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My Author Tom
My Author Tom
My Author Tom
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My Author Tom

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Aire's Tom Thunder types a fictionalized story of himself on his own on a laptop inspired by his wife Victoria's typing as an author.

PublisherBeth Hoyer
Release dateApr 4, 2024
My Author Tom

Beth Hoyer

I'm currently owned by a cat who considers me hers.I love to type stories on my computer for hours.I like the science fiction fantasy genre with romance thrown in it when it comes to my stories.I like to take hikes through forests snapping photos to use as my covers for my stories.I'm an aspiring author of science fiction fantasy.

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    My Author Tom - Beth Hoyer

    My Author Tom

    Edenia Series Aire

    By Beth Hoyer 2024

    Tom Thunder is named the name as his identity as publicity he’s known including other names planet side in Aire serving the planet’s ruling group the High Council leader of Airians.

    He had whined repeatedly to his wife I’m not an expert typist.

    Tom was told as said from her Learn as you go practice and type. This is how I practiced and learned myself. You keep at it you’ll get there enough to avoid this frustration.

    Tom typed this story corrected by wordy program on laptop computer involving grammar and mistakes he forced himself to correct. He’s the author of this fictionalized story as he himself typed begins with a true event of his life. Tom tried on the slip-on shoes onto his feet his wife Missus Victoria Thunder gave him, he found fit him better. Tom out of disgust threw the previous paired slip-on shoes towards the wall of their main room in their residential two-bedroom apartment that thudded when hit then sliding to the floor with thumps.

    Victoria’s humph sounded he heard as she said, I see we need to work out how to throw away refusing items than throwing at the walls.

    He groaned recalling his bad habit of throwing items he didn’t want at the walls Victoria kept trying to get him to quit. Tom went to his thrown shoes he threw and dumped them into an empty packaged box.

    He spoke Refuse for recycling my old shoes?

    She sighed and took them out of the box then tried the shoes onto her feet showing they fit her fine.

    Victoria said, I’ll wear them for they fit me I could use an older pair for relaxing than socks on feet.

    He eyed the floor he saw looked metallic shiny gleaming and to be cold to the touch by barefoot for her despite his bare feet were fine he agreed with her.

    Tom got from Victoria Go type that memory down according to Merry sounded into mind your about to get.

    Merry was a female Meritanian rosebush potted plant that could sentient think telepathically like mind walking communication humanoid like.

    He groaned Oh.

    Victoria took him to the spare bedroom as declared to her specifications the office where she set up a spare laptop.

    She told him This is for you to use to type anything you want while I use my own laptop.

    Victoria thrust the spare laptop onto his lap while he was sitting into the padded armchair.

    She said Type.

    Tom was thinking I don’t know what to type.

    Merry he heard into his mind sounded female mental voice nearly adult like but childish tones as said, Talk about what you know using situations and imagined situations. So, start your story starting with waking up by someone treating the character with rudeness about something.

    Tom obeyed to type what his mind was giving him he realized from Merry’s snickering That’s to make you think.

    He typed with him waking up from a sleeping status. He came to find himself was lying onto the sidewalk in front of the house residence of the identified sex slaves’ leader the whoremaster while clad in clothes. The clothes felt uncomfortable, pants that aggravated him and a skinned tight tee shirt like top he arranged himself while lying onto the grassed ground intending to sleep.

    You’re not sleeping there you to get up! He obeyed to open his eyes he blaring Who are you? Who am I?

    The voice was a female wearing an open accessed flared revealing dress nearly baring breasts’ nipples that just needed lowering to flash at people.

    She was a sex slave that sneered at him said Get out of here out of my territory with your sexing junk.

    He recalled the naming sound of Tom into his mind including knowledge of himself named Mindbender flashing into his mind.

    Tom thought to himself Yes this is right for me I’ll take as my identity.

    Tom felt sexualized urges at the time he went to find a way of easing his sexing urges.

    He spotted the familiar female sex slave baring her nipples with her breasts preening in the street Sex me handsome!

    Tom grabbed her by the arms and tried to thrust his mouth onto her nipples that were able to grab hold of sensitive part through the pants.

    He brainless said Sex me.

    He obeyed her to let go of her to let her zip his pants down. This followed by female managed to get her mouth onto his private he felt a feel-good feeling from her mouthing.

    Sex me! he said brainless.

    The female once she managed to get him brained sexualized handcuffed him to a fence in front of a housing residence said belonged to the whoremaster.

    Whoremaster seeing him as said Yes this’ll do for slavery capture him.

