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Proximity Factor
Proximity Factor
Proximity Factor
Ebook247 pages2 hours

Proximity Factor

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About this ebook

Meet Cynthia Austin, a brilliant 32-year-old PhD neurologist whose career has taken her to the forefront of high-security scientific experimentation within the US Pentagon's Air Force Division.


Recently promoted to Scientific Project Manager to report and evaluate DARPA's most classified projects, she finds herself thrust into the intrigue and cutting-edge world of arctic region scientific research.


Assigned to evaluate a mysterious project gone wrong in the remote community of Gakona, Alaska, Cynthia soon discovers an global experiment with dystopian consequences. Fighting against rogue scientists, human experimentation, mind control and hallucinations. Her investigations uncover a plan to bring our government, institutions and environment— to an end as we know it. Only to open it up to other worlds.


Cynthia must quickly evolve her strategy and tactics, and transform herself from a diligent professional—into a force to be reckoned with.

In "Proximity Factor," Cynthia Austin's gripping tale of workplace corruption, murder and betrayal will keep you on the edge of your seat until the very end. Will she uncover the truth before it's too late? Will she and her friends be able to stop it, fix it and survive? Or will she find herself, and the rest of us, permanently ensnared in a future she does not know, or want.

PublisherS S Jung
Release dateMay 1, 2024
Proximity Factor

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    Book preview

    Proximity Factor - S S Jung

    Chapter 1

    We are all just spirits having a human experience

    The seasonal Blood Moon on this cool, crisp night is more likely to be spent on personal and spiritual endeavors than discussing the usual farming issues. One family prepares to mine their child's past looking for events and actions that added to the cultural, scientific, and social enlightenment.


    It’s almost twilight, when is Terif going to join us, said Nickod. He was the circle leader for tonight’s gathering, leading his brother Terif, a youngling, through his first past life regression.

    A common right-of-passage ceremony for families getting ready to introduce their children to the clan’s society and governance.

    Nickod was well known to have started the movement that replaced the handshake greeting with the hug in one such regression. He was a powerful man and frequently complimented that he gave exceptionally good hugs.

    He bragged that he discovered this tradition change in his first past life regression. As he often said to new dinner guests, This is the best way to give a greeting hug. You grasp the other with both hands and pull them close. Then warmly tighten your arms around them. If they are taller than you, lean the side of your head against their chest and hold it there until you can hear their heart beating.

    Nickod continued, If you are taller than the other person you can lift your head so the crook of your neck and lower chin rests on the top of their head. Eventually this greeting famously replaced the handshake and became part of the cultural norms. Making Nickod the most sought-after circle leader of all the clans.

    He always adds, You know you’ve done it right when you still feel the person’s warmth minutes after breaking the embrace.

    Terif added, after arriving late as usual, And if you touch heart-to-heart, you make a forever connection.

    With everyone here and ready, Nickod said. Let’s begin the ceremony!

    Chapter 2

    The Rite-of-Passage Ceremony


    The rest of the onlookers walked in followed by their personal cats. While the family lay down on their mats, each of their cats sat beside them.

    Here cats choose humans for life.

    Aman the father of the family was next to his wife Iscca to his right.

    Their other children, Stem, Wave, and Genia rounded out the circle wearing white robes. Terif was sitting cross-legged in the middle. He was not wearing a white robe, to match his black cat.

    Nickod began the process to release the family's spirits, who would guide Terif's past life regression.

    He began chanting,

    Sat Nam

    Sat Nam

    He chanted it slowly, over and over, to relax everyone on their mat. The chanting created a steady stream of sound entering the family's bodies. They knew this was their prompt to progressively relax from their head to their toes to reach full relaxation. Nickod chanted over and over releasing the spirits from their bodies.

    Ek Ong Kar Sat Gur Prasad

    Sat Gur Prasad Ek Ong Kar


    Until a vortex of energy and brightly colored lights swirled around Terif, as he entered a trance in his meditative position.

    Nickod spoke to the spirits-lights, "We are here to travel in time and place to witness Terif's spirit journey. Events which uniquely contributed and grew our culture and society, as well as add to Terif's aura."

    He spoke softly to Terif, Where have the spirits take you Terif, in this past life regression?

    I am swimming in an ocean with many fish, and I feel one with them, he whispered.

    Nickod’s intuition suggested that it was not quite the correct time or place. We'll try again Terif, he said shifting on his mat. The vortex swirled faster, and the lights grew brighter. Where are you now Terif?

    I am in a great stadium, lecturing a large audience of students, said Terif.

    The place is correct, but not the right epoch, said Nickod. Try again. Terif, felt warmth from the lights and energy from the spirits, and said, I am in a region of cold, ice, and snow. Nickod’s intuition peaked, and he asked, What do they call it there? Terif paused and replied, I don't know how to say it. Then spell it for us Terif.

    A l a s k a

    Aye, aye, aye, aye, yes! Where do we go? Who are you called there? said Nickrod. I am Cynthia Austen, replied Terif. It is Earth, USA in the year 1999 of the 20th century.

    "We have found it," Nickod announced to the family and onlookers, as they all clapped together.


    Now let's continue the ceremony, rejoiced Nickod.

