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The Grayson Challenge: Building on Ashes: The Grayson Challenge, #2
The Grayson Challenge: Building on Ashes: The Grayson Challenge, #2
The Grayson Challenge: Building on Ashes: The Grayson Challenge, #2
Ebook52 pages40 minutes

The Grayson Challenge: Building on Ashes: The Grayson Challenge, #2

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They were the poster children for ambition gone wrong.  Their names became synonymous with betrayal and greed. Maya and Grayson were supposed to fade into obscurity, a grim lesson for the next wave of power-hungry dreamers. But they didn't just survive their downfall...they learned from it.  Now, armed with the knowledge of how the powerful play dirty, they plot a different kind of war.

Release dateMay 15, 2024
The Grayson Challenge: Building on Ashes: The Grayson Challenge, #2

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    Book preview

    The Grayson Challenge - Dominic Vito

    Chapter 1: The Illusion of Success

    The sleek, unassuming lines of their new office felt like a cruel parody of the opulent boardrooms Maya had once conquered.  The polished concrete floor, once a symbol of industrial chic, was now a reminder of the shaky foundation beneath their feet. Each piece of carefully selected furniture was hard-won, its value measured in late nights fueled by stale coffee and gnawing self-doubt. The skyline below was less a symbol of power and more a battlefield where sharks circled unseen and victory was constantly fleeting. Success, it seemed, tasted differently depending on what you'd sacrificed to obtain it.

    They should be singing our praises, Grayson's voice seethed with barely restrained frustration. It was a raw wound they both shared, a constant reminder of the humiliating fall that defined their rebirth. His meticulously curated newsfeed, once a tool for spotting market vulnerabilities, was now a weapon of self-torture. Each article, each thinly veiled sneer about the spectacular fall of Grayson Enterprises, was fuel for the simmering resentment he struggled to mask. They weren't just underdogs now, they were cautionary tales, and Maya knew the business world was simply waiting for the inevitable sequel to their public demise.

    Clients are coming, that's what matters, Ethan grunted from his corner, a voice of rough-hewn practicality. Bills are getting paid, people are getting fed. That's better than what some high-and-mighty CEO's can say these days.  He wasn't wrong, but there was an unspoken plea in his gaze, a flicker of worry masked by his usual stoicism. He wasn't blind to the fire in their eyes, the desperation that tainted even the smallest victory.

    They'd convinced the world they were seeking redemption. Yet with each struggling startup they helped, each non-profit whose mission they amplified, a part of Maya died a little. This wasn't power, it was penance. They'd swapped tailored suits for faded jeans, but the guilt remained, clinging like the ghost of her former privilege.

    Her gaze fell upon a stack of invoices, each one both a testament to their survival and a painful reminder of their fall from grace. A year ago, sums like these wouldn't have registered on her radar. Now, they were hard-won proof that their company was breathing, barely, on its own merits.  But what kind of victory was this? Were they changing the world, or just finding more ethical ways to feed the beast of ambition that gnawed incessantly within them?

    The buzz of her phone tore through the tense silence, a shrill intrusion, a cruel echo of the life they'd left behind.  Her stomach clenched as the name flashed across the screen: Amelia.

    Look, I know... everything sucks. But  I found something. A lead. Maybe an opportunity...? It's... not entirely legal, but you guys make this whole 'Robin Hood' thing look good, maybe...?  As her sister's voice danced between desperation and a hint of familiar defiance, a chill settled over Maya. This wasn't just a business proposal, it was a flashback to everything that had brought them to this point - the ambition, the recklessness, the intoxicating rush of playing with fire.

    Her gaze sought Grayson. His eyes, sharp with grim comprehension, flickered between the screen and the newsfeed taunting them with headlines about his corporate wreckage. The world believed they were rebuilding, but the truth was

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