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Pampering Master: BDSM Stories, #2
Pampering Master: BDSM Stories, #2
Pampering Master: BDSM Stories, #2
Ebook60 pages49 minutes

Pampering Master: BDSM Stories, #2

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A STEAMY GAY BDSM ROMANCE. When professional dominatrix Darren Quinn invites his favorite-submissive-turned-boyfriend to move in with him, it's hard not to worry about Miles being disappointed with the normalcy of an every day relationship. Meanwhile, the last thing Miles wants is to take Darren for granted or cramp Darren's style because of his own experience - especially if it makes Darren miss out on social gatherings in the kink scene. Fortunately, Miles has some ideas about how to take care of his hard-working dom, and turns the tables for some erotic encounters.

"Pampering Master" is 14000 words of dom/sub play, including oral worship and exhibitionism, switching, rimming, dirty talk, and enough smut to please the most discerning dom. Read as a titillating stand-alone, or as Volume 2 of the BDSM Stories series.

Release dateApr 5, 2024
Pampering Master: BDSM Stories, #2

A.E. LeMercier

A Canadian Author of 10+ years, LeMercier specializes in queer erotica. Racy, raunchy and kinky stories explore the many flavors of fetish, fantasy encounters, and the joy of a good romp in the sack. She currently lives in the Bay Area with her ridiculously talented hot wife and their beautiful neurotic cat with attachment issues.

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    Book preview

    Pampering Master - A.E. LeMercier

    1 - Learning to Submit

    As much as I’d pondered and researched and read about BDSM, I hadn’t expected Darren. I thought that if I prepared myself, decided ahead of time what I wanted and what could happen that I could find confidence in that knowledge and planning. I didn’t want to submit to a woman, I knew that immediately. After all of my struggles with my ex-wife, my confidence with the fairer sex was greatly damaged. The thought of allowing myself to be that vulnerable with a woman, sexually, was paralyzing. My mind fixated on the fear of rejection and I couldn’t convince myself past it.

    The idea of submitting to a male dom was only as foreign to me as bdsm was in general. I’d warmed to both ideas simultaneously, both the result of a wrapped book tucked into my hand by my sponsor after an AA meeting. Just read it when you have a moment, Sasha had told me. You don’t have to tell me when you do or what you think about it. But I’ve seen it help some close friends. They found that it rebuilt them in ways that nothing else could.

    The book had been a collection of memoirs from male submissives. I’d been surprised at how arousing I found it, but more so about how normal it all seemed. And throughout all the stories was as an overarching theme of strength regained, the peaceful security that these men had somehow found in giving up control. In submitting.

    The feeling was one I wanted badly for myself. As foreign as it seemed, perhaps I could find it like that. None of the other ways I’d tried had worked.

    So I’d found Darren, and found myself surprisingly comfortable with him at the end of our first session. Arguably, it was hard not to feel comfortable with someone after you’d jerked off in front of them. But it was more than that. It felt good, being around Darren. He had the kind of quiet confidence and strength that I craved so badly, and it drew me to him like a moth to a flame. Maybe there was part of me that loved him from the moment I met him.

    Sometimes being with Darren felt like a dream. I still felt a soft shiver of wonder whenever I thought about him, about us and the fact that he somehow, amazingly, loved me in return. With Darren I’d found a more blissful contentment than I had ever thought possible. And slowly, with each day that went by I began to find the strength and security that I craved.

    It was impossible not to want to give just as much back in return.

    Have you ever been out to Paddles? I asked over breakfast one morning.

    Darren glanced up from his coffee, suddenly awake. Not for a while, but I’ve been a few times. My ex liked the gay night they do on Sundays. I prefer private sex parties, though.

    I watched him, curious. "Private parties? Like... ‘Eyes Wide Shut’ kind of thing?"

    Darren laughed, his generous mouth turning into the grin I loved so much. Oh God, no. Well, I mean sometimes that’s the theme, but it's just for play. Most events are far more casual. He let his forearms rest on the table, leaning in and regarding me with a slightly lopsided smile playing about his lips. Are you thinking you’d like to try playing in public, love?

    I felt a thrill of arousal run through me at the thought, and swallowed hard. I’m not sure about, like... full out BDSM playtime. But I think I might like to see what it’s like with you sometime. As your sub. I mean, if you want to.

    Darren reached across the table to cover my hand with his own, extruding more of the quiet confidence he wore so naturally when he dominated me. It still impressed me how easily Darren could slip from being casual one moment to being sensual and dominant the next. It unfailingly made my heart beat faster, though I

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