describe to himself or others, so he kept quiet about it.

    Oh Arty! Miki looked up at him, moving to shift in his lap, but found he wouldn't loosen his hold around her so she ended up hugging him more tightly. When we fell you ended up beneath all of us and broke the fall. You've been out for hours.

    That would explain why my ass is wet. Artem looked down at the cold ground. It was a stony surface that had some patches of wet from pools of water that regularly flowed through the cave system. He moved to stand, Miki stepping up with him, but she would quickly reattach herself to her lover's warmth, snugging him tightly and burying her face against the fabric of his shirt. But go on, why do you think we're back home? I don't remember there being any caves...

    Iskander opened his mouth. What do you mean you don't remember there being any caves!? What about the time we went spelunking in that—

    We made an oath never to speak of that, thus that event has been eliminated from the timeline. Artem stated flatly, staring at Iskander with an unamused expression. Miki glanced up at Artem, her thin brow arching up in curiosity.

    Fair enough. Iskander held up a hand in apology. My point is we have the Dungeons. The Therian looked across from where they were and pointed towards what looked to be some animals in the distance. Canidtaur. He'd note. There's only one place you can find those.

    Canidtaur? Miki would repeat, looking over to the scaled creatures. They had the appearance of a canine, but were covered in scales and had a snapping muzzle much akin to a sarcosuchus. Why does that sound familiar? The Vampir questioned.

    Because! Artem suddenly barked out, his voice echoing a bit, causing the Canidtaur to turn up their heads from their snuffling. Opps, I mean... He lowered his voice. Because it was in that big report on the news that there were explorers who were actually able to make it to the door to the second floor, but there was some activity in the volcano there and they decided to depart. That was when they said that the Dungeons are probably not from our world. He remembered the broadcast and had been super into it, watching it with Reese and Malcolm.

    Right! Iskander pointed at Artem, throwing a finger gun and sucking his tooth in pleasure. That means we're back on Tethys. This is the Mirrored Mire! Iskander turned towards the Canidtaur who seemed to be leaving the area, the noisy people were a bit too much for the isolated pack. Let's follow them!

    What? Miki questioned. Why? Those are predators!

    So are you. Artem and Iskander rebutted, to Miki's dismay.

    Iskander shook his head. If we follow them we can find some water that hasn't had Arty's ass in it and maybe some shelter. It's no good being out in the cold all exposed. You guys don't have fur.

    Miki sputtered. B-but, what?! Neither do you!

    What, of course I do! Iskander patted his chest. I'm Therian!

    Miki stared at the man as he turned heel to walk off. Artem would take Miki's hand and follow the tall youth. You don't look like a Therian!

    How rude! Iskander chirped. What do you think Therian's look like?!

    Not giants! I've never seen a Therian so tall! Miki complained, hugging herself to Artem's arm.

    I dunno... Artem tapped his chin. Iskander is the only Therian I know and he's as tall as Reese.

    Reese is huge! Iskander marveled. Not as big as me though! I'm bigger!

    Artem doubted. I dunno I'm pretty sure Reese is bigger.

    Wider, Reese is wider. I'm definitely taller! Iskander complained, proud of his height.

    Miki could only sigh as they continued on.

    Chapter Two

    Iskander Explains it All

    The trio made their way along the path. The Dungeon's paths were wide enough that they could walk side by side, but Iskander was leading with Miki and Artem following behind. He had a visual on the Canidtaur pack so it made sense the man would lead them along. Each step they took hit with a soft echo that caused just enough sound for the Canidtaur to pick up and maintain an awareness of the people following them. The beasts were not afraid though. They had the numbers and power to deter the people. The walls of the cavern were bare of any vegetation. The cavern's passages were wide and winding in such a way that it was hard to tell if they simply just looped around on themselves or went on for miles. The walls themselves were cracked in some places, due to the erosion of the water that dripped from their walls, creating expansion and contraction with the changing of seasons from hot to cold. Wneeri had a full turn of seasons though temperatures never got below freezing in the region. That did not mean there were no instances where depths and altitudes didn't suffer some frost.

    The walls were a deep sandy color with areas of grey and silver painted across in natural striations that were divided by stalactites in a natural work of art. The edges of the cave walls had been encrusted by a natural growth of stalagmites forming crystalline structures that the three didn't recognize. It wasn't quartz, as the cavern was known for, but instead some sort of speleothem, a stalactite that had formed an icy looking surface due to the constant breakdown and restructuring of its minerals. Splashes soon sounded ahead of them as the Canidtaur pack found their way into a narrow stream of water. Iskander, Artem, and Miki came to a stop at the water's edge. It was clear, allowing them to see the surface below. Inside the pools were small, aquatic wildlife that seemed to be amphibious. Seeing that it was safe to traverse they would push forward.