    The female sex slave left him alone as she said, You’re not receiving services from me or touching me without coin money paid.

    He was left handcuffed to the fence feeling good from the sexualized ritual him blaring Sex me!

    One of the sex slaves found him handcuffed to the fence for as said I knocked him out to spare his crazy like behavior roaring for sex.

    The sex slave at another time found him still handcuffed there poured water over his form by bottle that took away his sexualized feel-good urges he groaned Ooh!

    Tom admitted I’m humiliated from this situation I clueless what sex involved.

    The sex slave freed him from handcuffs and kicked him into the private making him groaned Ouch!

    He managed to zip his pants up to cover himself then got from the sex slave Get out of here and take your sexual territory out of my space!

    He managed to get his wits by thunders thundering in the sky with lightening flashing an elementals’ fury storm making him get a door into his mind Mindbender the Berserker.

    The door made him open it sliding style mentally by command Berserker forwards!

    Tom got nothing into his mind involving what the Berserker was involved but he managed to will that aside Berserker away!

    I’ve got to sex but I got to see what this is involved. He thought out of curiosity started spying onto sex slaves thinking What are they doing involving sex? What is this slavery involved?

    He saw a male going up to a sex slave the familiar female I pay you to relieve me of this itch.

    The male handed the female the coin who pocket the money into her waist purse a fanny pack then got them both behind the house of the whoremaster he watches from a rosebush identified as a Meritanian before he knew of them while in hiding. He saw the female managed to free the male’s sensitive part from his pants then adjusted her dress indicated a holey opening between her legs.

    She sunk herself onto the male’s private who gasped Ooh that’s good!

    She gripped his shoulders and did a rocking motion followed by pulling apart leaving the male lying there brainless gasping ignorant he was exposed with private seen for anyone to view.

    She snickered Hah so long john! and walked away going back to her street to resume her sexing slavery preening like baring her breasts’ nipples she flashed at people saying, Sex me handsome!

    Tom recalling the memory was recalling this heard a voice howl at him Wake up!

    Tom woke up alone in his one room studio apartment. He appeared to have fallen asleep while taking a nap on his couch’s bed, his hand onto his private he was rubbing obnoxiously. He woke up feeling like he was wired enough to punch and sex someone literally like but got up adjusting the couch’s bed to resume its seat to practice his come to his mind karate’s movements instead.

    Tom admitted The Berserker’s gift gave me ideas to practice karate I found I was a natural with the movements and limber enough to kick a face with a foot.

    He went to the window to peer at the fading Mother Sun with darkness arriving of the pinpricks of stars shining with Moraine shining brighter.

    That’s an enough go lie down! he got from the familiar voice the resident building’s computer sounded.

    He obeyed to have the couch form a bed and fell asleep.

    Tom woke up gasping No! as the rising sunlight glared through the windows indicated Mother Sun was taking a new journey.

    Tom snarled Not again!

    He was gripping his neck, he felt was bare of chain from the dream of himself treated like a slave’s wearing a chain around his neck forced to crawl onto his hands and feet with knees bent he treated like a creature than a humanoid being. Tom recalled once the female slave finished her work onto the male sexing him, he went to get up only to find the familiar sex slave that woke him up from the fence behind him blowing a dart that hit his front knocking him out.

    He woke up naked chained by water pouring onto his face to meet the whoremaster as titled female said, You obey me or else or I’ll torture you for your mine to do what I please.

    Tom kept on begging repeatedly Free me!

    The whoremaster refused by her said You to continue to beg me for freedom and I’ll free you.

    He begged whenever he saw her in the room Free me.

    She said, Not begging enough.

    He after frustration of refusals started snarling comment whenever he saw her Bug off!

    The whoremaster said, Your language is inappropriate no freedom till you wash your mouth.

    She even had the familiar sex slave female arrive at the room she ordered Do what you want to this slave. You slave to cooperate or no freedom.

    The sex slave managed to grab his private he felt sexing urges hitting him Woo sex me!

    She mouthed the sensitive part sucking and licking then rubbed him up and down with her hands making him feel tense like he needed to burst something from within him. The female managed to get himself inside her holey opening partially the way he realized involved pleasure for being joined. She had frustration from his large, engorged head he realized that there was to be a female to accommodate him sexually. She gave up trying to do penetration and then rubbed him with her hands. He burst apart gasping lost in his head of pleasure when he found a fluid leaking from his sensitive part.

    That leakage involving creating offs springs into females from sexing rituals. said from the whoremaster.

    The sex slave was ordered by whoremaster You’re done sexing him so touch him elsewhere.

