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The House That Jesus Built: The Biblical Shape of the Earth, and Intelligent Alternative Design
The House That Jesus Built: The Biblical Shape of the Earth, and Intelligent Alternative Design
The House That Jesus Built: The Biblical Shape of the Earth, and Intelligent Alternative Design
Ebook117 pages1 hour

The House That Jesus Built: The Biblical Shape of the Earth, and Intelligent Alternative Design

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Only read this book if you want your universe to shrink, your world to grow, and the Bible to fall in line with your senses.

Years of research across many different topics have yielded two undeniable facts. One, the experts are not any closer to the avail

Release dateMay 21, 2024
The House That Jesus Built: The Biblical Shape of the Earth, and Intelligent Alternative Design

Matt Long

MATT LONG is a Christian father of seven who has been studying Intelligent Alternative Design and the Biblical Shape of the Earth since 2015. Matt believes the Bible is the most accurate and reliable collection of books in the history of the world, and while the Bible is not a science book, it is scientifically perfect.

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    The House That Jesus Built - Matt Long







    The Biblical Shape of the Earth,

    An Intelligent Alternative Design

    Matt Long

    Greyscale Trilogy Publishing logo

    The House that Jesus Built

    Trilogy Christian Publishers

    A Wholly Owned Subsidiary of Trinity Broadcasting Network

    2442 Michelle Drive, Tustin, CA 92780

    Copyright © 2024 by Matt Long

    Scripture quotations marked MEV are taken from The Holy Bible, Modern English Version. Copyright © 2014 by Military Bible Association. Published and distributed by Charisma House. All rights reserved.

    Scripture quotations marked KJV are taken from the King James Version of The Holy Bible. Public domain.

    All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form whatsoever. For information, address Trilogy Christian Publishing Rights Department, 2442 Michelle Drive, Tustin, CA 92780.

    Trilogy Christian Publishing/ TBN and colophon are trademarks of Trinity Broadcasting Network.

    For information about special discounts for bulk purchases, please contact Trilogy Christian Publishing.

    Trilogy Disclaimer: The views and content expressed in this book are those of the author and may not necessarily reflect the views and doctrine of Trilogy Christian Publishing or the Trinity Broadcasting Network.

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    Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data is available.

    ISBN 979-8-89333-057-1

    ISBN 979-8-89333-058-8 (e-book)


    This book is dedicated to my family and all the folks that have supported me online over the years. My family’s unconditional love and the encouraging comments on my channels have carried me to this point.

    Special thanks to Robert Paint Tank Moore for some great illustrations and to my wife and mother for their excellent editing skills.

    Thank you to Landyn for always delaying bedtime by wanting to talk about this subject, and thank you to Seth, June, and Lily for starting to ask questions and never doubting the Biblical account.

    Thank you to Winslett and Bo for always yelling, FAKE, FAKE, FAKE every time the Universal Studios intro comes on the screen, and thank you to Little Prairie Mae for coming into our lives and being the first child I have ever delivered.

    Thank you, Jessica, for being willing to grow a huge family with me and always standing for truth.

    I love you guys and thank you.


    It is said that the Bible is not a science book. That is true. Science books were written by men attempting to describe the things of God, while at the same time removing God from the equation. The Bible does not function on such illogic. It has never issued a second, third, or fourth edition. The Bible does not waver or change based on scientific trends or theories of the day, for the Bible is ultimate truth, and ultimate truth cannot change.

    According to John 1, Hebrews 1, and Colossians 1, Jesus is the maker of all things, and Romans 1 says that we can get to know the Creator through the things that were made. If Jesus is the Creator and we can get to know the Creator through the creation, should we not study what that creation is according to Scripture?

    This book was written to demonstrate that the world we are shown on screens and in textbooks is provably fake. Not only is it fake, but it is designed in a way as to diminish and discredit the character of God, keeping Christians from knowing the true nature of Jesus and non-Christians from ever meeting him at all.

    Hence, it should not surprise us to find out that Jesus himself disagreed with the modern science’s presentation of this world. The fact that Jesus and the Bible oppose modern science should not deter us as modern Christians. It should empower us to investigate the claims of modern science, knowing that if the two diverge, there is likely a sinister agenda beneath the surface.

    The Devil has infiltrated the sciences of geology and biology with evolution, forcing Christians to embrace either the Bible or science. Do we really think he has not corrupted cosmology in the same way?

    Years of research across many different topics has yielded me two undeniable facts. One, the experts are not any closer to the available evidence than we are, and two, the Bible is never wrong. If we can approach this topic without bias, we will find that there is an Intelligent Alternative Design waiting to be revealed, a design that does not require us to ignore evidence or embrace non-Christian ideals. There is an Intelligent Design that articulates the perfect character of an all-loving Creator and functions in the beauty and nature of the Architect himself, Jesus Christ.

    Only read further if you want your universe to shrink, your world to grow, and the Bible to fall in line with your senses.

    Table of Contents



    Chapter 1: Some Background

    Chapter 2: Conspiracy Theories

    Chapter 3: What BIBLICAL Cosmology is Not

    Chapter 4: Logical Speculation: Correlation vs Causation

    Chapter 5: Logical Speculation: Photos of Earth

    Chapter 6: Logical Speculation: Curvature

    Chapter 7: Logical Speculation: Motion

    Chapter 8: Logical Speculation: Gravity

    Chapter 9: Flat Earth and the Bible

    Chapter 10: The Reliability of the Bible

    Chapter 11: NASA

    Chapter 11: The Full Logical Progression

    Chapter 12: Conclusion

    Epilogue: Further Research

    Chapter 1:

    Some Background

    In my late teens and early twenties, I was not sure if I believed in God, and I definitely did not read the Bible. Like most Bible doubters, I simply adopted a perception of the Bible grounded in other people’s opinions. I had not read it for myself but, based on what I learned in Sunday school, I did not need to. After all, the heliocentric, big-bang model of the universe, which I thought was proven based on my university physics, astronomy, and geology classes, went directly against page one of Genesis, so why would I have to read page two?

    Thanks to a pastor from California named Chuck Smith, I finally started reading the Bible for myself. Chuck Smith had a radio show called Pastor’s Perspective where he gave biblical answers to callers’ questions every day as I drove home from work. Some of their answers astonished me. I soon realized that I did not have any idea what the Bible said, so I finally sat down and began to read it for

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