    The ceilings became low, forcing the taller Therian to duck, his knees dipping into the chilly waters. The ripples bounced off the walls and all around due to the movements of both them and the pack creating a mesmerizing array of light. Light was not something they lacked even deep down into the caves as they were. High above this particular expanse of the cave was an open ceiling that exposed them to the night sky. The moon was bright and cast down its light into the passages. The shimmering quartz walls allowed the light to mirror off the surfaces and into its depth. It's that effect that gave the Dungeon its name after all. As they continued to follow the pack it didn't take long for them to arrive at what could only be described as an antechamber. The path opened up into a wider room, the water sounding as if it was draining down into another system. There was a waterfall somewhere, meaning that this particular passage was going down, possibly deeper into the cave. Regardless of that it seemed that this new chamber was a veritable ecosystem in and of itself. A jungle forest had sprouted up from the earth below and the trees rose high above in an attempt to reach out to the sun. The ground, which had been stone, was mostly covered in dirt here. The Canidtaur made their way into the forest and appeared to disappear.

    Huh... Iskander hummed as he looked around. It's a jungle out here!

    Yeah... Artem stepped forward and looked around. But now what? The Canidtaur are gone. He reached up to rub the side of his cheek. It's getting colder. Probably getting closer to late night. Artem looked up and could see how the moon was high above them. It was probably just around ten in the evening.

    Artem's right... Miki turned her gaze to Iskander, who had their back to them. He stood with his hand against his forehead as he looked around the area.

    The ground was not very dense with vegetation. A few bushes and various fauna clung to the trunks of the trees and their roots which tunneled out through the chamber. Along the wall there were some wide edges that served as roosts for some of the plants, allowing vines and ivy to reach as far up as the ceiling of the cave where the skylight let in the sheltered rays of the moon. There, along the lip of the cave, more trees had rooted themselves over a thousand meters off the ground. It created a thin curtain that allowed some areas to be more lit by the moonlight than others.

    There! Iskander seems to have found what it was he was looking for because amidst their searching around he would push to his tiptoes and point. Come on! He hurried along the path originally tread by the Canidtaur. When Iskander began to push through the overgrown shrubs, using his large hands to push away the leaf covered branches, the Canidtaur meandering nearby scattered.

    They would all follow the Therian into what appeared to be a clearing. The clearing was surrounded by the dense jungle foliage and trees. Though it was difficult to see beyond the weave of trees, it left enough of a space that was both guarded, but easy to see anything that would try to intrude on them. It was also well lit thanks to the skylight and provided a sense of safety. While the Canidtaur had yet to attack them, it didn't mean they weren't going to. The beasts were clever predators and only needed an opportunity. The trio would set up a camp for the night. While Iskander and Artem worked on setting up a shelter, which they made of sticks and large leaves, Miki collected twigs for a fire. It took them a little over an hour, but they were able to start their fire and relaxed as a few of the edible nuts and mushrooms they collected roasted over the open flames.

    They had collected some leaves to use as seating, in order to keep their rumps off the cold ground. Artem stared down into the orange flames, listening as they flickered against the background of the ambiance. The leaves rustled in the gentle breeze while insects and frogs cried out at night. For Artem it was a familiar orchestra, a memory from his youth in Nguitchfels.

    Hey Izzy. Artem looked up from the dancing flames, the Therian moments from shoving a skewer full of morels in his mouth. How did you get to Earth? I know I asked you, but it didn't make sense. Iskander slowly closed his mouth over a mushroom and pulled the morsel-filled stick back, carefully sliding the hot shoot into his mouth. You said a witch sent you there, but there's more, right?

    Swallowing, the sable-haired Therian would kick off his clogs, leaning his feet close to the fire to warm his tootsies. Well, yeah there's lots more. Artem motioned his hand, encouraging the man to continue. Well I told you that I was lookin' around. The Witches have been meeting up a lot lately and I thought maybe I could figure out what was going on with the Leylines if I listened in. Followed one of them sent to handle a situation with the newest crack and well, she sent me flying. Something weird happened because the Leyline there wasn't formed right and I was hurtled to another world!

    Miki looked over to Iskander who resumed munching his stick of roasted shoots and shrooms. What do you mean? Leylines can crack?

    Mmhmm! Iskander responded between bites. With a big swallow he pushed down his last bite. I didn't think so either, right? He tossed the empty stick into the fire. But found out that they've been deteriorating. You know CELESTE's human safe spaces and how they destroy Leylines to make 'em?

    Like in North Wneeri? Artem asked.

    Iskander nodded. Yeah, well Leylines don't just stay gone. They're an important part of nature. So when they grow back they are different from the original ones and the more they're broken the stranger they are when they return. They're more tangled and harder to unravel. So it makes magic harder to use. Eventually I think if they do it more, those places won't have magic anymore.

    But— Miki spoke up. There's magic everywhere. How can there just be no more magic somewhere?

