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Seduced by my Best Friend
Seduced by my Best Friend
Seduced by my Best Friend
Ebook29 pages18 minutes

Seduced by my Best Friend

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A very public display of affection….

A trip to a vintage vibrator museum in San Francisco leaves Sari trembling for her best friend, Mandy.

Release dateApr 3, 2024
Seduced by my Best Friend

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    Book preview

    Seduced by my Best Friend - M. J. Ames

    A very public display of affection....

    A trip to a vintage vibrator museum in San Francisco leaves Sari trembling for her best friend, Mandy.

    Seduced By My Best Friend

    San Francisco.

    The thought of the city calls up images of painted Victorian ladies, Alcatraz, and the Bay. In twenty minutes, we’ll be boarding our plane and heading west. It can’t come soon enough for me. I am in dire need of a break in the action.

    My best friend, Mandy, and I had been looking forward to this trip for some time. It was a getaway, of sorts, an escape from the regularly scheduled humdrum. We worked two blocks away from each other in downtown St. Louis and frequently used our lunch hours to scour websites of the city looking for things to do while there. We’d schemed for months to accumulate enough vacation days and cash, to make the trip a reality.

    I was most interested in getting out of this land-locked, Midwest city for a few days and playing tourist along the coast—you know, China Town, the Golden Gate Bridge, Fisherman’s Warf, and of course, sucking in a lot of salty ocean air and scarfing down seafood. Mandy, on the other hand, who is more the free spirit type, had investigated every inch of the Haight-Ashbury district via Google aerial maps and more, and couldn’t wait to do something even naughtier than usual. The bohemian in her beckoned. I suppose she needed to scratch that itch.

    Anyway, we eventually

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