    Speak Terif, tell us of your wonderful sights, sounds, feelings, and actions. As together we watch your journey unfold with our third eye!

    Chapter 3

    The Journey

    Time: 1999 The last year of the 20th century

    Place: HAARP Scientific Research Base

    Gakona, Alaska. It is positioned in the Chitina district in the center of Copper Valley, Alaska. Snowfall averages 61 inches (1.55 m) per year. It is the location of DARPA's HAARP research project for the U.S. Department of Defense who I, Cynthia Austen, work for as a scientific project manager.

    The reason for the assignment here didn't surprise me much. Especially after reading the on-boarding files, reports, and newspaper articles during the flight. Just another high-concept, big-budget project causing lots of, issues, budget overruns, and other difficulties. But why did the Pentagon send me? My PhD is in neurology. I collected my luggage at the Juno Alaska terminal. It was after 9 p.m., still light out though. I looked for someone to meet me, but after the small crowd thinned, there was nobody waiting around. Not a good start, Cynthia, I said to myself.

    I called a cab from the information desk and described where I wanted to go. Not fully awake, a driver named Alma Qaunnaaluk, a local, motioned for me to come over and greeted me. Yeah, I'm sure I pronounced that five different ways as we talked. Oh, he knew the location; his dad had been fired from there months ago, after the recent incident at one of the dormitories. Yes, he was more than happy to describe the ruckus. Did I listen much? No.

    I pulled out my sketch pad and drew what I saw—the area stretched for miles. I'v seen some weird projects, but this is at the top of my list.


    One of the reports in the packet was a description of HAARP, and Qaunnaaluk asked me to read it to him. "The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) was initiated as an ionospheric research program jointly funded by the Air Force, the US Navy, the University of Alaska Fairbanks, and DARPA the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency."

    Its original purpose was to analyze the ionosphere and investigate the potential for developing ionospheric enhancement technology for radio communications and surveillance. As a university-owned facility, HAARP is a high-power, high-frequency transmitter array. As he kept driving, I told him the press reports claimed something had gone awry. He agreed and said that was probably why I was sent here. He also said I would see him again. It was starting to sound a little ominous, and all I wanted was to get to the base.


    He said this was his second job and was primarily a reporter. He frequently wrote about the base's construction, accidents, and phenomena for the local newspaper. I listened as the road wound around the base in concentric circles as we descended to the facility's entrance. It took well over half an hour to go around the base, and each time around I was able to make a sketch. Yea Qaunnaaluk kept talking, and I was not answering much. Curious, he wanted to see the sketches, so I held them up, and I offered to give him one if he liked.

    As we got closer to some dorms.


    The cost of the ride was more than I expected and took longer too. But I paid him with a tip and offered him the portrait sketch. He seemed amused but did not take it. Finally, he unloaded my bags and insisted on carrying them to the entrance.


    Chapter 4


    It was getting dark and snowing at the employee entrance, and it was only early September. I was talking to the guard, while I waited for the next transport. I guess no one goes out to HAARP by taxi much, he said. I told him no one picked me up at the airport. He said he wasn't surprised. Finally, I transferred to a base vehicle heading out to the research building and was escorted into the main base for my first assignment meeting. Nope, not a bit nervous look at this place.


    Ed Seeding was already there at the sign-in desk. He was my original interviewer for this position, and he requested my transfer. Let me show you around Cynthia, said Ed, picking up from our last conversation. Ed, this building? It looks like an abandoned parking garage, only creeper.

    Probably just the weather today, Cynthia, on a nice sunny day it looks just fine.

    Ok then... I need to finish fixing this cup of coffee; I'm not used to this weather, replied Cynthia.

    Ed continued. Sure, HAARP is very interested in applying your theories here as soon as possible.

    Well, that may be, Ed, but I am primarily here to evaluate this project's performance for DARPA. They are getting quite a few reports of misguided science, and the press I am reading is quite disturbing.

    Ed’s phone began to ring, and he signaled to his assistant that he would have to leave. This is Dr. Wess Ross, Cynthia. Maybe he can go over this with you. Welcome to the base, Cynthia, said Ed as he disappeared down one of the many long corridors.

    Call me Wess, Cynthia. Almost everyone on this research project is a doctor of something, including you, so no need to include that title when addressing anyone here.

    Good, said Cynthia. I am not in the habit of calling PhDs doctors.

    Of course, who likes doctors, laughed Wess. Ed and I read your paper on Proximity and Neuroscience.

    Cynthia replied. Yes, it's the effect of one's environment on the brain, behavior, and perception.

    So, one simple example of proximity I see frequently, continued Wess. I've sometimes noticed when my car's at the shop and the mechanic is looking strangely at me because it's not acting up anymore, and I can’t understand why it seems okay now, said Wess.

    Cynthia noddingly agreed, I have noticed some things like that on occasion too. Like our IT support. I've called, opened tickets for all kinds of problems with upgrading to Windows 98. The browser doesn't work, and the printer doesn't print. But when someone gets there, it works fine! Then they just look at me like I'm wasting their time. Why, is that part of the proximity phenomenon you are interested in Wess?

    Wess answered, Maybe, what is your definition of the proximity factor Cynthia?

    "Proximity is part of gestalt psychology. It's how we interpret and

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