    Iskander tapped his chin. You guys heard of a place called Hollowvale?

    Artem reached up and rubbed the back of his head as he glanced to the side. Yeah—my mom's from there.

    Whoa! Iskander barked. Really?! Artem nodded. Then you know! They don't have magic there. Anyone from Hollowvale can't use or see magic. In fact they can't even leave because they get magic sickness around magic.

    Magic sickness...? Artem looked at his friend in confusion. Mom's not sick or anything? I thought they didn't leave the continent because they hate the east?

    I dunno. Iskander said. But that's what I was told by an old Druid. Magic Sickness is rare here, but everyone born in Hollowvale has it. Maybe your mom wasn't born with it? This made Artem wonder. But all I know is the Witches have been trying to hide the fact that CELESTE is risking our Leylines and will eventually make places that don't have any magic. I think the Druid called it Magianan, a magicless domain, but CELESTE calls them Tangible Zones, but they aren't truly magicless. You two were in North Wneeri, right?

    Miki furrowed her brows. She plucked one of the sticks from near the fire and held up the kabob of mushrooms and plant shoots. How did you know...? Iskander pointed at Artem.

    His mom and dad don't like Mythic, North Wneeri's the only college town that has a Tangible Zone. He sets his hands on his knees. The only other place he could have gone was Hollowvale.

    Miki shook her head. Doesn't Hollowvale hate outsiders?

    Artem pointed to himself. My mom's from Hollowvale. That makes me half Hollowvalen. I can go because... He opened his mouth. No one thought I had magic.

    Right?? Iskander snapped his fingers. It's like you are everything your parents didn't want you to be.

    Thanks? Artem made a face at Iskander.

    No problem! The Therian proudly proclaimed. Besides, if you got pushed to a Magianan region we would never have seen you again!

    Miki frowned at this revelation. But now we're in a Dungeon. Aren't these places just pockets of Leylines?

    Iskander tapped his chin. Sort of. They are really dense with Leylines and sometimes that makes their form change. But if we can get through the tangles we should be able to find a portal out.

    Not out the passages? Artem looked off to the side. I don't think I want to go into any more portals.

    Well we don't have much of a choice. Iskander pointed out. Haven't you noticed? Artem and Miki looked over to the man, shaking their heads. Something's trying to trap us in here. I noticed some of the passages disappeared. The Leylines suddenly got denser and closed everything off. I have some magic, but not enough to unravel something so complicated. So we have to find a door out of here.

    Miki frowned. How do you expect to do that?

    Easy! He pointed off. We follow the Canidtaur's in the morning! Artem and Miki gave him strange looks. Think about it. They have to eat, right? There has to be some way out of here or at least closer to a portal. Canidtaur are some of the only predators here. Have we seen their prey? It was at this Miki and Artem understood. They would have to follow them to their hunting grounds to find a way out.

    Are you sure? Miki questioned. What if we just end up finding more caves and their food is there?

    No way! Artem spoke up suddenly. I remember the broadcast! The reason they even found the entrance to the Mire is because they followed some Canidtaur inside. They even found the second floor door because the Canidtaur were nearby!

    See?! Iskander pointed out, only for Miki to sigh.

    Did you even watch the same program? She questioned Iskander.

    Nope! But you worry too much! It would have worked out in the end! So he was just tossing ideas to see what stuck. Miki whined and pressed her hand into her face.

    Well... whatever. Let's just eat and head to bed. Miki felt extra tired for some reason. The boys would cheer and eat their fill. Eventually the trio would retire to the makeshift shelter and sleep for the night, the fire keeping at bay both the cold and curious predators.

    Chapter Three

    Tying up Loose Ends

    Back on Earth the others found themselves having to get along without their visitors. After the incident in front of the Parliament House the Earth found itself having to come to terms with the fact that demons were among them. Many borders were quick to shut down with this threat out in the open, a move that shifted the global economy on its head. Some cities found themselves overrun with violence as people tried to take things into their own hands to hunt down people they believed to be demons in disguise. Hospitals were over capacity and the police force was strained thin. Many countries had to send in their military forces in order to help maintain peace as civil unrest was at its peak. Many criminal organizations took this as an opportunity to traffic weapons and other black market supplies to people who wanted to protect their families. Many were finding the new world order difficult, but some others were adapting quite well...


    Camilla had been at Leonid's side for the entire time he was in the hospital. It had been only a day or two, but everything had left him feeling tired. The Vampir watched as her chosen partner lamented. It was hard to watch him feel so defeated. She wished to comfort him and help him feel more relaxed.

