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Bikers' Claim: Menage Vampire Romance Short Story
Bikers' Claim: Menage Vampire Romance Short Story
Bikers' Claim: Menage Vampire Romance Short Story
Ebook56 pages50 minutes

Bikers' Claim: Menage Vampire Romance Short Story

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Jayne has just betrayed by her husband. She needs thinking time so she jumps on the first coach she could and ends up stranded in a small town with a very nervous population. A gang of bikers drive into town with revenge on their mind. Jayne, befriending the bikers and makes a decision that will change her life forever.


Author's Note: This story contains mature language and themes, intended for adults only.

Release dateAug 27, 2023

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    Bikers' Claim - Selina Coffey


    I can’t remember what made the noise that startled me. Not that I actually cared. It has been nearly ten hours since I boarded the coach. Any coach. The destination wasn't important. I just had to get away. Twelve hours now, since my life changed forever. The noise was actually a welcome distraction from the sickening thoughts racing around inside my head. I think I actually got sick at some point today; the memories are so intense, the images in my mind so vivid. They will be embedded in my thoughts forever. How could he do that to me? And in my bed as well! With some skinny, plastic little slut with fake breasts.

    I'm not skinny by any stretch of the imagination. I never have been, nor wanted to be. Two hundred pounds, 44D boobs. I am A Big Beautiful Woman. I’m happy with my body.

    Don't change Jayne. He used to say. I love you the way you are. Skinny women do nothing for me.

    Like an idiot, I believed him. He must have loved my body once. It hasn't changed since we got married eight years ago. I haven't changed since we got married. He has though! It hurts to even think of his name. Let’s stick with ‘Him’ for the moment.

    I close my eyes again recalling the events of this morning. The Pearson's canceled you see. They had booked to view a lovely little Condo on the company books. A young couple starting their life together. Their heads awash with dreams and plans. The young couples were always my favorite clients. I’d get such satisfaction from helping them get a start in life. I only got the message from Mrs. Pearson about cancelling ten minutes before the appointment.

    Sorry Jayne, but we aren't gonna be able to make it. Something urgent has come up, read the message left on my cell.

    So I had a free couple of hours before my next appointment. I considered returning to the office, but I had just about endured enough of my assistant’s ramblings about plans for her baby shower. I’m not the maternal type. Nor was he. It was one of the reasons we were attracted to each other in the first place. We both agreed that kids would ruin our lifestyle. So hearing my assistant drone on and on about, birthing balls, breast milk, colic and all the other baby-related stuff was enough to convince me to avoid the office for the rest of the morning.

    I made a right down Pine Avenue and snaked my way through suburbia until I arrived at home on My street, with My perfect house, and My perfect husband. Within ten minutes, my thoughts turned to coffee and a bagel as I approached my house. It took me a moment to work out what was different. Looking back, it was obvious what was out of place. His car was in the drive. He was supposed to have a full day of business meetings, out of town. Perhaps they were canceled too, I thought. I flushed a little, as the thought of him taking me to bed in the middle of the morning crossed my mind. I couldn't recall straight away the last time we’d made love; it must have been a few weeks ago. A pang of excitement ran through my body.

    I pulled into the drive and parked my little Ford behind his blue SUV. After checking my make-up in the mirror, and pausing a moment to plan my morning seduction of him, I got out of my car and walked up to my front door. Music. I could hear loud music. He never played music. He didn't even like it, yet the music was coming from the house. Despite having my key ready in my hand, I tried the door and it opened. I walked into the hall. I called his name. Not surprisingly there was no answer, the music was so loud my initial concern was that the neighbors would complain. I dumped my keys on the hall table and made straight for the source of the music, the MP3 player in the lounge.

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