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Everything You Need to Know About Capricorn: Zodiac Series, #10
Everything You Need to Know About Capricorn: Zodiac Series, #10
Everything You Need to Know About Capricorn: Zodiac Series, #10
Ebook189 pages1 hour

Everything You Need to Know About Capricorn: Zodiac Series, #10

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About this ebook

Everything You Need to Know About Capricorn is a continuation of the zodiac series featuring each zodiac sign, their unique character traits and how these traits fit into their past, present and future. I strongly encourage the curious to seriously consider what is written in these pages and let the information guide you through growth and challenges. These books are chock-full of information. In fact, you will be hard-pressed to find any zodiac reference books with the information we have compiled. Take a look at our Table of Contents, and then look at others. There is no comparison.


As a reference book it is also entertaining to compare friends and family to what is written and I can guarantee you that the accuracy, at times, is almost frightening. Have a few laughs and enjoy!

Release dateApr 7, 2024
Everything You Need to Know About Capricorn: Zodiac Series, #10

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    Everything You Need to Know About Capricorn - Robert J Dornan


    Everything You Need To Know About Capricorn

    Robert J Dornan

    Robert J Dornan

    Copyright Notice

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

    This book is protected by copyright laws and international treaties. Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this work, in whole or in part, constitutes a violation of the author's rights and is punishable by law.

    Copyright © [2024] by Robert J Dornan



    1.Capricorn in Astrology

    2.Capricorn and its Ruling Planet, Saturn

    3.Capricorn and the Earth Element

    4.Capricorn, Beyond the Zodiac Sun Sign

    5.Astrological Events Shaping Capricorn's Path

    6.Capricorn in Retrograde

    7.Capricorn Positive Traits

    8.Capricorn Negative Traits

    9.The Capricorn Woman

    10.The Capricorn Man

    11.Capricorns and Career

    12.Capricorn and When They Are the Luckiest

    13.Capricorns and Family

    14.Capricorn Love and Romance

    15.Capricorn's Lucky Numbers

    16.Capricorn's Lucky Charms

    17.Capricorn Financial Attitudes and Wealth Management

    18.Capricorn Challenges and Growth

    19.Capricorn and Friendship

    20.Capricorn and Health

    21.Capricorn and Creativity

    22.Capricorn Symbols and Rituals

    23.Famous Capricorns

    24.Capricorn and Gemstones

    25.Capricorn and its Birthstone

    26.Practical Advice for Capricorns

    27.Capricorn Lucky Plants

    28.Capricorn and Spirituality

    29.Spells That Work for Capricorn

    30.Compatibility Between Capricorn and Aries

    31.Compatibility Between Capricorn and Taurus

    32.Compatibility Between Capricorn and Gemini

    33.Compatibility Between Capricorn and Cancer

    34.Compatibility Between Capricorn and Leo

    35.Compatibility Between Capricorn and Virgo

    36.Compatibility Between Capricorn and Libra

    37.Compatibility Between Capricorn and Scorpio

    38.Compatibility Between Capricorn and Sagittarius

    39.Compatibility Between Capricorn and Capricorn

    40.Compatibility Between Capricorn and Aquarius

    41.Compatibility Between Capricorn and Pisces

    42.Born on December 22

    43.Born on December 23

    44.Born on December 24

    45.Born on December 25

    46.Born on December 26

    47.Born on December 27

    48.Born on December 28

    49.Born on December 29

    50.Born on December 30

    51.Born on December 31

    52.Born on January 1

    53.Born on January 2

    54.Born on January 3

    55.Born on January 4

    56.Born on January 5

    57.Born on January 6

    58.Born on January 7

    59.Born on January 8

    60.Born on January 9

    61.Born on January 10

    62.Born on January 11

    63.Born on January 12

    64.Born on January 13

    65.Born on January 14

    66.Born on January 15

    67.Born on January 16

    68.Born on January 17

    69.Born on January 18


    The Preface pages in each of the signs in this series is starting to show a degree of difference, which has been a surprise. When I started this book venture, it was done out of spite for the thousands of hucksters who were stealing from people who just needed someone to talk to. Now, I am intrigued by the accuracy of astrological charts and have begun to use this new (ancient) knowledge in everyday life.

    Everything You Need to Know About Capricorn is a continuation of the zodiac series featuring each zodiac sign, their unique character traits and how these traits fit into their past, present and future. I strongly encourage the curious to seriously consider what is written in these pages and let the information guide you through growth and challenges. These books are chock-full of information. In fact, you will be hard-pressed to find any zodiac reference books with the information we have compiled. Take a look at our Table of Contents, and then look at others. There is no comparison.

    I admit with full transparency that I have templated quite a bit, but given the often-repetitious nature of the subject, templating becomes a necessity. I have mixed up some of the birthdates to avoid a robotic reading experience, so I hope that helps.

    As a reference book it is also entertaining to compare friends and family to what is written and I can guarantee you that the accuracy, at times, is almost frightening. Have a few laughs and enjoy!