    She was standing by the door, Leo staring off out of the window. It was late in the afternoon so everything seemed to have slowed down within the hospital's halls. The wards were full and many without debilitating conditions were quickly being sent home. Leonid would only be here a few hours longer as his minor surgery had been quickly completed. Turning from where she stood Camilla walked over to his bed side and moved to rest her hand on his knee, which was settled under a blanket. Leo was momentarily startled and looked over to the voluptuous woman. It was hard to ignore that part of her as she leaned it over the side of the bed, pressing her breasts against the side of his arm. He offered a weak smile, unsure what it was that brought her over. Honestly he just wanted to stay in his thoughts. He'd profess he could have done more, but being in the hospital was evidence enough that he couldn’t.

    Are you feeling okay Leo? Honey? Camilla moved her left hand to reach out and touch against his chest.

    Leo smirked and moved his hand to take hold of hers. He didn't want her feeling bad for something that was his fault. He shook his head, though he wasn't sure why she'd worry. He was human and fragile. You seem down. Can I help? There wasn't anything she could do, he felt, so he shook his head.

    It was in that moment he felt her pull her hand away from his, the man smiling softly. Though he was the one that said he didn't need anything he was a little disappointed, but mostly in himself. Camilla drew down her hand along the sheets and began to pull them away from Leo's legs. He was wearing a hospital gown and pants, socks covering his feet to help keep him warm in the chilly room. Leo looked over to her as she pulled herself up to sit on the edge of the bed. It squeaked in protest at the added weight, but the mattress pad would hardly sink in.

    I can help you feel better. Camilla stared into Leonid's eyes, her tone hushed and breathy.

    Before the man could open his mouth to ask the Vampir what she meant he felt her cooler palm touch against his bare stomach, just beneath his belly button. She had tugged up his gown and began to trace her finger from beneath his navel and down along his trail of hair towards the band of his pants. Once there she tugged back the strap and moved her right hand to the side of the pants' fabric and began to tug down. Leonid's hand snapped out and grabbed at her left wrist.

    Now Leonid had a clear choice. He could either refuse the Vampir and push her away, seeing as he had hold of her, or he could let her finish her thought. Though he knew Camilla for a short time it was very clear she was the type of woman who reached out and took what she wanted with little consideration for the consequences. On the other hand with her here and offering something to his strained libido and stressed body and mind he could just as easily accept it. Camilla stared at him. When he grabbed her she stopped, but he didn't keep her from leaning forward and squeezing her breasts with her elbows in a vain attempt to seduce him.

    Leonid exhaled and released her wrist. He turned his head to look towards the side before he raised his hips, helping her tug his pants down past his thighs. Camilla moved to crawl over his legs, hiking up the hem of her skirt, in order to straddle his ankles. Like this she was able to lean forward and pressed her face against his boxers. He felt her hot tongue brush up against the fabric, right over the mound of his sleeping cock. He couldn't help the soft groan that rumbled from his chest, his hands moving on their own as he grabbed the edges of his boxer's bands and pushed down the underwear, exposing himself to the Vampir. She wasted no time and grabbed the base of his member before pulling the rest into her hot mouth.

    Once inside the demon's mouth he found himself shaking, trying his best to keep from thrusting his hips upward. With her mouth wrapped around his cock her flexible tongue slowly brushed along the underside of the semi-flaccid organ quickly working it awake. Leonid felt his mind melting as he quickly became aroused beneath the ministrations of her mouth. The heated feeling that surrounded his dick was nothing short of amazing. He had already been inside of the Vampir and knew well how horny she could be, but something like this just hit differently. That slick muscle was able to trace around his member, teasing the different points, making the whole thing throb with every jump from his heart. Soon he was unable to resist and spread his legs, pushing his hips up, driving his eager cock deeper in her mouth. For a moment he felt the tip of his length hit the back of her throat which she reflexively squeezed around him. He winced as he fought the instinct to throw his head back. He didn't want to unsettle his jaw.

    A loud pop sounded in between his ears when Camilla drew back her lips and sucked dry the hard, bouncing organ. Did you get close Leo? She panted, looking over at the man.

    Leonid could only nod, his right hand moving down between his legs at the Vampir's unfinished work. Wrapping his palm around his rigid shaft he began to massage and pump it with a firm pace.

    Oh no, no. Camilla gently scolded. Don't do that. She reached out to grab hold of his wrist, pulling his hand away from his member. Let me. She would push his arm aside before crawling forward. She was now straddling his lap and moved to rest her left arm around his shoulder and neck. Reaching beneath her skirt she pulled her underwear aside in order to give Leonid access. Right here Leo~ She would coo, leaning her head close to his face so she could whisper into his ear. Just slide inside, I'm already wet.

    Working in tandem with one another they would settle into their positions. Camilla raised her hips before pushing down onto Leonid's lap and sinking herself onto his member. He could feel it. She had not been kidding when she had said she was wet. She slipped on so easily he almost orgasmed from the sudden embrace of her internal muscles. The demoness rolled her hips, squeezing Leonid as she pulled him deep. With her left arm around his shoulder and her right holding onto his forearm she would start bouncing on his lap, satisfying her voracious desire to be connected to him. Whenever she felt his cock drive deeper she only became hungrier for his affections.