    Tom remained leaning against the wall sighing from the ritual as the sex slave ran her hands all over his front. This is when he realized his front focused his stomach had a visible muscled ridge status of abs for females to think sexing while males thought jealousy attitudes. He allowed the sex slave to touch him all over his front as he watched her.

    She once she was done as told I’m done.

    Tom sighed as the whoremaster said, Come with me I’ll give you something for your time.

    He watched them leave the sitting room the entrance to the house to the hallway leading to elsewhere.

    He saw the sex slave left the residence seen carrying a large jingling purse that sounded of coins she said, Now I can buy that dress to do what I want.

    The sex slave was trying to buy a dress at a dressmaker’s shop which clerk recognized the purse called the authorities She has the stolen purse that’s she’s a thief.

    The authorities arrived and arrested the sex slave protesting What’s the meaning of this?!

    The clerk got reward money for the arrest Here’s your money.

    The authorities got the sex slave into interrogation and said, We accuse you of stealing money for the purse belongs to someone else.

    She tried to say as pointed The whoremaster at the house gave me the money I never stole it.

    The authorities refused to believe her said Yeah right you stole that purse from a client at the whoremaster’s house you’re going to jail.

    The sex slave maintained her innocence despite the three judges’ tribunal of law said Guilty!

    The judge assigned to give punishments said, Jail is where you’re going for thirty Mother Suns’ risings of containment.

    The sex slave was forced into jail into containment where she remained sexing prisoners and guards for their sexing urges, they said You to agree to stay here for we’ll offer you free food and shelter for sex.

    The sex slave agreed and that’s where’s she’s been now.

    The whoremaster once sex slave left went to sit down drinking yellowy drink that smelled of lemons him brainless begged Let me drink.

    The whoremaster accurately figured out from his repeated begging for a sip of her lemonade drink You favor lemony drinks.

    She began to torture him involved her guests of triplet males the people appearing to be three businessmen.

    She entertained as the males as said, They pay me to sex them myself with my whores in the street.

    The men one of them noticed him said Who is this?

    The whoremaster said, Just a toy I have on hand.

    One of them mouthed viewing his face after closer inspection of him a word it took him later in his residence to realize what the male said Mindbender.

    This said by the male who formed a sneer like expression he realized as remembered meant I disapprove!

    I don’t care about this slave! he mistook realizing the male was helping him out This is inappropriate to be done towards Mindbender I recognized him!

    The whoremaster addressed another male as said, You’re drinking this in front of the slave as punishment he displeased me.

    This was obeyed by the males drinking his favored lemonade drink in front of him like Ah that’s good, tasty.

    He would beg Let me have a sip!

    The whoremaster refused No not time for you to drink!

    One of the men not the one that mouthed Mindbender but one on the whoremaster gesturing would get up and would hold a cup of lemonade in front of them out of his reach.

    The male snickering saying, Here take.

    Tom would strain against the chain around his neck length attached to a hook in the wall him reaching out his hands saying, Give me.

    The torturer refused to hand him the drink instead wave the cup out of his reach while laughing Hah ha! Take it you slave ha!

    Tom would beg Give me the drink pity please!

    The male torturing him would pour the drink out in front of him and throw the cup at him he licked the remnants of the liquid in his desperation of wanting to drink. The game would start over again to the snickers of the whoremaster and the males in his presence. One of them he realized later was laughing in a forced way like he didn’t agree with this situation. The torture would start over again as kept on torturing him begging for a drink of lemonade.

    The one with disapproval towards him as a sex slave broke up the situation as said, I’m out I’ve got business to do early in the Mother Sun’s rising so bed for me once home.

    The whoremaster waved him away by saying Good airs.

    The other two males were left which the one who was his torturer with the drink tried to come onto the whoremaster like Kiss me I’m for you.

    She poured her drink down the male’s pants who raged You woman ruined my expensive bought suit!

    The whoremaster said, Get out of here I’m not interested!

    The male with pants’ wet got up and darted out snarling You’ll regret this!

    The male said his words in a rude tone making Tom’s senses warning like He’s up to something.

    The remaining male said Is one of your rooms available for my services? I have someone in mind from outside for servicing me.

    The whoremaster said, Go ahead and get him.

    The uses of him confused him till the male returned with a sex slave he glared at with anger. The sex slave was a male that he recognized darted him out unconscious that was touchy onto the whoremaster’s guest like fondling him. The male lifted the sex slave and carried him up the stairs both giggling like offs springs. Tom glared murderously at the doorway entrance.

    The whoremaster sat onto an armchair

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