    Chapter one

    Capricorn in Astrology

    Capricorn, the tenth astrological sign in the zodiac, is known for its practicality, ambition, and disciplined nature. Individuals born under this sign have birthdays falling between December 22 and January 19. Capricorn is ruled by the planet Saturn, which influences their grounded and responsible characteristics.

    Element: Capricorn is an earth sign, imbuing its individuals with stability, reliability, and a strong sense of tradition. Earth signs are known for their practicality, endurance, and a focus on building solid foundations in all aspects of life.

    Personality Traits: Capricorns are characterized by their ambitious and determined personalities. They are fortunate to have a strong work ethic and are willing to put in the necessary effort to achieve their goals. Their disciplined approach to life often leads to success in their endeavors.

    Practicality: Practicality is a hallmark trait of Capricorns. They have a knack for making sensible decisions and are adept at managing resources effectively. Their pragmatic outlook enables them to navigate through life's challenges with ease.

    Ambition: Capricorns are highly ambitious and driven to succeed in their chosen endeavors. They set lofty goals for themselves and are willing to work tirelessly to turn their dreams into reality. Their determination and perseverance are unparalleled.

    Discipline: Discipline is a cornerstone of Capricorn character. They are normally very self-disciplined and are able to stay focused on their objectives, even in the face of adversity. Their ability to stick to a plan and see it through to the end sets them apart from others.

    Responsibility: Capricorns are known for their sense of responsibility and reliability. They take their commitments seriously and can always be counted on to fulfill their obligations. Their steadfast nature makes them trustworthy and dependable allies.

    Reserved Nature: Capricorns tend to be reserved and cautious in their interactions with others. They prefer to observe and assess situations before making their move, which can sometimes be mistaken for aloofness. Once they trust someone, however, they are fiercely loyal friends.

    Patience: Patience is a virtue that Capricorns possess in abundance. They understand that success takes time and are willing to bide their time until the right opportunity presents itself. Their patient approach to life ensures that they make well-thought-out decisions.

    Traditional Values: Capricorns value tradition and stability in both their personal and professional lives. They respect authority and adhere to time-honored customs and practices. Their conservative mindset provides them with a strong sense of security and grounding.

    Sense of Humor: Despite their serious demeanor, Capricorns have a dry and witty sense of humor. They appreciate irony and satire and can often find amusement in life's absurdities. Their humor serves as a welcome respite from their otherwise pragmatic outlook.

    Reserved Expression of Emotions: Capricorns tend to be reserved when it comes to expressing their emotions. They prefer to keep their feelings private and may struggle with vulnerability. However, those who earn their trust will find that Capricorns are deeply caring and loyal people.

    Challenging Side: Their relentless pursuit of success can sometimes lead Capricorns to prioritize work over personal relationships, causing them to appear cold or detached. Additionally, their reserved nature may make it difficult for them to open up to others, leading to feelings of isolation.

    In summary, Capricorn is a sign marked by its practicality, ambition, and disciplined nature. While their reserved demeanor and intense focus on success may pose challenges, their reliability, patience, and traditional values make them steadfast companions on life's journey.

    Chapter two

    Capricorn and its Ruling Planet, Saturn

    In the fascinating world of astrology, each zodiac sign is guided by a ruling planet that shapes its fundamental essence and behavioral tendencies. For Capricorn, the diligent architect of the zodiac, the stern and steady Saturn reigns supreme. To unravel the mysteries of Capricorn, one must explore the profound influence of Saturn and its impact on this steadfast sign.

    Saturn: The Architect of Structure and Ambition

    Saturn, named after the Roman god of time and harvest, embodies themes of discipline, responsibility, ambition, perseverance, and maturity. It stands as a stoic sentinel in the celestial realm, casting its somber gaze upon the universe. Saturn is the protector. In astrological lore, Saturn is often referred to as the Great Teacher, symbolizing lessons learned through hardship and resilience.

    Saturn's Influence on Capricorn

    Saturn's austere energy resonates deeply with Capricorn's earthy nature, shaping their character in profound ways:

    Ambition and Achievement: Capricorns are driven by a relentless pursuit of success, influenced by Saturn's stern guidance. They possess an unwavering determination to climb the ladder of achievement, fueled by their innate sense of responsibility and desire for recognition.

    Discipline and Structure: Saturn's influence instills a sense of discipline and orderliness in Capricorns. They thrive in structured environments and are skilled at organizing their lives with precision and efficiency. Their methodical approach ensures that they steadily progress towards their goals.

    Resilience and Endurance: Capricorns are no strangers to adversity, thanks to Saturn's lessons in resilience. They possess a remarkable ability to weather life's storms with grace and fortitude, emerging stronger and more resilient with each trial they face.

    Pragmatism and Realism: Saturn's thoughtful energy grounds Capricorns in reality, tempering their ambitions with practicality. They are adept at assessing situations with a clear-eyed perspective, making calculated decisions that lead to long-term success.

    Responsibility and Authority: Capricorns embody the principles of responsibility and accountability, reflective of Saturn's influence. They take their commitments seriously and excel in positions

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