    The hospital bed squeaked and creaked. All Leonid could do was hold onto Camilla's hips and thrust up into her whenever she drove down. He fought not to moan out loud or clench his jaws, lest he deepen his injuries. Soon he was panting heavily through his nose and noticed Camilla had buried her face against the crook of his neck, muttering his name and crying out for more. He was at his limit. He grunted audibly and squeezed her hips, indicating to her he was about to cum.

    Ahh, yes Leo! Cum inside! She cried out before pressing her thighs around his, tightening her hold as she slammed down a final time.

    The Vampir would climax, but not before burying her fangs into his neck and piercing his skin. She would sup deeply from his nectar, all the while Leo pumping spurts of semen into her body, painting her insides his color. Leonid groaned in pain when she removed her fangs, the Vampir making sure to lap at his neck, cleaning him of the messy evidence, all the while rolling her hips making sure the other messy evidence between them stayed.

    Ah, Leo's color is inside me... She pressed her hand against his chest while she stared into his eyes. Rest honey... rest... She suggested, using her glamour to weaken his fight and ease him to sleep so he didn't feel pain. When Leonid closed his eyes the woman moved to kiss his neck and relish in their connected bodies. Sometime after she would finally depart from Leo, making sure to lick the man clean before pulling his underwear and pants back up.



    Leonid opened his eyes and glanced over towards Camilla who was standing in the bathroom adjusting herself after their activities. She pursed her lips, brushing back her hair and adjusting her corset, making sure her bosom was perfectly snug in the bustier. Blinking her red eyes Camilla turned her head to look over to where Leonid laid in the hospital bed. She had her hands held up against her chest, part of the way through her preening. She noticed Leonid's gaze and followed it as he turned his eyes to look out towards the window. Stepping out of the bathroom she walked over to the man's bedside and rested her hand on his forearm.

    What's the matter Leo? Camilla understood it was probably difficult for him to be stuck in the hospital for now. His injury would leave him out of immediate action for almost six weeks. You bored honey?

    Leonid winced, trying to turn up his face in his denial of her words, but his jaw was currently sewn shut to help expedite his healing. He had a small pad and pen at his bedside for the purpose of communication. Though he could murmur and say a few things without straining the stitches, his jaw and throat tired quickly as a result. He instead chose to write his responses and limit his speaking until the stitches were removed. Shifting his weight he pulled the table beside him closer, letting it wheel across the ground and settling at his bedside. He scribbled down what he wished to tell Camilla.

    ['Not bored, worried. Did you find the others?']

    Camilla canted her head. Oh, no. It looks like they may have really gone home through those portals, or somewhere. But don't you worry, I'm sure they're safe. They're strong. The vampir assured the tired man.

    Leonid exhaled a heavy sigh, eyeing the woman before he added more to the notepad.

    ['I feel useless...'] He seemed to lament his current position.

    He should have been there and helping them in the fight, instead he had to be taken to the hospital. He would be getting the stitches out today, but it was too little, too late. He was going to continue to write, but Camilla laid her hand over his. She leaned forward, her chest leaning close to his arm.

    Don't say that. You were a lot of help. That relic of yours is super powerful and only you can use it like that Leo. Don't think that way honey. She rubbed his forearm and moved to pull his hand up to the top of her chest, squeezing it down.

    Leonid swallowed and stared at his hand, feeling how warm it was pressed against her pale skin. She pulled it closer, causing his palm to sink in between her breasts. Leo felt a little strange, almost as if he was being corrupted by the demon. But she was still a woman and had been the one to make the first move. He had only followed her lead. His eyes drifted up from the dip of her breasts, his hand nestled in the center of that bustier's treasure, and turned his gaze to focus on her eyes. He let his brows knit together, wordlessly impressing his will to the Vampir.

    Camilla smiled, understanding the sentiment Leonid wanted to share. Was there something more you wanted to do? Leonid's eyes seemed to light up. He pulled his writing hand from her grip, reaching up to give her his other palm, which she gladly accepted and tucked against her chest. He wrote his desire down on the pad.

    ['I want to find that demon.']

    You're right~ She giggled. We should find him. I don't know if he entered the portal with them, but if nothing else let's find out what it was he wanted here. He took on that persona for some reason. She'd think. David and Natalia should know more. How about we go back to the Bathory manor and decide on things?

    Leonid moved to sit up, Camilla was still holding onto his hand, looking at him with an affectionate gaze. Her red eyes really stood out against her pale skin and made her look a bit strange, but living in a time where people wore contact lenses that changed the color of their eyes or folk that got their bodies tattooed and altered with surgery, Camilla hardly stood out. But she was still a demon.

    He nodded to Camilla, agreeing.

    Not long after the couple were on their way back to the manor by way of car, which was driven by the servants of the household. Leonid was sitting beside her in the backseats, the driver separated by way of a small privacy glass that they could roll up and down at their leisure to separate the back compartment. Camilla was holding her phone to her ear, amidst a call with her father.

    Daddy? She held tightly to Leonid's hand, resting their cupped hands on her lap. We're going back to Ion's place okay? Oh yes, I think Arty and the others have gone back home. Mmhmm. Leo had such a good idea to deal with things quickly~! Alright. Bye bye~! She hung up and looked over to Leonid, who had a confused expression. Don't be that way. It was your idea. You said we should find out who that demon was, right? We would have just left it be because he's gone, but just because he's gone, like, that doesn't mean we don't have problems because of him, right? Leonid nodded in agreement. Good!

    It didn't take long for them to return to the manor and Ion called everyone together to discuss the matter. Settling in the dining room they would roll out some tea and sweets in order to discuss their business. Ion sat at the head of the table and looked beside him to his left where Camilla sat with Leonid. On his right where David and Natalia sat, among other members of the clan either in a seat or standing around chatting. Clearing his throat Ion would call the attention of the house members.

    So Lady Camilla, please tell us what has you so concerned? According to David and Natalia the demon left through the portal with our visitors.

    Camilla smiled warmly and took a deep breath. Well, like I get that, but Ion, don't you think it'll be a big problem now that those cults don't have a boss? Shouldn't we make sure the other Therianthrope clans don't get some funny ideas about stepping out of line?

    Ion rubbed his chin and would nod. You are right. We don't know how much this demon unsettled our social structures. We should talk to Pteronious. He is still in the dungeon. If we can get him to cooperate that would bring a few packs to our side.

    David would then speak up. I was discussing this with Natalia, but we should also find out what types of rumors that demon spread with his propaganda. If it spurred a pack's leader into joining a senseless cult, there's no telling what else they said to get others to participate in this dissent.

    Right. Natalia agreed. What was his end goal? What was he plotting? Just to summon that snake? I feel as if there has to be something more.

    Ion hummed. I agree. Lady Camilla, I will handle speaking to Pteronious and you can return home. We wouldn't want the count to think we are unable to manage our own territory. Camilla tilted her head slightly and looked over to Leonid who would nod.

    Mmm okay~! Sounds good! Camilla cheerfully agreed. When I go home I'll be waiting on your call on the news! Though she sounded like she was in a good mood, Camilla was outright threatening and demanding results. Even Leonid could feel the killing intent radiating off her. Come on Leonid, honey~ She reached down to take his hand and moved to stand, Leonid following her steps. He gave her a curious look. Oh we'll go home and I'll cook you something nice that you can eat even with your jaw like that! Ahh~ I'll get to spoil you like a real wife! She giggled and would leave the manor.

    Natalia looked over to David. W-will Leonid be okay?

    David opened his mouth before closing it. He shook his head. I always assumed Camilla wasn't interested in men. She's ... older. He'd offer with no direct indication as to Camilla's true age.

    Yeah.... Natalia wasn't sure what attracted a powerhouse like Camilla to Leonid, but they weren't afraid of Camilla for no good reason.

    Rumors didn't do justice to the terror that was the Princess of Bane.

    Chapter Four

    Seats of Power

    Several hours later Camilla would arrive with Leonid back in Kyiv. It was already late in the evening, but still the city was as busy as usual. The sudden knowledge of demons seemingly had no effect on the bustling city, leaving things to progress as usual. It wasn't out there to say that many had already been experiencing these supernatural encounters as many events had befallen earth in the past few days. In the Western world there was an increase in the sightings and dangerous encounters with cryptids that usually kept to themselves. In Kyiv it was everything as usual as even at night this city didn't seem to sleep. Disembarking from the car Camilla turned to the driver to thank him for his time. It was a long drive back to Bucharest, but it was best to get the couple back to their base of operations in order to align their efforts with the involved clans. After the car drove off Leonid and Camilla made their way down into a familiar alley. There they entered from side doors, into the nightclub. The side door led them into a hall that was a greater part of the backrooms of the club. Normally this hall was used by the staff coming and going from the kitchen to the dining room. As soon as they stepped inside they could feel the rhythmic thrumming of the bass against the soles of their feet, bleeding from the door leading into the club. The quiet murmurs of voices could be heard in the main hall as people danced the night away, the flashing lights flooding in from beneath the door.

    Camilla led Leonid through the familiar halls and into the side passage. The side passage was reserved for Ordog's men so when Camilla stepped in with Leonid the two men guarding the passage stood at attention right when they entered. They wore dark suit jackets and dark trousers held up with belts where their guns were holstered.

    Lady Camilla, we weren't expecting you back! One called, the woman raising her hand to give a gentle wave.

    Have you seen daddy? The woman had a rather diminutive way of speaking that often pushed aside worries people picked up upon meeting her, but it was always a better idea to go with one's first instinct. Despite the bubble-headed demeanor and casual attitude there was something about the Vampir that made her kin cautious.

    The men looked at each other before turning their attention back to the woman. Yes ma'am. He's in his office. We'll keep an eye on the huma—

    Come on honey! She would giggle and tug on the man's hand, pulling him along.

    Leo couldn't argue back, not that he could say much in this situation. Even if he did it wasn't as if he had much of a choice with Camilla involved. She had become surprisingly forward with him in the last few days. Was she always like this towards him? When Artem was with them she acted like just one of the guys. The two guards watched as they departed, unable to do anything. Though they had worked with Leonid and Artem for a month in, it was still difficult for them to accept a human as their kind have always been a danger to the well being of their community as a whole. But it had been Ordog who accepted them and Camilla who kept an eye on the men thereafter.

    There was soon a knock at Ordog's office. The large man was sitting behind his desk, hunched over his phone and taking physical notes on the side. Come in. He glanced up, a bit taken aback by the interruption. When the door opened to reveal his youngest daughter at the threshold he moved to stand. Camilla! I didn't think you were back already! He walked around the desk towards the woman. Camilla released Leonid's hand and threw herself into her father's embrace as the man seemed to spoil her through way of head pats and cheek pinches. If nothing else the man seemed to be a doting father. It was surprising just how similar to humans they were, but far be it for Leonid to accept it so easily. They acted upon their desires in ways humans would not, should not. Come, let's talk. He would release the woman and return to his desk.

    Camilla quickly grabbed hold of Leo, as if he would escape, and pulled him towards the desk where there were two seats for them to settle in. Ordog watched Leonid with a glimmer of annoyance painting his features, but perhaps it was just imagined. Ordog was a serious fellow and even as a human he had a monstrous visage that was hard to ignore. His deep brows framed his inhumanely dark, red eyes and his square jaw was a nest of teeth and fangs that were bound by his muscular neck that seemed to flex whenever his jaw tensed. Even without his monster form, something about Ordog screamed danger to Leonid, a feeling he was unable to shake even after a month of working for the man.

    I just got off the phone with Ion. Ordog looked between the two. Camilla clapped her hands together, glad to see her words weren't for naught. Though he hasn't convinced the old wolf to come to a consensus, we've decided that it is best to set up someone to fill that empty seat the Doppelganger left behind. The demon was wearing a human's skin, though we haven't found out exactly what faction this human was from. Ion said he admitted to being from another world, but that doesn't change the fact he had to somehow gain some influence while here in that disguise. Until we can track down who was following him and hone in on his allied factions we agreed to send David and Natalia into the packlands as David has exceptional transformation skill.

    Leonid tried to open his mouth, but winced as he turned his head to the side. Before he was able to reprimand himself he felt a warm touch on his knee. Looking over, Camilla was smiling at him. She turned to look back to her father, her bright red eyes blinking with excitement.

    That's great daddy, but who are the people in the packlands we're after and will they listen?

    Ah, Ordog murmured. That's right, you don't know them. They are mostly in western Europe with one pack being in the Mediterranean. There are four in total: The Lycaon Pack in Macedonia currently run by Iroas Theodoridis. The Sol pack that Pteronious Sol runs here in the east. The Bedburg pack in Germany led by Fritz Stumpf and the Faoladh Pack in Ireland, though we don't have information who the current leader is. During this incident infighting started in the pack so its current leader is unknown... He would explain.

    That's a lot more packs than I thought... Camilla tapped her chin with her free hand, her left still resting on Leonid's knee. But we just need to make sure those packs aren't following the demon's lies! Right honey? When Camilla looked over to Leonid the man felt himself shiver, the glare Ordog threw his way subtle, but obvious from the way he felt heat on his skin. Slowly turning his attention towards Ordog, Leonid would confirm his suspicions. The man was staring at him, his chin resting on the back of his hands, elbows resting on the table. Daddy! Ordog slowly blinked before turning his eyes towards Camilla who pouted at him.

    The elder Vampir curled his lip, turning his head to the side. Fine, fine. He sat back, clearing his throat. We shall wait on their word before we take action. I would rather put someone in power than have to intervene on the packs. They are our allies and with them we are able to keep the peace between the other factions of demons and supernaturals. Ordog glanced over to Leonid. Let's just hope your little friends are having an easier time, hmm? Leonid did feel a little worried about Artem, but that guy was surprisingly adaptable. Very well... He sighed. We shall leave it in their hands for now. For now you two retire to bed. I am sure the journey was a long one. Ordog would stand and usher the pair out.

    The next day Natalia and David were sent out into the capital to find out how far the false Reishi's propaganda had spread. Unfortunately for Natalia it was a scorcher of a day. Because of the hot morning sun the pale-skinned Vampir was forced to wear a cloak and carry a parasol in order to fend off the sun's rays. The cloak was a deep blue with gold trim along its collar and hem. There appeared to be a starlight design speckled along the bottom edge of the body, running up part way along the back, stopping before it reached the neck. The parasol was a dull yellow and held close over her body in order to cast a strong shadow around her whole person. Though David was better off than his companion, it was still difficult so he had decided on wearing a long sleeved shirt, and jeans so that there was as much of his skin covered as was possible. His shirt was a pale red and his jeans a faded blue. They headed out towards Unirii Square which was located along the Dambovita River.

    They had rode the bus down to the metro station and gotten off near the Unirea Shopping Center. They wanted to make sure they got into contact with as many people as possible and it was easy to find both the human and demon population in this one spot.

    This is strange. David looked around, tucking his hands into his pockets. Currently the man was not wearing his face, but that of another. With white hair and brows that were pulled up, he had a narrow jawline that made him look extremely youthful and like he was part of some of the gangs in the area.

    Natalia sighed, feeling tired from the heat. She peered out from under the parasol, up at the taller man. What do you mean strange? It seems like another hot summer...

    David reached up to rub the side of his head, feeling a little sheepish towards the fact he wasn't having as much difficulty as the woman beside him. I mean this. When did the city start to change that the demons move around during the day? Looking around Natalia would try and get a sense of what it was David meant.

    Taking a moment to observe her surroundings it was quite clear what it was the man meant. By their features alone many of the shoppers were not human. Their horns protruded, their scales showed, and their tails bobbed as if it were just another tattoo or outrageous style of clothing. Some would get cursory glances from passersby while those in an older generation seemed to admonish their present company for being the epitome of blasphemy as the country was quite conservative and close to their religious roots.

    I remember taking Stela to school one day and noticing that the younger Vampir were already out and about despite how hot it was. They were in full regalia too...

    David canted his head. Gang colors?

    Hardly. Natalia rebuffed. Streetwear. Sneakers, chains, caps, you know? David nodded in understanding. I don't know David. Do you think this was part of that plan? They knew he was a Vampir, however fake, and were open to speak. Why have they never spoken with us?

    David sneered. Probably because our leader is a former warlord, no? He'd surmise. No matter how you think about it, even if he is a national hero, a legend, the man was dangerous and he is not one to take orders and humans like to order others around. Even their smartest animals, they have to entertain them with treats.

    Natalia frowned, nodding. It was a shame that they missed that opportunity because of the Reishi doppelganger, but they were going to find out today what it was that man promised everyone. Natalia blinked and pointed. Over there David. Natalia was good at sensing their kind from up close, unlike Ion who could do so from greater distances. Ion had been the one to tell them this area would be where they could find other Vampir.

    David looked up and took notice of the small group of youths standing around a radio listening to music while they chatted over iced drinks. With his features altered to make his connection to the Bathory house a secret, David would approach the group.

    Hey. David raised his hand in greeting, nodding his head. The Vampir looked up from their music. By the looks of it they were a bit covered up with their long sweatshirts and wide brim caps. Any of you heard of Reishi?

    The moment David spoke the man's name the youths seemed to startle. Some raised their hands up and backed away, while another turned off the radio and pretended to go through his collection of discs. One of the young Vampir walked up close to David and leaned in.

    Yo man, we don't want trouble. Didn't you hear that the Bathorys are backin' Reishi's gang up. You don't wanna get mixed up with that. Should go do your own thing man. Heard they sided with the government and were gunna cull us freeroamers, despite the family having promised we could be free as long as we followed the Dragon's rules. Freeroamers is what they called Vampir groups who were smaller and didn't affiliate with larger clans.

    Is that what you heard...? David was troubled by this information. The youth patted his shoulder before turning his head to the others. They decided to depart from the area for now. After they scattered, Natalia approached David. Something's not right... Natalia nodded in agreement. We should head back and tell Ion before we deal with the packs...

    Chapter Five

    A Vampir by Any Other Name

    Soft, peculiar sounds had been emanating from Camilla's bedroom for many hours since early that morning. Her room was located just above the dance floor, within the nightclub's facility. During the night the noises could have easily been mistaken for the heavy beats that drummed from the bass, but so early in the morning there were few things it could have been mistaken for were there curious ears to befall the rhythmic din and lascivious sounds.

    Ahn ~! Leo! Camilla's voice was deeply muffled by the surrounding structures, ensuring her a measure of privacy in her room.

    The humble lodgings itself was a large space that had enough room for Camilla's bed and some simple furniture. At the south end of the room was a small couch that sat beneath a long window. The window was shielded by a heavy, crimson red velvet curtain that forestalled the morning light from penetrating the space. A simple vanity sat against the west wall. A makeup

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